Exemple #1
# import RCDB
from rcdb.provider import RCDBProvider

# connect to DB
db = RCDBProvider("mysql://[email protected]/rcdb")

# select values with query
table = db.select_values(['cdc_gas_pressure'], run_min=41512, run_max=41540)

for row in table:
    (run_number, cdc_gas_pressure) = tuple(row)
    print("{}   {}".format(run_number, cdc_gas_pressure))
#   E X A M P L E   1
# 3 Lines to get values!!!
from rcdb.provider import RCDBProvider

db = RCDBProvider("mysql://[email protected]/rcdb")

table = db.select_values(['polarization_angle', 'polarization_direction'], runs=[30641, 30653])

#   P R I N T   O U T   1
# Print results
print(" run_number, polarization_angle, polarization_direction")
for row in table:
    print (row[0], row[1], row[2])

#   E X A M P L E   2
# select values description

                                                                             # Default value | Descrition
table = db. select_values(val_names=['event_count', 'beam_current'],         # []            | List of conditions names to select, empty by default
                          search_str="@is_production and event_count>1000",  # ""            | Search pattern.
                          run_min=30200,                                     # 0             | minimum run to search/select
                          run_max=30301,                                     # sys.maxsize   | maximum run to search/select
                          sort_desc=True,                                    # False         | if True result runs will by sorted descendant by run_number, ascendant if False
                          insert_run_number=True,                            # True          | If True the first column of the result will be a run number
                          runs=None)                                         # None          | a list of runs to search from. In this case run_min and run_max are not used
# Some more remarks
# 1. val_names. If val_names is left empty, run numbers will be selected (assuming that insert_run_number=True by default)
Exemple #3
#   E X A M P L E   1
# 3 Lines to get values!!!
from rcdb.provider import RCDBProvider

db = RCDBProvider("mysql://[email protected]/rcdb")

table = db.select_values(['polarization_angle', 'polarization_direction'], runs=[30641, 30653])
# #   P R I N T   O U T   1
# # Print results
# print(" run_number, polarization_angle, polarization_direction")
for row in table:
    print row[0], row[1], row[2]
# #   E X A M P L E   2
# # select values description
#                                                                              # Default value | Descrition
#                                                                              #---------------+------------------------------------
# table = db. select_values(val_names=['event_count', 'beam_current'],                         # []            | List of conditions names to select, empty by default
#                           search_str="@is_production and event_count>1000",  # ""            | Search pattern.
#                           run_min=30200,                                     # 0             | minimum run to search/select
#                           run_max=30301,                                     # sys.maxsize   | maximum run to search/select
#                           sort_desc=True,                                    # False         | if True result runs will by sorted descendant by run_number, ascendant if False
#                           insert_run_number=True,                            # True          | If True the first column of the result will be a run number
#                           runs=None)                                         # None          | a list of runs to search from. In this case run_min and run_max are not used
# # Some more remarks
# #
# # 1. val_names. If val_names is left empty, run numbers will be selected (assuming that insert_run_number=True by default)