def worker(rabbit_cfg, function): f = FunctionWrapper( function['module_path'], function['module_name'], function['function_name'] ) r = Rabbit( function=f, exchange=function['exchange'], queue=function['queue'], routing_key=function.get('routing_key'), host=rabbit_cfg.get('host'), port=rabbit_cfg.get('port'), userid=rabbit_cfg.get('userid'), password=rabbit_cfg.get('password'), durable=rabbit_cfg.get('durable', True) ) r.connect() r.declare() r.consume()
stop = stop_job(jd) time.sleep(2) start = start_job(jd) logger.critical( "Tool just returned the main source by stop and start job: Job(%s)" % (str(data))) return 0 def callback(ch, method, properties, body): date_time = DateTime() print "------------->\n" + str(date_time.get_now_as_human_creadeble( )) + " recieved: " + body + "\n<-------------""received " + body) if not body: logger.warning("received " + body + "empty!") return 1 t = threading.Thread(target=return_main, args=(body, )) t.start() if __name__ == "__main__": rb = Rabbit(SYSTEM["RUNNING_BACKUP_QUEUE"]) rb.connect(), queue=rb.routing_key, no_ack=True) print(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C') #data = """{"host":"", "jid": 1100}""" #print return_main(data)