def test_sequential_version_numbers(tmp_path): """ Test that the version received by each migration function is sequantially incremented according to the version returned by the previous migration. Sequence of events: - The first migration runs and returns v16 as the version it upgraded the database to. - The next migration should receive the old_version as v16 returned previously. - the above goes on for subsequent migrations. """ db_path = tmp_path / Path('v19_log.db') upgrade_manager = UpgradeManager(db_filename=db_path) old_db_filename = tmp_path / Path('v16_log.db') storage = None upgrade_functions = [Mock(), Mock(), Mock()] upgrade_functions[0].return_value = 17 upgrade_functions[1].return_value = 18 upgrade_functions[2].return_value = 19 with patch('', new=16): storage = setup_storage(old_db_filename) storage.update_version() with ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context( patch( 'raiden.utils.upgrades.UPGRADES_LIST', new=upgrade_functions, )) stack.enter_context( patch( 'raiden.utils.upgrades.RAIDEN_DB_VERSION', new=19, )) older_db_file = stack.enter_context( patch('raiden.utils.upgrades.older_db_file')) older_db_file.return_value = str(old_db_filename) upgrade_functions[0].assert_called_once_with(ANY, 16, 19) upgrade_functions[1].assert_called_once_with(ANY, 17, 19) upgrade_functions[2].assert_called_once_with(ANY, 18, 19) assert get_db_version(str(db_path)) == 19
def test_sequential_version_numbers(tmp_path, monkeypatch): """ Test that the version received by each migration function is sequentially incremented according to the version returned by the previous migration. Sequence of events: - The first migration runs and returns v16 as the version it upgraded the database to. - The next migration should receive the old_version as v16 returned previously. - the above goes on for subsequent migrations. """ db_path = tmp_path / Path("v19_log.db") old_db_filename = tmp_path / Path("v16_log.db") upgrade_functions = [] for i in range(16, 19): mock = Mock() mock.return_value = i + 1 upgrade_functions.append(UpgradeRecord(from_version=i, function=mock)) with patch("", new=16): storage = setup_storage(old_db_filename) storage.update_version() storage.conn.close() with monkeypatch.context() as m: def latest_db_file(paths): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return old_db_filename m.setattr(raiden.utils.upgrades, "UPGRADES_LIST", upgrade_functions) m.setattr(raiden.utils.upgrades, "RAIDEN_DB_VERSION", 19) m.setattr(raiden.utils.upgrades, "latest_db_file", latest_db_file) UpgradeManager(db_filename=db_path).run() upgrade_functions[0].function.assert_called_once_with( old_version=16, current_version=19, storage=ANY ) upgrade_functions[1].function.assert_called_once_with( old_version=17, current_version=19, storage=ANY ) upgrade_functions[2].function.assert_called_once_with( old_version=18, current_version=19, storage=ANY ) assert get_db_version(db_path) == 19