Exemple #1
def chat(model_path: Text = None,
         agent: 'Agent' = None,
         interpreter: NaturalLanguageInterpreter = None) -> None:
    """Chat to the bot within a Jupyter notebook.

        model_path: Path to a Rasa Stack model.
        agent: Rasa Core agent (used if no Rasa Stack model given).
        interpreter: Rasa NLU interpreter (used with Rasa Core agent if no
                     Rasa Stack model is given).

    if model_path:
        from rasa.run import create_agent
        unpacked = model.get_model(model_path)
        agent = create_agent(unpacked)
    elif agent and interpreter:
        # HACK: this skips loading the interpreter and directly
        # sets it afterwards
        nlu_interpreter = RasaNLUInterpreter(
            "skip this and use given "
            "interpreter", lazy_init=True)
        nlu_interpreter.interpreter = interpreter
        agent.interpreter = interpreter
        print_error("You either have to define a model path or an agent and "
                    "an interpreter.")

        "Your bot is ready to talk! Type your messages here or send '/stop'.")
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    while True:
        message = input()
        if message == '/stop':

        responses = loop.run_until_complete(agent.handle_text(message))
        for response in responses: