import rbdl
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF, Pose
import os
import urdf2casadi.urdfparser as u2c

root = "calib_kuka_arm_base_link"
tip = "kuka_arm_7_link"

urmodel = rbdl.loadModel("../../urdf/kuka.urdf")
kuka = u2c.URDFparser()

jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = kuka.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = kuka.get_n_joints(root, tip)

q_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
qdot_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
qddot_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
id_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)

q = [None] * n_joints
qdot = [None] * n_joints
qddot = [None] * n_joints
gravity = [0., 0., -9.81]
id_sym = kuka.get_inverse_dynamics_rnea(root, tip, gravity)
error = np.zeros(n_joints)

def u2c2np(asd):
Exemple #2
import rbdl
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF, Pose
import os
import urdf2casadi.urdfparser as u2c

path_to_urdf = "../../urdf/gantry.urdf"
root = "gantry_link_base"
tip = "gantry_tool0"

gantry = u2c.URDFparser()
gantry_rbdl = rbdl.loadModel(path_to_urdf)

jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = gantry.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = gantry.get_n_joints(root, tip)

q = np.zeros(n_joints)
qdot = np.zeros(n_joints)
tau = np.zeros(n_joints)

fd_rbdl_aba = np.zeros(n_joints)
fd_rbdl_crba = np.zeros(n_joints)

gravity = [0., 0., -9.81]

fd_sym_aba = gantry.get_forward_dynamics_aba(root, tip, gravity=gravity)
fd_sym_crba = gantry.get_forward_dynamics_crba(root, tip, gravity=gravity)

error_rbdl_u2c_crba = np.zeros(n_joints)
Exemple #3
# so that data coming from different equipment, at different sample rates,
# is properly handled.

filterFreq = 7.5
# The inverse-kinematics data is filtered using a 2nd order Butterworth filter
# in the forwards and backwards direction (so there is no phase introduced).
# This is the 3db frequency of

#Read in the model
# The model name convention follows the one in OpenSim:
# gait: model intended for walking simulations
#    9: DoF
#   12: Number of muscles. In this case torque muscles
model = rbdl.loadModel("gait912.lua",
                           "floating_base": True,
                           "verbose": True
print("DoF: ", model.q_size)
q_size = model.q_size
qdot_size = model.qdot_size

#Read in the experimental data
qVIn = genfromtxt("qIK.csv", delimiter=",")
#Column  0: is time
#Columns 1 ,..., N: correspond to q0, ..., qN

fVIn = genfromtxt("grf.ff", delimiter=",")  #0th column is time
#Column          0: is time
#Columns  1, 2, 3: Right foot: CoP
#Columns  4, 5, 6: Right foot: Ground Forces
Exemple #4
    def estimateValidationTorques(self):
        """ calculate torques of trajectory from validation measurements and identified params """
        # TODO: don't duplicate simulation code
        # TODO: get identified params directly into idyntree (new KinDynComputations class does not
        # have inverse dynamics yet, so we have to go over a new urdf file for now)

        import os

        v_data = np.load(self.validation_file)
        dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations()

        if self.opt['estimateWith'] == 'urdf':
            params = self.model.xStdModel
            params = self.model.xStd

        outfile = self.model.urdf_file + '.tmp.urdf'

        if self.opt['useRBDL']:
            import rbdl
            self.model.rbdlModel = rbdl.loadModel(outfile,
            self.model.rbdlModel.gravity = np.array(self.model.gravity)

        old_skip = self.opt['skipSamples']
        self.opt['skipSamples'] = 8

        self.tauEstimatedValidation = None   # type: np._ArrayLike
        for m_idx in self.progress(range(0, v_data['positions'].shape[0], self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1)):
            if self.opt['useRBDL']:
                torques = self.model.simulateDynamicsRBDL(v_data, m_idx, None, params)
                torques = self.model.simulateDynamicsIDynTree(v_data, m_idx, dynComp, params)

            if self.tauEstimatedValidation is None:
                self.tauEstimatedValidation = torques
                self.tauEstimatedValidation = np.vstack((self.tauEstimatedValidation, torques))

        if self.opt['skipSamples'] > 0:
            self.tauMeasuredValidation = v_data['torques'][::self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1]
            self.Tv = v_data['times'][::self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1]
            self.tauMeasuredValidation = v_data['torques']
            self.Tv = v_data['times']

        # add simulated base forces also to measurements
        if self.opt['floatingBase']:
            self.tauMeasuredValidation = \
                np.concatenate((self.tauEstimatedValidation[:, :6], self.tauMeasuredValidation), axis=1)

            #TODO: add contact forces to estimation, so far validation is only correct for fixed-base!
            print(Fore.RED+'No proper validation for floating base yet!'+Fore.RESET)

        self.opt['skipSamples'] = old_skip

        self.val_error = sla.norm(self.tauEstimatedValidation - self.tauMeasuredValidation) \
                                  * 100 / sla.norm(self.tauMeasuredValidation)
        print("Relative validation error: {}%".format(self.val_error))
        self.val_residual = np.mean(sla.norm(self.tauEstimatedValidation-self.tauMeasuredValidation, axis=1))
        print("Absolute validation error: {} Nm".format(self.val_residual))

        torque_limits = []
        for joint in self.model.jointNames:
        self.val_nrms = helpers.getNRMSE(self.tauMeasuredValidation, self.tauEstimatedValidation, limits=torque_limits)
        print("NRMS validation error: {}%".format(self.val_nrms))
Exemple #5
# Configuracion articular deseada
qdes = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
# Velocidad articular deseada
dqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Aceleracion articular deseada
ddqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# =============================================================

# Posicion resultante de la configuracion articular deseada
xdes = robot_fkine_m(qdes)[0:3, 3]
# Copiar la configuracion articular en el mensaje a ser publicado
jstate.position = q

# Modelo RBDL
modelo = rbdl.loadModel('../urdf/robot.urdf')
ndof = modelo.q_size  # Grados de libertad
zeros = np.zeros(ndof)  # Vector de ceros

# Frecuencia del envio (en Hz)
freq = 20
dt = 1.0 / freq
rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

# Simulador dinamico del robot
robot = Robot(q, dq, ndof, dt)

# Bucle de ejecucion continua
t = 0.0

# Se definen las ganancias del controlador
Exemple #6
# Configuracion articular deseada
qdes = np.array([-0.732, 1.101, 0.13, -1.896, -1.589, 0.134, 0.])
# Velocidad articular deseada
dqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Aceleracion articular deseada
ddqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# =============================================================

# Posicion resultante de la configuracion articular deseada
xdes = fkine(qdes)[0:3, 3]
# Copiar la configuracion articular en el mensaje a ser publicado
jstate.position = q

# Modelo RBDL
modelo = rbdl.loadModel('../urdf/robot_gazebo.urdf')
ndof = modelo.q_size  # Grados de libertad
zeros = np.zeros(ndof)  # Vector de ceros

# Frecuencia del envio (en Hz)
freq = 20
dt = 1.0 / freq
rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

# Simulador dinamico del robot
robot = Robot(q, dq, ndof, dt)

# Bucle de ejecucion continua
t = 0.0

# Se definen las ganancias del controlador
#current_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
dir_path = os.path.dirname(path)

load_torques = False
torques_saved_filename = 'torques_init_traj.npy'

T_init = 3
T_traj = 5
T_impedance_zero = 10
freq = 100

# ROBOT MODEL for trying ID
robot_urdf_file = os.environ["ROBOTOLOGY_ROOT"]+'/configs/ADVR_shared/bigman/urdf/bigman.urdf'
robot_model = rbdl.loadModel(robot_urdf_file, verbose=False, floating_base=False)
#LH_name = 'LWrMot3'
#RH_name = 'RWrMot3'
default_joint_stiffness = np.array([8000.,  5000.,  8000.,  5000.,  5000.,  2000.,
                                    8000.,  5000.,  5000.,  5000.,  5000.,  2000.,
                                    5000.,  8000.,  5000.,
                                    5000.,  8000.,  5000.,  5000.,   300.,  2000.,   300.,
                                    300.,   300.,
                                    5000.,  8000.,  5000.,  5000.,   300.,  2000.,   300.])
default_joint_damping = np.array([30.,  50.,  30.,  30.,  30.,   5.,
                                  30.,  50.,  30.,  30.,  30.,   5.,
                                  30.,  50.,  30.,
                                  30.,  50.,  30.,  30.,   1.,   5.,   1.,
                                  1.,   1.,
                                  30.,  50.,  30.,  30.,   1.,   5.,   1.])
pd_tau_weights = np.array([0.80,  0.50,  0.80,  0.50,  0.50,  0.20,
Exemple #8
q = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Velocidad inicial
dq = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
# Configuracion articular deseada
qdes = np.array([-2.26, 0.086, -0.26, -1.39, -0.55, 0.0])
# =============================================================

# Posicion resultante de la configuracion articular deseada
xdes = fkine(qdes)[0:3, 3]
# Copiar la configuracion articular en el mensaje a ser publicado
jstate.position = q

# Modelo RBDL
modelo = rbdl.loadModel(
ndof = modelo.q_size  # Grados de libertad

# Frecuencia del envio (en Hz)
freq = 20
dt = 1.0 / freq
rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

# Simulador dinamico del robot
robot = Robot(q, dq, ndof, dt)

# Se definen las ganancias del controlador
#valores = 0.1*np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
valores = 1 * np.array([5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5])
Kp = np.diag(valores)
Exemple #9
# Configuracion articular deseada
qdes = np.array([0.85, 0, 0.28, 0.2, -0.85, -0.93])
# Velocidad articular deseada
dqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# Aceleracion articular deseada
ddqdes = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# =============================================================

# Posicion resultante de la configuracion articular deseada
xdes = fkine(qdes)[0:3, 3]
# Copiar la configuracion articular en el mensaje a ser publicado
jstate.position = q

# Modelo RBDL
modelo = rbdl.loadModel('../urdf/robot_gazebo_proyecto.urdf')
ndof = modelo.q_size  # Grados de libertad
zeros = np.zeros(ndof)  # Vector de ceros

# Frecuencia del envio (en Hz)
freq = 1000
dt = 1.0 / freq
rate = rospy.Rate(freq)

# Simulador dinamico del robot
robot = Robot(q, dq, ndof, dt)

# Bucle de ejecucion continua
t = 0.0
u = np.zeros(ndof)  # Reemplazar por la ley de control
M = np.zeros([ndof, ndof])
Exemple #10
import pybullet as pb

path_to_urdf = "../../urdf/gantry.urdf"
root = "gantry_link_base"
tip = "gantry_tool0"

#get robot models

ok, ur_tree = kdlurdf.treeFromFile(path_to_urdf)
ur_chain = ur_tree.getChain(root,tip)

urmodel = rbdl.loadModel(path_to_urdf)

gantry = u2c.URDFparser()

sim = pb.connect(pb.DIRECT)
pbmodel = pb.loadURDF(path_to_urdf, useFixedBase=True, flags = pb.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE)
pb.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

#joint info
jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = gantry.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = gantry.get_n_joints(root, tip)

q_kdl = kdl.JntArray(n_joints)
    q_int = x[:nDof]
    qd_int = x[nDof:]
    qdd = np.zeros((2))
    dxdt = np.zeros(x.shape)

    rbdl.ForwardDynamics(lua_model, q_int, qd_int, c, qdd)

    dxdt[:nDof] = qd_int[:]
    dxdt[nDof:] = qdd[:]

    return dxdt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #load the lua model
    lua_model = rbdl.loadModel(

    #load a data file
    data = pd.read_csv(
    data = data.to_numpy()

    time = data[:, 0]

    #assign the values
    q0 = data[:, 0]
    q1 = data[:, 1]
    qd0 = data[:, 2]
    qd1 = data[:, 3]
    tau0 = data[:, 4]
        # set joint positions
        if q is not None:
            q = np.array(q)
            robot.set_joint_positions(q, joint_ids)
            print('got None')

        # step in the simulation

# IK using RBDL and own damped-least-squares inverse #
elif solver_flag == 4:
    # load model using rbdl
    model = rbdl.loadModel(urdf, verbose=False, floating_base=False)
    rbdl_link_id = model.GetBodyId('iiwa_link_7')  # end_effector_name)
    rbdl_id = [model.GetBodyId(name) - 1 for name in chain_name]
    print("RBDL Link ID: {}".format(rbdl_id))
    print("RBDL Q size: {}".format(model.q_size))
    print("RBDL number of DoFs: {}".format(model.dof_count))

    J = np.zeros((3, model.dof_count))

    def position_pd(x, xd, v, vd=np.zeros(3), ad=np.zeros(3), kp=100, kd=None):
        # if damping is not specified, make it critically damped
        if kd is None:
            kd = 2.0 * np.sqrt(kp)

        # return PD error
        return kp * (xd - x) + kd * (vd - v) + ad
Exemple #13
import kdl_parser_py.urdf as kdlurdf
import pybullet as pb

root = 'base_link'
tip = 'tool0'
path_to_urdf = '../../urdf/ur5_mod.urdf'

#get robot models

ok, ur_tree = kdlurdf.treeFromFile(path_to_urdf)
ur5_kdl = ur_tree.getChain(root,tip)

ur5_rbdl = rbdl.loadModel(path_to_urdf)

ur5 = u2c.URDFparser()

sim = pb.connect(pb.DIRECT)
ur5_pb = pb.loadURDF(path_to_urdf, useFixedBase=True, flags = pb.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE)
pb.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

#joint info
jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = ur5.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = ur5.get_n_joints(root, tip)

import rbdl
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF, Pose
import os
import urdf2casadi.urdfparser as u2c
import pybullet as pb

path_to_urdf = "../../urdf/snake_robot.urdf"
root = "base_link"
tip = "link16"

#get robot models

snake_rbdl = rbdl.loadModel(path_to_urdf)

snake = u2c.URDFparser()

sim = pb.connect(pb.DIRECT)
snake_pb = pb.loadURDF(path_to_urdf,
pb.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81)

#joint info
jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = snake.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = snake.get_n_joints(root, tip)
robot = Cogimon(
urdf_file = robot.model_xml.encode()

# Reset robot
robot_state = robot.reset(physicsClientId=pb_client)

# Robot Model
robot_model = RobotModel(urdf_file=robot.model_xml.encode(),
                         floating_base=not robot.is_fixed_base)

# Rbdl Model
rbdl_model = rbdl.loadModel(urdf_file,
                            floating_base=not robot.is_fixed_base)

# ######## #
# Check FK #
# ######## #
q_des = robot.n_ordered_joints
print('q_robot', robot.n_ordered_joints)
print('q_model', robot_model.q_size)
print('q_rbdl', rbdl_model.q_size, rbdl_model.qdot_size)

print('\n****' * 3)
print('Body names:')
for name in robot.get_body_parts_names():
Exemple #16
#Rospy and msg definitions
import rospy
from kuka_iiwa_14_prismatic_gripper.msg import end_effector
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState

from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPoint
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from std_msgs.msg import Duration
from std_msgs.msg import Float64

import quaternion

#RBDL model
import rbdl
model = rbdl.loadModel(

# Msg "end_effector.msg" structure
# Header header

# float64[] orientation (euler angles) - position
# float64[] velocity
# float64 time

def talker():
    pub = rospy.Publisher('ee_data', end_effector, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True)
    rate = rospy.Rate(100)  # 100hz
import rbdl
import numpy as np
import casadi as cs
from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF, Pose
import os
import urdf2casadi.urdfparser as u2c

kuka_model = rbdl.loadModel(

root = "calib_kuka_arm_base_link"
tip = "kuka_arm_7_link"
kuka = u2c.URDFparser()

jointlist, names, q_max, q_min = kuka.get_joint_info(root, tip)
n_joints = kuka.get_n_joints(root, tip)

q_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
qdot_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
tau_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)
fd_rbdl = np.zeros(n_joints)

q = [None] * n_joints
qdot = [None] * n_joints
tau = [None] * n_joints

gravity = [0., 0., -9.81]
fd_sym = kuka.get_forward_dynamics_crba(root, tip, gravity)
error = np.zeros(n_joints)