
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("in_sqlite_file", help="Input SQLite file")
                        help="Connection string to empty output database. Example: sqlite:////home/john/out.db")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print("Arguments given: ")
    print("Take data from: {}".format(args.in_sqlite_file))
    print("Convert to    : {}".format(args.out_con_string))

    db = ConfigurationProvider(args.out_con_string)
    event_count_type = db.get_condition_type("event_count")
    print event_count_type

    from rcdb.file_archiver import get_file_sha256, get_string_sha256

    con = sqlite3.connect(args.in_sqlite_file)
    con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    #cur = con.cursor()
    #cur.execute("SELECT run_num, num_events,  {} FROM run_info WHERE start_time IS NOT NULL AND run_num < 2472 AND run_num > 742 ORDER BY run_num"
     #           .format(", ".join(columns_to_import)))

    rcdb_cnd_not_found_count = 0
    rcdb_less_count = 0
    rcdb_more_count = 0
    rcdb_only_runs = 0
Exemple #2
    # parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("in_sqlite_file", help="Input SeanDB SQLite file")
        "Connection string to empty output database. Example: sqlite:////home/john/out.db"
    args = parser.parse_args()
    print("Arguments given: ")
    print("Take data from: {}".format(args.in_sqlite_file))
    print("Convert to    : {}".format(args.out_con_string))

    # open RCDB database
    db = ConfigurationProvider(args.out_con_string)
    event_count_type = db.get_condition_type("event_count")
    print event_count_type

    # open sean db sqlite
    con = sqlite3.connect(args.in_sqlite_file)
    con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row

    # create conditions
    for cnd_name, cnd_type in columns_to_import.iteritems():
        db.create_condition_type(cnd_name, cnd_type, "")
    db.create_condition_type("seandb_event_count", ConditionType.INT_FIELD,
                             "Event count by Sean db")

    total = 0
    run_min = 742
    run_max = 2472