Exemple #1
def get_json(points):

    :param points: (long,lat)
    :return: a count of species and their scientific names
        # parse input coordinates
        longa, lat = float(points.split(",")[0]), float(points.split(",")[1])
        i, j = table.grid_cell.array_index(longa, lat, (1, 1))
        point = r.points(longa, lat)
        cell = grid_cells[i][j]
        result = []
        for species in cell.species:
            par = k.parser(species)
            if par.inside(point):
                # check cached results to see if each specie's range map contains this point
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                    "class": par.class_name,
                    "order": par.order,
                    "family": par.family,
                    "scientific_name": species,
                    "url": par.url,
                    "index_date": str(now)
        result.sort(key=lambda x: x["scientific_name"])
        return jsonify(count=len(result), species=result), 200
        message = """unknown error, try specieslookup.berkeley.edu/about/ for instructions on query formatting"""
        return message, 400
 def inside(self, query_point):
     # This takes in the point object and checks to see if rangemap intersects the query point
     if query_point.x < self.min_x or query_point.x > self.max_x or query_point.y < self.min_y or query_point.y > self.max_y:
         return False
     a = False
     b = False
     for good in self.outer:
         ps = [r.points(dot[0], dot[1]) for dot in good]
         poly = r.polygon(ps)
         if poly.is_inside(query_point):
             a = True
     for good in self.inner:
         ps = [r.points(dot[0], dot[1]) for dot in good]
         poly = r.polygon(ps)
         if poly.is_inside(query_point):
             b = True
     return a and not b
Exemple #3
def get(points):

    :param points: (long,lat)
    :return: a count of species and their scientific names
        # parse input coordinates
        longa, lat = float(points.split(",")[0]), float(points.split(",")[1])
        i, j = table.grid_cell.array_index(longa, lat, (1, 1))
        point = r.points(longa, lat)
        cell = grid_cells[i][j]
        result = []
        for species in cell.species:
            par = k.parser(species)
            if par.inside(point):
                # check cached results to see if each specie's range map contains this point
        result.append("count: " + str(len(result)))
        return str(result), 200
        message = """unknown error, try specieslookup.berkeley.edu/about/ for instructions on query formatting"""
        return message, 400
Exemple #4
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import ray_casting as r

coord = np.array([[0.2, 0.2], [0.4, 0.2], [0.2, 0.9], [0.9, 0.2]])
test = r.points(0.4, 0.9)

ps = [r.points(dot[0], dot[1]) for dot in coord]
poly = r.polygon(ps)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

patches = []
num_polygon = 1
polygon = Polygon(coord, closed=True)
p = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet, alpha=0.4)

plt.plot([test.x], [test.y], 'ro')
plt.title("tested point (" + str(test.x) + " ," + str(test.y) +
          ") is contained in polygon" + str(poly.is_inside(test)))
Exemple #5
# This tests the ray_casting module
import os
import time
import kmlparserclass as k
import ray_casting as r
point = r.points(-7.2, 6)
all_species = [name.split('.')[0] for name in next(os.walk('kml'))[1] if name]

accoutants = [k.parser(specie) for specie in all_species]

start = time.clock()
result = [
    account.scientific_name for account in accoutants if account.inside(point)
stop = time.clock()
print(stop - start)
# this is debugging for lookup_table
# need to create the class that filters request 
import kmlparserclass as k 
from ray_casting import points
aspecie = k.parser("Adenomera_ajurauna")

def format_vertices(arr):
    return np.array([[float(arr[i][0]), float(arr[i][1])]
                     for i in range(len(arr))])

polys = root.findall(".//{0}Polygon".format(namespace))
for each_polygon in polys:
    outer = each_polygon.findall(".//{0}outerBoundaryIs".format(namespace))
    inner = each_polygon.findall(".//{0}innerBoundaryIs".format(namespace))
    for each in outer:
        cords = find_coordinates(each)

        good = format_vertices(cords)
        ps = [r.points(dot[0], dot[1]) for dot in good]

        poly = r.polygon(ps)
        test = r.points(-2.8, 6.5)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        patches = []
        num_polygon = 1
        polygon = Polygon(good, closed=True)
        p = PatchCollection(patches, cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet, alpha=0.4)

        plt.plot([test.x], [test.y], 'ro')
        plt.title("tested point (" + str(test.x) + " ," + str(test.y) +
Exemple #8
all_species = [
    name.split('.')[0] for name in list(os.walk('range_shapefiles'))[0][2]
    if name
start = time.clock()
grid_cells = table.create_table()
end = time.clock()
print(end - start, " seconds for updating grid")
# print(grid_cells)
points = "-63.043301,-2.217128"

count = [[len(cell.species) for cell in row] for row in grid_cells]
print(sum([sum(row) for row in count]))

start = time.clock()
longa, lat = float(points.split(",")[0]), float(points.split(",")[1])
i, j = table.grid_cell.array_index(longa, lat, (1, 1))
print(i, j)
point = r.points(longa, lat)
cell = grid_cells[i][j]
result = []
for species in cell.species:
    par = k.parser(species)
    if par.inside(point):

stop = time.clock()
print(str(stop - start))