Exemple #1
    def decorator(cls):
        if not inspect.isclass(cls):
            raise ValueError("@serve.ingress must be used with a class.")

        if issubclass(cls, collections.abc.Callable):
            raise ValueError(
                "Class passed to @serve.ingress may not have __call__ method.")

        # Sometimes there are decorators on the methods. We want to fix
        # the fast api routes here.
        if isinstance(app, (FastAPI, APIRouter)):
            make_fastapi_class_based_view(app, cls)

        # Free the state of the app so subsequent modification won't affect
        # this ingress deployment. We don't use copy.copy here to avoid
        # recursion issue.
        frozen_app = cloudpickle.loads(cloudpickle.dumps(app))

        class ASGIAppWrapper(cls):
            async def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

                self._serve_app = frozen_app

                # Use uvicorn's lifespan handling code to properly deal with
                # startup and shutdown event.
                self._serve_asgi_lifespan = LifespanOn(
                    Config(self._serve_app, lifespan="on"))
                # Replace uvicorn logger with our own.
                self._serve_asgi_lifespan.logger = logger
                # LifespanOn's logger logs in INFO level thus becomes spammy
                # Within this block we temporarily uplevel for cleaner logging
                with LoggingContext(self._serve_asgi_lifespan.logger,
                    await self._serve_asgi_lifespan.startup()

            async def __call__(self, request: Request):
                sender = ASGIHTTPSender()
                await self._serve_app(
                return sender.build_starlette_response()

            def __del__(self):
                # LifespanOn's logger logs in INFO level thus becomes spammy
                # Within this block we temporarily uplevel for cleaner logging
                with LoggingContext(self._serve_asgi_lifespan.logger,

        ASGIAppWrapper.__name__ = cls.__name__
        return ASGIAppWrapper
Exemple #2
def test_make_fastapi_cbv_util():
    app = FastAPI()

    class A:
        def b(self, i: int):

    # before, "self" is treated as a query params
    assert app.routes[-1].endpoint == A.b
    assert app.routes[-1].dependant.query_params[0].name == "self"
    assert len(app.routes[-1].dependant.dependencies) == 0

    make_fastapi_class_based_view(app, A)

    # after, "self" is treated as a dependency instead of query params
    assert app.routes[-1].endpoint == A.b
    assert len(app.routes[-1].dependant.query_params) == 0
    assert len(app.routes[-1].dependant.dependencies) == 1
    self_dep = app.routes[-1].dependant.dependencies[0]
    assert self_dep.name == "self"
    assert inspect.isfunction(self_dep.call)
    assert "get_current_servable" in str(self_dep.call)