def drawplot(graphdata, scenario, datadir, graph, writeoutput): dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(datadir) dirparts[dirparts.index("weightdata")] = "graphs" savedir = dirparts[0] for pathpart in dirparts[1:]: savedir = os.path.join(savedir, pathpart) config_setup.ensure_existence(os.path.join(savedir)) getattr(figtypes, graphdata.plot_type)(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir) return None
def drawplot(graphdata, scenario, datadir, graph, writeoutput): dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(datadir) dirparts[dirparts.index('weightdata')] = 'graphs' savedir = dirparts[0] for pathpart in dirparts[1:]: savedir = os.path.join(savedir, pathpart) config_setup.ensure_existence(os.path.join(savedir)) getattr(figtypes, graphdata.plot_type)(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir) return None
def fig_maxval_variables(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Generates a figure that shows dependence of method values on different variables in a scenario. Draws one line for each scenario. """ # Get values for x-axis graphdata.get_xvalues(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) # Get back from savedir to trends source # This is up to the embed type level trendsdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "trends") # Extract current method and sigstatus from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(trendsdir) # The method is three folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # The sigstatus is two folders up from the embed level sigstatus = dirparts[-2] plt.figure(1, (12, 6)) for count, scenario in enumerate(graphdata.scenario): sourcefile = filename_template.format(, scenario, graphdata.method[0], graphdata.sigstatus, graphdata.boxindex, graphdata.sourcevar, ) if delays: valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) max_values = [ max(valuematrix[:, index + 1]) for index in range(valuematrix.shape[1] - 1) ] else: valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) max_values = valuematrix[1:] plt.plot( graphdata.xvals, max_values, "--", marker="o", markersize=4, label=graphdata.linelabels[count], ) if drawfit: graphdata.fitlinelabels(graphname) fit_params = np.polyfit(np.log(graphdata.xvals), np.log(max_values), 1) fit_y = [(i * fit_params[0] + fit_params[1]) for i in np.log(graphdata.xvals)] fitted_vals = [np.exp(val) for val in fit_y] plt.loglog(graphdata.xvals, fitted_vals, "--", label=graphdata.fitlinelabels[count]) plt.ylabel(yaxislabel[graphdata.method[0]], fontsize=14) plt.xlabel(r"Time constant ($\tau$)", fontsize=14) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: plt.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.savefig(graph_filename_template.format(graphname)) plt.close() return None
def fig_values_vs_boxes(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Plots measure values for different boxes and multiple variable pairs. Makes use of the trend data generated by trendextraction from arrays. """ graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) # Get back from savedir to trends source # This is up to the embed type level trendsdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "trends") # Extract current method and sigstatus from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(trendsdir) # The method is three folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # The sigstatus is two folders up from the embed level sigstatus = dirparts[-2] # Select typenames based on method and sigstatus if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = [ "weight_absolute_trend", "signtested_weight_directional_trend" ] delay_typenames = ["delay_absolute_trend", "delay_directional_trend"] if sigstatus == "sigtested": typenames.append("sigweight_absolute_trend") typenames.append("signtested_sigweight_directional_trend") else: typenames = ["weight_trend"] delay_typenames = ["delay_trend"] if sigstatus == "sigtested": typenames.append("sigweight_trend") # Y axis label lookup dictionary yaxislabel_lookup = { "weight_absolute_trend": "absolute", "signtested_weight_directional_trend": "directional", "delay_absolute_trend": "absolute", "delay_directional_trend": "directional", "sigweight_absolute_trend": "absolute", "signtested_sigweight_directional_trend": "directional", } for typename in typenames: for sourcevar in graphdata.sourcevars: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 15: yaxislabelstring = yaxislabel_lookup[typename] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Box", fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join(trendsdir, sourcevar, "{}.csv".format(typename)) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) for destvar in graphdata.destvars: destvarindex = graphdata.destvars.index(destvar) ax.plot( np.arange(len(valuematrix[:, 0])), valuematrix[:, destvarindex], marker="o", markersize=4, label=destvar, ) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, typename, sourcevar))) plt.close() for delay_typename in delay_typenames: for sourcevar in graphdata.sourcevars: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Box", fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join(trendsdir, sourcevar, "{}.csv".format(delay_typename)) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) for destvar in graphdata.destvars: destvarindex = graphdata.destvars.index(destvar) ax.plot( np.arange(len(valuematrix[:, 0])), valuematrix[:, destvarindex], marker="o", markersize=4, label=destvar, ) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, delay_typename, sourcevar))) plt.close() return None
def fig_diffscen_vs_delay(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Plot one variable from different scenarios. Assumes only a single index in varindexes. """ plt.close("all") graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_boxindexes(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) graphdata.get_sigthresholdplotting(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) # Get x-axis values # graphdata.get_xvalues(graphname) # Get back from savedir to weightdata source # This is up to the embed type level weightdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "weightdata") # Extract current method from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(weightdir) # The method is two folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # Select typenames based on method if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = [] thresh_typenames = [] graphdata.get_typenames(graph) if "simple" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_absolute") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_absolute") if "directional" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_directional") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_directional") # typenames = [ # 'weights_absolute', # 'weights_directional'] # thresh_typenames = [ # 'sigthresh_absolute', # 'sigthresh_directional'] else: typenames = ["weights"] thresh_typenames = ["sigthresh"] # Get labels if graphdata.linelabels: graphdata.get_labelformat(graph) labels = [ graphdata.labelformat.format(linelabel) for linelabel in graphdata.linelabels ] else: labels = [destvar for destvar in graphdata.destvars] for typeindex, typename in enumerate(typenames): for boxindex, sourcevar in itertools.product(graphdata.boxindexes, graphdata.sourcevars): fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, typename, "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) _, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) # Get valuematrices valuematrices = plotter.get_scenario_data_vectors( graphdata, sourcefile, scenario) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.8) xaxis_intervals = [] relevant_values = [] for scenarioindex, valuematrix in enumerate(valuematrices): # # Get the maximum from each valuematrix in the entry # # which corresponds to the common element of interest. # # # TODO: Fix this old hardcoded remnant # # 3 referred to the index of tau=1 for many cases involved # # values = valuematrix[:, 3] # values = valuematrix[:, graphdata.varindexes] # xaxis_intervals.append(valuematrix[:, 0]) # relevant_values.append(values) for destvarindex, destvar in enumerate(graphdata.destvars): destvarvalueindex = headers.index(destvar) ax.plot( valuematrix[:, 0], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker=markers[scenarioindex], markersize=8, label=labels[scenarioindex], ) label_index = list( valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]).index( max(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex])) ax.text( valuematrix[:, 0][label_index], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex][label_index], labels[scenarioindex], ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props, ) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) else: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, ) plt.close("all") # Also save as SVG to allow manual editing # plt.savefig( # os.path.join(savedir, '{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.svg'.format( # scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar)), # bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, format='svg') # plt.close() return None
def fig_values_vs_delays(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Generates a figure that shows dependence of method values on delays. Constrained to a single scenario, box and source variable. Automatically iterates through absolute and directional weights. Able to iterate through multiple box indexes and source variables. Provides the option to plot weight significance threshold values. """ plt.close("all") graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_boxindexes(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) graphdata.get_sigthresholdplotting(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) # Get back from savedir to weightdata source # This is up to the embed type level weightdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "weightdata") # Extract current method from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(weightdir) # The method is two folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # Select typenames based on method if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = [] thresh_typenames = [] graphdata.get_typenames(graph) if "simple" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_absolute") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_absolute") if "directional" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_directional") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_directional") # typenames = [ # 'weights_absolute', # 'weights_directional'] # thresh_typenames = [ # 'sigthresh_absolute', # 'sigthresh_directional'] else: typenames = ["weights"] thresh_typenames = ["sigthresh"] # Get labels if graphdata.linelabels: graphdata.get_labelformat(graph) labels = [ str(graphdata.labelformat).format(linelabel) for linelabel in graphdata.linelabels ] else: labels = [destvar for destvar in graphdata.destvars] for typeindex, typename in enumerate(typenames): for boxindex, sourcevar in itertools.product(graphdata.boxindexes, graphdata.sourcevars): fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, typename, "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: threshold_sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, thresh_typenames[typeindex], "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) threshmatrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( threshold_sourcefile) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.8) for destvarindex, destvar in enumerate(graphdata.destvars): destvarvalueindex = headers.index(destvar) ax.plot( valuematrix[:, 0], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker=markers[destvarindex], markersize=8, label=labels[destvarindex], ) label_index = list(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]).index( max(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex])) ax.text( valuematrix[:, 0][label_index], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex][label_index], labels[destvarindex], ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props, ) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: ax.plot( threshmatrix[:, 0], threshmatrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker="x", markersize=4, linestyle=":", label=destvar + " threshold", ) # Shrink current axis by 20% # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # ax.legend(loc='center left', # bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) else: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, ) # Also save as SVG to allow manual editing plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.svg".format(scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, format="svg", ) plt.close() return None
def fig_values_vs_delays(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Generates a figure that shows dependence of method values on delays. Constrained to a single scenario, box and source variable. Automatically iterates through absolute and directional weights. Able to iterate through multiple box indexes and source variables. Provides the option to plot weight significance threshold values. """ graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_boxindexes(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) graphdata.get_sigthresholdplotting(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) # Get back from savedir to weightdata source # This is up to the embed type level weightdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, 'graphs', 'weightdata') # Extract current method from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(weightdir) # The method is two folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # Select typenames based on method if method[:16] == 'transfer_entropy': typenames = ['weights_absolute', 'weights_directional'] thresh_typenames = ['sigthresh_absolute', 'sigthresh_directional'] else: typenames = ['weights'] thresh_typenames = ['sigthresh'] # Get labels if graphdata.linelabels: graphdata.get_labelformat(graph) labels = [ graphdata.labelformat.format(linelabel) for linelabel in graphdata.linelabels ] else: labels = [destvar for destvar in graphdata.destvars] for typeindex, typename in enumerate(typenames): for boxindex in graphdata.boxindexes: for sourcevar in graphdata.sourcevars: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + '_' + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r'Delay ({})'.format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join(weightdir, typename, 'box{:03d}'.format(boxindex), '{}.csv'.format(sourcevar)) valuematrix, headers = \ data_processing.read_header_values_datafile(sourcefile) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: threshold_sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, thresh_typenames[typeindex], 'box{:03d}'.format(boxindex), '{}.csv'.format(sourcevar)) threshmatrix, headers = \ data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( threshold_sourcefile) for destvarindex, destvar in enumerate(graphdata.destvars): destvarvalueindex = headers.index(destvar) ax.plot(valuematrix[:, 0], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker="o", markersize=4, label=labels[destvarindex]) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: ax.plot(threshmatrix[:, 0], threshmatrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker="x", markersize=4, linestyle=':', label=destvar + ' threshold') # Shrink current axis by 20% # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) else: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, '{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.pdf'.format( scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar))) plt.close() return None
def fig_maxval_variables(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Generates a figure that shows dependence of method values on different variables in a scenario. Draws one line for each scenario. """ # Get values for x-axis graphdata.get_xvalues(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) # Get back from savedir to trends source # This is up to the embed type level trendsdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "trends") # Extract current method and sigstatus from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(trendsdir) # The method is three folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # The sigstatus is two folders up from the embed level sigstatus = dirparts[-2] plt.figure(1, (12, 6)) for count, scenario in enumerate(graphdata.scenario): sourcefile = filename_template.format(, scenario, graphdata.method[0], graphdata.sigstatus, graphdata.boxindex, graphdata.sourcevar, ) if delays: valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile ) max_values = [ max(valuematrix[:, index + 1]) for index in range(valuematrix.shape[1] - 1) ] else: valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile ) max_values = valuematrix[1:] plt.plot( graphdata.xvals, max_values, "--", marker="o", markersize=4, label=graphdata.linelabels[count], ) if drawfit: graphdata.fitlinelabels(graphname) fit_params = np.polyfit(np.log(graphdata.xvals), np.log(max_values), 1) fit_y = [ (i * fit_params[0] + fit_params[1]) for i in np.log(graphdata.xvals) ] fitted_vals = [np.exp(val) for val in fit_y] plt.loglog( graphdata.xvals, fitted_vals, "--", label=graphdata.fitlinelabels[count] ) plt.ylabel(yaxislabel[graphdata.method[0]], fontsize=14) plt.xlabel(r"Time constant ($\tau$)", fontsize=14) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: plt.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.savefig(graph_filename_template.format(graphname)) plt.close() return None
def fig_values_vs_boxes(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Plots measure values for different boxes and multiple variable pairs. Makes use of the trend data generated by trendextraction from arrays. """ graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) # Get back from savedir to trends source # This is up to the embed type level trendsdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "trends") # Extract current method and sigstatus from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(trendsdir) # The method is three folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # The sigstatus is two folders up from the embed level sigstatus = dirparts[-2] # Select typenames based on method and sigstatus if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = ["weight_absolute_trend", "signtested_weight_directional_trend"] delay_typenames = ["delay_absolute_trend", "delay_directional_trend"] if sigstatus == "sigtested": typenames.append("sigweight_absolute_trend") typenames.append("signtested_sigweight_directional_trend") else: typenames = ["weight_trend"] delay_typenames = ["delay_trend"] if sigstatus == "sigtested": typenames.append("sigweight_trend") # Y axis label lookup dictionary yaxislabel_lookup = { "weight_absolute_trend": "absolute", "signtested_weight_directional_trend": "directional", "delay_absolute_trend": "absolute", "delay_directional_trend": "directional", "sigweight_absolute_trend": "absolute", "signtested_sigweight_directional_trend": "directional", } for typename in typenames: for sourcevar in graphdata.sourcevars: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 15: yaxislabelstring = yaxislabel_lookup[typename] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Box", fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join(trendsdir, sourcevar, "{}.csv".format(typename)) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile ) for destvar in graphdata.destvars: destvarindex = graphdata.destvars.index(destvar) ax.plot( np.arange(len(valuematrix[:, 0])), valuematrix[:, destvarindex], marker="o", markersize=4, label=destvar, ) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, typename, sourcevar) ) ) plt.close() for delay_typename in delay_typenames: for sourcevar in graphdata.sourcevars: fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Box", fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join( trendsdir, sourcevar, "{}.csv".format(delay_typename) ) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile ) for destvar in graphdata.destvars: destvarindex = graphdata.destvars.index(destvar) ax.plot( np.arange(len(valuematrix[:, 0])), valuematrix[:, destvarindex], marker="o", markersize=4, label=destvar, ) # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_{}.pdf".format(scenario, delay_typename, sourcevar) ) ) plt.close() return None
def fig_diffscen_vs_delay(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Plot one variable from different scenarios. Assumes only a single index in varindexes. """ plt.close("all") graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_boxindexes(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) graphdata.get_sigthresholdplotting(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) # Get x-axis values # graphdata.get_xvalues(graphname) # Get back from savedir to weightdata source # This is up to the embed type level weightdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "weightdata") # Extract current method from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(weightdir) # The method is two folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # Select typenames based on method if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = [] thresh_typenames = [] graphdata.get_typenames(graph) if "simple" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_absolute") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_absolute") if "directional" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_directional") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_directional") # typenames = [ # 'weights_absolute', # 'weights_directional'] # thresh_typenames = [ # 'sigthresh_absolute', # 'sigthresh_directional'] else: typenames = ["weights"] thresh_typenames = ["sigthresh"] # Get labels if graphdata.linelabels: graphdata.get_labelformat(graph) labels = [ graphdata.labelformat.format(linelabel) for linelabel in graphdata.linelabels ] else: labels = [destvar for destvar in graphdata.destvars] for typeindex, typename in enumerate(typenames): for boxindex, sourcevar in itertools.product( graphdata.boxindexes, graphdata.sourcevars ): fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, typename, "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) _, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile(sourcefile) # Get valuematrices valuematrices = plotter.get_scenario_data_vectors( graphdata, sourcefile, scenario ) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.8) xaxis_intervals = [] relevant_values = [] for scenarioindex, valuematrix in enumerate(valuematrices): # # Get the maximum from each valuematrix in the entry # # which corresponds to the common element of interest. # # # TODO: Fix this old hardcoded remnant # # 3 referred to the index of tau=1 for many cases involved # # values = valuematrix[:, 3] # values = valuematrix[:, graphdata.varindexes] # xaxis_intervals.append(valuematrix[:, 0]) # relevant_values.append(values) for destvarindex, destvar in enumerate(graphdata.destvars): destvarvalueindex = headers.index(destvar) ax.plot( valuematrix[:, 0], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker=markers[scenarioindex], markersize=8, label=labels[scenarioindex], ) label_index = list(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]).index( max(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]) ) ax.text( valuematrix[:, 0][label_index], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex][label_index], labels[scenarioindex], ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props, ) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) else: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.pdf".format( scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar ), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, ) plt.close("all") # Also save as SVG to allow manual editing # plt.savefig( # os.path.join(savedir, '{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.svg'.format( # scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar)), # bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, format='svg') # plt.close() return None
def fig_values_vs_delays(graphdata, graph, scenario, savedir): """Generates a figure that shows dependence of method values on delays. Constrained to a single scenario, box and source variable. Automatically iterates through absolute and directional weights. Able to iterate through multiple box indexes and source variables. Provides the option to plot weight significance threshold values. """ plt.close("all") graphdata.get_legendbbox(graph) graphdata.get_timeunit(graph) graphdata.get_boxindexes(graph) graphdata.get_sourcevars(graph) graphdata.get_destvars(graph) graphdata.get_sigthresholdplotting(graph) graphdata.get_linelabels(graph) # Get back from savedir to weightdata source # This is up to the embed type level weightdir = data_processing.change_dirtype(savedir, "graphs", "weightdata") # Extract current method from weightdir dirparts = data_processing.getfolders(weightdir) # The method is two folders up from the embed level method = dirparts[-3] # Select typenames based on method if method[:16] == "transfer_entropy": typenames = [] thresh_typenames = [] graphdata.get_typenames(graph) if "simple" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_absolute") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_absolute") if "directional" in graphdata.typenames: typenames.append("weights_directional") thresh_typenames.append("sigthresh_directional") # typenames = [ # 'weights_absolute', # 'weights_directional'] # thresh_typenames = [ # 'sigthresh_absolute', # 'sigthresh_directional'] else: typenames = ["weights"] thresh_typenames = ["sigthresh"] # Get labels if graphdata.linelabels: graphdata.get_labelformat(graph) labels = [ str(graphdata.labelformat).format(linelabel) for linelabel in graphdata.linelabels ] else: labels = [destvar for destvar in graphdata.destvars] for typeindex, typename in enumerate(typenames): for boxindex, sourcevar in itertools.product( graphdata.boxindexes, graphdata.sourcevars ): fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if len(typename) > 8: yaxislabelstring = typename[8:] + "_" + method else: yaxislabelstring = method ax.set_ylabel(yaxislabel[yaxislabelstring], fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel(r"Delay ({})".format(graphdata.timeunit), fontsize=14) # Open data file and plot graph sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, typename, "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) valuematrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( sourcefile ) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: threshold_sourcefile = os.path.join( weightdir, thresh_typenames[typeindex], "box{:03d}".format(boxindex), "{}.csv".format(sourcevar), ) threshmatrix, headers = data_processing.read_header_values_datafile( threshold_sourcefile ) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.8) for destvarindex, destvar in enumerate(graphdata.destvars): destvarvalueindex = headers.index(destvar) ax.plot( valuematrix[:, 0], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker=markers[destvarindex], markersize=8, label=labels[destvarindex], ) label_index = list(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]).index( max(valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex]) ) ax.text( valuematrix[:, 0][label_index], valuematrix[:, destvarvalueindex][label_index], labels[destvarindex], ha="center", va="center", size=10, bbox=bbox_props, ) if graphdata.thresholdplotting: ax.plot( threshmatrix[:, 0], threshmatrix[:, destvarvalueindex], marker="x", markersize=4, linestyle=":", label=destvar + " threshold", ) # Shrink current axis by 20% # box = ax.get_position() # ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # ax.legend(loc='center left', # bbox_to_anchor=graphdata.legendbbox) if graphdata.axis_limits is not False: ax.axis(graphdata.axis_limits) else: plt.gca().set_ylim(bottom=-0.05) plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.pdf".format( scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar ), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, ) # Also save as SVG to allow manual editing plt.savefig( os.path.join( savedir, "{}_{}_box{:03d}_{}.svg".format( scenario, typename, boxindex, sourcevar ), ), bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, format="svg", ) plt.close() return None