print 'Try to guess the word I m thinking of.'
print 'If the word you guess comes after my word'
print 'in the dictionary, I will say: too far'
print 'If the word you guess comes before my word,'
print 'I will say: go farther.'

import randomword
while guess != theanswer and (count<41):
    guess=raw_input('Enter your guess: ')
    if guess < theanswer:
        print 'go further'
    if guess > theanswer:
        print 'too far'
if guess == theanswer:
    print 'Good job you found it, and you did so in',count, 'guesses'
if count == 21:
    print 'You had your 20 guesses, you lost'

#A guessing game

import randomword

print "Try to guess the word I'm thinking of."
print "If the word you guess comes after my word"
print "in the dictionary, I will say 'too far'."
print "If the word you guess comes before my word,"
print "I will say, 'go farther'."
count = 1
guess = raw_input("Enter your guess:\n")
    if guess < secret_word:
        print 'go farther'
    elif guess > secret_word:
        print 'too far'
    guess = raw_input("Enter your guess:\n")
    count += 1
    if count > 40:

if count<=40:
    print 'You got it! It took you ',count,' guesses.'
    print 'This is getting ridiculous.  The secret word is ',secret_word