def handle_up_time():
     Handle a up time request.
     NOTE: This method makes a blocking call to the DataGovernanceSystem actor.
     gov = named_actors.get_actor(dgs_server_name)
     up_time = ray.get(gov.get_up_time.remote())
     return json.dumps({'up_time': up_time})
 def handle_reset():
     Handle a reset request.
     NOTE: This method makes a "fire and forget", non-blocking call to the DataGovernanceSystem actor.
     gov = named_actors.get_actor(dgs_server_name)
     return json.dumps({'message': 'async reset invoked.'})
 def handle_get_ids():
     Returns the logged ids, which could be huge!
     NOTE: This method makes a blocking call to the DataGovernanceSystem actor.
     gov = named_actors.get_actor(dgs_server_name)
     ids = ray.get(gov.get_ids.remote())
     return json.dumps({'ids': ids})
 def handle_get_count():
     Returns the count of logged ids.
     NOTE: This method makes a blocking call to the DataGovernanceSystem actor.
     gov = named_actors.get_actor(dgs_server_name)
     count = ray.get(gov.get_count.remote())
     return json.dumps({'count': count})
 def handle_log(request):
     """Handler for logging ids."""
     gov = named_actors.get_actor(dgs_server_name)
     record_id = request.args.get('id', None)
     if not record_id:
         raise Exception(
             f'Invalid "log" request, missing id. Request = {request}')
         gov.log.remote(record_id)  # fire and forget
         return json.dumps(
             {'message': f'sent async log request for {record_id}'})