Exemple #1
def test_gdalversion_class_from_string():
    v = GDALVersion.from_string('1.9.0')
    assert v.major == 1 and v.minor == 9

    v = GDALVersion.from_string('1.9')
    assert v.major == 1 and v.minor == 9

    v = GDALVersion.from_string('1.9a')
    assert v.major == 1 and v.minor == 9
Exemple #2
def test_gdalversion_class_cmp():
    assert GDALVersion(1, 0) == GDALVersion(1, 0)
    assert GDALVersion(2, 0) > GDALVersion(1, 0)
    assert GDALVersion(1, 1) > GDALVersion(1, 0)
    assert GDALVersion(1, 2) < GDALVersion(2, 2)

    # Because we don't care about patch component
    assert GDALVersion.from_string('1.0') == GDALVersion.from_string('1.0.10')

    assert GDALVersion.from_string('1.9') < GDALVersion.from_string('2.2.0')
    assert GDALVersion.from_string('2.0.0') > GDALVersion(1, 9)
Exemple #3
def test_gdalversion_class_from_string_err():
    invalids = ('foo', 'foo.bar', '1', '1.', '1.a', '.1')

    for invalid in invalids:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):