Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, so_file_name, apk):

        # use radare2's RCore for lib analysis
        core = RCore()

        # load the file with RBin from r2
        self.jni_on_load_vaddr = self.load_file(core, so_file_name, apk)

        if self.jni_on_load_vaddr == "":
            print "ERROR: library file has no JNI_OnLoad method"

        self.so_file_name = so_file_name
        self.sig = self.get_sig(core)

        print("Sig: %s " % (self.sig))
Exemple #2
def init_radare(path):
    import collections
    tags = collections.defaultdict(dict)

    core = RCore()
    desc = core.io.open(path, 0, 0)
    if desc == None:
        print "*** RBIN LOAD FAILED"
        return False
    core.bin.load(path, 0, 0, 0, desc.fd, False)
    print "*** radare bin loaded @", ghex(core.bin.get_baddr())
  for e in core.bin.get_entries():
    print e

    # why do i need to do this?
    info = core.bin.get_info()
    core.config.set("asm.arch", info.arch)
    core.config.set("asm.bits", str(info.bits))
    #core.file_open(path, 0, 0)
  # find functions

    # you have to file_open to make analysis work
    core.file_open(path, False, 0)
    core.bin_load("", 0)

    import collections
    tags = collections.defaultdict(dict)

    for s in core.bin.get_symbols():
        print ghex(s.vaddr), s.name
        tags[s.vaddr]['name'] = s.name

    for f in core.anal.get_fcns():
        print f.name, ghex(f.addr), f.size

        tags[f.addr]['funclength'] = f.size

        sa = f.addr
        starts = []
        # find bblock starts, haxx
        while sa < (f.addr + f.size):
            op = core.op_anal(sa)
            t = op.type & 0xFFFF
            if t == 1 or t == 2:

            if op.size <= 0:
                sa += op.size

        sa = f.addr
        will_pass = True
        while sa < (f.addr + f.size):
            #print core.op_str(sa)
            instr = core.op_str(sa)
            op = core.op_anal(sa)
            t = op.type
            t2 = t & 0xFFFF
            t3 = t & 0xFFFF0000

            tags[sa]['len'] = op.size
            tags[sa]['semantics'] = []
            tags[sa]['flow'] = []
            tags[sa]['scope'] = ghex(f.addr)
            tags[sa]['flags'] = 0x10000 if will_pass else 0
            will_pass = True

            if t2 == 1 or t2 == 2 or t2 == 5 or (sa + op.size) in starts:

            if t == 1 or t == 2:
                # jmp
                will_pass = False
            elif t3 == 0x80000000 and (t2 == 1 or t2 == 2):
                # cond jmp

            tags[sa]['instruction'] = instr

            print "   ", ghex(sa), op.type & 0xFFFF, instr

            if op.size <= 0:
                sa += op.size
        #bbs = f.get_bbs()

    for b in f.get_bbs():
      print "  ", ghex(b.addr), b.size

    # fix ctl-c
    import signal
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

    return tags