def view_createContainer(self, user, tag, data={}): """ Create a new Container object. @param user: User for which the container will be created. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param tag: Tag which is used to identify the container in subsequent requests. @type tag: str @param data: Extra data used to configure the container. @type data: dict """ try: validateName(tag) except IllegalName as e: raise InvalidRequest('Container tag is invalid: {0}'.format(e)) if tag in user.containers or tag in user.robots: raise InvalidRequest('Tag is already used for a container ' 'or robot.') namespace, remote_container = user.realm.createContainer(user.userID, data) container = Container(namespace, remote_container) user.containers[tag] = container container.notifyOnDeath(user.containerDied) m = 'Container {0} successfully created.'.format(tag) d = DeferredList([namespace(), remote_container()], fireOnOneErrback=True, consumeErrors=True) return d.addCallback(lambda _: m)
def createContainer(self, data, userID): """ # TODO: Add doc """ if not self._ips: raise InvalidRequest('No more free IP addresses in subnet.') ip = data.pop('groupIP', None) if ip: addr, nr = ip.rsplit('.', 1) nr = int(nr) if addr != self._NETWORK_ADDR: addr = '{0}.0'.format(self._NETWORK_ADDR) raise InvalidRequest( "IP address '{0}' is not in network range " "'{1}'".format(ip, addr)) try: self._ips.remove(nr) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest("IP address '{0}' is already in " 'use.'.format(ip)) else: ip = '{1}.{0}'.format(self._ips.pop(), self._NETWORK_ADDR) return Container(data, userID, self, ip)
def view_addInterface(self, user, eTag, iTag, iType, clsName, addr=''): """ Add an interface to an endpoint, i.e. a ROS environment or a Robot object. @param user: User for which the interface will be added. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param eTag: Tag which is used to identify the endpoint to which the interface should be added; either a container tag or robot ID. @type eTag: str @param iTag: Tag which is used to identify the interface in subsequent requests. @type iTag: str @param iType: Type of the interface. The type consists of a prefix and a suffix. - Valid prefixes are: ServiceClient, ServiceProvider, Publisher, Subscriber - Valid suffixes are: Interface, Converter, Forwarder @type iType: str @param clsName: Message type/Service type consisting of the package and the name of the message/service, i.e. 'std_msgs/Int32'. @type clsName: str @param addr: ROS name/address which the interface should use. Only necessary if the suffix of @param iType is 'Interface'. @type addr: str """ if iType.endswith('Converter') or iType.endswith('Forwarder'): try: user.robots[eTag].addInterface(iTag, iType, clsName) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not add Interface, because Robot ' '{0} does not exist.'.format(eTag)) elif iType.endswith('Interface'): try: user.containers[eTag].addInterface(iTag, iType, clsName, addr) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not add Interface, because ' 'Container {0} does not ' 'exist.'.format(eTag)) else: raise InvalidRequest('Interface type is invalid (Unknown suffix).')
def view_get_rosapi_connect_info(self, user, tag): """ Remote call to get ROSAPI request URL and key for a particular container. @param user: User who owns the container for which the URL is requested. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param tag: Tag used to identify the container. @type tag: str @return: URL which can be used to connect to the rosproxy running inside the container as well as the key necessary to use the rosproxy. (type: (str, str)) @rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred """ try: container = user.containers[tag] except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Container {0} does not exist.'.format(tag)) uid = uuid4().hex container._obj.registerConsole(user.userID, uid) d = container.getConnectInfo() d.addCallback(lambda addr: (addr, uid)) return d
def view_addParameter(self, user, cTag, name, value): """ Add a parameter to a ROS environment. @param user: User for which the parameter will be added. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param cTag: Tag which is used to identify the ROS environment to which the parameter should be added. @type cTag: str @param name: Name of the parameter which should be added. It is also used to identify the parameter in subsequent requests. @type name: str @param value: Value of the parameter which should be added. String values can contain the directives $(find PKG) or $(env VAR). @type value: str, int, float, bool, list """ try: user.containers[cTag].addParameter(name, value) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not add Parameter, because Container ' '{0} does not exist.'.format(cTag))
def registerRobot(self, robot, robotID): """ Create a new Robot Wrapper. # TODO: Add description of arguments @raise: rce.core.error.InvalidRequest """ try: validateName(robotID) except IllegalName as e: raise InvalidRequest('Robot ID is invalid: {0}'.format(e)) if (robotID in self.robots or robotID in self.containers): raise InvalidRequest('ID is already used for a container ' 'or robot.') robot = Robot(robot) self.robots[robotID] = robot robot.notifyOnDeath(self.robotDied)
def perspective_getUserView(self, console=True): """ """ if self._userID == 'admin' and not console: raise InvalidRequest('Administrator cannot login via robot') elif self._userID == 'admin': return AdminMonitorView() elif not console: return ControlView() else: return {'console': MonitorView(), 'robot': ControlView()}
def view_addConnection(self, user, tagA, tagB): """ Create a connection between two interfaces. @param user: User for which the connection will be created. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param tagX: Tag which is used to identify the interface which should be connected. It has to be of the form: [endpoint tag]/[interface tag] For example: testRobot/logPublisher @type tagX: str """ eTagA, iTagA = tagA.split('/', 2) eTagB, iTagB = tagB.split('/', 2) ifA = user.getEndpoint(eTagA).getInterface(iTagA) ifB = user.getEndpoint(eTagB).getInterface(iTagB) if ifA.clsName != ifB.clsName: raise InvalidRequest('Can not connect two interfaces with ' 'different message/service type.') if not Types.connectable(ifA.iType, ifB.iType): raise InvalidRequest('Can not connect an interface of type {0} ' 'and an interface of type ' '{1}.'.format(Types.decode(ifA.iType), Types.decode(ifB.iType))) key = int(md5(tagA).hexdigest(), 16) ^ int(md5(tagB).hexdigest(), 16) if key in user.connections: raise InvalidRequest('Can not add the same connection twice.') connection = user.realm.createConnection(ifA.obj, ifB.obj) user.connections[key] = connection connection.notifyOnDeath(user.connectionDied)
def view_destroyContainer(self, user, tag): """ Destroy a Container object. @param user: User for which the container will be destroyed. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param tag: Tag which is used to identify the container which should be destroyed. @type tag: str """ try: container = user.containers.pop(tag) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not destroy non existent container.') container.dontNotifyOnDeath(user.containerDied) container.destroy()
def getEndpoint(self, tag): """ Get an endpoint of the user matching the given tag. @param tag: Tag which is used to identify the endpoint which should be returned. @type tag: str @return: Endpoint which was requested. @rtype: @raise: rce.core.error.InvalidRequest """ if tag in self.robots: return self.robots[tag] elif tag in self.containers: return self.containers[tag] else: raise InvalidRequest('Can not get a non existent endpoint ' "'{0}'.".format(tag))
def view_stats_machine(self, user, machineIP): """ Remote call to list stats of machine with given IP. @param user: User who requested the stats. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param machineIP: IP of machine for which the stats should be listed. @type machineIP: str @return: Stats of the machine. @rtype: { str : int } """ try: machine = (machine for machine in user.realm._balancer._machines if machineIP == machine.IP).next() return {'active', 'size':machine.size} except StopIteration: raise InvalidRequest('No such machine.')
def view_removeParameter(self, user, cTag, name): """ Remove a parameter from a ROS environment. @param user: User for which the parameter will be destroyed. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param cTag: Tag which is used to identify the ROS environment from which the parameter should be removed. @type cTag: str @param name: Name of the parameter which should be removed. @type name: str """ try: user.containers[cTag].removeParameter(name) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not remove Parameter, because Container ' '{0} does not exist.'.format(cTag))
def view_addNode(self, user, cTag, nTag, pkg, exe, args='', name='', namespace=''): """ Add a node to a ROS environment. @param user: User for which the node will be added. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param cTag: Tag which is used to identify the ROS environment to which the node should be added. @type cTag: str @param nTag: Tag which is used to identify the node in subsequent requests. @type nTag: str @param pkg: Name of ROS package where the node can be found. @type pkg: str @param exe: Name of executable (node) which should be launched. @type exe: str @param args: Additional arguments which should be used for the launch. Can contain the directives $(find PKG) or $(env VAR). Other special characters as '$' or ';' are not allowed. @type args: str @param name: Name of the node under which the node should be launched. @type name: str @param namespace: Namespace in which the node should be started in the environment. @type namespace: str """ try: user.containers[cTag].addNode(nTag, pkg, exe, args, name, namespace) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not add Node, because Container {0} ' 'does not exist.'.format(cTag))
def view_machine_containers(self, user, machineIP): """ Remote call to list containers in a machine with given IP. @param user: User who requested the container list. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param machineIP: IP of machine for which the running containers should be listed. @type machineIP: str @return: List of running containers. @rtype: # TODO: Depends on modification below. """ # TODO: Can not return rce.master.container.Container instances need # some conversion into string, tuple, or some other base type try: return (machine for machine in user.realm._balancer._machines if machineIP == machine.IP).next()._containers except StopIteration: raise InvalidRequest('No such machine.')
def view_removeNode(self, user, cTag, nTag): """ Remove a node from a ROS environment. @param user: User for which the node will be destroyed. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param cTag: Tag which is used to identify the ROS environment from which the node should be removed. @type cTag: str @param nTag: Tag which is used to identify the ROS node which should removed. @type nTag: str """ try: user.containers[cTag].removeNode(nTag) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not remove Node, because Container {0} ' 'does not exist.'.format(cTag))
def view_removeConnection(self, user, tagA, tagB): """ Destroy a connection between two interfaces. @param user: User for which the connection will be destroyed. @type user: rce.core.user.User @param tagX: Tag which is used to identify the interface which should be disconnected. It has to be of the form: [endpoint tag]/[interface tag] For example: testRobot/logPublisher @type tagX: str """ key = int(md5(tagA).hexdigest(), 16) ^ int(md5(tagB).hexdigest(), 16) try: connection = user.connections.pop(key) except KeyError: raise InvalidRequest('Can not disconnect two unconnected ' 'interfaces.') connection.dontNotifyOnDeath(user.connectionDied) connection.destroy()