Exemple #1
def enable_wifi_ap(image, wan_if, wap_if):
    # TODO: how can I know which interface is which without having to do a bunch of system-specific work before I burn the timage? 
    # hmmmmmm
    # Can Linux correspond physical USB ports to logical devices? If so, I should specify an order and tell people that like slot 1 is wan_if and slot 2 is wap_if. Or whatever


    chroot_env = {
    chroot_cmds = [
        'apt-get update',
        'apt-get -y install hostapd',
        'apt-get -y install python python-pip'] # required for some of my boot scripts
    raspseed.sh(chroot_cmds, env=chroot_env, chroot=image.mountpoint, chroot_disable_daemons=True)
Exemple #2
def customize_sprout_image(image):
    Execute this function after creating a bootable image with 'raspseed.py image'

    The RaspSeedImage object is passed in as 'image', so you might examine the mounts, for instance, with image.mounts within this function.

    # RaspSeedImage's mount_chroot() method is idempotent

    chroot_env = {
    chroot_cmds = [
        'echo "this command is executed inside the chroot"',
        'uname -a',
    raspseed.sh(chroot_cmds, chroot=image.mountpoint, env=chroot_env)
Exemple #3
def install_tor(image):

    sources_list = [
        'deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org jessie main',
        'deb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org jessie main']
        sources_list, image.mountpoint+'/etc/apt/sources.list',
        append=True, uniqueonly=True)

    chroot_env = {
    chroot_cmds = [
        'gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89',
        'gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | apt-key add -',
        'apt-get update',
        'apt-get -y install tor deb.torproject.org-keyring tor-geoipdb']
    raspseed.sh(chroot_cmds, env=chroot_env, chroot=image.mountpoint, chroot_disable_daemons=True)
Exemple #4
def setup_sprout_host():
    Execute this function after setting up the host with 'raspseed.py setup'
    raspseed.sh('apt-get install SOMETHING -y')