Chi4v = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi4v(x)
Chi4v.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi4v_version
ChiNv_ = lambda x, y: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChiNv(x, y)
ChiNv_.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChiNv_version

Chi0n = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi0n(x)
Chi0n.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi0n_version
Chi1n = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi1n(x)
Chi1n.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi1n_version
Chi2n = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi2n(x)
Chi2n.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi2n_version
Chi3n = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi3n(x)
Chi3n.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi3n_version
Chi4n = lambda x: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChi4n(x)
Chi4n.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChi4n_version
ChiNn_ = lambda x, y: rdMolDescriptors.CalcChiNn(x, y)
ChiNn_.version = rdMolDescriptors._CalcChiNn_version

def BalabanJ(mol, dMat=None, forceDMat=0):
    """ Calculate Balaban's J value for a molecule


    - mol: a molecule

    - dMat: (optional) a distance/adjacency matrix for the molecule, if this
      is not provide, one will be calculated

    - forceDMat: (optional) if this is set, the distance/adjacency matrix
      will be recalculated regardless of whether or not _dMat_ is provided
def get_fingerprint(SMILES=None, E_BIND=None):
    PRE: Takes in a MOLECULE as a SMILES
    POST: Prints its finger prints as two list, the first contains the names, the second contains the fingerprints

    def get_atoms_coords(RDKIT_BLOCK):
        """Takes as input an RDKIT BLOCK and returns a list of atoms with a numpy array containing the coordinates"""
        RDKIT_BLOCK = RDKIT_BLOCK.split('\n')
        atm_number = int(RDKIT_BLOCK[3][:3])
        RDKIT_BLOCK = [x.split() for x in RDKIT_BLOCK]
        atm_list = []
        coords_array = np.zeros([atm_number, 3], dtype=float)
        for i, line in enumerate(RDKIT_BLOCK[4:4 + atm_number]):
            coords_atm = line
            coords_array[i, :] = coords_atm[:3]
        return atm_list, coords_array

    def get_atom_types(mol):
        PRE: Takes in the mol
        POST: Returns a dictionary with the atom types and numbers
        atom_types = {}
        for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
            symbol = atom.GetSymbol()
            if symbol in atom_types:
                atom_types[symbol] += 1
                atom_types[symbol] = 1
        return atom_types

    def AreRingFused(mol):
        PRE  : Takes in a mol rdkit
        POST : Returns the max number of fused rings. That is the maximum number of rings any atom belongs to
        rings = Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol)
        ring_dic = {}
        for ring in rings:
            for atom in list(ring):
                if atom in ring_dic:
                    ring_dic[atom] += 1
                    ring_dic[atom] = 1
        if ring_dic.values() == []:
            return 0
            return max(ring_dic.values())

    def getVolume(mol, atom_types):
        PRE: Takes in a mol with HYDROGENS ADDED
        POST: Returns its volume computed as a linear combination of the contribution of the vdW volumes
        index_of_vols = {'H': 7.24, 'C': 20.58, 'N': 15.60, 'O': 14.71, 'F': 13.31, 'Cl': 22.45, 'Br': 26.52,
                         'I': 32.52, 'P': 24.43, 'S': 24.43, 'As': 26.52, 'B': 40.48, 'Si': 38.79, 'Se': 28.73,
                         'Te': 36.62}
        gross_volume = 0
        # for sym in atom_types:
            # gross_volume += atom_types[sym] * index_of_vols[sym]
        bonds = mol.GetNumBonds()
        rings = Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol)
        # print 'aromatic ring count is ',descriptors.CalcNumAromaticRings(mol)
        # print 'aliphatic ring count is ',descriptors.CalcNumAliphaticRings(mol)
        ra = 0
        largest_ra = 0
        rna = 0
        largest_rna = 0
        for ringId in range(len(rings)):
            if isRingAromatic(mol, tuple(rings[ringId])):
                ra += 1
                if largest_ra < len(rings[ringId]):
                    largest_ra = len(rings[ringId])
                rna += 1
                if largest_rna < len(rings[ringId]):
                    largest_rna = len(rings[ringId])
        # volume = gross_volume - 5.92 * bonds - 14.7 * ra - 3.8 * rna
            volume = AllChem.ComputeMolVolume(mol)
            raise ValueError("Can't build the molecule")
        return volume, ra, rna, largest_ra, largest_rna

    def isRingAromatic(mol, ring):
        PRE: Takes in a mol and a ring given as a tuple of atom id
        POST: Returns TRUE is all the atoms inside the ring are aromatic and FALSE otherwise
        aromatic = True
        for ids in ring:
            if mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ids).GetIsAromatic():
                # print ids
                aromatic = False
        return aromatic

    mol = SMILES
    features = [
        # 'MinRadiusOfCylinder',
        # 'RadiusOfCylinderBestConf',
    for i in range(6):
        features.append('Chi{}v'.format(i + 1))
        features.append('Chi{}n'.format(i + 1))
        if i < 3:
            features.append('Kappa{}'.format(i + 1))

    feature_dic = dict.fromkeys(features)
    if mol == None:
        return sorted(feature_dic.keys())

    mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(SMILES)
    mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)

    feature_dic['RotableBondNum'] = descriptors.CalcNumRotatableBonds(mol)

    for i in range(6):
        feature_dic['Chi{}v'.format(i + 1)] = descriptors.CalcChiNv(mol, i + 1)
        feature_dic['Chi{}n'.format(i + 1)] = descriptors.CalcChiNn(mol, i + 1)

    feature_dic['Kappa1'] = descriptors.CalcKappa1(mol)
    feature_dic['Kappa2'] = descriptors.CalcKappa2(mol)
    feature_dic['Kappa3'] = descriptors.CalcKappa3(mol)

    feature_dic['HBondAcceptor'] = descriptors.CalcNumHBA(mol)
    feature_dic['HBondDonor'] = descriptors.CalcNumHBD(mol)

    CrippenDescriptors = descriptors.CalcCrippenDescriptors(mol)
    feature_dic['MolLogP'] = CrippenDescriptors[0]
    feature_dic['MolMR'] = CrippenDescriptors[1]

    atom_types = get_atom_types(mol)
    for feat, symbol in zip(['NAtom', 'OAtom', 'SAtom', 'PAtom', 'ClAtom', 'BrAtom', 'FAtom', 'IAtom'],
                            ['N', 'O', 'S', 'P', 'Cl', 'Br', 'F', 'I']):
        if symbol in atom_types:
            feature_dic[feat] = atom_types[symbol]
            feature_dic[feat] = 0

    feature_dic['atomNbr'] = mol.GetNumHeavyAtoms()
    feature_dic['Volume'], feature_dic['AromaticRingNumber'], feature_dic['NonAromaticRingNumber'], feature_dic[
        'LargestAromaticRingAtomNbr'], feature_dic['LargestNonAromaticRingAtomNbr'] = getVolume(mol, atom_types)
    feature_dic['MaxNbrFusedRings'] = AreRingFused(mol)
    feature_dic['SurfaceArea'] = descriptors.CalcTPSA(mol)
    feature_dic['Charge'] = Chem.GetFormalCharge(mol)

    funct_dic = {
        '[$([NX3](=O)=O),$([NX3+](=O)[O-])][!#8]': 'NitroNbr',
        '[#6][OX2H]': 'AlcoholNbr',
        '[NX1]#[CX2]': 'NitrileNbr',
        '[#6][CX3](=O)[#6]': 'KetoneNbr',
        '[#16X2H]': 'ThiolNbr',
        "[OX2H][cX3][c]": 'Phenol_likeNbr',
        '[#6][CX3](=O)[OX2H0][#6]': 'EsterNbr',
        '[#16X2H0]': 'SulfideNbr',
        '[CX3](=O)[OX2H1]': 'CarboxilicAcidNbr',
        '[OD2]([#6])[#6]': 'EtherNbr',
        # '[NX3][CX3](=[OX1])[#6]':'AmideNbr',
        '[#7X3][#6X3](=[OX1])[#6]': 'AmideNbr',
        '[NX3][cc]': 'AnilineNbr',
        '[NX3H2;!$(NC=O)]': 'PrimaryAmineNbr',
        '[NX3H1;!$(NC=O)]': 'SecondaryAmineNbr'}

    for funct in funct_dic:
        patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(funct)
        feature_dic[funct_dic[funct]] = len(mol.GetSubstructMatches(patt))

    # names, coords = get_atoms_coords(Chem.MolToMolBlock(mol))
    # feature_dic['MinRadiusOfCylinder'] = returnCircleAsTuple(coords[:,1:])[2]
    # feature_dic['MinRadiusOfCylinder'] = RADIUS[0]
    # feature_dic['RadiusOfCylinderBestConf'] = RADIUS[1]

    values = []
    for key in sorted(feature_dic.keys()):
    # print key, feature_dic[key]
    return values