Exemple #1
def test_backend_config_update():
    b = BackendConfig(num_replicas=1, max_concurrent_queries=1)

    # Test updating a key works.
    b.num_replicas = 2
    assert b.num_replicas == 2
    # Check that not specifying a key doesn't update it.
    assert b.max_concurrent_queries == 1

    # Check that input is validated.
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        b.num_replicas = "Hello"
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        b.num_replicas = -1
Exemple #2
def test_backend_config_update():
    b = BackendConfig(num_replicas=1, max_batch_size=1)

    # Test updating a key works.
    b.num_replicas = 2
    assert b.num_replicas == 2
    # Check that not specifying a key doesn't update it.
    assert b.max_batch_size == 1

    # Check that input is validated.
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        b.num_replicas = "Hello"
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        b.num_replicas = -1

    # Test batch validation.
    b = BackendConfig(internal_metadata=BackendMetadata(accepts_batches=False))
    b.max_batch_size = 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        b.max_batch_size = 2

    b = BackendConfig(internal_metadata=BackendMetadata(accepts_batches=True))
    b.max_batch_size = 2
Exemple #3
def test_backend_user_config(serve_instance):
    config = BackendConfig(num_replicas=2, user_config={"count": 123, "b": 2})

    @serve.deployment("counter", config=config)
    class Counter:
        def __init__(self):
            self.count = 10

        def __call__(self, starlette_request):
            return self.count, os.getpid()

        def reconfigure(self, config):
            self.count = config["count"]

    handle = Counter.get_handle()

    def check(val, num_replicas):
        pids_seen = set()
        for i in range(100):
            result = ray.get(handle.remote())
            if str(result[0]) != val:
                return False
        return len(pids_seen) == num_replicas

    wait_for_condition(lambda: check("123", 2))

    config.num_replicas = 3
    Counter = Counter.options(config=config)
    wait_for_condition(lambda: check("123", 3))

    config.user_config = {"count": 456}
    Counter = Counter.options(config=config)
    wait_for_condition(lambda: check("456", 3))
Exemple #4
def deployment(
    _func_or_class: Optional[Callable] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    prev_version: Optional[str] = None,
    num_replicas: Optional[int] = None,
    init_args: Optional[Tuple[Any]] = None,
    route_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
    ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
    user_config: Optional[Any] = None,
    max_concurrent_queries: Optional[int] = None,
    _autoscaling_config: Optional[Union[Dict, AutoscalingConfig]] = None,
) -> Callable[[Callable], Deployment]:
    """Define a Serve deployment.

        name (Optional[str]): Globally-unique name identifying this deployment.
            If not provided, the name of the class or function will be used.
        version (Optional[str]): Version of the deployment. This is used to
            indicate a code change for the deployment; when it is re-deployed
            with a version change, a rolling update of the replicas will be
            performed. If not provided, every deployment will be treated as a
            new version.
        prev_version (Optional[str]): Version of the existing deployment which
            is used as a precondition for the next deployment. If prev_version
            does not match with the existing deployment's version, the
            deployment will fail. If not provided, deployment procedure will
            not check the existing deployment's version.
        num_replicas (Optional[int]): The number of processes to start up that
            will handle requests to this deployment. Defaults to 1.
        init_args (Optional[Tuple]): Arguments to be passed to the class
            constructor when starting up deployment replicas. These can also be
            passed when you call `.deploy()` on the returned Deployment.
        route_prefix (Optional[str]): Requests to paths under this HTTP path
            prefix will be routed to this deployment. Defaults to '/{name}'.
            Routing is done based on longest-prefix match, so if you have
            deployment A with a prefix of '/a' and deployment B with a prefix
            of '/a/b', requests to '/a', '/a/', and '/a/c' go to A and requests
            to '/a/b', '/a/b/', and '/a/b/c' go to B. Routes must not end with
            a '/' unless they're the root (just '/'), which acts as a
        ray_actor_options (dict): Options to be passed to the Ray actor
            constructor such as resource requirements.
        user_config (Optional[Any]): [experimental] Config to pass to the
            reconfigure method of the deployment. This can be updated
            dynamically without changing the version of the deployment and
            restarting its replicas. The user_config needs to be hashable to
            keep track of updates, so it must only contain hashable types, or
            hashable types nested in lists and dictionaries.
        max_concurrent_queries (Optional[int]): The maximum number of queries
            that will be sent to a replica of this deployment without receiving
            a response. Defaults to 100.


    >>> @serve.deployment(name="deployment1", version="v1")
        class MyDeployment:

    >>> MyDeployment.deploy(*init_args)
    >>> MyDeployment.options(num_replicas=2, init_args=init_args).deploy()


    config = BackendConfig()
    if num_replicas is not None:
        config.num_replicas = num_replicas

    if user_config is not None:
        config.user_config = user_config

    if max_concurrent_queries is not None:
        config.max_concurrent_queries = max_concurrent_queries

    if _autoscaling_config is not None:
        config.autoscaling_config = _autoscaling_config

    def decorator(_func_or_class):
        return Deployment(
            name if name is not None else _func_or_class.__name__,

    # This handles both parametrized and non-parametrized usage of the
    # decorator. See the @serve.batch code for more details.
    return decorator(_func_or_class) if callable(_func_or_class) else decorator