def __init__(self): self.GPIO = GPIO() self.directionCalculator = direction(100) #zet de motoren af bij initialisatie self.GPIO.output(self.GPIO.motorUpPins[0], True) self.GPIO.output(self.GPIO.motorUpPins[1], True) self.PWM = self.GPIO.PWM(self.GPIO.pwmPin, 100) #100 frequency self.PWM.start(0) #duty cycle self.sensor = DistanceSensor(self.GPIO) # WiringPiMotor 4 = Up/Down self.motorUp = MotorUp(self.GPIO, self.GPIO.motorUpPins[0],self.GPIO.motorUpPins[1]) # WiringPiMotor 3 = Left side self.motorLeft = WiringPiMotor(self.GPIO.motorLeftPins[0],self.GPIO.motorLeftPins[1]) # WiringPiMotor 1 = Right side self.motorRight = WiringPiMotor(self.GPIO.motorRightPins[0],self.GPIO.motorRightPins[1]) self.heightCorrectionFlag = False = PID() self.realHeight = 0.0 self.moving = False self.lengthToGoal = 0 t = threading.Thread(target=self.heightCorrection) t.daemon = True t.start() t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.move) t2.daemon = True t2.start() self.goalTablet= None self.goalLocation = None self.location = (0,0) self.angle = 0 mq.setZep(self)
class Zeppelin(): def __init__(self): self.GPIO = GPIO() self.directionCalculator = direction(100) #zet de motoren af bij initialisatie self.GPIO.output(self.GPIO.motorUpPins[0], True) self.GPIO.output(self.GPIO.motorUpPins[1], True) self.PWM = self.GPIO.PWM(self.GPIO.pwmPin, 100) #100 frequency self.PWM.start(0) #duty cycle self.sensor = DistanceSensor(self.GPIO) # WiringPiMotor 4 = Up/Down self.motorUp = MotorUp(self.GPIO, self.GPIO.motorUpPins[0],self.GPIO.motorUpPins[1]) # WiringPiMotor 3 = Left side self.motorLeft = WiringPiMotor(self.GPIO.motorLeftPins[0],self.GPIO.motorLeftPins[1]) # WiringPiMotor 1 = Right side self.motorRight = WiringPiMotor(self.GPIO.motorRightPins[0],self.GPIO.motorRightPins[1]) self.heightCorrectionFlag = False = PID() self.realHeight = 0.0 self.moving = False self.lengthToGoal = 0 t = threading.Thread(target=self.heightCorrection) t.daemon = True t.start() t2 = threading.Thread(target=self.move) t2.daemon = True t2.start() self.goalTablet= None self.goalLocation = None self.location = (0,0) self.angle = 0 mq.setZep(self) def setLocation(self, l, a): if l != None and l[0] >= 0 and l[1] >= 0: self.location = l if a != None: self.angle = a def updateInformation(self): def updateInformationMQ(): if self.location != None: mq.sendLocation(self.location[0],self.location[1]) if self.realHeight != None: mq.sendHeight(int(self.realHeight)*10)#in mm if self.angle != None: mq.sendAngle(int(self.angle)) if cvresult != None: mq.sendCvResults(cvresult) print "updating info" cam.makePhoto("/dev/shm/autopic.jpg") cvresult = sd.detectShapes("/dev/shm/autopic.jpg") print "CvResult " + str(cvresult) pA = PhotoAnalysis(zip(cvresult[2], cvresult[3]), grid, (864, 648)) if pA.locationCm != None and pA.angle != None: self.setLocation(pA.locationCm, pA.angle) print "Location " + str(self.location) print "Angle " + str(self.angle) print "GoalLocation " + str(self.goalLocation) print "Height " + str(self.realHeight) updateInformationMQ() if self.goalLocation != None and nearGoal(self.location, self.goalLocation): print "NEAR THE GOAL" self.moving = False if self.goalTablet != None: #zeg tegen iPad: "Ik ben er" askTablet(self.goalTablet) time.sleep(1) #PROBEER DRIE KEER for i in range(3): #trek een foto en lees de QR code decodedQR = cam.makePhotoAndDecodeQRCode("iPad"+str(i)+".jpg") time.sleep(0.23) if not decodedQR: continue #QR code kon niet gedecodeerd worden #zet nieuw goal self.parseQRCommand(decrypt(decodedQR)) break else: #DOEN WAT GE MOET DOEN BIJ AANKOMEN OP LOCATIE. self.heightCorrectionFlag = False self.stopAllMotors() else: print "No Location found" #(2340,3450) in mm def moveTo(self, goalCoordinates): if (goalCoordinates in locTabDic): self.goalTablet = locTabDic[goalCoordinates] self.goalLocation = goalCoordinates else: self.goalTablet = None self.goalLocation = goalCoordinates self.lengthToGoal = sqrt((self.location[0]-self.goalLocation[0])**2+(self.goalLocation[1]-self.location[1])**2) self.moving = True def move(self): while True: self.updateInformation() if self.moving : dx = self.location[0]-self.goalLocation[0] dy = self.location[1]-self.goalLocation[1] # togo = degrees(atan(abs(dx)/abs(dy))) # if dx/dy < 0: # togo = -1*togotogo = degrees(atan(abs(dx)/abs(dy))) togo = degrees(atan(dx/dy)) print "angle togo: " + str(togo) (PWM1,PWM2) = self.directionCalculator.update(togo,self.angle) if sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) < self.lengthToGoal/3: PWM1 = int(PWM1/-3) PWM2 = int(PWM2/-3) if PWM1 >= 0: self.motorLeft.wiringPiMotorForward(PWM1) else: self.motorLeft.wiringPiMotorBackward(abs(PWM1)) if PWM2 >= 0: self.motorRight.wiringPiMotorForward(PWM2) else: self.motorRight.wiringPiMotorBackward(abs(PWM2)) def parseQRCommand(self, decoded): self.goalLocation, self.goalTablet = parseQr(decoded) def setPower(self, value): if value < 30: value = 30 elif value > 50: value = 50 self.PWM.ChangeDutyCycle(value) def killPower(self): self.PWM.ChangeDutyCycle(0) def setHeight(self, targetHeight): if targetHeight < 0: return = targetHeight if targetHeight == 0: self.setHeightCorrection(False) elif targetHeight > 0: self.setHeightCorrection(True) #automatische hoogtecorrectie en autopilot def toggleHeightCorrection(self): self.setHeightCorrection(not self.heightCorrectionFlag) def setHeightCorrection(self, newHeightCorrection): self.heightCorrectionFlag = newHeightCorrection if not newHeightCorrection: self.motorUp.motorStop() def heightCorrection(self): while True: self.realHeight = self.sensor.getMeasurement() if(self.heightCorrectionFlag): pidValue = self.motorUp.motorForward() self.setPower(pidValue) time.sleep(0.2) def stopAllMotors(self): self.motorUp.motorStop() self.motorLeft.wiringPiMotorStop() self.motorRight.wiringPiMotorStop() def setPid(self, p, i, d): = PID(p, i, d)
def setPid(self, p, i, d): = PID(p, i, d)