Exemple #1
    def scatter(self, rIn, rec):
        attenuation = vec3(1, 1, 1)
        etaiOverEtat = (1.0 /
                        self.refIndex) if rec.frontFace else self.refIndex

        unitDirection = vec3.normalize(rIn.direction())
        cosTheta = min(vec3.dot(unitDirection * -1, rec.n), 1.0)
        sinTheta = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta)

        # TIR
        if etaiOverEtat * sinTheta > 1.0:
            reflected = vec3.reflect(unitDirection, rec.n)
            scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected)
            return (attenuation, scattered)

        # prop. reflection / refraction
        reflectProb = dielectric.schlick(cosTheta, etaiOverEtat)

        # reflection
        if random.random() < reflectProb:
            reflected = vec3.reflect(unitDirection, rec.n)
            scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected)
            return (attenuation, scattered)

        # refraction
        refracted = vec3.refract(unitDirection, rec.n, etaiOverEtat)
        scattered = ray(rec.p, refracted)
        return (attenuation, scattered)
    def scatter_ray(self, incident_ray, hit_rec, attenuate, scatterd_ray):
        no_attenuation   = vector_3d([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
        ir_direction     = incident_ray.direction()
        reflected_ray    = reflect_a_ray(ir_direction, hit_rec.normal_)

        if dot_product(ir_direction, hit_rec.normal_) > 0:
            out_normal = -hit_rec.normal_
            ni_over_nr = self.ref_idx_
            cos_theta  = (self.ref_idx_ * dot_product(ir_direction, hit_rec.normal_))/(ir_direction.length())
            out_normal = hit_rec.normal_
            ni_over_nr = (1.0 / self.ref_idx_)
            cos_theta  = -dot_product(ir_direction, hit_rec.normal_)/(ir_direction.length())
        # end: if dot_product(....) > 0

        # is the ray reflected ?
        ray_is_refracted,  refracted_ray = refract_a_ray(ir_direction, out_normal, ni_over_nr)
        reflect_chance = 1.0

        if ray_is_refracted == True:
            reflect_chance = self.schlick_approx(cos_theta)

        if random.random() < reflect_chance:
            new_ray = ray(hit_rec.p_, reflected_ray)
            new_ray = ray(hit_rec.p_, refracted_ray)

        # copy the values back
        attenuate.values_       = no_attenuation.values_
        scatterd_ray.origin_    = new_ray.origin_
        scatterd_ray.direction_ = new_ray.direction_

        return True
 def scatter(self, r_in, rec, attenuation):
     refracted = np.zeros([3], dtype=np.float32)
     reflected = reflect(r_in.direction(), rec.normal)
     attenuation = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32)
     if np.dot(r_in.direction(), rec.normal) > 0:
         outward_normal = -rec.normal
         ni_over_nt = self.ref_idx
         cosine = self.ref_idx * np.dot(
             r_in.direction(), rec.normal) / length(r_in.direction())
         # cosine = np.dot(r_in.direction(), rec.normal) / length(r_in.direction())
         # print(1 - self.ref_idx * self.ref_idx * (1 - cosine ** 2), self.ref_idx, cosine)
         # cosine = math.sqrt(1 - self.ref_idx * self.ref_idx * (1 - cosine ** 2))
         outward_normal = rec.normal
         ni_over_nt = 1.0 / self.ref_idx
         cosine = (0 - np.dot(r_in.direction(), rec.normal)) / length(
     boolean, refracted = refract(r_in.direction(), outward_normal,
                                  ni_over_nt, refracted)
     if boolean:
         reflect_prob = schlick(cosine, self.ref_idx)
         reflect_prob = 1.0
     if (random() < reflect_prob):
         scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected)
         scattered = ray(rec.p, refracted)
     return True, attenuation, scattered
Exemple #4
    def scatter(self, r_in: ray, rec, attenuation: glm.vec3,
                scattered: ray) -> bool:
        _att = glm.vec3(1., 1., 1.)
        attenuation.x, attenuation.y, attenuation.z = _att.x, _att.y, _att.z

        etai_over_etat = 1 / self.ref_ind if rec.front_face else self.ref_ind

        cos_theta = glm.fmin(
            glm.dot(-glm.normalize(r_in.direction()), rec.normal), 1.)
        sin_theta = glm.sqrt(1. - cos_theta * cos_theta)

        refracted_or_reflected = None
        if sin_theta * etai_over_etat > 1.:
            refracted_or_reflected = reflect(glm.normalize(r_in.direction()),
            refracted_or_reflected = refract(glm.normalize(r_in.direction()),
                                             rec.normal, etai_over_etat)

        _scattered = ray(rec.p, refracted_or_reflected)

        scattered.orig = _scattered.origin()
        scattered.direc = _scattered.direction()

        return True
def colorize_world(R, world_object_list, reflection_depth = 0):
    colorize the world of objects with a specific reflection-depth. this implies
    that the ray 'R' is reflected utmost 'reflection_depth' times.
    rec      = hit_record(0.0, vector_3d(), vector_3d(), None)
    boundary = hit_boundary(0.001, sys.float_info.max)

    if world_object_list.hit(R, boundary, rec):
        # hit
        scattered_ray = ray()
        attenuation   = vector_3d()

        # did this ray get scattered around ?
        is_scatterd = rec.material_.scatter_ray(R, rec, attenuation, scattered_ray)
        if reflection_depth < 50 and is_scatterd == True:
            color = attenuation * colorize_world(scattered_ray, world_object_list, reflection_depth + 1)
            color = vector_3d()
        # no hit
        unit_dir = create_unit_vector(R.direction())
        t        = 0.5 * (unit_dir.y() + 1.0)
        color    = (1.0 - t) * vector_3d([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) + t * vector_3d([0.5, 0.7, 1.0])

    return color
Exemple #6
    def is_shadowed(self, site):
        takes in world and a point and returns if it shaded or not
        vector_to_light = (self.Lights()[0].Position() - site)
        distance = vector_to_light.magnitude()

        # now normalize the vector
        vector_to_light = vector_to_light.normalize()
        ray_to_light = ray(site, vector_to_light)

        junctions = self.intersect_world(ray_to_light)
        h = IdentifyHit(junctions)

        # new = []
        # for crossing in junctions:
        #     commit = Intersection(crossing['time'], crossing['object'])
        #     new.append(commit)
        # print(new[0].t)
        # i = Intersections(new)
        # h = i.hit()     # gets the most relevant hit

        if h and h['time'] < distance:
            return True
            return False
Exemple #7
def raytrace(r, scene, depth):

    # Determine the closest hits
    distances = [s.intersect(r, 0.001, 1.0e39) for s in scene]
    nearest = ft.reduce(np.minimum, distances)

    # Ambient
    color = rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    unit_dir = unit_vector(r.direction())
    t = (unit_dir.y + 1.0) * 0.5
    # bgc = (vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)*(1.0 - t) + vec3(0.5, 0.7, 1.0)*t)
    bgc = vec3(0.5, 0.7, 1.0) * t

    for (s, d) in zip(scene, distances):
        hit = (nearest != 1.0e39) & (d == nearest)
        print("depth: %s | Radius: %s | Shape: %s" %
              (depth, s.radius, hit.shape))
        if np.any(hit) and depth < 5:
            dc = np.extract(hit, d)
            oc = r.origin().extract(hit)
            dirc = r.direction().extract(hit)
            er = ray(oc, dirc)

            p = er.point_at_parameter(dc)
            N = (p - s.center) / vec3(s.radius, s.radius, s.radius)

            shader = s.material()
            scattered = shader.scatter(er, p, N)
            cc = raytrace(scattered, scene, depth + 1) * shader.albedo
            # cc = vec3(shader.albedo, shader.albedo, shader.albedo)
            color += cc.place2(hit, bgc)
    return color
Exemple #8
 def run(self):
     dx, dy = self.decenter
     x = self.ray.x - dx
     y = self.ray.y - dy
     z = self.ray.z
     R = self.R()
     K, L, M = R.dot(np.array([self.ray.K, self.ray.L, self.ray.M]))
     return ray(x, y, z, K, L, M)
Exemple #9
 def scatter(self, rIn, rec):
     reflected = vec3.reflect(vec3.normalize(rIn.direction()), rec.n)
     scattered = ray(rec.p,
                     reflected + vec3.randomPointInSphere() * self.fuzz)
     if vec3.dot(scattered.direction(), rec.n) > 0:
         return (self.color, scattered)
         return None
Exemple #10
    def get_ray(self, U, V):
        rd = self.lens_radius_ * self.random_in_unit_disk_()
        offset = self.u_ * rd.x() + self.v_ * rd.y()

        return ray(self.origin_ + offset,
                   (self.lower_left_corner_   +
                    U * self.horizontal_span_ +
                    V * self.vertical_span_ - self.origin_ - offset))
Exemple #11
 def getRay(self, u, v):
     temp = vec3.randomPointInDisc() * self.lenseRadius
     apertureOffset = self.u * temp.x() + self.v * temp.y()
     return ray(
         self.lookFrom + apertureOffset,
         self.lowerLeftCorner + self.u * u * 2 * self.halfWidth +
         self.v * v * 2 * self.halfHeight -
         (self.lookFrom + apertureOffset))
Exemple #12
 def unrun(self):
     dx, dy = self.decenter
     x = self.ray.x + dx
     y = self.ray.y + dy
     z = self.ray.z
     R = self.R(sign=-1)
     K, L, M = R.dot(np.array([self.ray.K, self.ray.L, self.ray.M]))
     return ray(x, y, z, K, L, M)
    def scatter_ray(self, incident_ray, hit_rec, attenuate, scatterd_ray):
        target  = hit_rec.p_ + hit_rec.normal_ + random_point_in_unit_sphere()
        new_ray = ray(hit_rec.p_, target - hit_rec.p_)

        # copy the values back
        attenuate.values_       = self.albedo_.values_
        scatterd_ray.origin_    = new_ray.origin_
        scatterd_ray.direction_ = new_ray.direction_

        return True
Exemple #14
    def scatter(self, r_in: ray, rec, attenuation: glm.vec3,
                scattered: ray) -> bool:
        scatter_direction = rec.normal + random_unit_vector()
        _scattered = ray(rec.p, scatter_direction)
        scattered.orig = _scattered.origin()
        scattered.direc = _scattered.direction()

        _albedo_corr = self.albedo.value(rec.u, rec.v, rec.p)
        attenuation.x, attenuation.y, attenuation.z = _albedo_corr.x, _albedo_corr.y, _albedo_corr.z

        return True
Exemple #15
def reflected_color(world, comps, remaining=LIMIT):
    if remaining <= 0:
        return color(0, 0, 0)
        if comps.object.material.reflective == 0:
            return color(0, 0, 0)
            reflect_ray = ray(comps.over_point, comps.reflectv)
            remaining -= 1
            c = color_at(world, reflect_ray, remaining)

            return c * comps.object.material.reflective
Exemple #16
    def get_ray(self, u, v):
        nu = self.horz * u
        nv = self.vert * v

        l = nu.components()[0].shape
        ox = np.repeat(self.origin.x, l)
        oy = np.repeat(self.origin.y, l)
        oz = np.repeat(self.origin.z, l)
        no = vec3(ox, oy, oz)

        direction = self.llc + nu + nv - no
        return ray(no, direction)
Exemple #17
def ray_for_pixel(camera, px, py):
    xoffset = (px + 0.5) * camera.pixel_size
    yoffset = (py + 0.5) * camera.pixel_size

    world_x = camera.half_width - xoffset
    world_y = camera.half_height - yoffset

    pixel = inverse(camera.transform) * point(world_x, world_y, -1)
    origin = inverse(camera.transform) * point(0, 0, 0)
    direction = normalize(pixel - origin)

    return ray(origin, direction)
Exemple #18
def is_shadowed(world, point):
    v = world.light.position - point
    distance = magnitude(v)
    direction = normalize(v)

    r = ray(point, direction)
    intersections = intersect_world(world, r)

    h = hit(intersections)
    if h is not None and h.t < distance:
        return True
        return False
    def scatter_ray(self, incident_ray, hit_rec, attenuate, scatterd_ray):
        reflected_ray  = reflect_a_ray(create_unit_vector(incident_ray.direction()), hit_rec.normal_)
        new_ray        = ray(hit_rec.p_, reflected_ray + self.fuzz_ * random_point_in_unit_sphere())

        # copy the values back
        attenuate.values_       = self.albedo_.values_
        scatterd_ray.origin_    = new_ray.origin_
        scatterd_ray.direction_ = new_ray.direction_

        # is it scattered ?
        if dot_product(scatterd_ray.direction(), hit_rec.normal_) > 0:
            return True

        return False
Exemple #20
    def scatter(self, r_in: ray, rec, attenuation: glm.vec3,
                scattered: ray) -> bool:
        reflected = reflect(glm.normalize(r_in.direction()), rec.normal)

        _scattered = ray(rec.p,
                         reflected + self.fuzz * random_in_unit_sphere())

        scattered.orig = _scattered.origin()
        scattered.direc = _scattered.direction()

        _albedo_corr = self.albedo.value(rec.u, rec.v, rec.p)
        attenuation.x, attenuation.y, attenuation.z = _albedo_corr.x, _albedo_corr.y, _albedo_corr.z

        return glm.dot(scattered.direction(), rec.normal) > 0
Exemple #21
    def ray_for_pixel(self, px, py):
        xoffset = (px + 0.5) * self.Get_Pixel_Size()
        yoffset = (py + 0.5) * self.Get_Pixel_Size()

        world_x = self.Half_Width() - xoffset
        world_y = self.Half_Height() - yoffset

        pixel = self.set_transform.inverse().multiply_tuple(
            point(world_x, world_y, -1))
        origin = self.set_transform.inverse().multiply_tuple(point(0, 0, 0))

        direction = pixel - origin
        direction = direction.normalize()

        return ray(origin, direction)
Exemple #22
	def initialize(self, coordinates, directions):
		Initialize the rays
		coordinates: An iterable data structure of (x, y, z)
		directions: An iterable data structure of (xvec, yvec, zvec)
		assert len(coordinates) == len(directions) == self.numofrays
		self.__directions = directions
		index = self.indef['init']
		for (x, y, z) in coor:
			r = ray()
			r.addPoint(x, y, z, index)
Exemple #23
 def color_at(self, obj_hit, hit_pos, normal, scene):
     mat = obj_hit.material
     obj_color = mat.color_at(hit_pos)
     specular_k = 1.5
     to_cam = scene.camera - hit_pos
     c = mat.ambient * color.from_hex("#000000")
     for light in scene.lights:
         to_light = ray(hit_pos, light.position - hit_pos)
         #Освещение по Ламберту
         c = c + obj_color * mat.diffuse * max(
             normal.dot_product(to_light.direction), 0)
         #Blin-Phong lightinig
         half_vector = (to_light.direction + to_cam).normolize()
         c = c + light.color * mat.specular * max(
             normal.dot_product(half_vector), 0)**specular_k
     return c
Exemple #24
def refracted_color(world, comps, remaining):
    if comps.object.material.transparency == 0 or remaining <= 0:
        return color(0, 0, 0)
        n_ratio = comps.n1 / comps.n2
        cos_i = dot(comps.eyev, comps.normalv)
        sin2_t = n_ratio ** 2 * (1 - cos_i ** 2)
        if sin2_t > 1:
            return color(0, 0, 0)
            cos_t = sqrt(1.0 - sin2_t)
            direction = comps.normalv * (n_ratio * cos_i - cos_t) - comps.eyev * n_ratio
            refract_ray = ray(comps.under_point, direction)
            c = (
                color_at(world, refract_ray, remaining - 1)
                * comps.object.material.transparency
            return c
Exemple #25
 def _standard(self):
     '''refract at spherical surface "surf"'''
     C = 1 / self.surf2.radius
     n0 = self.surf1.index[self.wave]
     n1 = self.surf2.index[self.wave]
     e = -self.ray.x * self.ray.K - self.ray.y * self.ray.L - self.ray.z * self.ray.M
     Mz = self.ray.z + e * self.ray.M
     M2 = self.ray.x**2 + self.ray.y**2 + self.ray.z**2 - e**2
     arg = self.ray.M**2 - C * (C * M2 - 2 * Mz)
     if arg < 0:
         print('Warning: Total internal reflection occurs on surface %d' %
     E1 = np.sqrt(arg)
     Ep = np.sqrt(1 - (n0 / n1)**2 * (1 - E1**2))
     g = Ep - n0 / n1 * E1
     K1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.K - g * C * self.ray.x
     L1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.L - g * C * self.ray.y
     M1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.M - g * C * self.ray.z + g
     return ray(self.ray.x, self.ray.y, self.ray.z, K1, L1, M1)
Exemple #26
def simpleRaycast():
    t0 = time.time()

    nx = 200
    ny = 100
    # Build array of vectors defined on a normalized plane
    # aspect ratio
    r = float(nx) / float(ny)
    # normalized range
    S = (0., 1., 1., 0.)
    # linearly step through each xy pixel and create vector position
    npx = np.tile(np.linspace(S[0], S[2], nx), ny)
    npy = np.repeat(np.linspace(S[1], S[3], ny), nx)
    npz = np.repeat(0.0, (nx * ny))

    origin = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    # test = ray(origin, lower_left_corner + npx*horizontal + npy*vertical)
    # print(test)

    Q = vec3(npx, npy, npz)
    rdir = Q - origin

    lower_left_corner = vec3(-2.0, -1.0, -1.0)
    horizontal = vec3(4.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    vertical = vec3(0.0, 2.0, 0.0)

    u = horizontal * rdir.x
    v = vertical * rdir.y
    direction = lower_left_corner + u + v
    iray = ray(origin, direction)
    colorRet = color(iray)

    print("Took %s" % (time.time() - t0))

    from PIL import Image
    rgb = [
            (255 * np.clip(c, 0, 1).reshape(ny, nx)).astype(np.uint8), "L")
        for c in colorRet.components()
    Image.merge("RGB", rgb).save("output/output_simpleRayCast.png")
Exemple #27
    def _standard(self, EP_transfer=False, **kwargs):
        '''transfer from point x,y,z with dir. cosines K,L,M to spherical surface "surf2"'''
        if EP_transfer:
            t = kwargs['t']
            t = self.surf1.thickness
        C = 1 / self.surf2.radius
        e = t * self.ray.M - (self.ray.x * self.ray.K + self.ray.y * self.ray.L
                              + self.ray.z * self.ray.M)
        Mz = self.ray.z + e * self.ray.M - t
        M2 = self.ray.x**2 + self.ray.y**2 + self.ray.z**2 - e**2 + t**2 - 2 * t * self.ray.z
        arg = self.ray.M**2 - C * (C * M2 - 2 * Mz)
        if arg < 0:
            print('Warning: Ray does not intersect surface %d' %
        E1 = np.sqrt(arg)
        OPL = e + (C * M2 - 2 * Mz) / (self.ray.M + E1)
        x1 = self.ray.x + OPL * self.ray.K
        y1 = self.ray.y + OPL * self.ray.L
        z1 = self.ray.z + OPL * self.ray.M - t

        OPL = OPL * self.surf1.index[self.wave]
        return ray(x1, y1, z1, self.ray.K, self.ray.L, self.ray.M, OPL=OPL)
Exemple #28
 def _asphere(self):
     '''refract at an aspheric surface'''
     C = 1 / self.surf2.radius
     n0 = self.surf1.index[self.wave]
     n1 = self.surf2.index[self.wave]
     r2 = self.ray.x**2 + self.ray.y**2
     m0 = np.sqrt(1 - C**2 * r2)
     arg = C + m0 * sum(
         [2 * (k + 1) * r2**k * a for k, a in enumerate(self.surf2.A)])
     l0 = -self.ray.y * arg
     k0 = -self.ray.x * arg
     P2 = k0**2 + l0**2 + m0**2
     F = self.ray.K * k0 + self.ray.L * l0 + self.ray.M * m0
     arg = P2 * (1 - n0**2 / n1**2) + n0**2 / n1**2 * F**2
     if arg < 0:
         print('Warning: Total internal reflection occurs on surface %d' %
     Fp = np.sqrt(arg)
     g = 1 / P2 * (Fp - n0 / n1 * F)
     K1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.K + g * k0
     L1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.L + g * l0
     M1 = n0 / n1 * self.ray.M + g * m0
     return ray(self.ray.x, self.ray.y, self.ray.z, K1, L1, M1)
Exemple #29
def main():
    t0 = time.time()

    nx = 200
    ny = 100
    # Build array of vectors defined on a normalized plane
    # aspect ratio
    r = float(nx) / float(ny)
    # normalized range
    S = (0., 1., 1., 0.)
    # linearly step through each xy pixel and create vector position
    npx = np.tile(np.linspace(S[0], S[2], nx), ny)
    npy = np.repeat(np.linspace(S[1], S[3], ny), nx)
    npz = np.repeat(0.0, (nx * ny))

    origin = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    # test = ray(origin, lower_left_corner + npx*horizontal + npy*vertical)
    # print(test)

    Q = vec3(npx, npy, npz)
    rdir = Q - origin

    lower_left_corner = vec3(-2.0, -1.0, -1.0)
    horizontal = vec3(4.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    vertical = vec3(0.0, 2.0, 0.0)

    u = horizontal * rdir.x
    v = vertical * rdir.y
    direction = lower_left_corner + u + v
    iray = ray(origin, direction)
    colorRet = color(iray)

    print("Took %s" % (time.time() - t0))

    output_image(colorRet, nx, ny)
Exemple #30
    def render(self, scene):
        width = scene.width
        height = scene.height
        ascept_ratio = float(width) / height
        x0 = -1.0
        x1 = +1.0
        xstep = (x1 - x0) / (width - 1)
        y0 = -1.0 / ascept_ratio
        y1 = +1.0 / ascept_ratio
        ystep = (y1 - y0) / (height - 1)

        camera = scene.camera
        pixels = image(width, height)
        for j in range(height):
            y = y0 + j * ystep
            for i in range(width):
                x = x0 + i * xstep
                new_point = point(x, y) - camera
                rey = ray(camera, new_point)
                pixels.set_pixel(i, j, self.ray_trace(rey, scene))
            #progress bar
            print("{:3.0f}%".format(float(j) / float(height) * 100), end="\r")
        return pixels
Exemple #31
##  main process  ##
if __name__ == '__main__':
    ##  initialize parameters  ##
    w = 320
    h = 240
    PI = 3.14159265
    view_angle = 60 * PI / 180.0 
    view_ratio = tan(view_angle/2) / (w/2.0)
    img_size = (w,h)
    im = Image.new("RGB", img_size, 'rgb(128,128,128)')
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    ##  objects in virtual space  ##
    ''' set light '''
    light = ray(vector3(1.0,-1.8,5.0), vector3(0.0,1.0,0.0))
    ''' set eye position'''
    eye = vector3(0.0,0.0,-1.0)
    ''' primitive objects '''
    obj_list = []
    obj_list.append(face(vector3(0.0,-2.0,0.0), vector3(0.0,1.0,0.0), 255))
    obj_list.append(face(vector3(0.0, 2.0,0.0), vector3(0.0,-1.0,0.0), 255<<8))
    obj_list.append(face(vector3(-2.0,0.0,0.0), vector3(1.0,0.0,0.0), 255<<16))
    obj_list.append(face(vector3( 2.0,0.0,0.0), vector3(-1.0,0.0,0.0), 255 + (255<<8)))
    obj_list.append(face(vector3(0.0,0.0,10.0), vector3(0.0,0.0,-1.0), 255 + (255<<8) + (255<<16)))
    obj_list.append(sphere(vector3(0.0,0.7,5.0), 1.5, 255 + (255<<16)))

    v_percentage = 1
    ##  each line  ##
    for y in range(0,h):
        if  v_percentage <= y*100 // h :
Exemple #32
        nextRays = []
        for dray in self.activeRays: # For every active ray, create the next rays
            for newRay in dray.interact(refraction_sim.c, self.dt, self.function): # For every created ray
                nextRays.append(newRay) # append it to the 'NextRays' list
        self.activeRays = nextRays # Update the 'activeRays' to the nextRays
        for dray in self.activeRays: # Time to draw the path the ray 
            color, start, end = dray.draw()
            pygame.draw.line(screen, color, start, end, 2)
#f = lambda v: 3-2*math.sin(.01*(v.x))
#f = lambda v: 5 - ((v.x - 600)**2 + (v.y - 600)**2)/200000
f = lambda v: 1 + 0.001*v.x
rays = []
for i in range(0,3):
    rays.append(ray(vec(100,100), vec(1,1), 600+10*i, 1))
atmos = refraction_sim(f, rays, 1)


running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False
Exemple #33
    # shape.transform = rotation_z(pi / 4) * scaling(0.5, 1, 1)
    # shape.transform = shearing(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) * scaling(0.5, 1, 1)

    start = time.time()
    print("Starting render...")

    for y in range(canvas_pixels):

        world_y = half - pixel_size * y

        for x in range(canvas_pixels):

            world_x = -half + pixel_size * x
            pos = point(world_x, world_y, wall_z)

            r = ray(ray_origin, normalize(pos - ray_origin))
            xs = intersect(shape, r)

            if hit(xs) is not None:
                pnt = position(r, xs[0].t)
                normal = normal_at(xs[0].object, pnt)
                eye = -r.direction
                color = lighting(xs[0].object.material, xs[0].object, light,
                                 pnt, eye, normal)
                write_pixel(canvas, x, y, color)

    end = time.time()
    print("Finished render.")
    print(str(round(end - start, 2)) + "s")

    start = time.time()
def colorize_plane(x_pixels, y_pixels):
    lower_left_corner = vector_3d([-2.0, -1.0, -1.0])
    horizontal_span   = vector_3d([4.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    vertical_span     = vector_3d([0.0, 2.0, 0.0])
    origin            = vector_3d()

    ppm_file_lines = [ ]

    # the ppm preamble
    #      P3
    #      640 480
    #      255
    ppm_file_lines.append('{:d} {:d}'.format(x_pixels, y_pixels))

    def ray_intersects_sphere(ray, sphere_center, sphere_radius):
        return True if ray 'R' intersects a sphere (at 'sphere_center' and of
        size 'sphere_radius')

        ray-sphere-intersection is a quadratic equation, and we just check if
        the discriminant is > 0
        ray_dir    = ray.direction()
        ray_origin = ray.origin()

        # vector from ray-origin to sphere-center
        #       [ray-origin] - [sphere-center]
        oc = ray_origin - sphere_center

        # coefficients (ax^2 + bx + c)
        A  = dot_product(ray_dir, ray_dir)
        B  = 2.0 * dot_product(oc, ray_dir)
        C  = dot_product(oc, oc) - (sphere_radius * sphere_radius)

        discriminant = (B*B - 4*A*C)

        if discriminant < 0:
            return -1.0

        root_1 = (-B - math.sqrt(discriminant))/(2.0 * A)
        return root_1

    def colorize_ray(R):
        colorize a ray by linear-interpolation
        pos, radius = vector_3d([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), 0.5

        t = ray_intersects_sphere(R, pos, radius)
        if t > 0:
            # surface-normal is in the direction of intersection (minus the center)
            normal_vec = create_unit_vector(R.point_on_ray(t) - pos)

            # shade stuff along the normal...
            color = 0.5 * vector_3d([normal_vec.x()+1, normal_vec.y()+1, normal_vec.z()+1])
            unit_dir = create_unit_vector(R.direction())
            t        = 0.5 * (unit_dir.y() + 1.0)
            color    = (1.0 - t) * vector_3d([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) + t * vector_3d([0.5, 0.7, 1.0])

        return color

    # draw the plane
    for y in range(y_pixels - 1, 0, -1):
        for x in range(0, x_pixels):
            # where does this pixel fall on the plane
            u = float(x)/float(x_pixels)
            v = float(y)/float(y_pixels)

            r = ray(origin, lower_left_corner + u*horizontal_span + v*vertical_span)
            point_color = 255.99 * colorize_ray(r)

            r, g, b = point_color.rgb_values()
            ppm_file_lines.append('{:d} {:d} {:d}'.format(r, g, b))

    return ppm_file_lines
Exemple #35
source_fn = calc_source_fn(source_fn, epsilon, J_n)

import astropy.units as u
# physical grid
radial_grid = np.linspace(1, 10, n_depth_pts) * u.cm

# opacity grid
chi_grid = np.logspace(-7, 3, n_depth_pts) * (1/u.cm)

# angular grid
mu_grid = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_mu_pts)

rays = []
from ray import ray
for mu in mu_grid:
    rays.append(ray(mu, n_depth_pts, radial_grid))

# let's get some useful (nonzero) values to start
for each_ray in rays:
    each_ray.calc_tau(n_depth_pts, radial_grid, chi_grid)
    each_ray.formal_soln(n_depth_pts, source_fn)

# build tri-diagonal component of Lambda matrix
Lambda_star = np.zeros([n_depth_pts, n_depth_pts])

from calc_Lambda_star import calc_Lambda_star
Lambda_star = calc_Lambda_star(Lambda_star, n_depth_pts, n_mu_pts, rays, mu_grid)

# mean intensity from the formal solution
J_fs  = np.zeros(n_depth_pts)
Exemple #36
def step_impl(context):
    context.r = ray(point(0, -1, 0), vector(0, 1, 0))
 def get_ray(self, u, v) -> ray:
     return ray(
         self.origin, self.lower_left_corner + u * self.horizontal +
         v * self.vertical - self.origin)
Exemple #38
    # shape.transform = rotation_z(pi / 4) * scaling(0.5, 1, 1)
    # shape.transform = shearing(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) * scaling(0.5, 1, 1)

    start = time.time()
    print("Starting render...")

    for y in range(canvas_pixels):

        world_y = half - pixel_size * y

        for x in range(canvas_pixels):

            world_x = -half + pixel_size * x
            position = point(world_x, world_y, wall_z)

            r = ray(ray_origin, normalize(position - ray_origin))
            xs = intersect(shape, r)

            if hit(xs) is not None:
                write_pixel(canvas, x, y, color)

    end = time.time()
    print("Finished render.")
    print(str(round(end - start, 2)) + "s")

    start = time.time()
    print("Start writing file...")
    end = time.time()
    print("Finished writing file.")
    print(str(round(end - start, 2)) + "s")
Exemple #39
def step_impl(context):
    context.r = ray(point(0, 0.5, -2), vector(0, 0, 1))