def bson2json(bson_data):

    # thanks to

    import json
    from bson.objectid import ObjectId

    class MyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, o):
            if isinstance(o, ObjectId):
                return str(o)
            if isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
                seconds = time.mktime(o.timetuple())
                seconds += (o.microsecond / 1000000.0)
                return seconds
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

    return ru.parse_json(MyJSONEncoder().encode(bson_data))
Exemple #2
def bson2json (bson_data) :

    # thanks to

    import json
    from   bson.objectid import ObjectId

    class MyJSONEncoder (json.JSONEncoder) :
        def default (self, o):
            if  isinstance (o, ObjectId) :
                return str (o)
            if  isinstance (o, datetime.datetime) :
                seconds  = time.mktime (o.timetuple ())
                seconds += (o.microsecond / 1000000.0) 
                return seconds
            return json.JSONEncoder.default (self, o)

    return ru.parse_json (MyJSONEncoder ().encode (bson_data))
    def parse (self, workload_description):
        Parse the given json into  task and relation descriptions, and create
        a workload out of them.
        """ ("parsing workload")

        tasks     = None
        relations = None

        workload_dict = ru.parse_json (workload_description)

        if 'tasks'     in workload_dict : 
            tasks      =  workload_dict['tasks']
        if 'relations' in workload_dict : 
            relations  =  workload_dict['relations']

        if  not tasks and not relations :
            raise ValueError ("Cannot handle workload description")

        task_descriptions     = list()
        relation_descriptions = list()

        if tasks :
            for task_descr in tasks :
                # make sure we use all current information
                ru.dict_stringexpand (task_descr, self.session.cfg)
                task_descriptions.append (troy.TaskDescription (task_descr))

        if relations :
            for relation_descr in relations :
                # make sure we use all current information
                ru.dict_stringexpand (relation_descr, self.session.cfg)
                relation_descriptions.append (troy.RelationDescription (relation_descr))

        return task_descriptions, relation_descriptions
Exemple #4
def test_read_json():
    Test json parser

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # default xcase
    data = {'test_1': 1,
            'test_2': 'one',
            'test_3': [1, 'one']}

    filename  = _write_json(json.dumps(data))
    data_copy = ru.read_json(filename)


    for key in data:
        assert(key in data_copy)
        assert(data[key] == data_copy[key])

    for key in data_copy:
        assert(key in data)
        assert(data[key] == data_copy[key])

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # string read
    data_copy = ru.read_json_str(filename)
    assert(isinstance(data_copy['test_2'], str))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # arg switching
    ru.write_json(filename, data_copy)
    ru.write_json(data_copy, filename)
    data_copy = ru.read_json_str(filename)
    assert(len(data_copy) == 3)


    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # manual parse
    data = '''{
                  "test_1": 1,
                  "test_2": "one",
                  "test_3": [1, "one"]
    data_copy = ru.parse_json(data, filter_comments=False)
    assert(len(data_copy) == 3)
    assert(data_copy['test_2'] == 'one')

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # forced str conversion on manual parse
    data_copy = ru.parse_json_str(data)
    assert(len(data_copy) == 3)
    assert(isinstance(data_copy['test_2'], str))

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # faulty json file
    filename = _write_raw(b'{"foo": [False]}')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):