def publish(self, msg: Union[MsgType, bytes]) -> None: """ Publish a message if the lifecycle publisher is enabled. See rclpy.publisher.Publisher.publish() for more details. """ Publisher.publish(self, msg)
def destroy_publisher(self, publisher: Publisher) -> bool: """ Destroy a publisher created by the node. :return: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` otherwise. """ if publisher in self.__publishers: self.__publishers.remove(publisher) try: publisher.destroy() except InvalidHandle: return False return True return False
def create_publisher( self, msg_type, topic: str, *, qos_profile: QoSProfile = qos_profile_default) -> Publisher: """ Create a new publisher. :param msg_type: The type of ROS messages the publisher will publish. :param topic: The name of the topic the publisher will publish to. :param qos_profile: The quality of service profile to apply to the publisher. :return: The new publisher. """ # this line imports the typesupport for the message module if not already done check_for_type_support(msg_type) failed = False try: with self.handle as node_capsule: publisher_capsule = _rclpy.rclpy_create_publisher( node_capsule, msg_type, topic, qos_profile.get_c_qos_profile()) except ValueError: failed = True if failed: self._validate_topic_or_service_name(topic) publisher_handle = Handle(publisher_capsule) publisher_handle.requires(self.handle) publisher = Publisher(publisher_handle, msg_type, topic, qos_profile) self.__publishers.append(publisher) return publisher
def create_publisher(self, msg_type, topic, qos_profile=qos_profile_default): # this line imports the typesupport for the message module if not already done if msg_type.__class__._TYPE_SUPPORT is None: msg_type.__class__.__import_type_support__() if msg_type.__class__._TYPE_SUPPORT is None: raise NoTypeSupportImportedException publisher_handle = _rclpy.rclpy_create_publisher( self.handle, msg_type, topic, qos_profile.get_c_qos_profile()) publisher = Publisher(publisher_handle, msg_type, topic, qos_profile, self.handle) self.publishers.append(publisher) return publisher
def create_publisher(self, msg_type, topic, *, qos_profile=qos_profile_default): # this line imports the typesupport for the message module if not already done check_for_type_support(msg_type) failed = False try: publisher_handle = _rclpy.rclpy_create_publisher( self.handle, msg_type, topic, qos_profile.get_c_qos_profile()) except ValueError: failed = True if failed: self._validate_topic_or_service_name(topic) publisher = Publisher(publisher_handle, msg_type, topic, qos_profile, self.handle) self.publishers.append(publisher) return publisher
def visualize( publisher: Publisher, clock: Clock, path_id: int, path: Union[np.ndarray, Iterable[List[float]]], # n x 2 weights: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None, weight_max: Optional[float] = 1.0, frame_id: Optional[str] = "/map", ns: Optional[str] = "paths", scale: Optional[float] = 0.05, color=ColorRGBA(r=0.0, g=0.0, b=1.0, a=1.0) ) -> None: """ Generates a visualization_msgs::msg::Marker from a set of points Can colorize points on a scale based on another set of values ('weights') """ # Use point cloud instead? m = Marker(header=Header(frame_id=frame_id,, ns=ns, action=Marker.ADD, id=path_id, type=Marker.LINE_STRIP if len(path) > 1 else Marker.POINTS, scale=Vector3(x=scale, y=scale), color=color) m.points.extend(Point(x=1.0 * pt[0], y=1.0 * pt[1]) for pt in path) if weights is not None: assert len(path) == len(weights) m.colors.extend( # TODO: Better color range generation ColorRGBA(r=1.0, g=1.0 - min(max(1.0 * wt / weight_max, 0.0), 1.0), b=0.0, a=1.0) for wt in weights) publisher.publish(m) sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SimpleManagedEntity.__init__(self) Publisher.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)