Exemple #1
def update_namespace(namespace: AnyStr, tenant_id: AnyStr) -> int:
    Update the namespace associated with the tenant.

    :namespace (AnyStr) A string representing the namespace
    :tenant (AnyStr) A string representing the tenant.

    Return the number of row affected.
    qry = sa.text("""
        INSERT INTO namespaces(namespace, tenant_id)
        VALUES (:namespace, :tenant_id)
        ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT namespaces_pkey
        DO UPDATE
        SET tenant_id = EXCLUDED.tenant_id, namespace = EXCLUDED.namespace;
        DELETE FROM namespaces WHERE namespace = :namespace
        AND tenant_id = 'default'
        AND EXISTS
            SELECT namespace
            FROM namespaces
            WHERE namespace = :namespace
            AND tenant_id != 'default'


    params = {'namespace': namespace, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}

    return process_query_get_count(qry, params)
def delete_rated_frames(metric: AnyStr) -> int:
    Delete rated frames from the database.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric name

    Return the number of row deleted
    qry = sa.text("""
        DELETE FROM frames
        WHERE metric = :metric
    params = {'metric': metric}
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
def clear_rated_metrics(metric: AnyStr) -> int:
    Delete a metrics from the frame_status table.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric name

    Return the number of row updated
    qry = sa.text("""
        DELETE FROM frame_status
        WHERE metric = :metric
    params = {'metric': metric}
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #4
def delete_tenant(tenant: AnyStr) -> int:
    Remove a tenant from the table.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        DELETE FROM namespaces
        WHERE tenant_id = :tenant
    params = {
        'tenant': tenant
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #5
def unlink_namespace(namespace: AnyStr) -> int:
    Remove assignation of a namespace to a tenant.

    :namespace (AnyStr) A name representing the namespace

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        UPDATE namespaces
        SET tenant_id = 'default'
        WHERE namespace = :namespace
    params = {
        'namespace': namespace
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #6
def new_tenant(tenant: AnyStr, password: AnyStr) -> int:
    Insert a new tenant in database.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A string representing the name of the tenant
    :password (AnyStr) A string to use as password

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        INSERT INTO users (tenant_id, password)
        VALUES (:tenant, :password)
    params = {
        'tenant': tenant,
        'password': password
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #7
def insert_group_tenant(tenant: AnyStr, user_group: AnyStr) -> int:
    Insert the tenant  group in database.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A string representing the name of the tenant
    :admin_user (AnyStr) A string that represents the group of a user (i.e. admin or user)

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        INSERT INTO group_tenant (tenant_id, user_group)
        VALUES (:tenant, :user_group)
    params = {
        'tenant': tenant,
        'user_group': user_group
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #8
def link_namespace(tenant: AnyStr, namespace: AnyStr) -> int:
    Assign a namespace to a tenant.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A name representing the tenant to whom the namespace will be assigned
    :namespace (AnyStr) A name representing the namespace to assign to the tenant

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        UPDATE namespaces
        SET tenant_id = :tenant
        WHERE namespace = :namespace
    params = {
        'tenant': tenant,
        'namespace': namespace
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
Exemple #9
def update_tenant(tenant: AnyStr, password: AnyStr) -> int:
    Update a tenant in database.

    :tenant (AnyStr) A string representing the name of the tenant
    :password (AnyStr) A string to use as password

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = text("""
        UPDATE users
        SET password = :password
        WHERE tenant_id = :tenant

    params = {
        'tenant': tenant,
        'password': password
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)
def update_rated_metrics(metric: AnyStr, report_name: AnyStr,
                         last_insert: AnyStr) -> int:
    Update the frame_status table with new informations.

    :metric (AnyStr) A string representing the metric to update
    :report_name (AnyStr) A string representing the report name
    :last_insert (AnyStr) A time representation of latest update

    Return the number of row updated, 0 in case of fail, 1 otherwise
    qry = sa.text("""
        INSERT INTO frame_status(last_insert, report_name, metric)
        VALUES (:last_insert, :report_name , :metric)
        ON CONFLICT (report_name, metric)
        DO UPDATE SET last_insert = :last_insert

    params = {
        'last_insert': last_insert,
        'report_name': report_name,
        'metric': metric
    return utils.process_query_get_count(qry, params)