Exemple #1
def install_auth(ctx=None, output_path=None, **kwargs):
    """Install auth directory.

        ctx (object): Click Context object.
        output_path (path): Path to place auth dir.
    if not ctx:  # Using API. Else handled by cli.
        _set_init_vars(kwargs.get("cwd"), kwargs.get("tmpdir"))

    if not output_path:
        output_path = get_env_var("cwd")
    license_dir = os.path.join(output_path, "auth/licenses")
    except FileExistsError:
        pass  # Dir already created. Moving on.
        "Any (license) files you put in %s will be synced into your VM." %

    for filename in os.listdir(
            os.path.join(get_env_var("env"), "auth/env_scripts")):
        dst_dir = os.path.join(output_path, "auth/keys")
        dst = os.path.join(dst_dir, os.path.splitext(filename)[0])
        if not os.path.isfile(dst):
                        exist_ok=True)  # Make parent dirs if needed. # Py 3.2+
                os.path.join(get_env_var("env"), "auth/env_scripts", filename),
            utils.echo("Added template key loading scripts %s to auth/keys." %
            utils.echo("File %s exists. Leaving it." % dst)
Exemple #2
def vagrant_destroy(ctx=None, vagrant_cwd=None, vagrant_dotfile_path=None):
    '''Destroy a VM / container and all its metadata. Default leaves logs.
    All str args can also be set as an environment variable; arg takes precedence.

        ctx (object): Click Context object.
        vagrant_cwd (str): Location of `Vagrantfile`.
        vagrant_dotfile_path (str): Location of `.vagrant` metadata directory.
    # TODO add finding and deleting of all VMs registered to this installation.
    # TODO (optional) add finding and deleting of all VMs across all installations.
    # TODO add an --all flag to delete the whole .rambo-tmp dir. Default leaves logs.

    if not ctx: # Else handled by cli.
        set_vagrant_vars(vagrant_cwd, vagrant_dotfile_path)

    dir_create(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs')
    # TODO: Better logs.
    bash('vagrant destroy --force >' + get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-destroy-log 2>&1')
    follow_log_file( get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-destroy-log', ['Vagrant done with destroy.',
                                                      'Print this help'])
    file_delete(get_env_var('TMP') + '/provider')
    file_delete(get_env_var('TMP') + '/random_tag')
    click.echo('Temporary files removed')
    click.echo('Destroy complete.')
Exemple #3
def vagrant_up_thread():
    '''Make the final call over the shell to `vagrant up`, and redirect
    all output to log file.

    dir_create(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs')
    # TODO: Better logs.
    bash('vagrant up >' + get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-up-log 2>&1')
def docker():
    """Docker specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: docker_box
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
            "docker_box", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["docker"]
Exemple #5
def install_gitignore(ctx=None, output_path=None, **kwargs):
    """Install config file.

        ctx (object): Click Context object.
        output_path (path): Path to place conf file.
    if not ctx:  # Using API. Else handled by cli.
        _set_init_vars(kwargs.get("cwd"), kwargs.get("tmpdir"))

    if not output_path:
        output_path = get_env_var("cwd")
    path = os.path.join(output_path, ".gitignore")

    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path, "w") as f:
        utils.echo("Created .gitignore")
Exemple #6
def install_config(ctx=None, output_path=None, **kwargs):
    """Install config file.

        ctx (object): Click Context object.
        output_path (path): Path to place conf file.
    if not ctx:  # Using API. Else handled by cli.
        _set_init_vars(kwargs.get("cwd"), kwargs.get("tmpdir"))

    if not output_path:
        output_path = get_env_var("cwd")
    path = os.path.join(output_path, "%s.conf" % PROJECT_NAME)

    if os.path.exists(path):
        utils.abort("%s.conf already esists." % PROJECT_NAME)
        with open(path, "w") as f:
provider = virtualbox
box = ubuntu/bionic64
sync_dirs = [["saltstack/etc", "/etc/salt"], ["saltstack/srv", "/srv"]]
        utils.echo("Created config at %s" % path)
def ec2(**params):
    """EC2 specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: ami

    Sanitize against non-whitelist ramsize.
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
        set_env_var("ami", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["ec2"])
    if get_env_var("ramsize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
            "Sorry, we really need a RAM size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like m3.medium."

    if params.get("ec2_security_groups"):
        set_env_var("ec2_security_groups", params["ec2_security_groups"])
Exemple #8
def _set_tmpdir(tmpdir=None):
    """Set tmpdir and log_path locations. This should defaut to be inside the cwd.

        tmpdir (path): Location of project's tmp dir.
    # loc of tmpdir
    if tmpdir:  # cli / api
        set_env_var("TMPDIR", os.path.join(tmpdir, ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))
    elif get_env_var("TMPDIR"):  # Previously set env var
            os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))
    else:  # Not set, set to default loc
                                 ".%s-tmp" % PROJECT_NAME))  # default (cwd)

    set_env_var("LOG_PATH", os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), "logs"))
Exemple #9
def _set_cwd(cwd=None):
    """Set cwd environment variable and change the actual cwd to it.

        cwd (path): Location of project (conf file, provisioning scripts, etc.)
    # effective CWD (likely real CWD, but may be changed by user.
    if cwd:  # cli / api
        set_env_var("cwd", cwd)
    elif get_env_var("cwd"):
        pass  # Already set - keep it.
        found_project = utils.find_conf(os.getcwd())
        if found_project:
            set_env_var("cwd", found_project)
            set_env_var("cwd", os.getcwd())

    return get_env_var("cwd")
def digitalocean():
    """DigitalOcean specific preparation for Vagrant. Setting and validating env vars.

    Set env vars: do_image

    Sanitize against non-whitelist ramsize and drivesize.
    if get_env_var("guest_os"):  # only set during `up`
        set_env_var("do_image", SETTINGS["GUEST_OSES"][get_env_var("guest_os")]["do"])
    if get_env_var("ramsize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"]:
            "Sorry, we really need a RAM size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like s-8vcpu-32gb."
    if get_env_var("drivesize") not in SETTINGS["SIZES"].values():
            "Sorry, we really need a drive size from our whitelist for "
            "digitalocean. \nThe only way around that is if you specify "
            "a machine-type like s-8vcpu-32gb."
Exemple #11
def destroy(ctx=None, **params):
    """Destroy a VM / container and all its metadata. Default leaves logs.
    All str args can also be set as an environment variable; arg takes precedence.

        ctx (object): Click Context object.
        vagrant_cwd (path): Location of `Vagrantfile`. Used if invoked with API only.
        vagrant_dotfile_path (path): Location of `.vagrant` metadata directory. Used if invoked with API only.
    # TODO add finding and deleting of all VMs registered to this installation.
    # TODO (optional) add finding and deleting of all VMs across all installations.
    # TODO add an --all flag to delete the whole .rambo-tmp dir. Default leaves logs.

    if not ctx:  # Using API. Else handled by cli.
        _set_init_vars(params.get("cwd"), params.get("tmpdir"))

    destroy_cmd = vagrant_general_command("destroy --force")

    # If there's any error code from Vagrant, don't delete the metadata.
    if not destroy_cmd:  # I.e. we succeeded - ret code == 0
        utils.file_delete(os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), "provider"))
        utils.file_delete(os.path.join(get_env_var("TMPDIR"), "random_tag"))
        utils.echo("Temporary files removed")

        if params.get("vm_name"):  # Additionally remove the box if we can.
                f"Now removing base VirtualBox data for VM {params['vm_name']}."
            os.system(f"vboxmanage controlvm {params['vm_name']} poweroff")
            os.system(f"vboxmanage unregistervm {params['vm_name']} --delete")

        utils.echo("Destroy complete.")
        utils.echo("We received an error. Destroy may not be complete.")
Exemple #12
def vagrant_up(ctx=None, provider=None, vagrant_cwd=None, vagrant_dotfile_path=None):
    '''Start a VM / container with `vagrant up`.
    All str args can also be set as an environment variable; arg takes precedence.

        ctx (object): Click Context object. Used to detect if CLI is used.
        provider (str): Sets provider used.
        vagrant_cwd (str): Location of `Vagrantfile`.
        vagrant_dotfile_path (str): Location of `.vagrant` metadata directory.
    # TODO: Add registering of VM for all of this installation to see

    if not ctx: # Else handled by cli.
        set_vagrant_vars(vagrant_cwd, vagrant_dotfile_path)

    # TODO See if there's a better exit / error system
    if provider:
        set_env_var('provider', provider)
        if provider not in PROVIDERS:
            sys.exit('ABORTED - Target provider "%s" is not in the providers '
                     'list. Did you have a typo?' % provider)
    elif get_env_var('PROVIDER') and get_env_var('PROVIDER') not in PROVIDERS:
        sys.exit('ABORTED - Target provider "%s" is set as an environment '
                 ' variable, and is not in the providers list. Did you '
                 'have a typo?' % provider)

    if not dir_exists(get_env_var('TMP')):
    dir_create(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs')
    # TODO: Better logs.
    open(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-up-log','w').close() # Create log file. Vagrant will write to it, we'll read it.

    thread = Thread(target = vagrant_up_thread) # Threaded to write, read, and echo as `up` progresses.
    follow_log_file(get_env_var('TMP') + '/logs/vagrant-up-log', ['Total run time:',
                                                 'Provisioners marked to run always will still run',
                                                 'Print this help',
                                                 'try again.'])
    click.echo('Up complete.')
Exemple #13
def up(ctx=None, **params):
    """Start a VM / container with `vagrant up`.
    All str args can also be set as an environment variable; arg takes precedence.

        ctx (object): Click Context object. Used to detect if CLI is used.
        params (dict): Dict of all args passed to `up`.

    In params, this looks for:
        provider (str): Provider to use.
        box (str): Vagrant box to use.
        cpus (int): Number of CPUs to give VirtualBox VM.
        guest_os (str): Guest OS to use.
        ram_size (int): RAM in MB to use.
        drive_size (int): Drive size in GB to use.
        machine_type (str): Machine type to use for cloud providers.
        sync_dirs (path): Paths to sync into VM.
        sync_type (str): Type of syncing to use.
        ports (str): Ports to forward.
        provision (bool): vagrant provisioning flag.
        command (str): Command used at beginning of provisioning.
        destroy_on_error (bool): vagrant destroy-on-error flag.
        vagrant_cwd (path): Location of `Vagrantfile`. Used if invoked with API only.
        vagrant_dotfile_path (path): Location of `.vagrant` metadata directory. Used if invoked with API only.
        vm_name (str): Name of the VM or container.
    # TODO: Add registering of VM for all of this installation to see
    if not ctx:  # Using API. Else handled by cli.
        _set_init_vars(params.get("cwd"), params.get("tmpdir"))

    # Option Handling - These might modify the params dict and/or set env vars.
    params["guest_os"] = options.guest_os_option(params.get("guest_os"))
    params["box"] = options.box_option(params.get("box"))
    params["cpus"] = options.cpus_option(params.get("cpus"))
    params["hostname"] = options.hostname_option(params.get("hostname"))
    params["machine_type"] = options.machine_type_option(
        params.get("machine_type"), params.get("provider"))
    params["project_dir"] = options.project_dir_option(
    params["provider"] = options.provider_option(params.get("provider"))
    params["command"] = options.command_option(params.get("command"))
    params["ram_size"], params["drive_size"] = options.size_option(
        params.get("drive_size"))  # both ram and drive size
    params["sync_dirs"] = options.sync_dirs_option(params.get("sync_dirs"))
    params["sync_type"] = options.sync_type_option(params.get("sync_type"))
    params["ports"] = options.ports_option(params.get("ports"))
    params["vm_name"] = options.vm_name_option(params.get("vm_name"))

    cmd = "up"

    # Provider specific handling.
    # Must come after all else, because logic may be done on params above.
    if params["provider"] == "digitalocean":
    elif params["provider"] == "docker":
    elif params["provider"] == "ec2":
        cmd += " --provider={}".format(params["provider"])

    # Add straight pass-through flags. Keep test for True/False explicit as only those values should work
    if params.get("provision") is True:
        cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, "--provision")
    elif params.get("provision") is False:
        cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, "--no-provision")

    if params.get("destroy_on_error") is True:
        cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, "--destroy-on-error")
    elif params.get("destroy_on_error") is False:
        cmd = "{} {}".format(cmd, "--no-destroy-on-error")

    exit_code = vagrant_general_command(cmd)

    if exit_code:
        with open(Path(get_env_var("LOG_PATH")) / "stderr.log") as fp:
            stderr = fp.readlines()
        for idx, line in enumerate(reversed(stderr)):
            if "Unknown configuration section 'disksize'" in line:
                abort("You probably don't have plugins installed.\nRun:\n"
                      "\trambo install-plugins")
            elif idx > 5:
                # Only look through the recent stderr.