class SLAM(object): def __init__(self): self._characterize_sensor_specs() def _read_data(self, src_dir, dataset=0, split_name='train'): self.dataset_ = str(dataset) if split_name.lower() not in src_dir: src_dir = src_dir + '/' + split_name print('\n------Reading Lidar and Joints (IMU)------') self.lidar_ = LIDAR(dataset=self.dataset_, data_folder=src_dir, name=split_name + '_lidar' + self.dataset_) print('\n------Reading Joints Data------') self.joints_ = JOINTS(dataset=self.dataset_, data_folder=src_dir, name=split_name + '_joint' + self.dataset_) self.num_data_ = len(self.lidar_.data_) # Position of odometry self.odo_indices_ = np.empty((2, self.num_data_), dtype=np.int64) def _characterize_sensor_specs(self, p_thresh=None): # High of the lidar from the ground (meters) self.h_lidar_ = 0.93 + 0.33 + 0.15 # Accuracy of the lidar self.p_true_ = 0.9 self.p_false_ = 1.0 / 9 #TODO: set a threshold value of probability to consider a map's cell occupied self.p_thresh_ = 0.6 if p_thresh is None else p_thresh # > p_thresh => occupied and vice versa # Compute the corresponding threshold value of logodd self.logodd_thresh_ = prob.log_thresh_from_pdf_thresh(self.p_thresh_) def _init_particles(self, num_p=0, mov_cov=None, particles=None, weights=None, percent_eff_p_thresh=None): # Particles representation self.num_p_ = num_p #self.percent_eff_p_thresh_ = percent_eff_p_thresh self.particles_ = np.zeros( (3, self.num_p_), dtype=np.float64) if particles is None else particles # Weights for particles self.weights_ = 1.0 / self.num_p_ * np.ones( self.num_p_) if weights is None else weights # Position of the best particle after update on the map self.best_p_indices_ = np.empty((2, self.num_data_), dtype=np.int64) # Best particles self.best_p_ = np.empty((3, self.num_data_)) # Corresponding time stamps of best particles self.time_ = np.empty(self.num_data_) # Covariance matrix of the movement model tiny_mov_cov = np.array([[1e-8, 0, 0], [0, 1e-8, 0], [0, 0, 1e-8]]) self.mov_cov_ = mov_cov if mov_cov is not None else tiny_mov_cov # To generate random noise: x, y, z = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), mov_cov, 1).T # this return [x], [y], [z] # Threshold for resampling the particles self.percent_eff_p_thresh_ = percent_eff_p_thresh def _init_map(self, map_resolution=0.05): '''*Input: resolution of the map - distance between two grid cells (meters)''' # Map representation MAP = {} MAP['res'] = map_resolution #meters MAP['xmin'] = -20 #meters MAP['ymin'] = -20 MAP['xmax'] = 20 MAP['ymax'] = 20 MAP['sizex'] = int( np.ceil((MAP['xmax'] - MAP['xmin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) #cells MAP['sizey'] = int( np.ceil((MAP['ymax'] - MAP['ymin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) # binary representation of math MAP['map'] = np.zeros((MAP['sizex'], MAP['sizey']), dtype=np.int8) #DATA TYPE: char or int8 self.MAP_ = MAP # log_odds representation to simplify the math self.log_odds_ = np.zeros((self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.float64) # occupancy probability self.occu_ = np.ones( (self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.float64) * 0.5 # Number of measurements for each cell self.num_m_per_cell_ = np.zeros( (self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.uint64) def good_lidar_idx(self, lidar_scan, L_MIN=0.001, L_MAX=30): #TODO: Truncate > L_Max and less than L_MIN lidar_scan = np.squeeze(lidar_scan) good_idxs = (lidar_scan > L_MIN) & (lidar_scan < L_MAX) return good_idxs def _polar_to_cart(self, lidar_scan, res_rad=0.004359): """ lidar_scan: m returns: 3 x m """ angle_min = -2.35619 #rad angle_max = +2.35619 #rad lidar_angles = np.arange(angle_min, angle_max, res_rad) x = lidar_scan * np.cos(lidar_angles) y = lidar_scan * np.sin(lidar_angles) z = np.zeros_like(x) lidar_cart = np.vstack((x, y, z)) return lidar_cart def _global_to_map_cell(self, g_pose, MAP): cell_x = max( min(MAP['xmax'], int(np.ceil(g_pose[0] / MAP['res'] + 1))), MAP['xmin']) cell_y = max( min(MAP['ymax'], int(np.ceil(g_pose[1] / MAP['res'] + 1))), MAP['ymin']) return (cell_x + 20, cell_y + 20) def _build_first_map(self, t0=0, use_lidar_yaw=True): """Build the first map using first lidar""" self.t0 = t0 # Extract a ray from lidar data MAP = self.MAP_ print('\n--------Doing build the first map--------') #TODO: student's input from here #0) Extract Params from LiDAR and Joints lidar_scan, lidar_ts = self.lidar_._get_scan(idx=t0) neck_angle, head_angle, _ = self.joints_._get_head_angles(ts=lidar_ts) good_lidar_idxs = self.good_lidar_idx(lidar_scan) l_lidar_pts = self._polar_to_cart(lidar_scan, res_rad=self.lidar_.res_rad) l_lidar_pts = l_lidar_pts[:, good_lidar_idxs] homo_l_lidar_pts = np.ones((4, l_lidar_pts.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) homo_l_lidar_pts[:3, :] = l_lidar_pts if use_lidar_yaw: yaw = self.lidar_.data_[t0]['rpy'][0, 2] t_gb_x, t_gb_y, _ = self.best_p_[:, t0] else: t_gb_x, t_gb_y, yaw = self.best_p_[:, t0] p_curr = np.array([t_gb_x, t_gb_y, yaw], dtype=np.float64) #1) Transform LiDAR Scan to global world frame #a) lidar -> body R_bl =, tf.rot_y_axis(head_angle)) T_bl = np.array([0, 0, 0.15], dtype=np.float64) H_bl = tf.homo_transform(R_bl, T_bl) #b) body -> global (only considering yaw atm) R_gb = tf.rot_z_axis(yaw) T_gb = np.array([t_gb_x, t_gb_y, self.h_lidar_]) H_gb = tf.homo_transform(R_gb, T_gb) #c) apply to lidar_pts H_gl = H_gb @ H_bl g_lidar_pts = H_gl @ homo_l_lidar_pts #d) remove ground (all points with global y < 0.0) non_ground_idx = g_lidar_pts[2, :] > 0.0 g_lidar_pts = g_lidar_pts[:, non_ground_idx] #e) Use bresenham2D to get free/occupied cell locations g_curr_pose = p_curr m_curr_pose = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, g_curr_pose[:2]) for ray in range(g_lidar_pts.shape[1]): m_lidar_pt = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, g_lidar_pts[:2, ray]) ret = bresenham2D(m_curr_pose[0], m_curr_pose[1], m_lidar_pt[0], m_lidar_pt[1]).astype(int) free_coords = ret[:, :-1] occupied_coords = ret[:, -1] #f) Update Log Odds Map (increase all the free cells) log_pos = np.log(self.p_true_ / (1 - self.p_true_)) log_neg = np.log(self.p_false_ / (1 - self.p_false_)) self.log_odds_[tuple(occupied_coords)] += log_pos self.log_odds_[tuple(free_coords)] += log_neg MAP['map'][self.log_odds_ >= self.logodd_thresh_] = 1 MAP['map'][self.log_odds_ < self.logodd_thresh_] = 0 # plt.imshow(MAP['map']) self.best_p_[:, min(self.num_data_ - 1, t0)] = g_curr_pose[:3] self.best_p_indices_[:, min(self.num_data_ - 1, t0)] = m_curr_pose self.MAP_ = MAP def _mapping(self, t=0, use_lidar_yaw=True): """Build the map """ t -= 1 # Extract a ray from lidar data MAP = self.MAP_ print('\n--------Building the map--------') #0) Extract Params from LiDAR and Joints lidar_scan, lidar_ts = self.lidar_._get_scan(idx=t) neck_angle, head_angle, _ = self.joints_._get_head_angles(ts=lidar_ts) good_lidar_idxs = self.good_lidar_idx(lidar_scan) l_lidar_pts = self._polar_to_cart(lidar_scan, res_rad=self.lidar_.res_rad) l_lidar_pts = l_lidar_pts[:, good_lidar_idxs] homo_l_lidar_pts = np.ones((4, l_lidar_pts.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) homo_l_lidar_pts[:3, :] = l_lidar_pts if use_lidar_yaw: yaw = self.lidar_.data_[t]['rpy'][0, 2] t_gb_x, t_gb_y, _ = self.best_p_[:, t] else: t_gb_x, t_gb_y, yaw = self.best_p_[:, t] p_curr = np.array([t_gb_x, t_gb_y, yaw], dtype=np.float64) #1) Transform LiDAR Scan to global world frame #a) lidar -> body R_bl =, tf.rot_y_axis(head_angle)) T_bl = np.array([0, 0, 0.15], dtype=np.float64) H_bl = tf.homo_transform(R_bl, T_bl) #b) body -> global (only considering yaw atm) R_gb = tf.rot_z_axis(yaw) T_gb = np.array([t_gb_x, t_gb_y, self.h_lidar_]) H_gb = tf.homo_transform(R_gb, T_gb) #c) apply to lidar_pts H_gl = H_gb @ H_bl g_lidar_pts = H_gl @ homo_l_lidar_pts #d) remove ground (all points with global y < 0.0) non_ground_idx = g_lidar_pts[2, :] > 0.0 g_lidar_pts = g_lidar_pts[:, non_ground_idx] #e) Use bresenham2D to get free/occupied cell locations g_curr_pose = p_curr m_curr_pose = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, g_curr_pose[:2]) m_lidar_pts = self.lidar_._physicPos2PosVec(MAP, g_lidar_pts[:2, :]) for ray in range(g_lidar_pts.shape[1]): m_lidar_pt = m_lidar_pts[:, ray] ret = bresenham2D(m_curr_pose[0], m_curr_pose[1], m_lidar_pt[0], m_lidar_pt[1]).astype(int) free_coords = ret[:, :-1] occupied_coords = ret[:, -1] #f) Update Log Odds Map (increase all the free cells) log_pos = np.log(self.p_true_ / (1 - self.p_true_)) log_neg = np.log(self.p_false_ / (1 - self.p_false_)) self.log_odds_[tuple(occupied_coords)] += log_pos self.log_odds_[tuple(free_coords)] += log_neg MAP['map'][self.log_odds_ >= self.logodd_thresh_] = 1 MAP['map'][self.log_odds_ < self.logodd_thresh_] = 0 self.MAP_ = MAP def _predict(self, t, use_lidar_yaw=True, DR=False): logging.debug('\n-------- Doing prediction at t = {0}------'.format(t)) t -= 1 # DEAD-RECKONING if DR: p_curr = self.best_p_[:, t] o_curr = self.lidar_.data_[t]['pose'][0, :] o_curr[2] = self.lidar_.data_[t]['rpy'][0, 2] o_next = self.lidar_.data_[t + 1]['pose'][0, :] o_next[2] = self.lidar_.data_[t + 1]['rpy'][0, 2] p_next = tf.twoDSmartPlus(p_curr, tf.twoDSmartMinus(o_next, o_curr)) # LOCALIZATION PREDICTION else: o_curr = self.lidar_.data_[t]['pose'][0, :] o_curr[2] = self.lidar_.data_[t]['rpy'][0, 2] o_next = self.lidar_.data_[t + 1]['pose'][0, :] o_next[2] = self.lidar_.data_[t + 1]['rpy'][0, 2] w = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), self.mov_cov_, 1)[0] for i in range(self.num_p_): p_curr = self.particles_[:, i] p_next = tf.twoDSmartPlus(p_curr, tf.twoDSmartMinus(o_next, o_curr)) p_next = tf.twoDSmartPlus(p_next, w) self.particles_[:, i] = p_next # self.best_p_[:, t] = p_next # p_next_idx = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(self.MAP_, p_next[:2]) # self.best_p_indices_[:, t] = p_next_idx #TODO: student's input from here #End student's input def _update(self, t, t0=0, fig='on'): """Update function where we update the """ MAP = self.MAP_ t -= 1 # if t == t0: # self._build_first_map(t0,use_lidar_yaw=True) # return correlations = np.empty(self.num_p_) for i in range(self.num_p_): #0) Extract Params from LiDAR and Joints lidar_scan, lidar_ts = self.lidar_._get_scan(idx=t) neck_angle, head_angle, _ = self.joints_._get_head_angles( ts=lidar_ts) good_lidar_idxs = self.good_lidar_idx(lidar_scan) l_lidar_pts = self._polar_to_cart(lidar_scan, res_rad=self.lidar_.res_rad) l_lidar_pts = l_lidar_pts[:, good_lidar_idxs] homo_l_lidar_pts = np.ones((4, l_lidar_pts.shape[1]), dtype=np.float64) homo_l_lidar_pts[:3, :] = l_lidar_pts p_curr = self.particles_[:, i] # p_curr[2] = self.lidar_.data_[t]['rpy'][0, 2] #1) Transform LiDAR Scan to global world frame #a) lidar -> body R_bl =, tf.rot_y_axis(head_angle)) T_bl = np.array([0, 0, 0.15], dtype=np.float64) H_bl = tf.homo_transform(R_bl, T_bl) #b) body -> global (only considering yaw atm) R_gb = tf.rot_z_axis(p_curr[2]) T_gb = np.array([p_curr[0], p_curr[1], self.h_lidar_]) H_gb = tf.homo_transform(R_gb, T_gb) #c) apply to lidar_pts H_gl = H_gb @ H_bl g_lidar_pts = H_gl @ homo_l_lidar_pts #d) remove ground (all points with global y < 0.0) non_ground_idx = g_lidar_pts[2, :] > 0.0 g_lidar_pts = g_lidar_pts[:, non_ground_idx] #e) Convert to map cell coords & Compute corr(m_t, y_t) m_lidar_pts = (self.lidar_._physicPos2PosVec( MAP, g_lidar_pts[:2, :])).astype(np.int64) corr = prob.mapCorrelation(MAP['map'], m_lidar_pts) correlations[i] = corr self.weights_ = prob.update_weights(self.weights_, correlations) #Update the best particle position max_idx = np.argmax(self.weights_) g_particle = self.particles_[:, max_idx] self.best_p_[:, t + 1] = g_particle m_particle = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, g_particle[:2]).astype( np.int64) self.best_p_indices_[:, t + 1] = m_particle self.MAP_ = MAP return MAP
class SLAM(object): def __init__(self): self._characterize_sensor_specs() def _read_data(self, src_dir, dataset=0, split_name='train'): self.dataset_ = str(dataset) if split_name.lower() not in src_dir: src_dir = src_dir + '/' + split_name print('\n------Reading Lidar and Joints (IMU)------') lidar_data_ = split_name + '_lidar' + self.dataset_ self.lidar_ = LIDAR(dataset=self.dataset_, data_folder=src_dir, name=lidar_data_) print('\n------Reading Joints Data------') joint_data_ = split_name + '_joint' + self.dataset_ self.joints_ = JOINTS(dataset=self.dataset_, data_folder=src_dir, name=joint_data_) self.num_data_ = len(self.lidar_.data_) # Position of indices self.odo_indices_ = np.empty((2, self.num_data_), dtype=np.int64) def _characterize_sensor_specs(self, p_thresh=None): # Height of the lidar from the ground self.h_lidar_ = 0.93 + 0.33 + 0.15 self.h_com_ = 0.93 # Accuracy of the lidar self.p_true_ = 9 self.p_false_ = 1.0/9 #TODO set a threshold value of probability to consider a map's cell occupied self.p_thresh_ = 0.6 if p_thresh is None else p_thresh # Compute the corresponding threshold value of logodd self.logodd_thresh_ = prob.log_thresh_from_pdf_thresh(self.p_thresh_) self.ground_threshold_ = 0.2 def _init_particles(self, num_p=0, mov_cov=None, particles=None, weights=None, percent_eff_p_thresh=None): self.num_p_ = num_p # Initialize particles self.particles_ = np.zeros((3, self.num_p_), dtype=np.float64) if particles is None else particles # Weights for the particles self.weights_ = 1.0/self.num_p_*np.ones(self.num_p_) if weights is None else weights # Position of the best particle after update on the map self.best_p_indices_ = np.zeros((2, self.num_data_), dtype=np.int64) # Best particles self.best_p_ = np.zeros((3, self.num_data_)) # Corresponding time stamps of best particles self.time_ = np.zeros(self.num_data_) # Covariance matrix of motion model tiny_mov_cov = np.array([[1e-8, 0, 0],[0, 1e-8, 0],[0, 0, 1e-8]]) self.mov_cov_ = mov_cov if mov_cov is not None else tiny_mov_cov # Threshold for resampling the particles self.percent_eff_p_thresh_ = percent_eff_p_thresh def _init_map(self, map_resolution=0.05): """ Input: resolution of map """ MAP = {} MAP['res'] = map_resolution MAP['xmin'] = -20 MAP['ymin'] = -20 MAP['xmax'] = 20 MAP['ymax'] = 20 MAP['sizex'] = int(np.ceil((MAP['xmax'] - MAP['xmin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) MAP['sizey'] = int(np.ceil((MAP['ymax'] - MAP['ymin']) / MAP['res'] + 1)) MAP['map'] = np.zeros((MAP['sizex'], MAP['sizey']), dtype=np.int8) self.MAP_ = MAP self.log_odds_ = np.zeros((self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.float64) self.occu_ = np.ones((self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.uint64) # Number of measurements for each cell self.num_m_per_cell_ = np.zeros((self.MAP_['sizex'], self.MAP_['sizey']), dtype=np.uint64) def _build_first_map(self, t0=0, use_lidar_yaw=True): """ Build the first map using first lidar""" self.t0 = t0 MAP = self.MAP_ print('\n -------- Building the first map --------') joint_idx = np.argmin(abs(self.lidar_.data_[t0]['t'][0] - self.joints_.data_['ts'][0])) neck_angle, head_angle = self.joints_.data_['head_angles'][:,joint_idx] R_pose = self.lidar_.data_[t0]['pose'][0] ray_l = self.lidar_.data_[t0]['scan'][0] ray_angles = np.linspace(-2.355, 2.355, len(ray_l)) valid_id = np.logical_and((ray_l >= 0.1), (ray_l <= 30)) ray_l = ray_l[valid_id] ray_angles = ray_angles[valid_id] lidar_to_body = self.lidar_._lidar_to_body_homo(head_angle, neck_angle) world_to_body_trans = np.array([R_pose[0], R_pose[1], self.h_com_]) world_to_body_rot = tf.rot_z_axis(R_pose[2]) world_to_body_homo = tf.homo_transform(world_to_body_rot, world_to_body_trans) x_val = ray_l * np.cos(ray_angles) y_val = ray_l * np.sin(ray_angles) z_val = np.zeros_like(x_val) ones = np.ones_like(x_val) points = np.vstack((x_val, y_val, z_val, ones)) points_body = np.matmul(lidar_to_body, points) points_world = np.matmul(world_to_body_homo, points_body) points_world = points_world[:2,points_world[2,:] > self.ground_threshold_] map_cells = np.array(self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, points_world)) valid_map_id = np.logical_and(np.logical_and((map_cells[0] >= 0), (map_cells[0] < MAP['sizex'])), np.logical_and((map_cells[1] >= 0), map_cells[1] < MAP['sizey'])) map_cells = map_cells[:,valid_map_id] self.log_odds_[map_cells[0], map_cells[1]] += (2 * np.log(9)) R_pose_cells = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, R_pose[:2]) self.best_p_[:, t0] = R_pose self.best_p_indices_[:, t0] = R_pose_cells x = np.append(map_cells[0], R_pose_cells[0]) y = np.append(map_cells[1], R_pose_cells[1]) contors = np.array([y, x]).T.astype( mask = np.zeros_like(self.log_odds_) cv2.drawContours(image=mask, contours=[contors], contourIdx=0, color=np.log(self.p_false_), thickness=cv2.FILLED) self.log_odds_ += mask MAP['map'] = 1*(self.log_odds_>self.logodd_thresh_) # End code self.MAP_ = MAP def _predict(self, t, use_lidar_yaw=True): logging.debug('\n -------- Doing prediction at t = {0} --------'.format(t)) #TODO Integrate odometry later odom = tf.twoDSmartMinus(self.lidar_.data_[t]['pose'][0], self.lidar_.data_[t-1]['pose'][0]) noise_vector = np.random.multivariate_normal([0,0,0], self.mov_cov_, self.num_p_).T for i in range(self.num_p_): self.particles_[:,i] = tf.twoDSmartPlus(tf.twoDSmartPlus(self.particles_[:,i],odom), noise_vector[:,i]) # new_particles[:,i] = tf.twoDSmartPlus(self.particles_[:,i], noise_vectors[:,i]) # new_particles[:,i] = tf.twoDSmartPlus(self.particles_[:,i], tf.twoDSmartMinus(odom_curr, odom_prev)) def _update(self,t,t0=0,fig='on'): """Update function where we update the """ if t == t0: self._build_first_map(t0,use_lidar_yaw=True) return # for one particle MAP = self.MAP_ # joint_idx = np.where(self.lidar_.data_[t]['t'][0]<=self.joints_.data_['ts'][0])[0][0] joint_idx = np.argmin(abs(self.lidar_.data_[t]['t'][0] - self.joints_.data_['ts'][0])) neck_angle, head_angle = self.joints_.data_['head_angles'][:, joint_idx] ray_l = self.lidar_.data_[t]['scan'][0] ray_angles = np.linspace(-2.355, 2.355, len(ray_l)) valid_id = np.logical_and((ray_l >= 0.1), (ray_l <= 30)) ray_l = ray_l[valid_id] ray_angles = ray_angles[valid_id] lidar_to_body = self.lidar_._lidar_to_body_homo(head_angle, neck_angle) x_val = ray_l * np.cos(ray_angles) y_val = ray_l * np.sin(ray_angles) z_val = np.zeros_like(x_val) ones = np.ones_like(x_val) points = np.vstack((x_val, y_val, z_val, ones)) points_body = np.matmul(lidar_to_body, points) correlations = np.zeros(self.num_p_) for i in range(self.num_p_): R_pose = self.particles_[:,i] world_to_body_trans = np.array([R_pose[0], R_pose[1], self.h_com_]) world_to_body_rot = tf.rot_z_axis(R_pose[2]) world_to_body_homo = tf.homo_transform(world_to_body_rot, world_to_body_trans) points_world = np.matmul(world_to_body_homo, points_body) points_world = points_world[:2,points_world[2,:] > self.ground_threshold_] map_cells = np.array(self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, points_world)) valid_map_id = np.logical_and(np.logical_and((map_cells[0] >= 0), (map_cells[0] < MAP['sizex'])), np.logical_and((map_cells[1] >= 0), map_cells[1] < MAP['sizey'])) map_cells = map_cells[:, valid_map_id] correlations[i] = prob.mapCorrelation(MAP['map'], map_cells) self.weights_ = prob.update_weights(self.weights_, correlations) best_particle_id = np.argmax(self.weights_) R_pose = self.particles_[:,best_particle_id] #if t % 100 == 0: # print(self.weights_) self.best_p_[:,t] = R_pose self.best_p_indices_[:,t] = self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, R_pose[:2]) world_to_body_trans = np.array([R_pose[0], R_pose[1], self.h_com_]) world_to_body_rot = tf.rot_z_axis(R_pose[2]) world_to_body_homo = tf.homo_transform(world_to_body_rot, world_to_body_trans) points_world = np.matmul(world_to_body_homo, points_body) points_world = points_world[:2, points_world[2, :] > self.ground_threshold_] map_cells = np.array(self.lidar_._physicPos2Pos(MAP, points_world)) valid_map_id = np.logical_and(np.logical_and((map_cells[0] >= 0), (map_cells[0] < MAP['sizex'])), np.logical_and((map_cells[1] >= 0), map_cells[1] < MAP['sizey'])) map_cells = map_cells[:, valid_map_id] self.log_odds_[map_cells[0], map_cells[1]] += (2 * np.log(9)) R_pose_cells = self.best_p_indices_[:,t] x = np.append(map_cells[0], R_pose_cells[0]) y = np.append(map_cells[1], R_pose_cells[1]) contors = np.array([y, x]).T.astype( mask = np.zeros_like(self.log_odds_) cv2.drawContours(image=mask, contours=[contors], contourIdx=0, color=np.log(self.p_false_), thickness=cv2.FILLED) self.log_odds_ += mask MAP['map'] = self.log_odds_ self.MAP_ = MAP return MAP