def send_fidget_message(self, fidget): """ Publish TegaAction message setting the fidget set in use. """ if self.tega_pub is not None: print('\nsending fidget message: %s' % fidget) msg = TegaAction() # add header msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.fidgets = fidget self.tega_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg)
def send_motion_message(self, motion): """ Publish TegaAction do motion message """ if self.tega_pub is not None: print('sending motion message: %s' % motion) msg = TegaAction() # add header msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.motion = motion self.tega_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg)
def send_speech_message(self, speech): """ Publish TegaAction playback audio message """ if self.tega_pub is not None: print('\nsending speech message: %s' % speech) msg = TegaAction() # add header msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.wav_filename = speech self.tega_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg)
def send_volume_message(self, volume): """ Publish TegaAction message setting the percent volume to use. """ if self.tega_pub is not None: print('\nsending volume message: %s' % volume) msg = TegaAction() # add header msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.set_volume = True msg.percent_volume = volume self.tega_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg)
def send_lookat_message(self, lookat): """ Publish TegaAction lookat message """ if self.tega_pub is not None: print('sending lookat message: %s' % lookat) msg = TegaAction() # add header msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat self.tega_pub.publish(msg) rospy.loginfo(msg)
def send_tega_action_message(audio_file, visemes, energies, times): """ Publish TegaAction message to playback audio. """"\nsending speech message: {}".format(audio_file)) msg = TegaAction() # Add header. msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.wav_filename = audio_file msg.visemes = visemes msg.energy_values = energies msg.energy_times = times msg.enqueue = True PUB_TEGA_ACTION.publish(msg)
def send_tega_animation(self, motion): """ Publish a Tega command message. """ if self._tega_pub is None: self._logger.warning("TegaAction ROS publisher is none!") return"Sending Tega command: {}".format(motion)) # Build message. msg = TegaAction() msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.motion = motion # Send message. self._tega_pub.publish(msg) self._logger.debug(msg)
def send_tega_command(self, motion="", lookat=None, audio="", fidgets="", enqueue=False, cancel=False, volume=None): """ Publish a Tega command message and optionally wait for a response. """ # We may need to send a TegaAction message with any or all of these # parameters. # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments if self._tega_pub is None: self._logger.warning("TegaAction ROS publisher is none!") return"Sending Tega command...") # Build message. msg = TegaAction() # Add header. msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = # If parameters are set, add them to the message... msg.motion = motion if lookat is not None: msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat msg.wav_filename = audio msg.fidgets = fidgets msg.enqueue = enqueue msg.cancel_actions = cancel if volume is not None: msg.percent_volume = volume msg.set_volume = True # Send message. self._tega_pub.publish(msg) self._logger.debug(msg)
def send_tega_command(lookat=None, motion=None): """ Publish a Tega command message containing a lookat command or a motion command. """ if not TEGA_PUB: LOGGER.warning("No TegaAction ROS publisher is setup!") return"Sending Tega lookat command...") # Build message. msg = TegaAction() # Add header. msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = # Add the lookat command and/or motion command. if lookat is not None: msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat if motion is not None: msg.motion = motion # Queue the action so it doesn't play over or interrupt anything. msg.enqueue = True # Send message. TEGA_PUB.publish(msg)
def get_msg_from_behavior(command, *args): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements msg = TegaAction() msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = if command == RobotBehaviors.LOOK_AT_TABLET: lookat_pos = Vec3() lookat_pos.x = 0 lookat_pos.y = 2 lookat_pos.z = 20 msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat_pos elif command == RobotBehaviors.LOOK_CENTER: lookat_pos = Vec3() lookat_pos.x = 0 lookat_pos.y = 10 lookat_pos.z = 40 msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat_pos elif command == RobotBehaviors.SAY_HI: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/say_hi.wav" ## Basic Ring Ins elif command == RobotBehaviors.RING_ANSWER_CORRECT: msg.motion = "PERKUP" elif command == RobotBehaviors.LATE_RING: msg.motion = "PERKUP" elif command == RobotBehaviors.PRONOUNCE_CORRECT: msg.enqueue = True msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/words/" + args[0][0].lower() + ".wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.PRONOUNCE_WRONG_SOUND: msg.enqueue = True num = randint(0, 3) if num == 0: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/thinking1.wav" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/puzzled1.wav" elif num == 2: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/confused1.wav" elif num == 3: msg.motion = "THINKING" #### Reactions elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_TO_BEAT_CORRECT: num = randint(0, 2) if num == 0: msg.motion = "FRUSTRATED" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/angry2.wav" elif num == 2: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/angry4.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_TO_BEAT_WRONG: num = randint(0, 1) if num == 0: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/laugh1.wav" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/laugh2.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_ROBOT_CORRECT: num = randint(0, 1) if num == 0: msg.motion = "SMILE" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/woohoo1.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_ROBOT_WRONG: num = randint(0, 1) if num == 0: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/aww1.wav" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/sigh2.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_PLAYER_CORRECT: num = randint(0, 3) if num == 0: msg.motion = "SMILE" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/yes1.wav" elif num == 2: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/good_job.wav" elif num == 3: msg.motion = "YES" elif command == RobotBehaviors.REACT_PLAYER_WRONG: num = randint(0, 2) if num == 0: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/aww1.wav" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/serene.wav" elif num == 2: msg.motion = "NO" elif command == RobotBehaviors.WIN_MOTION: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_EXCITED elif command == RobotBehaviors.WIN_SPEECH: pass # msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/woohoo1.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.LOSE_MOTION: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SAD elif command == RobotBehaviors.LOSE_SPEECH: pass # msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/sigh1.wav" elif command == RobotBehaviors.PLAYER_RING_PROMPT: num = randint(0, 1) if num == 0: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/interested.wav" elif num == 1: msg.wav_filename = "vocab_games/effects/deep_think.wav" return msg
def get_msg_from_behavior(command, *args): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements msg = TegaAction() msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = ## Look at Commands if command == RobotBehaviors.LOOK_AT_TABLET: lookat_pos = Vec3() lookat_pos.x = 0 lookat_pos.y = -10 lookat_pos.z = 20 msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat_pos if command == RobotBehaviors.LOOK_CENTER: lookat_pos = Vec3() lookat_pos.x = 0 lookat_pos.y = 10 lookat_pos.z = 40 msg.do_look_at = True msg.look_at = lookat_pos ## Positive Commands if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_EXCITED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_EXCITED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_INTERESTED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_INTERESTED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_YES: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_YES if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_HAPPY_DANCE: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_HAPPY_DANCE if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_CURIOUS: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_POSE_FORWARD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_ATTENTION: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SHIMMY if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_CELEBRATION: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_CIRCLING if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_ENCOURAGING: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_PERKUP if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_WINK: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_NOD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_THINKING: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_THINKING ## Negative Commands if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SAD: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SAD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_UNSURE: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_PUZZLED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_COMFORT: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_FLAT_AGREEMENT if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_ASK_HELP: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_POSE_FORWARD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_DISAPPOINTED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_FRUSTRATED ## Silent Emotion Commands if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_SAD: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_SAD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_NOD: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_NOD if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_HAPPY_DANCE: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_HAPPY_DANCE if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_YES: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_YES if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_PUZZLED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_PUZZLED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_FRUSTRATED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_FRUSTRATED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_INTERESTED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_INTERESTED if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SILENT_EXCITED: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_HAPPY_WIGGLE # Tega speech commands if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_HINT_BUTTON_REMINDER: msg.wav_filename = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/others/mission_reminder.wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_PUZZLED msg.enqueue = True if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_CUSTOM_SPEECH: msg.wav_filename = args[0][0].lower() msg.enqueue = True if command == RobotBehaviors.NOVICE_ROLE_KEYWORD: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/novice_keyword/" vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() msg.wav_filename = PATH + "novice_"+ vocab_word + ".wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_PUZZLED msg.enqueue = True ### ============== Tega Speech for Role Switching Project ================== ### if command == RobotBehaviors.BEFORE_GAME_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/before_game/" file = "before_game_"+random.choice(["1", "3"])+".wav" msg.wav_filename = PATH + file msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_HAPPY_WIGGLE print("before game speech wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.VOCAB_EXPLANATION_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/vocab_explanation/" vocab_word = args[0][0][0].lower() itype = args[0][0][1].lower() file = vocab_word+"_"+itype+"_explanation.wav" msg.wav_filename = PATH + file msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_HAPPY_DANCE if command == RobotBehaviors.HINT_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/hint/" vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() msg.wav_filename = PATH + vocab_word + "_hint.wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_HAPPY_WIGGLE print("hint speech wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.KEYWORD_DEFINITION_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/keyword_definition/" file = args[0][0].lower()+"_definition.wav" msg.wav_filename = PATH + file msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_NOD print("key word definition speech wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.REMINDER_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/reminder/" file = args[0][0].lower() + "_reminder_" + random.choice(["1", "2", "3"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = PATH + file msg.motion = "" print ("reminder speech wav: "+msg.wav_filename) ### ====== Tega End of Task Celebration =========== #### if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_TASK_END_BEHAVIOR: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/between_missions/" file = "between_missions_" speech_file = PATH + file + str(int(args[0][0])) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print("between missions celebration: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_PLAY_MUSIC: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/music/" file = "music_" speech_file = PATH + file + random.choice(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("music: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_DANCE: msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_DANCE ### ====== Tega End of Task Vocab Reminder ======== #### if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_TASK_END_REMINDER: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/word_learning/" file = "word_reminder_" speech_file = PATH + file + random.choice(["1", "2", "3"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("vocab reminder question: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_TASK_END_RESPONSE: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/word_learning/" vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() speech_file = PATH + vocab_word + "_answer_" + random.choice(["1", "2"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("vocab reminder answer: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_TASK_END_ASSESSMENT: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/word_learning/" vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() speech_file = PATH + vocab_word + "_question_" + random.choice(["1", "2"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("vocab assessment: "+msg.wav_filename) ### =========== Tega Speech Induction ============= #### if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_INDUCE_SPEECH: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/induce_keyword/" file = "induce_keyword_" speech_file = PATH + file + random.choice(["1", "3", "6"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("induced speech: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_INDUCE_SPEECH_RESPONSE: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "general/word_learning/" vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() speech_file = PATH + vocab_word + "_answer_" + random.choice(["2"]) + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print ("induced speech answer: "+msg.wav_filename) ### ====== Tega Question Asking =================== #### if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_OFFER_HELP: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/" msg.wav_filename = PATH + args[0][0].lower()+".wav" print("robot offer help wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_ASK_WHY_CHOOSE_IT: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/" msg.wav_filename = PATH + args[0][0].lower()+".wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_PUZZLED print("robot ask why choose it wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_WANT_LEARN: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/" msg.wav_filename = PATH + args[0][0].lower()+".wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_INTERESTED print("robot want learn wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_ASK_HELP: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/" msg.wav_filename = PATH + args[0][0].lower()+".wav" print("robot ask help wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_ROBOT_ASK_WHY_WRONG: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/" msg.wav_filename = PATH + args[0][0].lower()+".wav" msg.motion = TegaAction.MOTION_SILENT_FRUSTRATED print("robot ask why wrong wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.Q_END_OF_TURN: vocab_word = args[0][0].lower() file = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "questions/end_of_turn_question_"+vocab_word+".wav" msg.wav_filename = file print("end of turn wav: "+msg.wav_filename) if command == RobotBehaviors.ROBOT_SAY_WORD: PATH = ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + "object_words/" object_word =args[0][0].lower() speech_file_name = PATH + object_word + ".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True ### ================ NO iSpy Action Alert #### ==================== if command == RobotBehaviors.NO_ISPY_ACTION_ALERT: path= ROOT_TEGA_SPEECH_FOLDER + 'general/others/' files = ["no_ispy_action_alert1_response_1", "no_ispy_action_alert1_response_2"] speech_file = path + random.choice(files)+".wav" msg.wav_filename = speech_file print("no ispy action alert wav: "+msg.wav_filename) #msg.motion = ### ============= Tega Speech for Curiosity Assessment ===================== # General Curiosity Speech if command == RobotBehaviors.GENERAL_CURIOSITY_SPEECH: # the default path in Tega is "contentroot/robots/tega/01/speech", # so no need to add this prefix in the path here. make sure all audios are under this prefix path PATH = "TegaAudio/generalcuriosity/" speech_file_name = PATH + random.choice(GENERAL_CURIOSITY_SPEECH) msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True print(speech_file_name) # Based on prompts speech if command == RobotBehaviors.BASED_ON_PROMPTS_SPEECH: PATH = "TegaAudio/basedonprompts/" vocab_word =args[0][0].lower() print("vocab word is "+vocab_word) speech_file_name = PATH + vocab_word + ".mp3" msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True # Before pronunciation if command == RobotBehaviors.TRY_PRONOUNCE: PATH = "TegaAudio/generalcuriosity/" speech_file_name = PATH + "c.mp3" msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True # Based on objects if command == RobotBehaviors.BASED_ON_OBJECTS: PATH = "TegaAudio/basedonobjects/" speech_file_name = PATH + random.choice(BASED_ON_OBJECTS_TEMPLATES) msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True # Random objects if command == RobotBehaviors.OBJECTS: PATH = "TegaAudio/objects/" speech_file_name = PATH + random.choice(OBJECTS) msg.wav_filename = speech_file_name msg.enqueue = True return msg