Exemple #1
def make_example1_httpd(service=None, service_config=None):
    """Make a HTTPd running in a separate thread.

    Return the thread and the HTTPd.

    :param service: if provided

    NB: the service is assumed to be located on localhost:1234
    if service is None:
        if service_config is None:
            service_config = get_service_configuration()
            service_config.set('server', 'port', '1234')
            service_config.set('server', 'base-path', '/foo')

        service = make_example1_service(service_config)

    # cache_control="max-age=60")
    app = HttpFrontend(service, service_config)
    _httpd = make_server(service_config.get('server', 'host-name', 1),
                         service_config.getint('server', 'port'),
    thread = Thread(target=_httpd.serve_forever)
    return thread, _httpd
Exemple #2
def main():
    """Runs an HTTP server serving items and groups.

    If 'test' is passed as argument, first run :func:`do_tests` from
    :mod:`.example1` on the service.
    test = len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "test"

    service_config = get_service_configuration()
    service_config.set('server', 'port', '1234')
    service_config.set('server', 'base-path', '/foo')

    # TODO Store management : special tests ?

    serv = make_example2_service(service_config)

    root_uri = serv.root_uri

    if test:
        print "Local tests passed"

    app = HttpFrontend(serv, service_config)
    _httpd = make_server(service_config.get('server', 'host-name', 1),
                         service_config.getint('server', 'port'), app)
    print "Now listening on", root_uri
Exemple #3
def main():
    """I launch KTBS as a standalone HTTP server.
    cmdline_options = parse_options()

    # Get default configuration possibly overriden by a user configuration file
    # or command line configuration OPTIONS
    ktbs_config = parse_configuration_options(cmdline_options)

    # TODO : remove this option ?
    if ktbs_config.getboolean('server', 'resource-cache'):
        LOG.warning("option --resource-cache is deprecated; it has no effect")


    LOG.info("KTBS pid: %d" % getpid())

    ktbs_service = KtbsService(ktbs_config)  #.service
    atexit.register(lambda: ktbs_service.store.close())

    application = HttpFrontend(ktbs_service, ktbs_config)

    if ktbs_config.getboolean('server', 'flash-allow'):
        application = FlashAllower(application)

    httpd = make_server(ktbs_config.get('server', 'host-name', 1),
                        ktbs_config.getint('server', 'port'), application,

    LOG.info("KTBS server at %s" % ktbs_service.root_uri)

 def setUp(self):
         self.service = make_example2_service(URL)
         root = self.service.get(URIRef(URL))
         assert isinstance(root, Group2Implementation)
         self.app = HttpFrontend(self.service, cache_control="max-age=60")
 def setUp(self):
         service_config = get_service_configuration()
         self.service = make_example2_service(service_config)
         #root = self.service.get(URIRef(URL))
         root = self.service.get(self.service.root_uri, [EXAMPLE.Group2])
         assert isinstance(root, Group2Implementation)
         # max-age is now deprecated, cache_control="max-age=60")
         self.app = HttpFrontend(self.service, service_config)
    def setUp(self):
        super(HttpKtbsTestCaseMixin, self).setUp()
        ktbs_config = get_ktbs_configuration()
        app = HttpFrontend(self.service, ktbs_config)
        #app = HttpFrontend(self.service, cache_control="max-age=60")

            httpd = make_server("localhost",
            thread = Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever)
            self.httpd = httpd
            self.my_ktbs = HttpClientCore.factory("http://localhost:12345/",
            assert isinstance(self.my_ktbs, KtbsRootMixin)
Exemple #7
def main():
    """I launch KTBS as a standalone HTTP server.
    cmdline_options = parse_options()

    # Get default configuration possibly overriden by a user configuration file
    # or command line configuration OPTIONS
    ktbs_config = parse_configuration_options(cmdline_options)


    LOG.info("KTBS pid: %d" % getpid())

    ktbs_service = KtbsService(ktbs_config)  #.service
    atexit.register(lambda: ktbs_service.store.close())

    application = HttpFrontend(ktbs_service, ktbs_config)

    kwargs = {
        'host': ktbs_config.get('server', 'host-name', 1),
        'port': ktbs_config.getint('server', 'port'),
        'threads': ktbs_config.getint('server', 'threads'),

    if ktbs_config.getboolean('server', 'force-ipv4'):
        kwargs['ipv6'] = False

    if ktbs_config.getboolean('server', 'flash-allow'):
        application = FlashAllower(application)

    if ktbs_config.has_option('server', 'base-path'):
        base_path = ktbs_config.get('server', 'base-path')
        application = SimpleRouter([(base_path, application)])

    LOG.info("KTBS server at %s" % ktbs_service.root_uri)

    serve(application, **kwargs)
class TestHttpFront(object):

    service = None
    server = None

    def setUp(self):
            self.service = make_example2_service(URL)
            root = self.service.get(URIRef(URL))
            assert isinstance(root, Group2Implementation)
            self.app = HttpFrontend(self.service, cache_control="max-age=60")

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.app is not None:
            del self.app
        if self.service is not None:
            del self.service

    def request(self, url, method="GET", body=None, headers=None):            
        scheme, http_host, path_info, query_string, frag_id = urisplit(url)
        if frag_id is not None:
            raise ValueError("request should not include a fragment-id")
        if ":" in http_host:
            netloc, port = http_host.split(":")
            netloc = http_host
            port = "80" # should be different if scheme == 'https'
        environ = {
            "HTTP_ACCEPT": "test/turtle,*/*;q=.1",
            "HTTP_HOST": http_host,
            "HTTP_USER_AGENT": "unit-test",
            "PATH_INFO": path_info,
            "REMOTE_ADDR": "",
            "REMOTE_HOST": "localhost.localdomain",
            "REQUEST_METHOD": method.upper(),
            "SCRIPT_NAME": "",
            "SERVER_NAME": netloc,
            "SERVER_PORT": port,
            "SERVER_PROTOCOL": "HTTP/1.1",
            "SERVER_SOFTWARE": "direct-access",
            "wsgi.errors": stderr,
            "wsgi.file_wrapper": body and [body] or [],
            "wsgi.input": StringIO(body or ""),
            "wsgi.multiprocess": "False",
            "wsgi.multithread": "False",
            "wsgi.run_once": "False",
            "wsgi.url_scheme": scheme,
            "wsgi.version": "(1, 0)"
        if query_string is not None:
            environ["QUERY_STRING"] = query_string
        if body is not None:
            environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = str(len(body))
            environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
        if headers is not None:
            for key, val in headers.items():
                key = key.upper()
                key = key.replace("-", "_")
                if key not in ("CONTENT_LENGTH", "CONTENT_TYPE"):
                    key = "HTTP_" + key
                environ[key] = val

        req = Request(environ)
        res = self.app.get_response(req)
        return res, res.body

    def test_bad_method(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "XXX")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 405)

    def test_get_not_found(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"not_there")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 404)

    def test_get(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 200)

    def test_get_valid_params(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"?valid=a")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 200)

    def test_get_invalid_params(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"?invalid=a")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 404)

    def test_get_not_allowed(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"?notallowed=a")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 405)

    def test_get_redirect(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"?redirect=foo")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 303)
        eq_(resp.location, URL+"foo")

    def test_get_proxy(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"@proxy")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 303)
        eq_(resp.location, URL)

    def test_put_not_found(self):
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL+"not_there", "PUT",
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 404)

    def test_put_without_etag(self):
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL)
        assert resp_get.content_type is not None
        reqhead = { "content-type": resp_get.content_type }
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", content_get,
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 403)

    def test_put_bad_content(self):
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        assert resp_get.content_type is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": resp_get.content_type,
            # NB: content-type and etag must be kept consistent
        new_content = ">" # illegal in most syntaxes (Turtle, XML, JSON, HTML)
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", new_content,
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 400)

    def test_put_bad_mediatype(self):
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": "application/x-not-supported"
        new_content = ""
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", new_content,
        #eq_(resp_put.status_int, 415) # no parser found
        # NB: in fact, the bad mediatype does not match the etag, so we get
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 412) # pre-condition failed

    def test_put_idem(self, url=URL):
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(url)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        assert resp_get.content_type is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": resp_get.content_type,
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(url, "PUT", content_get,
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 200)
        assert "etag" in resp_put.headers

    def test_put_legal_rdf(self):
        reqhead = { "accept": "text/nt" }
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL, headers=reqhead)
        graph = Graph()
        graph.parse(data=content_get, publicID=URL, format="nt")
        graph.set((URIRef(URL), RDFS.label, Literal("label has been changed")))
        new_content = graph.serialize(format="nt")
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": "text/nt",
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", new_content,
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 200)
        assert "etag" in resp_put.headers

    def test_put_illegal_rdf(self):
        # try to put a graph without any rdf:type for the resource
        reqhead = { "accept": "text/nt" }
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL, headers=reqhead)
        graph = Graph()
        graph.parse(data=content_get, publicID=URL, format="nt")
        graph.remove((URIRef(URL), RDF.type, None))
        new_content = graph.serialize(format="nt")
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": "text/nt",
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", new_content,
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 403)

    def test_put_valid_params(self):

    def test_put_invalid_params(self):
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL+"invalid=a", "PUT",
                                                 POSTABLE_TURTLE, reqhead)
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 404)

    def test_post_not_found(self):
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL+"not_there", "POST",
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 404)

    def test_post_bad_content(self):
        new_content = "illegal xml"
        reqhead = { "content-type": "application/rdf+xml" }
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "POST", new_content, reqhead)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 400)

    def test_post_bad_mediatype(self):
        new_content = ""
        reqhead = { "content-type": "application/x-not-supported" }
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "POST", new_content, reqhead)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 415)

    def test_post_legal_rdf(self, url=URL):
        #graph = Graph()
        #graph.parse(data=POSTABLE_TURTLE, publicID=url, format="n3")
        #new_content = graph.serialize(format="nt")
        #reqhead = { "content-type": "text/nt" }
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        resp, content = self.request(url, "POST", POSTABLE_TURTLE,
        eq_(resp.status_int, 201)
        assert resp.location
        resp, content = self.request(resp.location)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 200)

    def test_post_illegal_rdf(self):
        # try to post a graph without an rdf:type for the created element
        graph = Graph()
        graph.parse(data=POSTABLE_TURTLE, publicID=URL, format="n3")
        created = next(graph.triples((URIRef(URL), None, None)))[2]
        graph.remove((created, RDF.type, None))
        new_content = graph.serialize(format="nt")
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/nt" }
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "POST", new_content, reqhead)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 403)

    def test_post_valid_params(self):

    def test_post_invalid_params(self):
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        resp, content = self.request(URL+"?invalid=a", "POST",
                                         POSTABLE_TURTLE, reqhead)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 404)

    def test_delete_not_found(self):
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL+"not_there", "DELETE")
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 404)

    def test_delete(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL + "foo", "DELETE")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 204)

    def test_delete_conflict(self):
        # we create a non-empty group, then try to delete it
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        resp, _       = self.request(URL, "POST", POSTABLE_TURTLE,
        url2 = resp.location
        assert url2 is not None
        _               = self.request(url2, "POST", POSTABLE_TURTLE,
        resp, content = self.request(url2, "DELETE")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 409)

    def test_delete_valid_params(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL + "foo?valid=a", "DELETE")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 204)

    def test_delete_invalid_params(self):
        resp, content = self.request(URL + "foo?invalid=a", "DELETE")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 404)

    def test_cache_control(self):
        resp, _ = self.request(URL)
        assert resp.cache_control is not None
        resp, _ = self.request(URL + "foo")
        assert resp.cache_control is not None

    def test_serialize_error(self):
        # we use the fact that rdfrest_demo can "simulate" a serialize error
        resp, content = self.request(URL, headers={"accept": "text/errer"})
        eq_(resp.status_int, 550)

    def test_ctype(self):

        for ctype in [ "text/turtle",
            yield self._do_test_ctype, ctype

    def test_max_bytes_get_ok(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000

    def test_max_bytes_get_ko(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000
        foo = self.service.get(URIRef(URL + "foo"))
        assert isinstance(foo, Item2Implementation)
        with foo.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
            editable.add((foo.uri, RDFS.label, Literal(1000*"x")))
        resp, content = self.request(URL + "foo")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 403)

    def test_max_bytes_put_ok(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000

    def test_max_bytes_put_ko(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        assert resp_get.content_type is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": resp_get.content_type,
        content_get = content_get + "#"*1000
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", content_get, reqhead)
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 413)

    def test_max_bytes_post_ok(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000

    def test_max_bytes_post_ko(self):
        self.app.max_bytes = 1000
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "POST", POSTABLE_TURTLE + "#"*1000,
        eq_(resp.status_int, 413)

    def test_max_triples_get_ok(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10

    def test_max_triples_get_ko(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10
        foo = self.service.get(URIRef(URL + "foo"))
        with foo.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
            for i in range(10):
                editable.add((foo.uri, RDFS.label, Literal("label%i" % i)))
        resp, content = self.request(URL + "foo")
        eq_(resp.status_int, 403)

    def test_max_triples_put_ok(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10

    def test_max_triples_put_ko(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        assert resp_get.content_type is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": resp_get.content_type,
        content_get += ("<> <http://example.org/other#label>"
                        + ",".join('"%s"' % i for i in range(10))
                        + ".")
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", content_get, reqhead)
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 413)

    def test_max_triples_post_ok(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10

    def test_max_triples_post_ko(self):
        self.app.max_triples = 10
        reqhead = { "content-type": "text/turtle" }
        patch = ("<http://example.org/other#label> "
                 + ", ".join('"%s"' % i for i in range(10))
                 + "; ].")
        content = POSTABLE_TURTLE.replace("].", patch)
        resp, content = self.request(URL, "POST", content, reqhead)
        eq_(resp.status_int, 413)

    def _do_test_ctype(self, ctype):
        reqhead = { "accept": ctype }
        resp_get, content_get = self.request(URL, headers=reqhead)
        eq_(resp_get.status_int, 200)
        eq_(resp_get.content_type, ctype)
        assert resp_get.etag is not None
        reqhead = {
            "if-match": resp_get.etag,
            "content-type": ctype,
        resp_put, content_put = self.request(URL, "PUT", content_get, reqhead)
        eq_(resp_put.status_int, 200)
def app(service_config, service):
    app = HttpFrontend(service, service_config)
    yield app
    del app