Exemple #1
def datetime(e):
    if not isinstance(e, Literal):
        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passed as datetime: %s" % e)
    if not e.datatype == XSD.dateTime:
        raise SPARQLError(
            "Literal with wrong datatype passed as datetime: %s" % e)
    return e.toPython()
Exemple #2
def string(s):
    Make sure the passed thing is a string literal
    i.e. plain literal, xsd:string literal or lang-tagged literal
    if not isinstance(s, Literal):
        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passes as string: %s" % s)
    if s.datatype and s.datatype != XSD.string:
        raise SPARQLError(
            "Non-string datatype-literal passes as string: %s" % s)
    return s
Exemple #3
def Builtin_TIMEZONE(e, ctx):
    Returns the timezone part of arg as an xsd:dayTimeDuration.
    Raises an error if there is no timezone.
    dt = datetime(e.arg)
    if not dt.tzinfo:
        raise SPARQLError('datatime has no timezone: %s' % dt)

    delta = dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(ctx.now)

    d = delta.days
    s = delta.seconds
    neg = ""

    if d < 0:
        s = -24 * 60 * 60 * d - s
        d = 0
        neg = "-"

    h = s / (60 * 60)
    m = (s - h * 60 * 60) / 60
    s = s - h * 60 * 60 - m * 60

    tzdelta = "%sP%sT%s%s%s" % (neg,
                                "%dD" % d if d else "",
                                "%dH" % h if h else "",
                                "%dM" % m if m else "",
                                "%dS" % s if not d and not h and not m else "")

    return Literal(tzdelta, datatype=XSD.dayTimeDuration)
Exemple #4
def MultiplicativeExpression(e, ctx):

    expr = e.expr
    other = e.other

    # because of the way the mul-expr production handled operator precedence
    # we sometimes have nothing to do
    if other is None:
        return expr
        res = Decimal(numeric(expr))
        for op, f in zip(e.op, other):
            f = numeric(f)

            if type(f) == float:
                res = float(res)

            if op == '*':
                res *= f
                res /= f
    except (InvalidOperation, ZeroDivisionError):
        raise SPARQLError('divide by 0')

    return Literal(res)
Exemple #5
def Builtin_DATATYPE(e, ctx):
    l = e.arg
    if not isinstance(l, Literal):
        raise SPARQLError('Can only get datatype of literal: %s' % l)
    if l.language:
        return RDF_langString
    if not l.datatype and not l.language:
        return XSD.string
    return l.datatype
Exemple #6
def Builtin_COALESCE(expr, ctx):
    for x in expr.get('arg', variables=True):
        if x is not None and not isinstance(x, (SPARQLError, Variable)):
            return x
    raise SPARQLError(
        "COALESCE got no arguments that did not evaluate to an error")
Exemple #7
def Builtin_STRLANG(expr, ctx):

    s = string(expr.arg1)
    if s.language or s.datatype:
        raise SPARQLError('STRLANG expects a simple literal')

    # TODO: normalisation of lang tag to lower-case
    # should probably happen in literal __init__
    return Literal(unicode(s), lang=str(expr.arg2).lower())
Exemple #8
def Builtin_IRI(expr, ctx):

    a = expr.arg

    if isinstance(a, URIRef):
        return a
    if isinstance(a, Literal):
        return ctx.prologue.absolutize(URIRef(a))

    raise SPARQLError('IRI function only accepts URIRefs or Literals/Strings!')
Exemple #9
def Builtin_BNODE(expr, ctx):

    a = expr.arg

    if a is None:
        return BNode()

    if isinstance(a, Literal):
        return ctx.bnodes[a]  # defaultdict does the right thing

    raise SPARQLError(
        'BNode function only accepts no argument or literal/string')
Exemple #10
def literal(s):
    if not isinstance(s, Literal):
        raise SPARQLError("Non-literal passed as string: %s" % s)
    return s
Exemple #11
def Function(e, ctx):
    Custom functions (and casts!)

    if e.iri in XSD_DTs:
        # a cast

        if not e.expr:
            raise SPARQLError("Nothing given to cast.")
        if len(e.expr) > 1:
            raise SPARQLError("Cannot cast more than one thing!")

        x = e.expr[0]

        if e.iri == XSD.string:

            if isinstance(x, (URIRef, Literal)):
                return Literal(x, datatype=XSD.string)
                raise SPARQLError(
                    "Cannot cast term %s of type %s" % (x, type(x)))

        if not isinstance(x, Literal):
            raise SPARQLError(
                "Can only cast Literals to non-string data-types")

        if x.datatype and not x.datatype in XSD_DTs:
            raise SPARQLError(
                "Cannot cast literal with unknown datatype: %s" % x.datatype)

        if e.iri == XSD.dateTime:
            if x.datatype and x.datatype not in (XSD.dateTime, XSD.string):
                raise SPARQLError(
                    "Cannot cast %s to XSD:dateTime" % x.datatype)
                return Literal(isodate.parse_datetime(x), datatype=e.iri)
                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as datetime" % x)

        if x.datatype == XSD.dateTime:
            raise SPARQLError("Cannot cast XSD.dateTime to %s" % e.iri)

        if e.iri in (XSD.float, XSD.double):
                return Literal(float(x), datatype=e.iri)
                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as float" % x)

        elif e.iri == XSD.decimal:
            if "e" in x or "E" in x:  # SPARQL/XSD does not allow exponents in decimals
                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as decimal" % x)
                return Literal(Decimal(x), datatype=e.iri)
                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as decimal" % x)

        elif e.iri == XSD.integer:
                return Literal(int(x), datatype=XSD.integer)
                raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as int" % x)

        elif e.iri == XSD.boolean:
            # # I would argue that any number is True...
            # try:
            #     return Literal(bool(int(x)), datatype=XSD.boolean)
            # except:
            if x.lower() in ("1", "true"):
                return Literal(True)
            if x.lower() in ("0", "false"):
                return Literal(False)

            raise SPARQLError("Cannot interpret '%s' as bool" % x)
            raise Exception("I do not know how to cast to %s" % e.iri)

        raise SPARQLError('Unknown function %s"%e.iri')
Exemple #12
def _compatibleStrings(a, b):

    if b.language and a.language != b.language:
        raise SPARQLError('incompatible arguments to str functions')
Exemple #13
        for x in other:
                if x == expr:
                    return Literal(True ^ res)
            except SPARQLError, e:
                error = e
        if not error:
            return Literal(False ^ res)
            raise error

    if not op in ('=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN'):
        if not isinstance(expr, Literal):
            raise SPARQLError(
                "Compare other than =, != of non-literals is an error: %s" %
        if not isinstance(other, Literal):
            raise SPARQLError(
                "Compare other than =, != of non-literals is an error: %s" %
        if not isinstance(expr, Node):
            raise SPARQLError('I cannot compare this non-node: %s' % expr)
        if not isinstance(other, Node):
            raise SPARQLError('I cannot compare this non-node: %s' % other)

    if isinstance(expr, Literal) and isinstance(other, Literal):

        if expr.datatype != None and expr.datatype not in XSD_DTs and other.datatype != None and other.datatype not in XSD_DTs:
            # in SPARQL for non-XSD DT Literals we can only do =,!=