# Camera lens properties
    camFocalLength = 3
    camSensorShape = (1000, 1000)  # (Rows, Columns)
    camSensorSize = (2, 2)       # (Height, Width)

    # Create the black hole, the camera and the metric with the constants
    # above
    blackHole = BlackHole(spin, innerDiskRadius, outerDiskRadius)
    camera = Camera(camR, camTheta, camPhi, camFocalLength, camSensorShape,
    kerr = KerrMetric(camera, blackHole)

    # Set camera's speed (it needs the kerr metric constants)
    camera.setSpeed(kerr, blackHole)

    for _ in range(1):
        # Create the raytracer!
        rayTracer = RayTracer(camera, kerr, blackHole)

        # Draw the image
        rayTracer.rayTrace(-128, kernelCalls=1)
        print("Time: ", rayTracer.totalTime)
        # # np.savetxt("data.csv", rayTracer.systemState[20, 20, :])

        # # Generate the 3D scene
        # rayTracer.generate3Dscene(-70, 500)
        # rayTracer.plotScene()