def execute(self, imageFilepath, maskFilepath, label=None):
    Compute radiomics signature for provide image and mask combination.
    First, image and mask are loaded and normalized/resampled if necessary. Second, if enabled, provenance information
    is calculated and stored as part of the result. Next, shape features are calculated on a cropped (no padding)
    version of the original image. Then other featureclasses are calculated using all specified input images in
    ``inputImages``. Images are cropped to tumor mask (no padding) after application of any filter and before being
    passed to the feature class. Finally, the dictionary containing all calculated features is returned.

    :param imageFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to image file location
    :param maskFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to labelmap file location
    :param label: Integer, value of the label for which to extract features. If not specified, last specified label
        is used. Default label is 1.
    :returns: dictionary containing calculated signature ("<filter>_<featureClass>_<featureName>":value).
        # Enable or disable C extensions for high performance matrix calculation. Only logs a message (INFO) when setting is
        # successfully changed. If an error occurs, full-python mode is forced and a warning is logged.

        if label is not None:
            self.kwargs.update({'label': label})'Calculating features with label: %d',
        self.logger.debug('Enabled input images types: %s', self.inputImages)
        self.logger.debug('Enabled features: %s', self.enabledFeatures)
        self.logger.debug('Current settings: %s', self.kwargs)

        featureVector = collections.OrderedDict()
        image, mask = self.loadImage(imageFilepath, maskFilepath)

        if image is None or mask is None:
            # No features can be extracted, return the empty featureVector
            return featureVector

        # Check whether loaded mask contains a valid ROI for feature extraction
        boundingBox = imageoperations.checkMask(image, mask, **self.kwargs)

        if boundingBox is None:
            # Mask checks failed, do not extract features and return the empty featureVector
            return featureVector

            'Image and Mask loaded and valid, starting extraction')

        if self.kwargs['additionalInfo']:
                self.getProvenance(imageFilepath, maskFilepath, mask))

        # If shape should be calculation, handle it separately here
        if 'shape' in self.enabledFeatures.keys():
            croppedImage, croppedMask = imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(
                image, mask, boundingBox, self.kwargs['label'])
            enabledFeatures = self.enabledFeatures['shape']

  'Computing shape')
            shapeClass = self.featureClasses['shape'](croppedImage,
            if enabledFeatures is None or len(enabledFeatures) == 0:
                for feature in enabledFeatures:

            for (featureName,
                 featureValue) in six.iteritems(shapeClass.featureValues):
                newFeatureName = 'original_shape_%s' % (featureName)
                featureVector[newFeatureName] = featureValue

        # Make generators for all enabled input image types
        self.logger.debug('Creating input image type iterator')
        imageGenerators = []
        for imageType, customKwargs in six.iteritems(self.inputImages):
            args = self.kwargs.copy()
  'Adding image type "%s" with settings: %s' %
                             (imageType, str(args)))
            imageGenerators = chain(
                getattr(imageoperations, 'get%sImage' % imageType)(image,

        self.logger.debug('Extracting features')
        # Calculate features for all (filtered) images in the generator
        for inputImage, inputImageName, inputKwargs in imageGenerators:
  'Calculating features for %s image',
            inputImage, inputMask = imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(
                inputImage, mask, boundingBox, self.kwargs['label'])
                self.computeFeatures(inputImage, inputMask, inputImageName,

        self.logger.debug('Features extracted')

        return featureVector
    def execute(self, imageFilepath, maskFilepath, label=None):
    Compute radiomics signature for provide image and mask combination. It comprises of the following steps:

    1. Image and mask are loaded and normalized/resampled if necessary.
    2. Validity of ROI is checked using :py:func:`~imageoperations.checkMask`, which also computes and returns the
       bounding box.
    3. If enabled, provenance information is calculated and stored as part of the result.
    4. Shape features are calculated on a cropped (no padding) version of the original image.
    5. If enabled, resegment the mask based upon the range specified in ``resegmentRange`` (default None: resegmentation
    6. Other enabled feature classes are calculated using all specified image types in ``_enabledImageTypes``. Images
       are cropped to tumor mask (no padding) after application of any filter and before being passed to the feature
    7. The calculated features is returned as ``collections.OrderedDict``.

    :param imageFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to image file location
    :param maskFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to labelmap file location
    :param label: Integer, value of the label for which to extract features. If not specified, last specified label
        is used. Default label is 1.
    :returns: dictionary containing calculated signature ("<imageType>_<featureClass>_<featureName>":value).
        # Enable or disable C extensions for high performance matrix calculation. Only logs a message (INFO) when setting is
        # successfully changed. If an error occurs, full-python mode is forced and a warning is logged.
        if self.geometryTolerance != self.settings.get('geometryTolerance'):

        if label is not None:
            self.settings['label'] = label'Calculating features with label: %d',
        self.logger.debug('Enabled images types: %s', self._enabledImagetypes)
        self.logger.debug('Enabled features: %s', self._enabledFeatures)
        self.logger.debug('Current settings: %s', self.settings)

        # 1. Load the image and mask
        featureVector = collections.OrderedDict()
        image, mask = self.loadImage(imageFilepath, maskFilepath)

        if image is None or mask is None:
            # No features can be extracted, return the empty featureVector
            return featureVector

        # 2. Check whether loaded mask contains a valid ROI for feature extraction and get bounding box
        boundingBox, correctedMask = imageoperations.checkMask(
            image, mask, **self.settings)

        # Update the mask if it had to be resampled
        if correctedMask is not None:
            mask = correctedMask

        if boundingBox is None:
            # Mask checks failed, do not extract features and return the empty featureVector
            return featureVector

            'Image and Mask loaded and valid, starting extraction')

        # 3. Add the additional information if enabled
        if self.settings['additionalInfo']:
                self.getProvenance(imageFilepath, maskFilepath, mask))

        # 4. If shape descriptors should be calculated, handle it separately here
        if 'shape' in self._enabledFeatures.keys():
            croppedImage, croppedMask = imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(
                image, mask, boundingBox)
            enabledFeatures = self._enabledFeatures['shape']

  'Computing shape')
            shapeClass = self.featureClasses['shape'](croppedImage,
            if enabledFeatures is None or len(enabledFeatures) == 0:
                for feature in enabledFeatures:

            for (featureName,
                 featureValue) in six.iteritems(shapeClass.featureValues):
                newFeatureName = 'original_shape_%s' % featureName
                featureVector[newFeatureName] = featureValue

        # 5. Resegment the mask if enabled (parameter regsegmentMask is not None)
        resegmentRange = self.settings.get('resegmentRange', None)
        if resegmentRange is not None:
            resegmentedMask = imageoperations.resegmentMask(
                image, mask, resegmentRange, self.settings['label'])

            # Recheck to see if the mask is still valid
            boundingBox, correctedMask = imageoperations.checkMask(
                image, resegmentedMask, **self.settings)
            # Update the mask if it had to be resampled
            if correctedMask is not None:
                resegmentedMask = correctedMask

            if boundingBox is None:
                # Mask checks failed, do not extract features and return the empty featureVector
                return featureVector

            # Resegmentation successful
            mask = resegmentedMask

        # 6. Calculate other enabled feature classes using enabled image types
        # Make generators for all enabled image types
        self.logger.debug('Creating image type iterator')
        imageGenerators = []
        for imageType, customKwargs in six.iteritems(self._enabledImagetypes):
            args = self.settings.copy()
  'Adding image type "%s" with settings: %s' %
                             (imageType, str(args)))
            imageGenerators = chain(
                getattr(imageoperations, 'get%sImage' % imageType)(image,

        self.logger.debug('Extracting features')
        # Calculate features for all (filtered) images in the generator
        for inputImage, imageTypeName, inputKwargs in imageGenerators:
  'Calculating features for %s image',
            inputImage, inputMask = imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(
                inputImage, mask, boundingBox)
                self.computeFeatures(inputImage, inputMask, imageTypeName,

        self.logger.debug('Features extracted')

        return featureVector
    def execute(self, imageFilepath, maskFilepath, label=None):
    Compute radiomics signature for provide image and mask combination.
    First, image and mask are loaded and normalized/resampled if necessary. Second, if enabled, provenance information
    is calculated and stored as part of the result. Next, shape features are calculated on a cropped (no padding)
    version of the original image. Then other featureclasses are calculated using all specified input images in
    ``inputImages``. Images are cropped to tumor mask (no padding) after application of any filter and before being
    passed to the feature class. Finally, the dictionary containing all calculated features is returned.

    :param imageFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to image file location
    :param maskFilepath: SimpleITK Image, or string pointing to labelmap file location
    :param label: Integer, value of the label for which to extract features. If not specified, last specified label
        is used. Default label is 1.
    :returns: dictionary containing calculated signature ("<filter>_<featureClass>_<featureName>":value).
        # Enable or disable C extensions for high performance matrix calculation. Only logs a message (INFO) when setting is
        # successfully changed. If an error occurs, full-python mode is forced and a warning is logged.

        if label is not None:
            self.kwargs.update({'label': label})'Calculating features with label: %d',

        featureVector = collections.OrderedDict()
        image, mask = self.loadImage(imageFilepath, maskFilepath)

        if image is not None and mask is not None:
            if self.kwargs['additionalInfo']:
                    self.getProvenance(imageFilepath, maskFilepath, mask))

            # Bounding box only needs to be calculated once after resampling, store the value, so it doesn't get calculated
            # after every filter
            boundingBox = None

            # If shape should be calculation, handle it separately here
            if 'shape' in self.enabledFeatures.keys():
                croppedImage, croppedMask, boundingBox = \
                  imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(image, mask, self.kwargs['label'], boundingBox)
                enabledFeatures = self.enabledFeatures['shape']
                shapeClass = self.featureClasses['shape'](croppedImage,
                if enabledFeatures is None or len(enabledFeatures) == 0:
                    for feature in enabledFeatures:

                if self.kwargs['verbose']: print("\t\tComputing shape")
                for (featureName,
                     featureValue) in six.iteritems(shapeClass.featureValues):
                    newFeatureName = "original_shape_%s" % (featureName)
                    featureVector[newFeatureName] = featureValue

            # Make generators for all enabled input image types
            imageGenerators = []
            for imageType, customKwargs in six.iteritems(self.inputImages):
                args = self.kwargs.copy()
      "Applying filter: '%s' with settings: %s" %
                                 (imageType, str(args)))
                imageGenerators = chain(
                    eval('imageoperations.get%sImage(image, **args)' %

            # Calculate features for all (filtered) images in the generator
            for inputImage, inputImageName, inputKwargs in imageGenerators:
                inputImage, inputMask, boundingBox = \
                  imageoperations.cropToTumorMask(inputImage, mask, self.kwargs['label'], boundingBox)
                    self.computeFeatures(inputImage, inputMask, inputImageName,

        return featureVector