def wavelet_ricker_series(): n_lines = 15 n_points = 100 max_offset = 800 hue = np.random.choice(['blue', 'purple', 'red']) luminosity = None rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() background_color = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = background_color[0] fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_lines, sharex=True, frameon=True) offset = 1 rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() value = 1.0 for ax in axes: for _ in range(5): x_offset = np.random.uniform(0, max_offset) a = np.random.uniform(1, 5) n_points /= 2. color_rgb = np.array( rand_color.generate(hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. color_rgb = color_rgb[0] color_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_rgb) color_hsv[2] *= 0.4 + 0.6 * x_offset / max_offset color_rgb = color.hsv2rgb(color_hsv) ax.axis('off') n_points = 500 sample_frac = 0.1 mode = np.random.uniform(0, n_points) x = np.random.triangular(0, mode, n_points, size=int(n_points * sample_frac)) x = [int(i) for i in x] y = signal.ricker(int(n_points), 25) y = y[x] ax.scatter(x_offset + np.array(x), 90 * y, color=color_rgb, s=10.0, alpha=0.99) # ax.set_aspect(2) offset += 3 # ax.set_xlim(0, 500) fig.set_figheight(5) # fig.set_figwidth(4)
def random_color(self): ''' Generates random colors for moving averages ''' random_color = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate() while random_color in self.colors_used: random_color = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate() self.colors_used.append(random_color) return random_color
def fun_squiggles(): n_lines = 5 hue = np.random.choice(['blue', 'purple', 'red', 'green']) luminosity = None fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, n_lines) rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() background_color = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = background_color[0] for axes_index in range(n_lines): axes[axes_index].axis('off') rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() color_rgb = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. color_rgb_background = color_rgb[0] color_rgb = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. color_rgb = color_rgb[0] color_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_rgb_background) color_hsv[2] *= 0.95 t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1500) w = chirp(t, f0=6, f1=1, t1=10, method='linear') axes[0].plot(t, w, color=color_rgb) axes[0].set_facecolor(color_rgb_background) top_freq = np.random.uniform(30, 80) widths = np.arange(1, top_freq) cwtmatr = signal.cwt(w, signal.ricker, widths) for item in cwtmatr: color_rgb = np.array( rand_color.generate(hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. axes[axes_index].plot(item, range(len(item)), color=color_rgb[0]) height = np.max(item) - np.min(item) x_min = np.random.uniform(np.min(item), np.max(item) * 0.8) if axes_index == 0: x_min = np.min(item) # + 0.1 * height if axes_index == n_lines - 1: x_max = np.max(item) # - 0.1 * height x_max = x_min + 0.25 * height axes[axes_index].set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
def get_colors(label_number=41, binary=True): import randomcolor rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = rand_color.generate(count=label_number) if binary: b_colors = {'true':'green','false':'r'} return colors, b_colors
def __init__(self, num_classes, bgr=False): # Generate color for each class rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = rand_color.generate(luminosity='bright', count=num_classes, format_='rgb') # Class map dictionary self.__class_map = {} class_id = 0 # RGB string to R, G, B values p = re.compile(r'rgb\((\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3}), (\d{1,3})\)') # Populate dictionary for color in colors: matches = p.findall(color) r, g, b = matches[0] if bgr: class_color = (int(b), int(g), int(r)) else: class_color = (int(r), int(g), int(b)) self.__class_map[class_id] = {} self.__class_map[class_id]['color'] = class_color class_id += 1
def def_structure(self, structure: str, parts: list): """Define parts in a structure and color the structure and parts. Assign parts to be members of a structure. Every structure is assigned a hue; the level 1 structure is assigned a color and all level 2 parts are assigned a color, all in the same hue for clarity. Should have # of structures <= 7 to avoid reusing hues. """ index = len( # Number of structures defined previously rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() hues = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'yellow', 'orange', 'pink'] if index >= len(hues): index %= len(hues) print("labels: WARNING: reusing hue '{:s}'".format(hues[index]))[structure] += parts self.levels[1][structure] = rand_color.generate(hue=hues[index], luminosity='bright')[0] for part, color in zip( parts, rand_color.generate(hue=hues[index], count=len(parts), luminosity='bright')): self.levels[2][part] = color
def plot(self, x_index, y_index): """ Generates 2D graph of distribution components of the of Gaussian Mixture model. Parameters ---------- x_index : int Index of sample point to represent the x-axis value. y_index : int Index of sample point to represent the y-axis value. """ rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = [colorConverter.to_rgb(rand_color.generate()[0]) for n in enumerate(range(0, self.gmm.n_components))] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = plt.subplot(111) X = self.observation_vectors labels = self.gmm.model.predict(self.observation_vectors) self.__make_ellipses(self.gmm.model, ax, colors) for n, color in enumerate(colors): data = X[np.where(labels == n)] plt.scatter(data[:, x_index], data[:, y_index], s=0.8, color=color) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(())
def plot(self, x_index, y_index, z_index): """ Generates 3D graph of the clusters of KMeans model Parameters ---------- x_index : int Index of sample point to represent the x-axis value. y_index : int Index of sample point to represent the y-axis value. z_index : int Index of sample point to represent the z-axis value. """ labels = self.kmm.model.labels_ centroids = self.kmm.model.cluster_centers_ rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = [colorConverter.to_rgb(rand_color.generate()[0]) for n in enumerate(range(0, self.kmm.n_clusters))] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.autoscale_view() X = self.observation_vectors for n, color in enumerate(colors): data = X[np.where(labels == n)] ax.scatter(data[:, x_index], data[:, y_index], data[:, z_index], color=color) ax.scatter(centroids[:, x_index], centroids[:, y_index], centroids[:, z_index], marker="x", s=150, linewidths=5, zorder=100) ax.autoscale(enable=False, axis='both')
def main(): if not os.path.exists(DATASET_FOLDER): print("Dataset not found") return imgpaths = [] classes = [] classes_set = [] with open(DATASET_FOLDER + VALIDATION_NAME, 'r') as csvfile: trainreader = csv.reader(csvfile) headers = next(trainreader, None) for row in trainreader: imgpaths.append(row[0]) classes.append(row[1]) if row[1] not in classes_set: classes_set.append(row[1]) if len(imgpaths) != len(classes): print("Wrong sizes between imgpaths and classes.") rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = rand_color.generate(luminosity='bright', count=len(classes_set)) colors_dict = {cl: color for (cl, color) in zip(classes_set, colors)} aspectratios = [] # (w/h, color) aspectratios.extend( Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_PROCESSOR)( delayed(aspectratio)(img_file, cl, colors_dict) for (img_file, cl) in zip(imgpaths, classes))) random.shuffle(aspectratios) drawaspectratios(aspectratios, colors_dict)
def random_colors(count): rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() random_colors = [ map(int, rgb_str[4:-1].replace(',', ' ').split()) for rgb_str in rand_color.generate(luminosity="bright", count=count, format_='rgb') ] return random_colors
def gif_flicker_custom(code, outputfile, field_width=30, space_width=15, height=50, wait=50): color_count = 4 data = swap_bytes(code) stream = [] for j in range(0, color_count): for i in range(color_count - 1, -1, -1): stream.append(str(i) + str(j) * 4) stream.append(str(color_count - 1) * 5) hex_count = math.floor(math.log(color_count**4, 16)) for i in range(0, len(data), hex_count): c = data[i:i + hex_count] v = int(c, 16) v = base_convert(v, color_count).zfill(4)[::-1] for i in range(color_count - 1, -1, -1): stream.append(str(i) + v) width = 5 * field_width + 6 * space_width images = [] rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = rand_color.generate(count=color_count, format_='rgb') #print(stream) for frame in stream: im ='RGB', (width, height), colors[0]) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) x = space_width for c in frame: draw.rectangle([(x, 0), (x + field_width, height)], fill=colors[int(c, color_count)], width=0) x += space_width + field_width im = im.convert('P', dither=None, palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=color_count) images.append(im) images[0].save(outputfile, save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=False, duration=wait, loop=0, disposal=2)
def paint_graph(self, location, graph, communities): sys.stdout.write('Drawing graph ... ') sys.stdout.flush() network = gt.Graph(graph, directed=False) folder = os.path.abspath(self._output_dir) r_cols = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate(count=len(communities) + 1) colors = [ list(int(r_col[1:][i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) for r_col in r_cols ] color = network.new_vertex_property('int') base_color = colors.pop() for v in network.vertices(): color[v] = (base_color[0] << 16) + ( base_color[1] << 8) + base_color[2] for community in communities: c = colors.pop() for v in community: color[v] = (c[0] << 16) + (c[1] << 8) + c[2] pos = gt.sfdp_layout(network) gt.graph_draw(network, pos=pos, vertex_fill_color=color, output=os.path.join( folder, str(len(communities)) + '_' + location + '_graph-communities.svg')) sys.stdout.write('Ok!\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def process(data, threshold, size): cord_lst, cord_id = extract_cords(data) clusters, n_clusters = dbscan(cord_lst, threshold, size) #colorset rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() color_lst = rand_color.generate(count=n_clusters) #generate geojson features = [] for i in range(len(clusters)): if clusters[i].size: cords = clusters[i].tolist() cords_set = set() for cord in cords: cords_set.add(tuple(cord)) if i != 0: top_keywords = process_text(list(cords_set), cord_id) summary = "Number of posts: " + str( len(cords)) + ", Top 10 Keywords:" for keyword, frequency in top_keywords: summary = summary + " " + keyword + "(" + str( frequency) + ")" cord_mp = MultiPoint(list(cords_set)) if i == 0: feature = Feature(geometry=cord_mp, properties={"color": "#826969"}) else: feature = Feature(geometry=cord_mp, properties={ "color": color_lst[i - 1], "summary": summary }) features.append(feature) feature_collection = FeatureCollection(features) return feature_collection
def __init__(self, base_stations, clients, xlim, map_limits, output_dpi=500, scatter_size=30, output_filename='output.png'): self.output_filename = output_filename self.base_stations = base_stations self.clients = clients self.xlim = xlim self.map_limits = map_limits self.output_dpi = output_dpi self.scatter_size = scatter_size self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(32, 24)) self.fig.canvas.set_window_title('Network Slicing Simulation') = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4, width_ratios=[3, 3, 3, 3]) rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = rand_color.generate(luminosity='bright', count=len(base_stations)) # colors = [np.random.randint(256*0.2, 256*0.7+1, size=(3,))/256 for __ in range(len(self.base_stations))] for c, bs in zip(colors, self.base_stations): bs.color = c
def _get_dynamic_augmentations(self, leave): augmentations = [] downscale = random.choice([True, False]) if self._scale: h, w, c = leave.shape scale_max = self._max_width/w - 1 scale_min = -(1 - self._min_width/w) if downscale: augmentations.append(albu.RandomScale(scale_limit=[scale_min, 0.0], p=1)) else: augmentations.append(albu.RandomScale(scale_limit=[0.0, scale_max], p=1)) else: augmentations.append(None) rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() color = rand_color.generate(hue="green", count=1) if self._dropout_aug: augmentations.append(self._get_dropout_aug(leave, color)) else: augmentations.append(None) blur_aug = self._blur_aug() if blur_aug: augmentations.append(blur_aug) else: if self._sharpen: augmentations.append(albu.IAASharpen(p=0.5)) else: augmentations.append(None) return augmentations
def visualize_layers(reachable_layers): layers = {} for (x, y, z), label in label_matrix.voxels.items(): pos = Vec3(x, y, z) if label == 0 or label not in reachable_layers: continue if label in layers: layers[label][pos] = True continue layers[label] = np.zeros(label_matrix.shape, dtype=bool) layers[label][pos] = True color_gen = randomcolor.RandomColor() colors = color_gen.generate(count=len(layers), format_='rgb') for i in range(len(colors)): values = map(lambda e: int(e), re.findall('\\d+', colors[i])) values = list(values) colors[i] = (values[0] / 255, values[1] / 255, values[2] / 255) meshes = [] i = 0 for label in layers: color = colors[i] meshes.append(Mesh.from_voxel_grid(layers[label], colors=color)) i += 1 show(meshes)
def setup(self): rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() self.shape('circle') self.shapesize(0.5, 0.5) self.color(rand_color.generate()) self.penup() self.goto(randint(-150, 150), randint(-150, 150))
def party_rgb(): color = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate(count=1, format_='rgb') rgb = [ int(value.strip()) for value in color[0][4:color[0].rfind(')')].split(',') ] return rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]
def paint_graph(path, graph, communities): if path: sys.stdout.write('Drawing graph ... ') sys.stdout.flush() network = gt.Graph(graph, directed=False) folder = os.path.abspath(path) # colors = random.sample(range(100,151), len(communities)) r_cols = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate(count=len(communities) + 1) colors = [ list(int(r_col[1:][i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) for r_col in r_cols ] # color = graph.new_vertex_property('vector<float>') color = network.new_vertex_property('int') base_color = colors.pop() for v in network.vertices(): color[v] = (base_color[0] << 16) + ( base_color[1] << 8) + base_color[2] for community in communities: c = colors.pop() for v in community: color[v] = (c[0] << 16) + (c[1] << 8) + c[2] pos = gt.sfdp_layout(network) gt.graph_draw(network, pos=pos, vertex_fill_color=color, output=os.path.join(folder, 'graph-communities.svg')) sys.stdout.write('Ok!\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def draw_best_objects(tracker, indices, energy=None, filename="", image_size=[], gen_title=False): n_objects = len(tracker.object_names) rc = randomcolor.RandomColor() colorset = rc.generate(luminosity='bright', count=n_objects, format_='rgb') color_list = [] for i in range(0, n_objects): color_array = np.fromstring(colorset[i][4:-1], sep=",", color_array = color_array * (1. / 255.) color_list.append(color_array) legend_list = [] for i in range(0, n_objects): legend_list.append((tracker.object_names[i], color_list[i])) box_list = [] for i in range(0, n_objects): box_coords = tracker.box_pairs[indices[i]][1][0:4] box_and_color = np.hstack((box_coords, color_list[i])) box_list.append(box_and_color) title = "" if gen_title: title = "Object Detections" if energy != None: title = "Object Detections (energy={0:.3f})".format(energy) draw_image_box(tracker.image_path, box_list, legend_list, title, filename, size=image_size)
def run_2(): fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=False, frameon=False) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_facecolor((0.07, 0.07, 0.05)) rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() c1 = np.random.uniform(-15, 15) c2 = np.random.uniform(-30, 30) f_y = lambda x_, c0: c2 * x_**2 + c1 * x_**1 + c0 * np.random.uniform( -1, 1) for index, total_points in enumerate([50, 80, 120]): main_rgb_color = np.array( rand_color.generate(hue="blue", count=1, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. main_rgb_color = main_rgb_color[0] for another_index in range(10): x = np.linspace(0, 2, total_points) y = another_index + 10 * f_y(x, np.random.uniform(-20, 20)) max = 50 err = np.random.uniform(5, max) * np.sin( x * np.random.uniform(5, max)) for _ in range(5): err += np.random.uniform(5, max) * np.sin( x * np.random.uniform(5, max)) max *= 0.9 max = np.max([max, 20]) if np.random.rand() < 0.05: y = y[::-1] tmp_hsv_color = color.rgb2hsv(main_rgb_color) tmp_hsv_color[2] *= np.random.uniform(0.6, 1.0) ecolor = color.hsv2rgb(tmp_hsv_color) if index == 0: elinewidth = 50 alpha = 0.005 else: elinewidth = np.random.uniform(2, 10) alpha = 1 - np.random.power(10) alpha = np.max([0.3, alpha]) ax.errorbar(x, y, err, linewidth=0, ecolor=ecolor, elinewidth=elinewidth, barsabove=True, errorevery=total_points // 40, snap=True, alpha=alpha)
def community_graph(links_df, original_df, g_export='graph.json'): """ Function to create json file based on communities generated by nx Args: links_df (pandas data frame): The data frame on which we will create the graph from original_df (pandas data frame): data frame of the nodes returns: A data frame that represents the nodes with a unique group_id and color """ print( "Creating a nodes data frame representing the nodes with a unique group ids and colors" ) # clean up column names accordingly links_df = links_df.rename(columns={ "target": "source", "neighbor": "target" }) # define graph """ change: source='target' and target='neighbor' """ g = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(links_df, source='source', target='target') # compute the best partition G = g # c = list(greedy_modularity_communities(G)) partition = community.best_partition(G) # merge the groupids onto the df partition_items = partition.items() df_with_groupids = pd.DataFrame(partition_items, columns=['Code', 'group_id']) # get edges only where source and target nodes belong to a valid community for now nodes_in_communities = df_with_groupids['Code'].unique() edges_for_community_nodes_df = links_df.loc[ links_df['source'].isin(nodes_in_communities) & links_df['target'].isin(nodes_in_communities)] # merge unique ids onto the original dataframe df_merged = pd.merge(original_df, df_with_groupids, how='left', on=['Code']) # add a unique color - NaN's will have same color unique_community_ids = df_merged['group_id'].unique() color_dict = [] for groupid in unique_community_ids: # generate a random color color = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate()[0] color_dict.append({'group_id': groupid, 'color_code': color}) # create a dataframe from the color and unique id color_df = pd.DataFrame(color_dict) # # merge that dataframe with the original df_merged_with_color = pd.merge(df_merged, color_df, how='left', on=['group_id']) return df_merged_with_color
def make_block(self): rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() block = Turtle("square") block.color(rand_color.generate()) block.shapesize(1, 1) block.penup() return block
def run_2(save_fig=False): n_lines = 3 n_points = 800 x_min = -20 x_max = 20 hue = np.random.choice(['blue', 'purple', 'red']) luminosity = None rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() background_color = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = background_color[0] fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_lines, sharex=True, frameon=True) offset = 1 rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() value = 1.0 for ax in axes: n_points /= 2. color_rgb = np.array( rand_color.generate( hue=hue, luminosity=luminosity, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. color_rgb = color_rgb[0] color_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_rgb) color_hsv[2] *= value value *= 0.9 color_rgb = color.hsv2rgb(color_hsv) ax.axis('off') # x = offset * np.random.uniform(-2, 2, int(n_points)) # x = np.random.normal(0, offset * 2, int(n_points)) mode = np.random.uniform(x_min, x_max) x = np.random.triangular(x_min, mode, x_max, size=int(n_points)) y = 1 * np.sinc(x**2) ax.scatter(x, y / offset, color=color_rgb, s=1.5) ax.set_aspect(15) offset += 3 ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) fig.set_figheight(5) fig.set_figwidth(8) if save_fig: plt.savefig('dotted_lines')
def run_1(): fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=False, frameon=False) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_facecolor((0.37, 0.37, 0.35)) rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() for index, total_points in enumerate([50, 80, 120]): main_rgb_color = np.array( rand_color.generate(hue="blue", count=1, format_='Array_rgb')) / 256. main_rgb_color = main_rgb_color[0] x = np.linspace(0, 3, total_points) for _ in range(500): if index == 0: y = np.random.uniform(-30, 30) * x**2 + np.random.uniform( -15, 15) * x**1 + np.random.uniform(-1, 1) else: y = np.random.uniform(-25, 20) * x**2 + np.random.uniform( -10, 10) * x**1 + np.random.uniform(-10, 10) max = 20 err = np.random.uniform(5, max) * np.sin( x * np.random.uniform(5, max)) for _ in range(5): err += np.random.uniform(5, max) * np.sin( x * np.random.uniform(5, max)) max *= 0.4 max = np.max([max, 20]) if np.random.rand() < 0.5: y = y[::-1] tmp_hsv_color = color.rgb2hsv(main_rgb_color) tmp_hsv_color[2] *= np.random.uniform(0.4, 0.7) ecolor = color.hsv2rgb(tmp_hsv_color) if index == 0: elinewidth = 100 alpha = 0.05 else: elinewidth = np.random.uniform(50, 100) alpha = 1 - np.random.power(1) ax.errorbar(x, y, err, linewidth=0, ecolor=ecolor, elinewidth=elinewidth, barsabove=True, errorevery=total_points // 40, snap=True, alpha=alpha)
def giveusernewcode(family): rc = randomcolor.RandomColor() rando = rc.generate(hue=family) actualhexcode = rando[0] notborked = actualhexcode.strip("#") url = urlbase + "/givecode?hex=" + notborked + "&fam=" + family result = requests.get(url) print(result.text + " written") return actualhexcode
def category_badge(category): if category not in CATEGORY_NAMES: return {} return { 'category': category, 'name': CATEGORY_NAMES[category], 'color': randomcolor.RandomColor(category).generate(luminosity='dark')[0], }
def test_seed(self): if self.py_version == 3: expected_color = ['#e094be'] else: expected_color = ['#c0caf7'] color = self.rand_color.generate() self.assertEqual(color, expected_color) self.assertEqual(color, randomcolor.RandomColor(42).generate())
def setup(self): rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() self.color(rand_color.generate()) self.penup() self.hideturtle() self.goto(0, 300) self.write(f"Level - {self.level}", align="center", font=("Comic Sans", 20, "bold"))
def random_col(): rand_color = randomcolor.RandomColor() main_color = rand_color.generate() if main_color in color_list: rand_color() else: color_list.append(main_color[0]) return True