Exemple #1
 def featurize(self, x):
     if self.input_type == 'smiles':
         x_ = x
         x = Chem.MolFromSmiles(x)
         if x is None:
             raise ValueError('cannot convert Mol from SMILES %s' % x_)
     if self.input_type == 'any':
         if not isinstance(x, Chem.rdchem.Mol):
             x_ = x
             x = Chem.MolFromSmiles(x)
             if x is None:
                 raise ValueError('cannot convert Mol from SMILES %s' % x_)
     if self.counting:
         return count_fp(rdMol.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(x, nBits=self.n_bits), dim=self.n_bits)
         return list(rdMol.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprintAsBitVect(x, nBits=self.n_bits,
Exemple #2
 def testHashedTopologicalTorsions(self):
     mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("c1ncccc1")
     fp1 = rdMD.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(mol)
     mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("n1ccccc1")
     fp2 = rdMD.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(mol)
     self.assertEqual(DataStructs.DiceSimilarity(fp1, fp2), 1.0)
Exemple #3
    fpType -- the type of AP fingerprint ('normal', 'hashed', 'bv')
    nBits -- the size of the bit vector (only for fpType='bv')
    minLength -- the minimum path length for an atom pair
    maxLength -- the maxmimum path length for an atom pair
    nBitsPerEntry -- the number of bits available for each pair
  if fpType not in ['normal', 'hashed', 'bv']: raise ValueError("Unknown Atom pairs fingerprint type")
  if atomId < 0:
    return apDict[fpType](mol, nBits, minLength, maxLength, nBitsPerEntry, 0)
  if atomId >= mol.GetNumAtoms(): raise ValueError("atom index greater than number of atoms")
  return apDict[fpType](mol, nBits, minLength, maxLength, nBitsPerEntry, [atomId])

ttDict = {}
ttDict['normal'] = lambda m, bits, ts, bpe, ia: rdMD.GetTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(m, targetSize=ts, ignoreAtoms=ia)
ttDict['hashed'] = lambda m, bits, ts, bpe, ia: rdMD.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(m, nBits=bits, targetSize=ts, ignoreAtoms=ia)
ttDict['bv'] = lambda m, bits, ts, bpe, ia: rdMD.GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprintAsBitVect(m, nBits=bits, targetSize=ts, nBitsPerEntry=bpe, ignoreAtoms=ia)

# usage:   lambda m,i: GetTTFingerprint(m, i, fpType, nBits, targetSize)
def GetTTFingerprint(mol, atomId=-1, fpType='normal', nBits=2048, targetSize=4, nBitsPerEntry=4):
  Calculates the topological torsion fingerprint with the pairs of atomId removed.

    mol -- the molecule of interest
    atomId -- the atom to remove the torsions for (if -1, no torsion is removed)
    fpType -- the type of TT fingerprint ('normal', 'hashed', 'bv')
    nBits -- the size of the bit vector (only for fpType='bv')
    minLength -- the minimum path length for an atom pair
    maxLength -- the maxmimum path length for an atom pair
    nBitsPerEntry -- the number of bits available for each torsion