Exemple #1
 def are_valid_credentials(self, username, password):
     """The valid users string in the config file is in the form:
         password=frank """
     valid_username = rdw_config.get_config(
         "username", self.configFilePath)
     valid_password = rdw_config.get_config(
         "password", self.configFilePath)
     return valid_username == username and valid_password == password
Exemple #2
 def _connect(self):
     import MySQLdb
     sqlHost = rdw_config.get_config("MySQLHost", self.configFilePath)
     sqlUsername = rdw_config.get_config(
         "MySQLUsername", self.configFilePath)
     sqlPassword = rdw_config.get_config(
         "MySQLPassword", self.configFilePath)
     sqlDatabaseName = rdw_config.get_config(
         "MySQLDatabase", self.configFilePath)
     self.sqlConnection = MySQLdb.connect(
         host=sqlHost, user=sqlUsername, passwd=sqlPassword, db=sqlDatabaseName)
Exemple #3
    def restore(self, name, restore_date, use_zip):
        """Used to restore the given file located in this path."""
        assert isinstance(name, str)
        assert isinstance(restore_date, rdw_helpers.rdwTime)
        name = name.lstrip(b"/")

        # Determine the file name to be restore (from rdiff-backup
        # point of view).
        file_to_restore = os.path.join(self.full_path, name)
        file_to_restore = self.repo.unquote(file_to_restore)

        # Convert the date into epoch.
        date_epoch = str(restore_date.getSeconds())

        # Define a location where to restore the data
        if name == b"" and self.path == b"":
            filename = b"root"
        if self.path != b"":
            filename = os.path.basename(self.path)
        if name != b"":
            filename = name
        # Generate a temporary location used to restore data.
        tempdir = rdw_helpers.encode_s(rdw_config.get_config("tempdir",
        output = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tempdir), filename)

        # Execute rdiff-backup to restore the data.
        logger.info(b"execute rdiff-backup --restore-as-of=%s '%s' '%s'" %
                    (date_epoch, file_to_restore, output))
        results = self._execute(
            b"--restore-as-of=" + date_epoch,

        # Check the result
        if results['exitCode'] != 0 or not os.access(output, os.F_OK):
            error = results['stderr']
            if not error:
                error = '''rdiff-backup claimed success, but did not restore
                        anything. This indicates a bug in rdiffweb. Please
                        report this to a developer.'''
            raise UnknownError('unable to restore!\n' + error)

        # The path restored is a directory and need to be archived using zip
        # or tar
        if os.path.isdir(output):
            output_dir = output
                if use_zip:
                    output = output_dir + ZIP_SUFFIX
                    self._recursiveZipDir(output_dir, output)
                    output = output_dir + TARGZ_SUFFIX
                    self._recursiveTarDir(output_dir, output)

        # Return the location of the file to be restored
        return output
 def run(self):
     spiderInterval = rdw_config.get_config("autoUpdateRepos")
     if spiderInterval:
         spiderInterval = int(spiderInterval)
         while True:
             self.killEvent.wait(60 * spiderInterval)
             if self.killEvent.isSet():
Exemple #5
    def _migrateExistingData(self):
        """ If we don't have any data, we may be using a sqlite interface for
        the first time. See if they have another database backend specified,
        and if they do, try to migrate the data."""

        if self._getTables():

        cursor = self.sqlConnection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION")
        for statement in self._getCreateStatements():

        if self._autoConvertDatabase:
            prevDBType = rdw_config.get_config(
                "UserDB", self.configFilePath)
            if prevDBType.lower() == "mysql":
                print 'Converting database from mysql...'
                import db_mysql
                prevDB = db_mysql.mysqlUserDB(self.configFilePath)
                users = prevDB._executeQuery(
                    "SELECT UserID, Username, Password, UserRoot, IsAdmin, UserEmail, RestoreFormat FROM users")
                    "INSERT INTO users (UserID, Username, Password, UserRoot, IsAdmin, UserEmail, RestoreFormat) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", users)

                repos = prevDB._executeQuery(
                    "SELECT UserID, RepoPath, MaxAge FROM repos")
                    "INSERT INTO repos (UserID, RepoPath, MaxAge) values (?, ?, ?)", repos)
            elif prevDBType.lower() == "file":
                print 'Converting database from file...'
                import db_file
                prevDB = db_file.fileUserDB(self.configFilePath)
                username = rdw_config.get_config(
                    "username", self.configFilePath)
                password = rdw_config.get_config(
                    "password", self.configFilePath)
                self.set_password(username, None, password)
                self.set_info(username, prevDB.get_root_dir(username), True)
                self.set_repos(username, prevDB.get_repos(username))

        cursor.execute("COMMIT TRANSACTION")
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, configFilePath=None, autoConvertDatabase=True):
        self.configFilePath = configFilePath
        # Get database location.
        self._databaseFilePath = rdw_config.get_config(
            "SqliteDBFile", self.configFilePath)
        # If the database path is not define default to /etc/rdiffweb/rdw.db
        if self._databaseFilePath == "":
            self._databaseFilePath = "/etc/rdiffweb/rdw.db"

        self._autoConvertDatabase = autoConvertDatabase
        self.userRootCache = {}
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, delegate, configFilePath=None):
        """Create a new LDAP Database for authentication. Some behaviour are
        delegate to external database."""

        self.delegate = delegate
        self.configFilePath = configFilePath

        # Get LDAP configuration parameters
        self.uri = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapUri", self.configFilePath, None)
        if self.uri is None:
            raise "LdapUri must be define in configuration"
        self.tls = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapTls", self.configFilePath).lower() == "true"
        self.base_dn = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapBaseDn", self.configFilePath, None)
        if self.uri is None:
            raise "LdapUri must be define in configuration"
        self.attribute = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapAttribute", self.configFilePath, "uid")
        self.scope = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapScope", self.configFilePath, "subtree")
        if self.scope == "base":
            self.scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
        elif self.scope == "onelevel":
            self.scope = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
            self.scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
        self.filter = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapFilter", self.configFilePath, "(objectClass=*)")
        self.bind_dn = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapBindDn", self.configFilePath, "")
        self.bind_password = rdw_config.get_config(
            "LdapBindPassword", self.configFilePath, "")
        # Get Version
        self.version = rdw_config.get_config_int(
            "LdapVersion", self.configFilePath, 3)
        # Get Network timeout
        self.network_timeout = rdw_config.get_config_int(
            "LdapNetworkTimeout", self.configFilePath, 100)
        # Get Timeout
        self.timeout = rdw_config.get_config_int(
            "LdapTimeout", self.configFilePath, 300)
        # Check if password change are allowed.
        self.allow_password_change = rdw_config.get_config_boolean(
            "LdapAllowPasswordChange", self.configFilePath)
    def run(self):
        self.notifier = emailNotifier()
        if not self.notifier.notificationsEnabled():
        emailTimeStr = rdw_config.get_config("emailNotificationTime")
        while True:
            emailTime = time.strptime(emailTimeStr, "%H:%M")
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            nextEmailTime = now.replace(
                hour=emailTime.tm_hour, minute=emailTime.tm_min, second=0, microsecond=0)
            if nextEmailTime < now:
                nextEmailTime = nextEmailTime.replace(
                    day=nextEmailTime.day + 1)
            delta = (nextEmailTime - now).seconds
            if self.killEvent.isSet():

Exemple #9
 def get_userdb_module(self):
     # Return a different implementation according to UserDB configuration.
     prevDBType = rdw_config.get_config("UserDB")
     if prevDBType.lower() == "ldap":
         import db_ldap
         import db_sqlite
         return db_ldap.ldapUserDB(db_sqlite.sqliteUserDB())
     elif prevDBType.lower() == "mysql":
         import db_mysql
         return db_mysql.mysqlUserDB()
     elif prevDBType.lower() == "file":
         import db_file
         return db_file.fileUserDB()
     elif prevDBType == "" or prevDBType.lower() == "sqlite":
         import db_sqlite
         return db_sqlite.sqliteUserDB()
         raise ValueError(
             "Invalid user database type. Re-configure rdiffweb.")
 def _getEmailUsername(self):
     return rdw_config.get_config("emailUsername")
 def _getEmailHost(self):
     return rdw_config.get_config("emailHost")
 def _getNotificationTimeStr(self):
     return rdw_config.get_config("emailNotificationTime")
 def _getEmailPassword(self):
     return rdw_config.get_config("emailPassword")
Exemple #14
 def get_repos(self, username):
     """The user home dirs string in the config file is in the form of username:/data/dir|/data/dir2..."""
     if not self.exists(username):
         return None
     return rdw_config.get_config("UserRepoPaths", self.configFilePath).split("|")
Exemple #15
 def get_root_dir(self, username):
     if not self.exists(username):
         return None
     return rdw_config.get_config("UserRoot", self.configFilePath)
Exemple #16
def start():
    """Start rdiffweb deamon."""
    # Parse command line options
    debug = False
    autoReload = False
    pidFile = ""
    logFile = ""
    logAccessFile = ""

    opts, extraparams = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
    for option, value in opts:
        if option in ['-d', '--debug']:
            debug = True
        if option in ['-r', '--autoreload']:
            autoReload = True
        elif option in ['--log-file']:
            logFile = value
        elif option in ['--log-access-file']:
            logAccessFile = value
        elif option in ['--pid-file']:
            pidFile = value
        elif option in ['--background']:

    # Wait to write out to the pidfile until after we've (possibly) been
    # daemonized
    if pidFile:
        # Write our process id to specified file, so we can be killed later
        open(pidFile, 'a').write(str(os.getpid()) + "\n")

    # Configure logging
    logformat = '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)-7s][%(name)s] %(message)s'
    level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO
    if logFile:
        logging.basicConfig(filename=logFile, level=level, format=logformat)
        logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=logformat)
    if logAccessFile:
    # Check if configuration file exists
    config_file = rdw_config.get_config_file()
    if not os.access(config_file, os.F_OK):
        logger.warn("configuration file is not accessible: %s" % config_file)

    # Get configuration
    serverHost = rdw_config.get_config("ServerHost", default="")
        serverPort = int(rdw_config.get_config("ServerPort", default="8080"))
    except ValueError:
        logger.error("ServerPort should be a port number")
    sslCertificate = rdw_config.get_config("SslCertificate")
    sslPrivateKey = rdw_config.get_config("SslPrivateKey")

    # Define the locales directory
    localesdir = os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0]
    localesdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(localesdir))
    localesdir = os.path.join(localesdir, 'locales/')

    environment = "development"
    if not debug:
        environment = "production"
    global_settings = {
        'tools.encode.on': True,
        'tools.encode.encoding': 'utf-8',
        'tools.gzip.on': True,
        'tools.sessions.on': True,
        'tools.authform.on': True,
        'autoreload.on': autoReload,
        'server.socket_host': serverHost,
        'server.socket_port': serverPort,
        'server.log_file': logFile,
        'server.ssl_certificate': sslCertificate,
        'server.ssl_private_key': sslPrivateKey,
        'log.screen': False,
        'log.access_file': logAccessFile,
        'server.environment': environment,

    page_settings = {
        '/': {
            'tools.authform.on': True,
            'tools.setup.on': True,
            'tools.i18n.on': True,
            'tools.i18n.default': 'en_US',
            'tools.i18n.mo_dir': localesdir,
            'tools.i18n.domain': 'messages'
        '/login': {
            'tools.authform.on': False,
        '/status/feed': {
            'tools.authform.on': False,
            'tools.authbasic.on': True,
            'tools.authbasic.checkpassword': page_login.rdiffLoginPage().checkpassword
        '/static': {
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.root': os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
            'tools.staticdir.dir': "static",
            'tools.authform.on': False,
            'tools.setup.on': False,
        '/setup': {
            'tools.setup.on': False,
            'tools.authform.on': False,
            'tools.sessions.on': False,

    if rdw_config.get_config("SessionStorage").lower() == "disk":
        sessionDir = rdw_config.get_config("SessionDir")
        if (os.path.exists(sessionDir)
                and os.path.isdir(sessionDir)
                and os.access(sessionDir, os.W_OK)):
            logger.info("Setting session mode to disk in directory %s" %
            global_settings['tools.sessions.on'] = True
            global_settings['tools.sessions.storage_type'] = 'file'
            global_settings['tools.sessions.storage_path'] = sessionDir

    root = page_locations.rdiffLocationsPage()
    root.setup = page_setup.rdiffSetupPage()
    root.login = page_login.rdiffLoginPage()
    root.logout = page_logout.rdiffLogoutPage()
    root.browse = page_browse.rdiffBrowsePage()
    root.restore = page_restore.rdiffRestorePage()
    root.history = page_history.rdiffHistoryPage()
    root.status = page_status.rdiffStatusPage()
    root.admin = page_admin.rdiffAdminPage()
    root.prefs = page_prefs.rdiffPreferencesPage()

    # Start repo spider thread
    if not debug:
        killEvent = threading.Event()

        if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, 'subscribe'):  # CherryPy >= 3.1
            cherrypy.engine.subscribe('stop', lambda: killEvent.set())
            cherrypy.engine.on_stop_engine_list.append(lambda: killEvent.set())  # @UndefinedVariable

    # Start web server
    cherrypy.quickstart(root, config=page_settings)
Exemple #17
 def exists(self, username):
     valid_username = rdw_config.get_config(
         "username", self.configFilePath)
     return valid_username == username
 def _getEmailSender(self):
     return rdw_config.get_config("emailSender")