Exemple #1
def lit2datetime(literal):
    """Convert `literal` to datetime if possible, else return None.

    If literal is None, also return None.
    if literal is not None:
            return parse_date(literal)
        except ParseError:
    return None
Exemple #2
def lit2datetime(literal):
    """Convert `literal` to datetime if possible, else return None.

    If literal is None, also return None.
    if literal is not None:
            return parse_date(literal)
        except ParseError:
    return None
Exemple #3
    def get_origin(self, as_datetime=False):
        I return the origin of this trace.

        If `as_datetime` is true, get_origin will try to convert the return
        value to datetime, or return it unchanged if that fails.

        origin = self.state.value(self.uri, KTBS.hasOrigin)
        if as_datetime:
                origin = parse_date(origin)
            except ParseError:
        elif origin is not None:
            origin = unicode(origin)
        return origin
Exemple #4
    def create_obsel(self, id=None, type=None, begin=None, end=None, 
                     subject=None, attributes=None, relations=None, 
                     inverse_relations=None, source_obsels=None, label=None,
        Creates a new obsel for the stored trace.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`.
        :param type: Obsel type, defined by the Trace model.
        :param begin: Begin timestamp of the obsel, can be an int.
        :param end: End timestamp of the obsel, can be an int.
        :param subject: Subject of the obsel.
        :param attributes: explain.
        :param relations: explain.
        :param inverse_relations: explain.
        :param source_obsels: explain.
        :param label: explain.
        :param no_return: if True, None will be returned instead of the created obsek;
            this saves time and (in the case of a remote kTBS) network traffic

        :rtype: `ktbs.client.obsel.Obsel`
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622

        # We somehow duplicate Obsel.complete_new_graph and
        # Obsel.check_new_graph here, but this is required if we want to be
        # able to set _trust=True below.
        # Furthermore, the signature of this method makes it significantly
        # easier to produce a valid graph, so there is a benefit to this
        # duplication.
        if type is None:
            raise ValueError("type is mandatory for obsel creation")
        if begin is None:
            begin = _NOW(UTC)
        if end is None:
            end = begin
        if subject is None:
            subject = self.get_default_subject()
        elif not isinstance(subject, URIRef):
            subject = Literal(subject)

        trust = False # TODO SOON decide if we can trust anything
        # this would imply verifying that begin and end are mutually consistent
        # knowing that they could be heterogeneous (int/datetime)
        graph = Graph()
        obs = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri) # return BNode if id is None
        type_uri = coerce_to_uri(type, self.uri)
        graph.add((obs, RDF.type, type_uri))
        graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasTrace, self.uri))

        if isinstance(begin, Integral):
            graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasBegin, Literal(int(begin))))
        else: # will use KTBS.hasBeginDT
            begin_dt = begin
            if isinstance(begin, basestring):
                begin_dt = parse_date(begin_dt)
            elif isinstance(begin, datetime):
                if begin.tzinfo is None:
                    begin = begin.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
                raise ValueError("Could not interpret begin %s", begin)
            graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasBeginDT, Literal(begin_dt)))

        if isinstance(end, Integral):
            graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasEnd, Literal(int(end))))
        else: # will use KTBS.hasEndDT
            end_dt = end
            if isinstance(end_dt, basestring):
                end_dt = parse_date(end_dt)
            elif isinstance(end, datetime):
                if end.tzinfo is None:
                    end = end.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
                raise ValueError("Could not interpret end %s", end)
            graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasEndDT, Literal(end_dt)))

        if subject is not None:
            graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasSubject, subject))

        if attributes is not None:
            for key, val in attributes.items():
                k_uri = coerce_to_uri(key)
                if isinstance(val, Node):
                    v_node = val
                    v_node = Literal(val)
                    # TODO LATER do something if val is a list
                graph.add((obs, k_uri, v_node))

        if relations is not None:
            for rtype, other in relations:
                rtype_uri = coerce_to_uri(rtype)
                other_uri = coerce_to_uri(other)
                graph.add((obs, rtype_uri, other_uri))

        if inverse_relations is not None:
            for other, rtype in inverse_relations:
                other_uri = coerce_to_uri(other)
                rtype_uri = coerce_to_uri(rtype)
                graph.add((other_uri, rtype_uri, obs))

        if source_obsels is not None:
            for src in source_obsels:
                s_uri = coerce_to_uri(src)
                graph.add((obs, KTBS.hasSourceObsel, s_uri))

        if label is not None:
            graph.add((obs, RDFS.label, Literal(label)))

        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, obs, KTBS.Obsel)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        if not no_return:
            ret = self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.Obsel])
            assert isinstance(ret, ObselMixin)
            return ret