import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from pathlib import Path

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

from match import MatchDetails
from paths import LeagueDir
from ranking_system import RankingSystem
from settings import PersistentSettings

settings = PersistentSettings.load()
ld = LeagueDir(Path(settings.league_dir_raw))

ranks = RankingSystem.latest(ld, 1)[0]
bots = sorted(ranks.ratings.keys(), key=lambda bot: -ranks.get_mmr(bot))
N = len(bots)
matches = MatchDetails.all(ld)

win_rate = np.full((N, N), -0.01)
for i in range(N):
    for j in range(N):
        if i < j:
            wins_i = 0
            wins_j = 0
            for match in matches:
                if bots[i] in and bots[j] in
                    if match.result.blue_goals > match.result.orange_goals:
                        wins_i += 1
                        wins_j += 1
Exemple #2
def make_summary(ld: LeagueDir, count: int):
    Make a summary of the N latest matches and the resulting ranks and tickets.
    If N is 0 the summary will just contain the current ratings.
    summary = {}

    tickets = TicketSystem.load(ld)

    # ========== Matches ==========

    matches = []
    bot_wins = defaultdict(list)  # Maps bots to list of booleans, where true=win and false=loss

    if count > 0:
        latest_matches = MatchDetails.latest(ld, count)
        for i, match in enumerate(latest_matches):
                "index": i,
                "blue_names": [defmt_bot_name(bot_id) for bot_id in],
                "orange_names": [defmt_bot_name(bot_id) for bot_id in],
                "blue_goals": match.result.blue_goals,
                "orange_goals": match.result.orange_goals,
            for bot in
                bot_wins[bot].append(match.result.blue_goals > match.result.orange_goals)
            for bot in
                bot_wins[bot].append(match.result.blue_goals < match.result.orange_goals)

    summary["matches"] = matches

    # ========= Ranks/Ratings =========

    bots = load_all_unretired_bots(ld)
    retired = load_retired_bots(ld)
    bots_by_rank = []

    if count <= 0:
        # Old rankings and current rankings is the same, but make sure all bots have a rank currently
        old_rankings = RankingSystem.load(ld).as_sorted_list(exclude=retired)
        cur_rankings = RankingSystem.load(ld).ensure_all(list(bots.keys())).as_sorted_list(exclude=retired)
        # Determine current rank and their to N matches ago
        n_rankings = RankingSystem.latest(ld, count + 1)
        old_rankings = n_rankings[0].as_sorted_list(exclude=retired)
        cur_rankings = n_rankings[-1].ensure_all(list(bots.keys())).as_sorted_list(exclude=retired)

    for i, (bot, mrr, sigma) in enumerate(cur_rankings):
        cur_rank = i + 1
        old_rank = None
        old_mmr = None
        for j, (other_bot, other_mrr, _) in enumerate(old_rankings):
            if bot == other_bot:
                old_rank = j + 1
                old_mmr = other_mrr
            "bot_id": defmt_bot_name(bot),
            "mmr": mrr,
            "old_mmr": old_mmr,
            "sigma": sigma,
            "cur_rank": cur_rank,
            "old_rank": old_rank,
            "tickets": tickets.get(bot) or tickets.new_bot_ticket_count,
            "wins": bot_wins[bot],

    summary["bots_by_rank"] = bots_by_rank

    # =========== Write =============

    with open(PackageFiles.overlay_summary, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(summary, f, indent=4)

    league_settings = LeagueSettings.load(ld)
    league_settings.last_summary = count