def test_stcorrelate(debug=False): tr = 0.72 testlen = 800 shiftdist = 5 windowtime = 30.0 stepsize = 5.0 corrweighting = "None" outfilename = op.join(get_test_temp_path(), "stcorrtest") # create outputdir if it doesn't exist create_dir(get_test_temp_path()) dodetrend = True timeaxis = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 * testlen) * tr testfilter = NoncausalFilter(filtertype="lfo") sig1 = testfilter.apply(1.0 / tr, np.random.random(testlen)) sig2 = np.float64(np.roll(sig1, int(shiftdist))) if debug: plt.figure() plt.plot(sig1) plt.plot(sig2) legend = ["Original", "Shifted"] times, corrpertime, ppertime = shorttermcorr_1D(sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), detrendorder=0) plength = len(times) times, xcorrpertime, Rvals, delayvals, valid = shorttermcorr_2D( sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), weighting=corrweighting, detrendorder=0, display=False, ) xlength = len(times) writenpvecs(corrpertime, outfilename + "_pearson.txt") writenpvecs(ppertime, outfilename + "_pvalue.txt") writenpvecs(Rvals, outfilename + "_Rvalue.txt") writenpvecs(delayvals, outfilename + "_delay.txt") writenpvecs(valid, outfilename + "_mask.txt")
def test_stcorrelate(debug=False): tr = 0.72 testlen = 800 shiftdist = 5 windowtime = 30.0 stepsize = 5.0 corrweighting = 'none' outfilename = op.join(get_test_data_path(), 'stcorrtest') prewindow = True dodetrend = True timeaxis = np.arange(0.0, 1.0 * testlen) * tr testfilter = noncausalfilter(filtertype='lfo') sig1 = testfilter.apply(1.0/tr, np.random.random(testlen)) sig2 = np.float64(np.roll(sig1, int(shiftdist))) if debug: plt.figure() plt.plot(sig1) plt.plot(sig2) legend = ['Original', 'Shifted'] times, corrpertime, ppertime = shorttermcorr_1D(sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, \ samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=0) plength = len(times) times, xcorrpertime, Rvals, delayvals, valid = shorttermcorr_2D(sig1, sig2, tr, windowtime, \ samplestep=int(stepsize // tr), weighting=corrweighting, \ prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=0, display=False) xlength = len(times) writenpvecs(corrpertime, outfilename + "_pearson.txt") writenpvecs(ppertime, outfilename + "_pvalue.txt") writenpvecs(Rvals, outfilename + "_Rvalue.txt") writenpvecs(delayvals, outfilename + "_delay.txt") writenpvecs(valid, outfilename + "_mask.txt")
def makeandsavehistogram(indata, histlen, endtrim, outname, binsize=None, displaytitle='histogram', displayplots=False, refine=False, therange=None): """ Parameters ---------- indata histlen endtrim outname displaytitle displayplots refine therange Returns ------- """ thehist = makehistogram(indata, histlen, binsize=binsize, therange=therange) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype='float64') thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] # get starting values for the peak, ignoring first and last point of histogram peakindex = np.argmax(thestore[1, 1:-2]) peaklag = thestore[0, peakindex + 1] peakheight = thestore[1, peakindex + 1] numbins = 1 while (peakindex + numbins < histlen - 1) and (thestore[1, peakindex + numbins] > peakheight / 2.0): numbins += 1 peakwidth = (thestore[0, peakindex + numbins] - thestore[0, peakindex]) * 2.0 if refine: peakheight, peaklag, peakwidth = tide_fit.gaussfit(peakheight, peaklag, peakwidth, thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :]) centerofmass = np.sum(thestore[0, :] * thestore[1, :]) / np.sum(thestore[1, :]) tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([centerofmass]), outname + '_centerofmass.txt') tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([peaklag]), outname + '_peak.txt') tide_io.writenpvecs(thestore, outname + '.txt') if displayplots: fig = pl.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(displaytitle) pl.plot(thestore[0, :(-1 - endtrim)], thestore[1, :(-1 - endtrim)])
def niftidecomp_workflow( decompaxis, datafile, outputroot, datamaskname=None, decomptype="pca", pcacomponents=0.5, icacomponents=None, varnorm=True, demean=True, sigma=0.0, ): print(f"Will perform {decomptype} analysis along the {decompaxis} axis") if decompaxis == "temporal": decompaxisnum = 1 transposeifspatial = lambda *a, **k: None else: decompaxisnum = 0 transposeifspatial = np.transpose # save the command line tide_io.writevec([" ".join(sys.argv)], outputroot + "_commandline.txt") # read in data print("reading in data arrays") ( datafile_img, datafile_data, datafile_hdr, datafiledims, datafilesizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(datafile) if datamaskname is not None: ( datamask_img, datamask_data, datamask_hdr, datamaskdims, datamasksizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(datamaskname) xsize, ysize, numslices, timepoints = tide_io.parseniftidims(datafiledims) xdim, ydim, slicethickness, tr = tide_io.parseniftisizes(datafilesizes) # check dimensions if datamaskname is not None: print("checking mask dimensions") if not tide_io.checkspacedimmatch(datafiledims, datamaskdims): print("input mask spatial dimensions do not match image") exit() if not (tide_io.checktimematch(datafiledims, datamaskdims) or datamaskdims[4] == 1): print("input mask time dimension does not match image") exit() # save the command line tide_io.writevec([" ".join(sys.argv)], outputroot + "_commandline.txt") # smooth the data if sigma > 0.0: print("smoothing data") for i in range(timepoints): datafile_data[:, :, :, i] = tide_filt.ssmooth(xdim, ydim, slicethickness, sigma, datafile_data[:, :, :, i]) # allocating arrays print("reshaping arrays") numspatiallocs = int(xsize) * int(ysize) * int(numslices) rs_datafile = datafile_data.reshape((numspatiallocs, timepoints)) print("masking arrays") if datamaskname is not None: if datamaskdims[4] == 1: proclocs = np.where(datamask_data.reshape(numspatiallocs) > 0.5) else: proclocs = np.where( np.mean(datamask_data.reshape((numspatiallocs, timepoints)), axis=1) > 0.5) rs_mask = datamask_data.reshape( (numspatiallocs, timepoints))[proclocs, :] rs_mask = np.where(rs_mask > 0.5, 1.0, 0.0)[0] else: datamaskdims = [1, xsize, ysize, numslices, 1] themaxes = np.max(rs_datafile, axis=1) themins = np.min(rs_datafile, axis=1) thediffs = (themaxes - themins).reshape(numspatiallocs) proclocs = np.where(thediffs > 0.0) procdata = rs_datafile[proclocs, :][0] print(rs_datafile.shape, procdata.shape) # normalize the individual images if demean: print("demeaning array") themean = np.mean(procdata, axis=decompaxisnum) print("shape of mean", themean.shape) for i in range(procdata.shape[1 - decompaxisnum]): if decompaxisnum == 1: procdata[i, :] -= themean[i] else: procdata[:, i] -= themean[i] else: themean = np.ones(procdata.shape[1 - decompaxisnum]) if varnorm: print("variance normalizing array") thevar = np.var(procdata, axis=decompaxisnum) print("shape of var", thevar.shape) for i in range(procdata.shape[1 - decompaxisnum]): if decompaxisnum == 1: procdata[i, :] /= thevar[i] else: procdata[:, i] /= thevar[i] procdata = np.nan_to_num(procdata) else: thevar = np.ones(procdata.shape[1 - decompaxisnum]) # applying mask if datamaskdims[4] > 1: procdata *= rs_mask # now perform the decomposition if decomptype == "ica": print("performing ica decomposition") if icacomponents is None: print("will return all significant components") else: print("will return", icacomponents, "components") thefit = FastICA(n_components=icacomponents).fit( transposeifspatial(procdata)) # Reconstruct signals if icacomponents is None: thecomponents = transposeifspatial(thefit.components_[:]) print(thecomponents.shape[1], "components found") else: thecomponents = transposeifspatial( thefit.components_[0:icacomponents]) print("returning first", thecomponents.shape[1], "components found") else: print("performing pca decomposition") if pcacomponents < 1.0: print( "will return the components accounting for", pcacomponents * 100.0, "% of the variance", ) else: print("will return", pcacomponents, "components") if decomptype == "pca": thepca = PCA(n_components=pcacomponents) else: thepca = SparsePCA(n_components=pcacomponents) thefit = thetransform = thepca.transform(transposeifspatial(procdata)) theinvtrans = transposeifspatial( thepca.inverse_transform(thetransform)) if pcacomponents < 1.0: thecomponents = transposeifspatial(thefit.components_[:]) print("returning", thecomponents.shape[1], "components") else: thecomponents = transposeifspatial( thefit.components_[0:pcacomponents]) # save the eigenvalues print("variance explained by component:", 100.0 * thefit.explained_variance_ratio_) tide_io.writenpvecs( 100.0 * thefit.explained_variance_ratio_, outputroot + "_explained_variance_pct.txt", ) if decompaxis == "temporal": # save the components print("writing component timecourses") tide_io.writenpvecs(thecomponents, outputroot + "_components.txt") # save the singular values print("writing singular values") tide_io.writenpvecs(np.transpose(thesingvals), outputroot + "_singvals.txt") # save the coefficients print("writing out the coefficients") coefficients = thetransform print("coefficients shape:", coefficients.shape) theheader = datafile_hdr theheader["dim"][4] = coefficients.shape[1] tempout = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, coefficients.shape[1]), dtype="float") tempout[proclocs, :] = coefficients[:, :] tide_io.savetonifti( tempout.reshape( (xsize, ysize, numslices, coefficients.shape[1])), datafile_hdr, outputroot + "_coefficients", ) # unnormalize the dimensionality reduced data for i in range(numspatiallocs): theinvtrans[i, :] = thevar[i] * theinvtrans[i, :] + themean[i] else: # save the component images print("writing component images") theheader = datafile_hdr theheader["dim"][4] = thecomponents.shape[1] tempout = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, thecomponents.shape[1]), dtype="float") tempout[proclocs, :] = thecomponents[:, :] tide_io.savetonifti( tempout.reshape( (xsize, ysize, numslices, thecomponents.shape[1])), datafile_hdr, outputroot + "_components", ) # save the coefficients print("writing out the coefficients") coefficients = np.transpose(thetransform) tide_io.writenpvecs(coefficients, outputroot + "_coefficients.txt") # unnormalize the dimensionality reduced data for i in range(timepoints): theinvtrans[:, i] = thevar[i] * theinvtrans[:, i] + themean[i] print("writing fit data") theheader = datafile_hdr theheader["dim"][4] = theinvtrans.shape[1] tempout = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, theinvtrans.shape[1]), dtype="float") tempout[proclocs, :] = theinvtrans[:, :] tide_io.savetonifti( tempout.reshape((xsize, ysize, numslices, theinvtrans.shape[1])), datafile_hdr, outputroot + "_fit", )
def test_nullsimfunc(debug=False, display=False): # make the lfo filter lfofilter = tide_filt.NoncausalFilter(filtertype="lfo") # make the starting regressor timestep = 1.5 Fs = 1.0 / timestep # sourcelen = 1200 # sourcedata = lfofilter.apply(Fs, np.random.rand(sourcelen)) sourcedata = tide_io.readvecs( os.path.join(get_test_data_path(), "fmri_globalmean.txt"))[0] sourcelen = len(sourcedata) numpasses = 1 if display: plt.figure() plt.plot(sourcedata) thexcorr = tide_corr.fastcorrelate(sourcedata, sourcedata) xcorrlen = len(thexcorr) xcorr_x = ( np.linspace(0.0, xcorrlen, xcorrlen, endpoint=False) * timestep - (xcorrlen * timestep) / 2.0 + timestep / 2.0) if display: plt.figure() plt.plot(xcorr_x, thexcorr) corrzero = xcorrlen // 2 lagmin = -10 lagmax = 10 lagmininpts = int((-lagmin / timestep) - 0.5) lagmaxinpts = int((lagmax / timestep) + 0.5) searchstart = int(np.round(corrzero + lagmin / timestep)) searchend = int(np.round(corrzero + lagmax / timestep)) optiondict = { "numestreps": 10000, "showprogressbar": debug, "detrendorder": 3, "windowfunc": "hamming", "corrweighting": "None", "nprocs": 1, "widthlimit": 1000.0, "bipolar": False, "fixdelay": False, "peakfittype": "gauss", "lagmin": lagmin, "lagmax": lagmax, "absminsigma": 0.25, "absmaxsigma": 25.0, "edgebufferfrac": 0.0, "lthreshval": 0.0, "uthreshval": 1.0, "debug": False, "enforcethresh": True, "lagmod": 1000.0, "searchfrac": 0.5, "permutationmethod": "shuffle", "hardlimit": True, } theprefilter = tide_filt.NoncausalFilter("lfo") theCorrelator = tide_classes.Correlator( Fs=Fs, ncprefilter=theprefilter, detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], windowfunc=optiondict["windowfunc"], corrweighting=optiondict["corrweighting"], ) thefitter = tide_classes.SimilarityFunctionFitter( lagmod=optiondict["lagmod"], lthreshval=optiondict["lthreshval"], uthreshval=optiondict["uthreshval"], bipolar=optiondict["bipolar"], lagmin=optiondict["lagmin"], lagmax=optiondict["lagmax"], absmaxsigma=optiondict["absmaxsigma"], absminsigma=optiondict["absminsigma"], debug=optiondict["debug"], peakfittype=optiondict["peakfittype"], searchfrac=optiondict["searchfrac"], enforcethresh=optiondict["enforcethresh"], hardlimit=optiondict["hardlimit"], ) if debug: print(optiondict) theCorrelator.setlimits(lagmininpts, lagmaxinpts) theCorrelator.setreftc(sourcedata) dummy, trimmedcorrscale, dummy = theCorrelator.getfunction() thefitter.setcorrtimeaxis(trimmedcorrscale) histograms = [] for thenprocs in [1, -1]: for i in range(numpasses): corrlist = tide_nullsimfunc.getNullDistributionDatax( sourcedata, Fs, theCorrelator, thefitter, despeckle_thresh=5.0, fixdelay=False, fixeddelayvalue=0.0, numestreps=optiondict["numestreps"], nprocs=thenprocs, showprogressbar=optiondict["showprogressbar"], chunksize=1000, permutationmethod=optiondict["permutationmethod"], ) tide_io.writenpvecs( corrlist, os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), "corrdistdata.txt")) # calculate percentiles for the crosscorrelation from the distribution data histlen = 250 thepercentiles = [0.95, 0.99, 0.995] pcts, pcts_fit, histfit = tide_stats.sigFromDistributionData( corrlist, histlen, thepercentiles) if debug: tide_stats.printthresholds( pcts, thepercentiles, "Crosscorrelation significance thresholds from data:", ) tide_stats.printthresholds( pcts_fit, thepercentiles, "Crosscorrelation significance thresholds from fit:", ) ( thehist, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass, ) = tide_stats.makehistogram(np.abs(corrlist), histlen, therange=[0.0, 1.0]) histograms.append(thehist) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] if display: plt.figure() plt.plot(thestore[0, :], thestore[1, :]) # tide_stats.makeandsavehistogram(corrlist, histlen, 0, # os.path.join(get_test_temp_path(), 'correlationhist'), # displaytitle='Null correlation histogram', # displayplots=display, refine=False) assert True
def refineregressor( fmridata, fmritr, shiftedtcs, weights, passnum, lagstrengths, lagtimes, lagsigma, lagmask, R2, theprefilter, optiondict, padtrs=60, bipolar=False, includemask=None, excludemask=None, debug=False, rt_floatset=np.float64, rt_floattype="float64", ): """ Parameters ---------- fmridata : 4D numpy float array fMRI data fmritr : float Data repetition rate, in seconds shiftedtcs : 4D numpy float array Time aligned voxel timecourses weights : unknown unknown passnum : int Number of the pass (for labelling output) lagstrengths : 3D numpy float array Maximum correlation coefficient in every voxel lagtimes : 3D numpy float array Time delay of maximum crosscorrelation in seconds lagsigma : 3D numpy float array Gaussian width of the crosscorrelation peak, in seconds. lagmask : 3D numpy float array Mask of voxels with successful correlation fits. R2 : 3D numpy float array Square of the maximum correlation coefficient in every voxel theprefilter : function The filter function to use optiondict : dict Dictionary of all internal rapidtide configuration variables. padtrs : int, optional Number of timepoints to pad onto each end includemask : 3D array Mask of voxels to include in refinement. Default is None (all voxels). excludemask : 3D array Mask of voxels to exclude from refinement. Default is None (no voxels). debug : bool Enable additional debugging output. Default is False rt_floatset : function Function to coerce variable types rt_floattype : {'float32', 'float64'} Data type for internal variables Returns ------- volumetotal : int Number of voxels processed outputdata : float array New regressor maskarray : 3D array Mask of voxels used for refinement """ inputshape = np.shape(fmridata) if optiondict["ampthresh"] < 0.0: if bipolar: theampthresh = tide_stats.getfracval(np.fabs(lagstrengths), -optiondict["ampthresh"], nozero=True) else: theampthresh = tide_stats.getfracval(lagstrengths, -optiondict["ampthresh"], nozero=True) print( "setting ampthresh to the", -100.0 * optiondict["ampthresh"], "th percentile (", theampthresh, ")", ) else: theampthresh = optiondict["ampthresh"] if bipolar: ampmask = np.where( np.fabs(lagstrengths) >= theampthresh, np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) else: ampmask = np.where(lagstrengths >= theampthresh, np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) if optiondict["lagmaskside"] == "upper": delaymask = np.where( (lagtimes - optiondict["offsettime"]) > optiondict["lagminthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0), ) * np.where( (lagtimes - optiondict["offsettime"]) < optiondict["lagmaxthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0), ) elif optiondict["lagmaskside"] == "lower": delaymask = np.where( (lagtimes - optiondict["offsettime"]) < -optiondict["lagminthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0), ) * np.where( (lagtimes - optiondict["offsettime"]) > -optiondict["lagmaxthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0), ) else: abslag = abs(lagtimes) - optiondict["offsettime"] delaymask = np.where(abslag > optiondict["lagminthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) * np.where( abslag < optiondict["lagmaxthresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) sigmamask = np.where(lagsigma < optiondict["sigmathresh"], np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) locationmask = lagmask + 0 if includemask is not None: locationmask = locationmask * includemask if excludemask is not None: locationmask = locationmask * (1 - excludemask) locationmask = locationmask.astype(np.int16) print("location mask created") # first generate the refine mask locationfails = np.sum(1 - locationmask) ampfails = np.sum(1 - ampmask * locationmask) lagfails = np.sum(1 - delaymask * locationmask) sigmafails = np.sum(1 - sigmamask * locationmask) refinemask = locationmask * ampmask * delaymask * sigmamask if tide_stats.getmasksize(refinemask) == 0: print("ERROR: no voxels in the refine mask:") print( "\n ", locationfails, " locationfails", "\n ", ampfails, " ampfails", "\n ", lagfails, " lagfails", "\n ", sigmafails, " sigmafails", ) if (includemask is None) and (excludemask is None): print("\nRelax ampthresh, delaythresh, or sigmathresh - exiting") else: print( "\nChange include/exclude masks or relax ampthresh, delaythresh, or sigmathresh - exiting" ) return 0, None, None, locationfails, ampfails, lagfails, sigmafails if optiondict["cleanrefined"]: shiftmask = locationmask else: shiftmask = refinemask volumetotal = np.sum(shiftmask) reportstep = 1000 # timeshift the valid voxels if optiondict["nprocs"] > 1: # define the consumer function here so it inherits most of the arguments def timeshift_consumer(inQ, outQ): while True: try: # get a new message val = inQ.get() # this is the 'TERM' signal if val is None: break # process and send the data outQ.put( _procOneVoxelTimeShift( val, fmridata[val, :], lagstrengths[val], R2[val], lagtimes[val], padtrs, fmritr, theprefilter, optiondict["fmrifreq"], refineprenorm=optiondict["refineprenorm"], lagmaxthresh=optiondict["lagmaxthresh"], refineweighting=optiondict["refineweighting"], detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], offsettime=optiondict["offsettime"], filterbeforePCA=optiondict["filterbeforePCA"], psdfilter=optiondict["psdfilter"], rt_floatset=rt_floatset, rt_floattype=rt_floattype, )) except Exception as e: print("error!", e) break data_out = tide_multiproc.run_multiproc( timeshift_consumer, inputshape, shiftmask, nprocs=optiondict["nprocs"], showprogressbar=True, chunksize=optiondict["mp_chunksize"], ) # unpack the data psdlist = [] for voxel in data_out: shiftedtcs[voxel[0], :] = voxel[1] weights[voxel[0], :] = voxel[2] if optiondict["psdfilter"]: psdlist.append(voxel[3]) del data_out else: psdlist = [] for vox in range(0, inputshape[0]): if (vox % reportstep == 0 or vox == inputshape[0] - 1) and optiondict["showprogressbar"]: tide_util.progressbar(vox + 1, inputshape[0], label="Percent complete (timeshifting)") if shiftmask[vox] > 0.5: retvals = _procOneVoxelTimeShift( vox, fmridata[vox, :], lagstrengths[vox], R2[vox], lagtimes[vox], padtrs, fmritr, theprefilter, optiondict["fmrifreq"], refineprenorm=optiondict["refineprenorm"], lagmaxthresh=optiondict["lagmaxthresh"], refineweighting=optiondict["refineweighting"], detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], offsettime=optiondict["offsettime"], filterbeforePCA=optiondict["filterbeforePCA"], psdfilter=optiondict["psdfilter"], rt_floatset=rt_floatset, rt_floattype=rt_floattype, ) shiftedtcs[retvals[0], :] = retvals[1] weights[retvals[0], :] = retvals[2] if optiondict["psdfilter"]: psdlist.append(retvals[3]) print() if optiondict["psdfilter"]: print(len(psdlist)) print(psdlist[0]) print(np.shape(np.asarray(psdlist, dtype=rt_floattype))) averagepsd = np.mean(np.asarray(psdlist, dtype=rt_floattype), axis=0) stdpsd = np.std(np.asarray(psdlist, dtype=rt_floattype), axis=0) snr = np.nan_to_num(averagepsd / stdpsd) # now generate the refined timecourse(s) validlist = np.where(refinemask > 0)[0] refinevoxels = shiftedtcs[validlist, :] if bipolar: for thevoxel in range(len(validlist)): if lagstrengths[validlist][thevoxel] < 0.0: refinevoxels[thevoxel, :] *= -1.0 refineweights = weights[validlist] weightsum = np.sum(refineweights, axis=0) / volumetotal averagedata = np.sum(refinevoxels, axis=0) / volumetotal if optiondict["cleanrefined"]: invalidlist = np.where((1 - ampmask) > 0)[0] discardvoxels = shiftedtcs[invalidlist] discardweights = weights[invalidlist] discardweightsum = np.sum(discardweights, axis=0) / volumetotal averagediscard = np.sum(discardvoxels, axis=0) / volumetotal if optiondict["dodispersioncalc"]: print("splitting regressors by time lag for phase delay estimation") laglist = np.arange( optiondict["dispersioncalc_lower"], optiondict["dispersioncalc_upper"], optiondict["dispersioncalc_step"], ) dispersioncalcout = np.zeros((np.shape(laglist)[0], inputshape[1]), dtype=rt_floattype) fftlen = int(inputshape[1] // 2) fftlen -= fftlen % 2 dispersioncalcspecmag = np.zeros((np.shape(laglist)[0], fftlen), dtype=rt_floattype) dispersioncalcspecphase = np.zeros((np.shape(laglist)[0], fftlen), dtype=rt_floattype) for lagnum in range(0, np.shape(laglist)[0]): lower = laglist[lagnum] - optiondict["dispersioncalc_step"] / 2.0 upper = laglist[lagnum] + optiondict["dispersioncalc_step"] / 2.0 inlagrange = np.where( locationmask * ampmask * np.where(lower < lagtimes, np.int16(1), np.int16(0)) * np.where(lagtimes < upper, np.int16(1), np.int16(0)))[0] print( " summing", np.shape(inlagrange)[0], "regressors with lags from", lower, "to", upper, ) if np.shape(inlagrange)[0] > 0: dispersioncalcout[lagnum, :] = tide_math.corrnormalize( np.mean(shiftedtcs[inlagrange], axis=0), detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], windowfunc=optiondict["windowfunc"], ) ( freqs, dispersioncalcspecmag[lagnum, :], dispersioncalcspecphase[lagnum, :], ) = tide_math.polarfft(dispersioncalcout[lagnum, :], 1.0 / fmritr) inlagrange = None tide_io.writenpvecs( dispersioncalcout, optiondict["outputname"] + "_dispersioncalcvecs_pass" + str(passnum) + ".txt", ) tide_io.writenpvecs( dispersioncalcspecmag, optiondict["outputname"] + "_dispersioncalcspecmag_pass" + str(passnum) + ".txt", ) tide_io.writenpvecs( dispersioncalcspecphase, optiondict["outputname"] + "_dispersioncalcspecphase_pass" + str(passnum) + ".txt", ) tide_io.writenpvecs( freqs, optiondict["outputname"] + "_dispersioncalcfreqs_pass" + str(passnum) + ".txt", ) if optiondict["pcacomponents"] < 0.0: pcacomponents = "mle" elif optiondict["pcacomponents"] >= 1.0: pcacomponents = int(np.round(optiondict["pcacomponents"])) elif optiondict["pcacomponents"] == 0.0: print("0.0 is not an allowed value for pcacomponents") sys.exit() else: pcacomponents = optiondict["pcacomponents"] icacomponents = 1 if optiondict["refinetype"] == "ica": print("performing ica refinement") thefit = FastICA(n_components=icacomponents).fit( refinevoxels) # Reconstruct signals print("Using first of ", len(thefit.components_), " components") icadata = thefit.components_[0] filteredavg = tide_math.corrnormalize( theprefilter.apply(optiondict["fmrifreq"], averagedata), detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], ) filteredica = tide_math.corrnormalize( theprefilter.apply(optiondict["fmrifreq"], icadata), detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], ) thepxcorr = pearsonr(filteredavg, filteredica)[0] print("ica/avg correlation = ", thepxcorr) if thepxcorr > 0.0: outputdata = 1.0 * icadata else: outputdata = -1.0 * icadata elif optiondict["refinetype"] == "pca": # use the method of "A novel perspective to calibrate temporal delays in cerebrovascular reactivity # using hypercapnic and hyperoxic respiratory challenges". NeuroImage 187, 154?165 (2019). print("performing pca refinement with pcacomponents set to", pcacomponents) try: thefit = PCA(n_components=pcacomponents).fit(refinevoxels) except ValueError: if pcacomponents == "mle": print( "mle estimation failed - falling back to pcacomponents=0.8" ) thefit = PCA(n_components=0.8).fit(refinevoxels) else: print("unhandled math exception in PCA refinement - exiting") sys.exit() print( "Using ", len(thefit.components_), " component(s), accounting for ", "{:.2f}% of the variance".format(100.0 * np.cumsum( thefit.explained_variance_ratio_)[len(thefit.components_) - 1]), ) reduceddata = thefit.inverse_transform(thefit.transform(refinevoxels)) if debug: print("complex processing: reduceddata.shape =", reduceddata.shape) pcadata = np.mean(reduceddata, axis=0) filteredavg = tide_math.corrnormalize( theprefilter.apply(optiondict["fmrifreq"], averagedata), detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], ) filteredpca = tide_math.corrnormalize( theprefilter.apply(optiondict["fmrifreq"], pcadata), detrendorder=optiondict["detrendorder"], ) thepxcorr = pearsonr(filteredavg, filteredpca)[0] print("pca/avg correlation = ", thepxcorr) if thepxcorr > 0.0: outputdata = 1.0 * pcadata else: outputdata = -1.0 * pcadata elif optiondict["refinetype"] == "weighted_average": print("performing weighted averaging refinement") outputdata = np.nan_to_num(averagedata / weightsum) else: print("performing unweighted averaging refinement") outputdata = averagedata if optiondict["cleanrefined"]: thefit, R = tide_fit.mlregress(averagediscard, averagedata) fitcoff = rt_floatset(thefit[0, 1]) datatoremove = rt_floatset(fitcoff * averagediscard) outputdata -= datatoremove print() print( "Timeshift applied to " + str(int(volumetotal)) + " voxels, " + str(len(validlist)) + " used for refinement:", "\n ", locationfails, " locationfails", "\n ", ampfails, " ampfails", "\n ", lagfails, " lagfails", "\n ", sigmafails, " sigmafails", ) if optiondict["psdfilter"]: outputdata = tide_filt.transferfuncfilt(outputdata, snr) # garbage collect collected = gc.collect() print("Garbage collector: collected %d objects." % collected) return volumetotal, outputdata, refinemask, locationfails, ampfails, lagfails, sigmafails
def polyfitim( datafile, datamask, templatefile, templatemask, outputroot, regionatlas=None, order=1, ): # read in data print("reading in data arrays") ( datafile_img, datafile_data, datafile_hdr, datafiledims, datafilesizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(datafile) ( datamask_img, datamask_data, datamask_hdr, datamaskdims, datamasksizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(datamask) ( templatefile_img, templatefile_data, templatefile_hdr, templatefiledims, templatefilesizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(templatefile) ( templatemask_img, templatemask_data, templatemask_hdr, templatemaskdims, templatemasksizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(templatemask) if regionatlas is not None: ( regionatlas_img, regionatlas_data, regionatlas_hdr, regionatlasdims, regionatlassizes, ) = tide_io.readfromnifti(regionatlas) xsize = datafiledims[1] ysize = datafiledims[2] numslices = datafiledims[3] timepoints = datafiledims[4] # check dimensions print("checking dimensions") if not tide_io.checkspacedimmatch(datafiledims, datamaskdims): print("input mask spatial dimensions do not match image") exit() if datamaskdims[4] == 1: print("using 3d data mask") datamask3d = True else: datamask3d = False if not tide_io.checktimematch(datafiledims, datamaskdims): print("input mask time dimension does not match image") exit() if not tide_io.checkspacedimmatch(datafiledims, templatefiledims): print(templatefiledims, "template file spatial dimensions do not match image") exit() if not templatefiledims[4] == 1: print("template file time dimension is not equal to 1") exit() if not tide_io.checkspacedimmatch(datafiledims, templatemaskdims): print("template mask spatial dimensions do not match image") exit() if not templatemaskdims[4] == 1: print("template mask time dimension is not equal to 1") exit() if regionatlas is not None: if not tide_io.checkspacedimmatch(datafiledims, regionatlasdims): print("template mask spatial dimensions do not match image") exit() if not regionatlasdims[4] == 1: print("regionatlas time dimension is not equal to 1") exit() # allocating arrays print("allocating arrays") numspatiallocs = int(xsize) * int(ysize) * int(numslices) rs_datafile = datafile_data.reshape((numspatiallocs, timepoints)) if datamask3d: rs_datamask = datamask_data.reshape(numspatiallocs) else: rs_datamask = datamask_data.reshape((numspatiallocs, timepoints)) rs_datamask_bin = np.where(rs_datamask > 0.9, 1.0, 0.0) rs_templatefile = templatefile_data.reshape(numspatiallocs) rs_templatemask = templatemask_data.reshape(numspatiallocs) rs_templatemask_bin = np.where(rs_templatemask > 0.1, 1.0, 0.0) if regionatlas is not None: rs_regionatlas = regionatlas_data.reshape(numspatiallocs) numregions = int(np.max(rs_regionatlas)) fitdata = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, timepoints), dtype="float") # residuals = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, timepoints), dtype='float') # newtemplate = np.zeros((numspatiallocs), dtype='float') # newmask = np.zeros((numspatiallocs), dtype='float') if regionatlas is not None: lincoffs = np.zeros((numregions, timepoints), dtype="float") sqrcoffs = np.zeros((numregions, timepoints), dtype="float") offsets = np.zeros((numregions, timepoints), dtype="float") rvals = np.zeros((numregions, timepoints), dtype="float") else: lincoffs = np.zeros(timepoints, dtype="float") sqrcoffs = np.zeros(timepoints, dtype="float") offsets = np.zeros(timepoints, dtype="float") rvals = np.zeros(timepoints, dtype="float") if regionatlas is not None: print("making region masks") regionvoxels = np.zeros((numspatiallocs, numregions), dtype="float") for region in range(0, numregions): thisregion = np.where((rs_regionatlas * rs_templatemask_bin) == (region + 1)) regionvoxels[thisregion, region] = 1.0 # mask everything print("masking template") maskedtemplate = rs_templatefile * rs_templatemask_bin # cycle over all images print("now cycling over all images") for thetime in range(0, timepoints): print("fitting timepoint", thetime) # get the appropriate mask if datamask3d: for i in range(timepoints): thisdatamask = rs_datamask_bin else: thisdatamask = rs_datamask_bin[:, thetime] if regionatlas is not None: for region in range(0, numregions): voxelstofit = np.where( regionvoxels[:, region] * thisdatamask > 0.5) voxelstoreconstruct = np.where(regionvoxels[:, region] > 0.5) if order == 2: thefit, R = tide_fit.mlregress( [ rs_templatefile[voxelstofit], np.square(rs_templatefile[voxelstofit]), ], rs_datafile[voxelstofit, thetime][0], ) else: thefit, R = tide_fit.mlregress( rs_templatefile[voxelstofit], rs_datafile[voxelstofit, thetime][0], ) lincoffs[region, thetime] = thefit[0, 1] offsets[region, thetime] = thefit[0, 0] rvals[region, thetime] = R if order == 2: sqrcoffs[region, thetime] = thefit[0, 2] fitdata[voxelstoreconstruct, thetime] += ( sqrcoffs[region, thetime] * np.square(rs_templatefile[voxelstoreconstruct]) + lincoffs[region, thetime] * rs_templatefile[voxelstoreconstruct] + offsets[region, thetime]) else: fitdata[voxelstoreconstruct, thetime] += (lincoffs[region, thetime] * rs_templatefile[voxelstoreconstruct] + offsets[region, thetime]) # newtemplate += nan_to_num(maskeddata[:, thetime] / lincoffs[region, thetime]) * rs_datamask # newmask += rs_datamask * rs_templatemask_bin else: voxelstofit = np.where(thisdatamask > 0.5) voxelstoreconstruct = np.where(rs_templatemask > 0.5) thefit, R = tide_fit.mlregress( rs_templatefile[voxelstofit], rs_datafile[voxelstofit, thetime][0]) lincoffs[thetime] = thefit[0, 1] offsets[thetime] = thefit[0, 0] rvals[thetime] = R fitdata[voxelstoreconstruct, thetime] = ( lincoffs[thetime] * rs_templatefile[voxelstoreconstruct] + offsets[thetime]) # if datamask3d: # newtemplate += nan_to_num(maskeddata[:, thetime] / lincoffs[thetime]) * rs_datamask # else: # newtemplate += nan_to_num(maskeddata[:, thetime] / lincoffs[thetime]) * rs_datamask[:, thetime] # newmask += rs_datamask[:, thetime] * rs_templatemask_bin residuals = rs_datafile - fitdata # write out the data files print("writing time series") if order == 2: tide_io.writenpvecs(sqrcoffs, outputroot + "_sqrcoffs.txt") tide_io.writenpvecs(lincoffs, outputroot + "_lincoffs.txt") tide_io.writenpvecs(offsets, outputroot + "_offsets.txt") tide_io.writenpvecs(rvals, outputroot + "_rvals.txt") if regionatlas is not None: for region in range(0, numregions): print( "region", region + 1, "slope mean, std:", np.mean(lincoffs[:, region]), np.std(lincoffs[:, region]), ) print( "region", region + 1, "offset mean, std:", np.mean(offsets[:, region]), np.std(offsets[:, region]), ) else: print("slope mean, std:", np.mean(lincoffs), np.std(lincoffs)) print("offset mean, std:", np.mean(offsets), np.std(offsets)) print("writing nifti series") tide_io.savetonifti( fitdata.reshape((xsize, ysize, numslices, timepoints)), datafile_hdr, outputroot + "_fit", ) tide_io.savetonifti( residuals.reshape((xsize, ysize, numslices, timepoints)), datafile_hdr, outputroot + "_residuals", )
def roisummarize(args): # grab the command line arguments then pass them off. try: args = _get_parser().parse_args() except SystemExit: _get_parser().print_help() raise # set the sample rate if args.samplerate == "auto": args.samplerate = 1.0 else: samplerate = args.samplerate args, thefilter = pf.postprocessfilteropts(args, debug=args.debug) print("loading fmri data") input_img, input_data, input_hdr, thedims, thesizes = tide_io.readfromnifti( args.inputfilename) print("loading template data") template_img, template_data, template_hdr, templatedims, templatesizes = tide_io.readfromnifti( args.templatefile) print("checking dimensions") if not tide_io.checkspacematch(input_hdr, template_hdr): print( "template file does not match spatial coverage of input fmri file") sys.exit() print("reshaping") xsize = thedims[1] ysize = thedims[2] numslices = thedims[3] numtimepoints = thedims[4] numvoxels = int(xsize) * int(ysize) * int(numslices) templatevoxels = np.reshape(template_data, numvoxels).astype(int) if numtimepoints > 1: inputvoxels = np.reshape(input_data, (numvoxels, numtimepoints))[:, args.numskip:] print("filtering") for thevoxel in range(numvoxels): if templatevoxels[thevoxel] > 0: inputvoxels[thevoxel, :] = thefilter.apply( args.samplerate, inputvoxels[thevoxel, :]) print("summarizing") timecourses = summarize4Dbylabel(inputvoxels, templatevoxels, normmethod=args.normmethod, debug=args.debug) print("writing data") tide_io.writenpvecs(timecourses, args.outputfile + "_timecourses") else: inputvoxels = np.reshape(input_data, (numvoxels)) numregions = np.max(templatevoxels) template_hdr["dim"][4] = numregions outputvoxels, regionstats = summarize3Dbylabel(inputvoxels, templatevoxels, debug=args.debug) tide_io.savetonifti( outputvoxels.reshape((xsize, ysize, numslices)), template_hdr, args.outputfile + "_meanvals", ) tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array(regionstats), args.outputfile + "_regionstats.txt")
def showxcorrx_workflow(infilename1, infilename2, Fs, thelabel='', starttime=0., duration=1000000., searchrange=15., display=True, trimdata=False, summarymode=False, labelline=False, flipregressor=False, windowfunc='hamming', calccepstraldelay=False, corroutputfile=False, controlvariablefile=None, numreps=0, arbvec=None, filtertype='arb', corrweighting='none', detrendorder=1, prewindow=True, verbose=False): r"""Calculate and display crosscorrelation between two timeseries. Parameters ---------- infilename1 : str The name of a text file containing a timeseries, one timepoint per line. infilename2 : str The name of a text file containing a timeseries, one timepoint per line. Fs : float The sample rate of the time series, in Hz. thelabel : str, optional The label for the output graph. Default is blank. starttime : float, optional Time offset into the timeseries, in seconds, to start using the time data. Default is 0 duration : float, optional Length of time from each time series, in seconds, to use for the cross-correlation. Default is the entire time series. searchrange : float, optional Only search for cross-correlation peaks between -searchrange and +searchrange seconds (default is 15). display : bool, optional Plot cross-correlation function in a matplotlib window. Default is True. trimdata : bool, optional Trim time series to the length of the shorter series. Default is False. summarymode : bool, optional Output a table of interesting results for later processing. Default is False. labelline : bool, optional Print an explanatory header line over the summary information. Default is False. flipregressor : bool, optional Invert timeseries 2 prior to cross-correlation. windowfunc : {'hamming', 'hann', 'blackmanharris'} Window function to apply prior to cross-correlation. Default is 'hamming'. calccepstraldelay : bool, optional Use cepstral estimation of delay. Default is False. corroutputfile : bool, optional Save the correlation function to a file. Default is False. controlvariablefile : bool, optional Save internal variables to a text file. Default is False. numreps : int, optional Number of null correlations to perform to estimate significance. Default is 10000 arbvec : [float,float,float,float], optional Frequency limits of the arb_pass filter. filtertype : 'none', 'card', 'lfo', 'vlf', 'resp', 'arb' Type of filter to apply data prior to correlation. Default is 'none' corrweighting : {'none', 'Liang', 'Eckart', 'PHAT'}, optional Weighting function to apply to the crosscorrelation in the Fourier domain. Default is 'none' detrendorder : int, optional Order of polynomial used to detrend crosscorrelation inputs. Default is 1 (0 disables) prewindow : bool, optional Apply window function prior to cross-correlation. Default is True. verbose : bool, optional Print internal status information. Default is False. Notes ----- This workflow writes out several files: If corroutputfile is defined: ====================== ================================================= Filename Content ====================== ================================================= corrlist.txt A file corrlist_pear.txt A file [corroutputfile] Correlation function ====================== ================================================= If debug is True: ====================== ================================================= Filename Content ====================== ================================================= filtereddata1.txt Something filtereddata2.txt Something ====================== ================================================= """ # Constants that could be arguments dofftcorr = True writecorrlists = False debug = False showpearson = True # These are unnecessary and should be simplified dopartial = bool(controlvariablefile) uselabel = bool(thelabel) dumpfiltered = bool(debug) if labelline: # TS: should prob reflect this in the parser, but it's not a big deal summarymode = True if numreps == 0: estimate_significance = False else: estimate_significance = True savecorrelation = bool(corroutputfile) theprefilter = tide_filt.noncausalfilter() if arbvec is not None and filtertype != 'arb': raise ValueError('Argument arbvec must be None if filtertype is ' 'not arb') if arbvec is not None: if len(arbvec) == 2: arb_lower = float(arbvec[0]) arb_upper = float(arbvec[1]) arb_lowerstop = 0.9 * float(arbvec[0]) arb_upperstop = 1.1 * float(arbvec[1]) elif len(arbvec) == 4: arb_lower = float(arbvec[0]) arb_upper = float(arbvec[1]) arb_lowerstop = float(arbvec[2]) arb_upperstop = float(arbvec[3]) theprefilter.settype('arb') theprefilter.setarb(arb_lowerstop, arb_lower, arb_upper, arb_upperstop) else: theprefilter.settype(filtertype) inputdata1 = tide_io.readvec(infilename1) inputdata2 = tide_io.readvec(infilename2) numpoints = len(inputdata1) startpoint1 = max([int(starttime * Fs), 0]) if debug: print('startpoint set to ', startpoint1) endpoint1 = min([startpoint1 + int(duration * Fs), int(len(inputdata1))]) if debug: print('endpoint set to ', endpoint1) endpoint2 = min([int(duration * Fs), int(len(inputdata1)), int(len(inputdata2))]) trimdata1 = inputdata1[startpoint1:endpoint1] trimdata2 = inputdata2[0:endpoint2] if trimdata: minlen = np.min([len(trimdata1), len(trimdata2)]) trimdata1 = trimdata1[0:minlen] trimdata2 = trimdata2[0:minlen] # band limit the regressor if that is needed if theprefilter.gettype() != 'none': if verbose: print("filtering to ", theprefilter.gettype(), " band") print(windowfunc) filtereddata1 = tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata1), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc) filtereddata2 = tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata2), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc) if flipregressor: filtereddata2 *= -1.0 if dumpfiltered: tide_io.writenpvecs(filtereddata1, 'filtereddata1.txt') tide_io.writenpvecs(filtereddata2, 'filtereddata2.txt') if dopartial: controlvars = tide_io.readvecs(controlvariablefile) numregressors = len(controlvars) # Added by TS. Not sure if works. regressorvec = [] for j in range(0, numregressors): regressorvec.append(tide_math.corrnormalize( theprefilter.apply(Fs, controlvars[j, :]), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc)) if (np.max(filtereddata1) - np.min(filtereddata1)) > 0.0: thefit, filtereddata1 = tide_fit.mlregress(regressorvec, filtereddata1) if (np.max(filtereddata2) - np.min(filtereddata2)) > 0.0: thefit, filtereddata2 = tide_fit.mlregress(regressorvec, filtereddata2) thexcorr = tide_corr.fastcorrelate(filtereddata1, filtereddata2, usefft=dofftcorr, weighting=corrweighting, displayplots=debug) if calccepstraldelay: cepdelay = tide_corr.cepstraldelay(filtereddata1, filtereddata2, 1.0 / Fs, displayplots=display) cepcoff = tide_corr.delayedcorr(filtereddata1, filtereddata2, cepdelay, 1.0 / Fs) print('cepstral delay time is {0}, correlation is {1}'.format(cepdelay, cepcoff)) thepxcorr = pearsonr(filtereddata1, filtereddata2) # calculate the coherence f, Cxy = sp.signal.coherence( tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata1), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc), tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata2), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc), Fs) # calculate the cross spectral density f, Pxy = sp.signal.csd( tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata1), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc), tide_math.corrnormalize(theprefilter.apply(Fs, trimdata2), prewindow=prewindow, detrendorder=detrendorder, windowfunc=windowfunc), Fs) xcorrlen = len(thexcorr) sampletime = 1.0 / Fs xcorr_x = r_[0:xcorrlen] * sampletime - (xcorrlen * sampletime) / 2.0\ + sampletime / 2.0 halfwindow = int(searchrange * Fs) corrzero = xcorrlen // 2 searchstart = corrzero - halfwindow searchend = corrzero + halfwindow xcorr_x_trim = xcorr_x[searchstart:searchend + 1] thexcorr_trim = thexcorr[searchstart:searchend + 1] if debug: print('searching for peak correlation over range ', searchstart, searchend) maxdelay = xcorr_x_trim[argmax(thexcorr_trim)] if debug: print('maxdelay before refinement', maxdelay) dofindmaxlag = True if dofindmaxlag: print('executing findmaxlag') (maxindex, maxdelay, maxval, maxsigma, maskval, failreason, peakstart, peakend) = tide_fit.findmaxlag_gauss( xcorr_x_trim, thexcorr_trim, -searchrange, searchrange, 1000.0, refine=True, useguess=False, fastgauss=False, displayplots=False) print(maxindex, maxdelay, maxval, maxsigma, maskval, failreason) R = maxval if debug: print('maxdelay after refinement', maxdelay) if failreason > 0: print('failreason =', failreason) else: R = thexcorr_trim[argmax(thexcorr_trim)] # set the significance threshold if estimate_significance: # generate a list of correlations from shuffled data (corrlist, corrlist_pear) = _get_null_distribution(trimdata1, xcorr_x, theprefilter, prewindow, detrendorder, searchstart, searchend, Fs, dofftcorr, corrweighting=corrweighting, numreps=numreps, windowfunc=windowfunc) # calculate percentiles for the crosscorrelation from the distribution histlen = 100 thepercentiles = [0.95, 0.99, 0.995] (pcts, pcts_fit, histfit) = tide_stats.sigFromDistributionData(corrlist, histlen, thepercentiles) if debug: tide_stats.printthresholds(pcts, thepercentiles, ('Crosscorrelation significance ' 'thresholds from data:')) tide_stats.printthresholds(pcts_fit, thepercentiles, ('Crosscorrelation significance ' 'thresholds from fit:')) # calculate significance for the pearson correlation (pearpcts, pearpcts_fit, histfit) = tide_stats.sigFromDistributionData(corrlist_pear, histlen, thepercentiles) if debug: tide_stats.printthresholds(pearpcts, thepercentiles, ('Pearson correlation significance ' 'thresholds from data:')) tide_stats.printthresholds(pearpcts_fit, thepercentiles, ('Pearson correlation significance ' 'thresholds from fit:')) if writecorrlists: tide_io.writenpvecs(corrlist, 'corrlist.txt') tide_io.writenpvecs(corrlist_pear, 'corrlist_pear.txt') def printthresholds(pcts, thepercentiles, labeltext): print(labeltext) for i in range(0, len(pcts)): print('\tp <', "{:.3f}".format(1.0 - thepercentiles[i]), ': ', pcts[i]) # report the pearson correlation if showpearson and verbose: print('Pearson_R:\t', thepxcorr[0]) if estimate_significance: for idx, percentile in enumerate(thepercentiles): print(' pear_p(', "{:.3f}".format(1.0 - percentile), '):\t', pearpcts[idx]) print("") if debug: print(thepxcorr) if verbose: if uselabel: print(thelabel, ":\t", maxdelay) else: print("Crosscorrelation_Rmax:\t", R) print("Crosscorrelation_maxdelay:\t", maxdelay) if estimate_significance: for idx, percentile in enumerate(thepercentiles): print(' xc_p(', "{:.3f}".format(1.0 - percentile), '):\t', pcts[idx]) print(infilename1, "[0 seconds] == ", infilename2, "[", -1 * maxdelay, " seconds]") if summarymode: if estimate_significance: if uselabel: if labelline: print('thelabel', 'pearson_R', 'pearson_R(p=0.05)', 'xcorr_R', 'xcorr_R(P=0.05)', 'xcorr_maxdelay') print(thelabel, thepxcorr[0], pearpcts_fit[0], R, pcts_fit[0], -1 * maxdelay) else: if labelline: print('pearson_R', 'pearson_R(p=0.05)', 'xcorr_R', 'xcorr_R(P=0.05)', 'xcorr_maxdelay') print(thepxcorr[0], pearpcts_fit[0], R, pcts_fit[0], -1 * maxdelay) else: if uselabel: if labelline: print('thelabel', 'pearson_r', 'pearson_p', 'xcorr_R', 'xcorr_maxdelay') print(thelabel, thepxcorr[0], thepxcorr[1], R, -1 * maxdelay) else: if labelline: print('pearson_r\tpearson_p\txcorr_R\txcorr_t\t' 'xcorr_maxdelay') print(thepxcorr[0], '\t', thepxcorr[1], '\t', R, '\t', -1 * maxdelay) if savecorrelation: tide_io.writenpvecs(np.stack((xcorr_x, thexcorr), axis=0), corroutputfile) if display: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.set_title('GCC') ax.plot(xcorr_x, thexcorr, 'k') if debug: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(f, Cxy) fig = plt.subplots() ax.plot(f, np.sqrt(np.abs(Pxy)) / np.max(np.sqrt(np.abs(Pxy)))) ax.plot(f, np.angle(Pxy) / (2.0 * pi * f))
def showtc(args): # set the sample rate if args.samplerate == "auto": samplerate = 1.0 args.samplerate = samplerate else: samplerate = args.samplerate # set the appropriate display mode if args.displaymode == "time": dospectrum = False specmode = "power" elif args.displaymode == "power": dospectrum = True specmode = "power" elif args.displaymode == "phase": dospectrum = True specmode = "phase" else: print("illegal display mode") sys.exit() # determine how to composite multiple plots if args.plotformat == "overlaid": separate = False linky = True elif args.plotformat == "separate": separate = True linky = False elif args.plotformat == "separatelinked": separate = True linky = True else: print("illegal formatting mode") sys.exit() # set various cosmetic aspects of the plots if args.colors is not None: colornames = args.colors.split(",") else: colornames = [] if args.legends is not None: legends = args.legends.split(",") legendset = True else: legends = [] legendset = False dolegend = args.dolegend if args.linewidths is not None: thelinewidth = [] for thestring in args.linewidths.split(","): thelinewidth.append(float(thestring)) else: thelinewidth = [1.0] numlinewidths = len(thelinewidth) if 0 <= args.legendloc <= 10: legendloc = args.legendloc else: print("illegal legend location:", args.legendloc) sys.exit() savespec = False detrendorder = 1 demean = False useHamming = True # check range if args.theendtime is None: args.theendtime = 100000000.0 if args.thestarttime is not None: if args.thestarttime >= args.theendtime: print("endtime must be greater then starttime;") sys.exit() # handle required args first xvecs = [] yvecs = [] linelabels = [] samplerates = [] numvecs = 0 minlen = 100000000 shortcolnames = True # read in all the data for i in range(0, len(args.textfilenames)): thisfilename, thiscolspec = tide_io.parsefilespec(args.textfilenames[i]) # check file type ( thissamplerate, thisstartoffset, colnames, invecs, dummy, dummy, ) = tide_io.readvectorsfromtextfile(args.textfilenames[i], debug=args.debug) if args.debug: print("On return from readvectorsfromtextfile:") print(f"\targs.samplerate: {args.samplerate}") print(f"\tthissamplerate: {thissamplerate}") print(f"\targs.thestarttime: {args.thestarttime}") print(f"\tthisstartoffset: {thisstartoffset}") if args.debug: print("input data dimensions:", invecs.shape) if thissamplerate is None: thissamplerate = samplerate if thisstartoffset is None: # print("thisstartoffset is None") if args.thestarttime is None: print("args.thestarttime is None") args.thestarttime = 0.0 else: print(f"args.thestarttime is {args.thestarttime}") thisstartoffset = args.thestarttime else: # print(f"thisstartoffset is {thisstartoffset}") if args.thestarttime is None: print("args.thestarttime is None") args.thestarttime = thisstartoffset else: print(f"args.thestarttime is {args.thestarttime}") thisstartoffset = args.thestarttime if args.debug: print("After preprocessing time variables:") print(f"\targs.samplerate: {args.samplerate}") print(f"\tthissamplerate: {thissamplerate}") print(f"\targs.thestarttime: {args.thestarttime}") print(f"\tthisstartoffset: {thisstartoffset}") if args.debug: print(f"file {args.textfilenames[i]} colnames: {colnames}") if args.dotranspose: invecs = np.transpose(invecs) if args.debug: print(" ", invecs.shape[0], " columns") for j in range(0, invecs.shape[0]): if args.debug: print("appending vector number ", j) if dospectrum: if invecs.shape[1] % 2 == 1: invec = invecs[j, :-1] else: invec = invecs[j, :] if detrendorder > 0: invec = tide_fit.detrend(invec, order=detrendorder, demean=True) elif demean: invec = invec - np.mean(invec) if useHamming: freqaxis, spectrum = tide_filt.spectrum( tide_filt.hamming(len(invec)) * invec, Fs=thissamplerate, mode=specmode, ) else: freqaxis, spectrum = tide_filt.spectrum( invec, Fs=thissamplerate, mode=specmode ) if savespec: tide_io.writenpvecs( np.transpose(np.stack([freqaxis, spectrum], axis=1)), "thespectrum.txt", ) xvecs.append(freqaxis) yvecs.append(spectrum) else: yvecs.append(invecs[j] * 1.0) xvecs.append( thisstartoffset + np.arange(0.0, len(yvecs[-1]), 1.0) / thissamplerate ) if len(yvecs[-1]) < minlen: minlen = len(yvecs[-1]) if not legendset: if invecs.shape[0] > 1: if colnames is None: if shortcolnames: linelabels.append("column" + str(j).zfill(2)) else: linelabels.append(thisfilename + "_column" + str(j).zfill(2)) else: if shortcolnames: linelabels.append(colnames[j]) else: linelabels.append(thisfilename + "_" + colnames[j]) else: linelabels.append(thisfilename) else: linelabels.append(legends[i % len(legends)]) """if invecs.shape[0] > 1: linelabels.append(legends[i % len(legends)] + '_column' + str(j).zfill(2)) else: linelabels.append(legends[i % len(legends)])""" samplerates.append(thissamplerate + 0.0) if args.debug: print( "timecourse:", j, ", len:", len(xvecs[-1]), ", timerange:", xvecs[-1][0], xvecs[-1][-1], ) numvecs += 1 thestartpoint = tide_util.valtoindex(xvecs[0], args.thestarttime) theendpoint = tide_util.valtoindex(xvecs[0], args.theendtime) args.thestarttime = xvecs[0][thestartpoint] args.theendtime = xvecs[0][theendpoint] if args.debug: print("full range (pts):", thestartpoint, theendpoint) print("full range (time):", args.thestarttime, args.theendtime) overallxmax = -1e38 overallxmin = 1e38 for thevec in xvecs: overallxmax = np.max([np.max(thevec), overallxmax]) overallxmin = np.min([np.min(thevec), overallxmin]) xrange = (np.max([overallxmin, args.thestarttime]), np.min([overallxmax, args.theendtime])) ymins = [] ymaxs = [] for thevec in yvecs: ymins.append(np.min(np.asarray(thevec[thestartpoint:theendpoint], dtype="float"))) ymaxs.append(np.max(np.asarray(thevec[thestartpoint:theendpoint], dtype="float"))) overallymax = -1e38 overallymin = 1e38 for thevec in yvecs: overallymax = np.max([np.max(thevec), overallymax]) overallymin = np.min([np.min(thevec), overallymin]) yrange = (overallymin, overallymax) if args.debug: print("xrange:", xrange) print("yrange:", yrange) if args.voffset < 0.0: args.voffset = yrange[1] - yrange[0] if args.debug: print("voffset:", args.voffset) if not separate: for i in range(0, numvecs): yvecs[i] += (numvecs - i - 1) * args.voffset overallymax = -1e38 overallymin = 1e38 for thevec in yvecs: overallymax = np.max([np.max(thevec), overallymax]) overallymin = np.min([np.min(thevec), overallymin]) yrange = (overallymin, overallymax) if args.dowaterfall: xstep = (xrange[1] - xrange[0]) / numvecs ystep = yrange[1] - yrange[0] for i in range(numvecs): xvecs[i] = xvecs[i] + i * xstep yvecs[i] = 10.0 * yvecs[i] / ystep + i * ystep # now plot it out if separate: thexaxfontsize = 6 * args.fontscalefac theyaxfontsize = 6 * args.fontscalefac thexlabelfontsize = 6 * args.fontscalefac theylabelfontsize = 6 * args.fontscalefac thelegendfontsize = 5 * args.fontscalefac thetitlefontsize = 6 * args.fontscalefac thesuptitlefontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac else: thexaxfontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac theyaxfontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac thexlabelfontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac theylabelfontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac thelegendfontsize = 8 * args.fontscalefac thetitlefontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac thesuptitlefontsize = 10 * args.fontscalefac if len(colornames) > 0: colorlist = [colornames[i % len(colornames)] for i in range(numvecs)] else: colorlist = [cm.nipy_spectral(float(i) / numvecs) for i in range(numvecs)] fig = figure() if separate: if args.thetitle is not None: fig.suptitle(args.thetitle, fontsize=thesuptitlefontsize) if linky: axlist = fig.subplots(numvecs, sharex=True, sharey=True)[:] else: axlist = fig.subplots(numvecs, sharex=True, sharey=False)[:] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if args.thetitle is not None: ax.set_title(args.thetitle, fontsize=thetitlefontsize) for i in range(0, numvecs): if separate: ax = axlist[i] ax.plot( xvecs[i], yvecs[i], color=colorlist[i], label=linelabels[i], linewidth=thelinewidth[i % numlinewidths], ) if dolegend: ax.legend(fontsize=thelegendfontsize, loc=legendloc) ax.set_xlim(xrange) if linky: # print(yrange) ax.set_ylim(yrange) else: themax = np.max(yvecs[i]) themin = np.min(yvecs[i]) thediff = themax - themin # print(themin, themax, thediff) ax.set_ylim(top=(themax + thediff / 20.0), bottom=(themin - thediff / 20.0)) if args.showxax: ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=thexlabelfontsize, which="both") if args.showyax: ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=theylabelfontsize, which="both") if separate: fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in fig.axes[:-1]], visible=False) if dospectrum: if args.xlabel is None: args.xlabel = "Frequency (Hz)" if specmode == "power": if args.ylabel is None: args.ylabel = "Signal power" else: if args.ylabel is None: args.ylabel = "Signal phase" else: if args.xlabel is None: args.xlabel = "Time (s)" if args.showxax: ax.set_xlabel(args.xlabel, fontsize=thexlabelfontsize, fontweight="bold") else: ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) if args.showyax: ax.set_ylabel(args.ylabel, fontsize=theylabelfontsize, fontweight="bold") else: ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) # fig.tight_layout() if args.outputfile is None: show() else: savefig(args.outputfile, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=args.saveres)
def makeandsavehistogram( indata, histlen, endtrim, outname, binsize=None, displaytitle="histogram", displayplots=False, refine=False, therange=None, normalize=False, dictvarname=None, thedict=None, saveasbids=False, append=False, debug=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- indata histlen endtrim outname displaytitle displayplots refine therange normalize dictvarname thedict Returns ------- """ thehist, peakheight, peakloc, peakwidth, centerofmass = makehistogram( indata, histlen, binsize=binsize, therange=therange, refine=refine ) thestore = np.zeros((2, len(thehist[0])), dtype="float64") thestore[0, :] = (thehist[1][1:] + thehist[1][0:-1]) / 2.0 thestore[1, :] = thehist[0][-histlen:] if normalize: totalval = np.sum(thestore[1, :]) if totalval != 0.0: thestore[1, :] /= totalval if dictvarname is None: varroot = outname else: varroot = dictvarname if thedict is None: tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([centerofmass]), outname + "_centerofmass.txt") tide_io.writenpvecs(np.array([peakloc]), outname + "_peak.txt") else: thedict[varroot + "_centerofmass.txt"] = centerofmass thedict[varroot + "_peak.txt"] = peakloc if saveasbids: tide_io.writebidstsv( outname, np.transpose(thestore[1, :]), 1.0 / (thestore[0, 1] - thestore[0, 0]), starttime=thestore[0, 0], columns=[varroot], append=append, debug=debug, ) else: tide_io.writenpvecs(thestore, outname + ".txt") if displayplots: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(displaytitle) plt.plot(thestore[0, : (-1 - endtrim)], thestore[1, : (-1 - endtrim)])