import os
import as sio
import cv2
import rateMapUtils

#function to find the nearest value to a list
def nearestDate(dates, pivot):
    minimum = min(dates, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))
    minimum_index = dates.index(minimum)
    return minimum_index, minimum

#read the cheetah clock start time
CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME = 'CheetahLogFile.txt'
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = rateMapUtils.getNeuralynxStartTime(
    CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME)  #is in the form of HH:MM:SS.Microseconds
#Events File Name
Events_File_Name = 'Events.nev'
#dictionary to hold events info from events.nev file
events = {}
#list which hold picamera Date time from the raw text file
piCameraTime = []
# start maze time and end maze time (will be noted from events file)
StartMazeTime = -1
EndMazeTime = -1
#blank black image to draw trajcectory
blank_image = np.zeros((720, 720, 3), np.uint8)

#convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
Exemple #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 13 12:55:58 2016

@author: rajat

import glob
import pickle
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import rateMapUtils

#read the cheetah clock start time 
CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME = 'CheetahLogFile.txt'
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = rateMapUtils.getNeuralynxStartTime(CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME)
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = datetime.strptime(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START,'%H:%M:%S.%f').time()

#convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = timedelta(hours=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .hour, minutes=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .minute, 
                                 seconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .second, microseconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .microsecond)

#input for directory
DIRECTORY = str(raw_input('Please enter the path to directory\n'))
print "Directory:- " + DIRECTORY + "\n"

print "Neuralynx Clock Start Time: " + str(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START)

# iterates over files starting with "cl-maze"
for name in glob.glob(DIRECTORY + "/TT[0-9]*-cl-maze[0-9].[0-9].p"):
    #dictionary to hold the updated data
    spikeInfoUpdated = {}
import os
import as sio
import cv2
import rateMapUtils

# function to find the nearest value to a list
def nearestDate(dates, pivot):
    minimum = min(dates, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))
    minimum_index = dates.index(minimum)
    return minimum_index, minimum

# read the cheetah clock start time
CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME = "CheetahLogFile.txt"
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = rateMapUtils.getNeuralynxStartTime(
)  # is in the form of HH:MM:SS.Microseconds
# Events File Name
Events_File_Name = "Events.nev"
# dictionary to hold events info from events.nev file
events = {}
# list which hold picamera Date time from the raw text file
piCameraTime = []
# start maze time and end maze time (will be noted from events file)
StartMazeTime = -1
EndMazeTime = -1
# blank black image to draw trajcectory
blank_image = np.zeros((720, 720, 3), np.uint8)

# convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = datetime.strptime(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START, "%H:%M:%S.%f").time()
#minvalue for occupancy map thresholding (seconds)
occMapThreshold = 0.4

#used to set the root
root = os.getcwd()

for dirname in os.listdir(root):
    if dirname.startswith('Day'):
        #set the directory to root same as cd.. in linux
        #set the directory to dirname same as cd dirname in linux
        print str(dirname) + '\n'
        #get neuralynx main clock start time
        MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = rateMapUtils.getNeuralynxStartTime(CHEETAH_LOG_FILE_NAME)
        MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = datetime.strptime(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START,'%H:%M:%S.%f').time()  
        #convert the main clock start time to timedelta object
        MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START = timedelta(hours=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .hour, minutes=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .minute, seconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .second, microseconds=MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START .microsecond)
        print 'Neuralynx Start Time: ' + str(MAIN_NLX_CLOCK_START) + '\n'
        #get start acquisition time for cheetah log file
        print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to NTP Server: ' + str(START_ACQ_NTP_TIME)
        print 'Neuralynx Start Acquisition Time acc to SX Box: ' + str(START_ACQ_SXBOX_TIME) + '\n'
        #check if already processed data exists in directory
        processedDataExists = rateMapUtils.checkIfProcessedDataExists(os.getcwd(), NlxFlag=True)
        #if processed data exists, use that for rate map generation
        if processedDataExists: