Exemple #1
    def gen_keys():
        yield promoted_memo_key

        # just let this one do its own writing

        yield queries.get_all_comments().iden

        l_q = Link._query(Link.c._spam == (True, False),
                          Link.c._deleted == (True, False),
        for link in fetch_things2(l_q, verbosity):
            yield comments_key(link._id)
            yield last_modified_key(link, 'comments')

        a_q = Account._query(Account.c._spam == (True, False),
        for account in fetch_things2(a_q, verbosity):
            yield messages_key(account._id)
            yield last_modified_key(account, 'overview')
            yield last_modified_key(account, 'commented')
            yield last_modified_key(account, 'submitted')
            yield last_modified_key(account, 'liked')
            yield last_modified_key(account, 'disliked')
            yield queries.get_comments(account, 'new', 'all').iden
            yield queries.get_submitted(account, 'new', 'all').iden
            yield queries.get_liked(account).iden
            yield queries.get_disliked(account).iden
            yield queries.get_hidden(account).iden
            yield queries.get_saved(account).iden
            yield queries.get_inbox_messages(account).iden
            yield queries.get_unread_messages(account).iden
            yield queries.get_inbox_comments(account).iden
            yield queries.get_unread_comments(account).iden
            yield queries.get_inbox_selfreply(account).iden
            yield queries.get_unread_selfreply(account).iden
            yield queries.get_sent(account).iden

        sr_q = Subsciteit._query(Subsciteit.c._spam == (True, False),
        for sr in fetch_things2(sr_q, verbosity):
            yield last_modified_key(sr, 'stylesheet_contents')
            yield queries.get_links(sr, 'hot', 'all').iden
            yield queries.get_links(sr, 'new', 'all').iden

            for sort in 'top', 'controversial':
                for time in 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'all':
                    yield queries.get_links(sr, sort, time,
            yield queries.get_spam_links(sr).iden
            yield queries.get_spam_comments(sr).iden
            yield queries.get_reported_links(sr).iden
            yield queries.get_reported_comments(sr).iden
            yield queries.get_subsciteit_messages(sr).iden
            yield queries.get_unread_subsciteit_messages(sr).iden
    def query(self):
        if self.where == 'messages':
            q = queries.get_inbox_messages(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'comments':
            q = queries.get_inbox_comments(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'selfreply':
            q = queries.get_inbox_selfreply(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'inbox':
            q = queries.get_inbox(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'unread':
            q = queries.get_unread_inbox(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'sent':
            q = queries.get_sent(c.user)
        elif self.where == 'moderator' and self.subwhere == 'unread':
            if c.default_sr:
                srids = Subsciteit.reverse_moderator_ids(c.user)
                srs = Subsciteit._byID(srids, data = False, return_dict = False)
                q = queries.merge_results(
                    *[queries.get_unread_subsciteit_messages(s) for s in srs])
                q = queries.get_unread_subsciteit_messages(c.site)
        elif self.where == 'moderator':
            if c.have_mod_messages and self.mark != 'false':
                c.user.modmsgtime = False
            # the query is handled by the builder on the moderator page
            return self.abort404()
        if self.where != 'sent':
            #reset the inbox
            if c.have_messages and self.mark != 'false':
                c.user.msgtime = False

        return q
Exemple #3
    def add_props(cls, user, wrapped):
        from r2.lib.db import queries
        #TODO global-ish functions that shouldn't be here?
        #reset msgtime after this request
        msgtime = c.have_messages

        # make sure there is a sr_id set:
        for w in wrapped:
            if not hasattr(w, "sr_id"):
                w.sr_id = None

        # load the to fields if one exists
        to_ids = set(w.to_id for w in wrapped if w.to_id is not None)
        tos = Account._byID(to_ids, True) if to_ids else {}

        # load the subsciteit field if one exists:
        sr_ids = set(w.sr_id for w in wrapped if w.sr_id is not None)
        m_subsciteits = Subsciteit._byID(sr_ids, data = True, return_dict = True)

        # load the links and their subsciteits (if comment-as-message)
        links = Link._byID(set(l.link_id for l in wrapped if l.was_comment),
                           data = True,
                           return_dict = True)
        # subsciteits of the links (for comment-as-message)
        l_subsciteits = Subsciteit._byID(set(l.sr_id for l in links.values()),
                                       data = True, return_dict = True)

        parents = Comment._byID(set(l.parent_id for l in wrapped
                                  if l.parent_id and l.was_comment),
                                data = True, return_dict = True)

        # load the unread list to determine message newness
        unread = set(queries.get_unread_inbox(user))

        msg_srs = set(m_subsciteits[x.sr_id]
                      for x in wrapped if x.sr_id is not None
                      and isinstance(x.lookups[0], Message))
        # load the unread mod list for the same reason
        mod_unread = set(queries.merge_results(
            *[queries.get_unread_subsciteit_messages(sr) for sr in msg_srs]))

        for item in wrapped:
            item.to = tos.get(item.to_id)
            if item.sr_id:
                item.recipient = (item.author_id != c.user._id)
                item.recipient = (item.to_id == c.user._id)

            # new-ness is stored on the relation
            if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                item.new = False
            elif item._fullname in unread:
                item.new = True
                # wipe new messages if preferences say so, and this isn't a feed
                # and it is in the user's personal inbox
                if (item.new and c.user.pref_mark_messages_read
                    and c.extension not in ("rss", "xml", "api", "json")):
                                       c.user, False)
                item.new = (item._fullname in mod_unread)

            item.score_fmt = Score.none

            item.message_style = ""
            # comment as message:
            if item.was_comment:
                link = links[item.link_id]
                sr = l_subsciteits[link.sr_id]
                item.to_collapse = False
                item.author_collapse = False
                item.link_title = link.title
                item.permalink = item.lookups[0].make_permalink(link, sr=sr)
                item.link_permalink = link.make_permalink(sr)
                if item.parent_id:
                    item.subject = _('comment reply')
                    item.message_style = "comment-reply"
                    parent = parents[item.parent_id]
                    item.parent = parent._fullname
                    item.parent_permalink = parent.make_permalink(link, sr)
                    item.subject = _('post reply')
                    item.message_style = "post-reply"
            elif item.sr_id is not None:
                item.subsciteit = m_subsciteits[item.sr_id]

            item.is_collapsed = None
            if not item.new:
                if item.recipient:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.to_collapse
                if item.author_id == c.user._id:
                    item.is_collapsed = item.author_collapse
                if c.user.pref_collapse_read_messages:
                    item.is_collapsed = (item.is_collapsed is not False)
            if item.author_id in c.user.enemies and not item.was_comment:
                item.is_collapsed = True
                if not c.user_is_admin:
                    item.subject = _('[message from blocked user]')
                    item.body = _('[unblock user to see this message]')

        # Run this last
        Printable.add_props(user, wrapped)