def draw_fingerprint_substructures(mol, radius, from_atoms=None, im_size_x=250, im_size_y=250): """ Draws the fingerprint substructures of a molecule for a specified radius. """ # Check if the input molecule is given in SMILES or in the RDKit Mol format. if isinstance(mol, str): try: # Generate the RDKit Mol object from the input SMILES string. mol = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(mol) # Sanitize the molecule. AllChem.SanitizeMol(mol) except: print( "Unable to sanitize generated molecule. Check the validity of the input SMILES string." ) # Generate the full-length fingerprint of the molecule and collect the info about the active bits. bit_info = {} fp = rdMolDescriptors.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, radius=radius, fromAtoms=from_atoms, bitInfo=bit_info) on_bits = [(mol, x, bit_info) for x in fp.GetOnBits()] # Create the drawer object only for active bits. drawer = Draw.DrawMorganBits(on_bits, molsPerRow=3, subImgSize=(im_size_x, im_size_y), legends=[str(x) for x in fp.GetOnBits()]) # Modify the .svg string. svg = drawer.replace("svg:", "") # Return the final Image object. return
taxol = taxol[0] type(taxol) ### pubchempy.Compound taxol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(taxol.canonical_smiles) type(taxol) ### rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol ### Morganフィンガープリント bitI_morgan = {} fp_morgan = AllChem.GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(taxol, 2, bitInfo=bitI_morgan) ### RDKitフィンガープリント bitI_rdkit = {} fp_rdkit = Chem.RDKFingerprint(taxol, bitInfo=bitI_rdkit) print(fp_morgan.GetNumBits(),fp_morgan.GetNumOnBits()) ### 2048 86 print(len(bitI_morgan)) ### 86 print(len(fp_rdkit), len(bitI_rdkit.keys())) ### (2048, 1444) for key in list(bitI_morgan.keys())[:5]: print(bitI_morgan[key]) ### Morgan可視化 morgan_turples = ((taxol, bit, bitI_morgan) for bit in list(bitI_morgan.keys())[:12]) Draw.DrawMorganBits(morgan_turples, molsPerRow=4, legends=['bit: '+str(x) for x in list(bitI_morgan.keys())[:12]]) ### RDKit可視化 rdkit_turples = ((taxol, bit, bitI_rdkit) for bit in list(bitI_rdkit.keys())[:12]) Draw.DrawRDKitBits(rdkit_turples, molsPerRow=4, legends=['bit: '+str(x) for x in list(bitI_rdkit.keys())[:12]])
def displayingsinrow(imgs, col=4): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) columns = col for i, image in enumerate(imgs): ax = plt.subplot(len(imgs) / columns, columns, i) ax.set_axis_off() plt.imshow(image) displayingsinrow(imgs) bi_tuple = [(mol, bit, bi) for bit in list(bi.keys())] img = Draw.DrawMorganBits( bi_tuple, molsPerRow=4, subImgSize=(250, 250), legends=list( map(str, list(bi.keys())) ) ) # 存储为图片 with open('/drug_development/studyRdkit/st_rdcit/img/mol26.svg', 'w+') as outf: outf.write(img) # 从上图我们可以看到对摩根指纹可视化的时候,不仅有片段结构,而且对原子用不同颜色进行了标注 # 1. 蓝色:说明该原子是中心原子 # 2. 黄色:说明该原子是芳香原子 # 3. 灰色:说明该原子是脂肪烃原子 # # 3.8 可视化拓扑指纹中的bit # 拓扑指纹也称为RDKit指纹,其调用函数Chem.RDKFingerprint(mol) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1cccnc1C') rdkbi = {}