rbm = BernoulliRBM(Saver(), random_state=0, verbose=True)

rbm_features_classifier = Pipeline(steps=[('rbm', rbm), ('logistic',

# #############################################################################
# Training

# Hyper-parameters. These were set by cross-validation,
# using a GridSearchCV. Here we are not performing cross-validation to
# save time.
rbm.learning_rate = 0.06
rbm.n_iter = 10
# More components tend to give better prediction performance, but larger
# fitting time
rbm.n_components = 100
logistic.C = 6000

# Training RBM-Logistic Pipeline
rbm_features_classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)

# Training the Logistic regression classifier directly on the pixel
raw_pixel_classifier = clone(logistic)
raw_pixel_classifier.C = 100.
raw_pixel_classifier.fit(X_train, Y_train)

# #############################################################################
# Evaluation

Y_pred = rbm_features_classifier.predict(X_test)
print("Logistic regression using RBM features:\n%s\n" %