def _test_time_stepping_1_sparse(callback_type, integrator_type): # Create mesh and define function space mesh = IntervalMesh(132, 0, 2*pi) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) # Define Dirichlet boundary (x = 0 or x = 2*pi) def boundary(x): return x[0] < 0 + DOLFIN_EPS or x[0] > 2*pi - 10*DOLFIN_EPS # Define time step dt = 0.01 T = 1. # Define exact solution exact_solution_expression = Expression("sin(x[0]+t)", t=0, element=V.ufl_element()) # ... and interpolate it at the final time exact_solution_expression.t = T exact_solution = project(exact_solution_expression, V) # Define exact solution dot exact_solution_dot_expression = Expression("cos(x[0]+t)", t=0, element=V.ufl_element()) # ... and interpolate it at the final time exact_solution_dot_expression.t = T exact_solution_dot = project(exact_solution_dot_expression, V) # Define variational problem du = TrialFunction(V) du_dot = TrialFunction(V) v = TestFunction(V) u = Function(V) u_dot = Function(V) g = Expression("sin(x[0]+t) + cos(x[0]+t)", t=0., element=V.ufl_element()) r_u = inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx j_u = derivative(r_u, u, du) r_u_dot = inner(u_dot, v)*dx j_u_dot = derivative(r_u_dot, u_dot, du_dot) r = r_u_dot + r_u - g*v*dx x = inner(du, v)*dx def bc(t): exact_solution_expression.t = t return [DirichletBC(V, exact_solution_expression, boundary)] # Assemble inner product matrix X = assemble(x) # Define callback function depending on callback type assert callback_type in ("form callbacks", "tensor callbacks") if callback_type == "form callbacks": def callback(arg): return arg elif callback_type == "tensor callbacks": def callback(arg): return assemble(arg) # Define problem wrapper class SparseProblemWrapper(TimeDependentProblem1Wrapper): # Residual and jacobian functions def residual_eval(self, t, solution, solution_dot): g.t = t return callback(r) def jacobian_eval(self, t, solution, solution_dot, solution_dot_coefficient): return callback(Constant(solution_dot_coefficient)*j_u_dot + j_u) # Define boundary condition def bc_eval(self, t): return bc(t) # Define initial condition def ic_eval(self): exact_solution_expression.t = 0. return project(exact_solution_expression, V) # Define custom monitor to plot the solution def monitor(self, t, solution, solution_dot): if matplotlib.get_backend() != "agg": plt.subplot(1, 2, 1).clear() plot(solution, title="u at t = " + str(t)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2).clear() plot(solution_dot, title="u_dot at t = " + str(t)) plt.pause(DOLFIN_EPS) else: print("||u|| at t = " + str(t) + ": " + str(solution.vector().norm("l2"))) print("||u_dot|| at t = " + str(t) + ": " + str(solution_dot.vector().norm("l2"))) # Solve the time dependent problem sparse_problem_wrapper = SparseProblemWrapper() (sparse_solution, sparse_solution_dot) = (u, u_dot) sparse_solver = SparseTimeStepping(sparse_problem_wrapper, sparse_solution, sparse_solution_dot) sparse_solver.set_parameters({ "initial_time": 0.0, "time_step_size": dt, "final_time": T, "exact_final_time": "stepover", "integrator_type": integrator_type, "problem_type": "linear", "linear_solver": "mumps", "monitor": sparse_problem_wrapper.monitor, "report": True }) all_sparse_solutions_time, all_sparse_solutions, all_sparse_solutions_dot = sparse_solver.solve() assert len(all_sparse_solutions_time) == int(T/dt + 1) assert len(all_sparse_solutions) == int(T/dt + 1) assert len(all_sparse_solutions_dot) == int(T/dt + 1) # Compute the error sparse_error = Function(V) sparse_error.vector().add_local(+ sparse_solution.vector().get_local()) sparse_error.vector().add_local(- exact_solution.vector().get_local()) sparse_error.vector().apply("") sparse_error_norm = sparse_error.vector().inner(X*sparse_error.vector()) sparse_error_dot = Function(V) sparse_error_dot.vector().add_local(+ sparse_solution_dot.vector().get_local()) sparse_error_dot.vector().add_local(- exact_solution_dot.vector().get_local()) sparse_error_dot.vector().apply("") sparse_error_dot_norm = sparse_error_dot.vector().inner(X*sparse_error_dot.vector()) print("SparseTimeStepping error (" + callback_type + ", " + integrator_type + "):", sparse_error_norm, sparse_error_dot_norm) assert isclose(sparse_error_norm, 0., atol=1.e-4) assert isclose(sparse_error_dot_norm, 0., atol=1.e-4) return ((sparse_error_norm, sparse_error_dot_norm), V, dt, T, u, u_dot, g, r, j_u, j_u_dot, X, exact_solution_expression, exact_solution, exact_solution_dot)
def _test_time_stepping_1_dense(integrator_type, V, dt, monitor_dt, T, u, u_dot, g, r, j_u, j_u_dot, X, exact_solution_expression, exact_solution, exact_solution_dot): from import Function, Matrix, TimeStepping, Vector x_to_dof = dict( zip(V.tabulate_dof_coordinates().flatten(), V.dofmap().dofs())) dof_0 = x_to_dof[0.] dof_2pi = x_to_dof[2 * pi] min_dof_0_2pi = min(dof_0, dof_2pi) max_dof_0_2pi = max(dof_0, dof_2pi) # Define problem wrapper class ProblemWrapper(TimeDependentProblemWrapper): # Residual and jacobian functions, reordering resulting matrix and vector # such that dof_0 and dof_2pi are in the first two rows/cols, # because the dense time stepping solver has implicitly this assumption def residual_eval(self, t, solution, solution_dot): self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution, u) self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution_dot, u_dot) g.t = t residual_array = assemble(r).get_local() residual_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi]] = residual_array[[ min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1 ]] residual = Vector(*residual_array.shape) residual[:] = residual_array return residual def jacobian_eval(self, t, solution, solution_dot, solution_dot_coefficient): self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution, u) self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution_dot, u_dot) jacobian_array = assemble( Constant(solution_dot_coefficient) * j_u_dot + j_u).array() jacobian_array[ [0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi], :] = jacobian_array[ [min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1], :] jacobian_array[:, [ 0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi ]] = jacobian_array[:, [min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1]] jacobian = Matrix(*jacobian_array.shape) jacobian[:, :] = jacobian_array return jacobian # Define boundary condition def bc_eval(self, t): return (sin(t), sin(t)) # Define initial condition def ic_eval(self): exact_solution_expression.t = 0. solution = Function(*exact_solution.vector().get_local().shape) solution.vector()[:] = project(exact_solution_expression, V).vector().get_local() solution_array = solution.vector() solution_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi]] = solution_array[[ min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1 ]] return solution # Define custom monitor to plot the solution def monitor(self, t, solution, solution_dot): assert isclose(round(t / monitor_dt), t / monitor_dt) if matplotlib.get_backend() != "agg": self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution, u) self._solution_from_dense_to_sparse(solution_dot, u_dot) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1).clear() plot(u, title="u at t = " + str(t)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2).clear() plot(u_dot, title="u_dot at t = " + str(t)) plt.pause(DOLFIN_EPS) else: print("||u|| at t = " + str(t) + ": " + str(monitor_norm(solution.vector()))) print("||u_dot|| at t = " + str(t) + ": " + str(monitor_norm(solution_dot.vector()))) def _solution_from_dense_to_sparse(self, solution, u): solution_array = solution.vector() solution_array[[min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1]] = solution_array[[ 0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi ]] u.vector().zero() u.vector().add_local(solution_array.__array__()) u.vector().apply("") solution_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi]] = solution_array[[ min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1 ]] # Solve the time dependent problem problem_wrapper = ProblemWrapper() shape = exact_solution.vector().get_local().shape (solution, solution_dot) = (Function(*shape), Function(*shape)) solver = TimeStepping(problem_wrapper, solution, solution_dot) solver.set_parameters({ "initial_time": 0.0, "time_step_size": dt, "monitor": { "time_step_size": monitor_dt, }, "final_time": T, "integrator_type": integrator_type, "problem_type": "linear", "report": True }) solver.solve() # Compute the error at the final time error = Function(*exact_solution.vector().get_local().shape) error.vector()[:] = exact_solution.vector().get_local() solution_array = solution.vector() solution_array[[min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1]] = solution_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi]] error.vector()[:] -= solution_array solution_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi ]] = solution_array[[min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1]] error_norm = dot(error.vector(), dot(X.array(), error.vector())) error_dot = Function(*exact_solution_dot.vector().get_local().shape) error_dot.vector()[:] = exact_solution_dot.vector().get_local() solution_dot_array = solution_dot.vector() solution_dot_array[[min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1]] = solution_dot_array[[ 0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi ]] error_dot.vector()[:] -= solution_dot_array solution_dot_array[[0, 1, min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi]] = solution_dot_array[[ min_dof_0_2pi, max_dof_0_2pi, 0, 1 ]] error_dot_norm = dot(error_dot.vector(), dot(X.array(), error_dot.vector())) print("Dense error (" + integrator_type + "):", error_norm, error_dot_norm) assert isclose(error_norm, 0., atol=1.e-4) assert isclose(error_dot_norm, 0., atol=1.e-4) return (error_norm, error_dot_norm)