Exemple #1
 def test_readings(self):
     cal_readings = "../data/pa2-unknown-h-calreadings.txt"
     [D, A, C, frames] = read_cal_readings(cal_readings)
     self.assertEqual(frames, 125)
     d1 = np.array([-12.30, -5.28, -1499.94])
     self.assertEqual(D[0].all(), d1.all())
     a1 = np.array([89.53, 96.38, -1400.45])
     self.assertEqual(A[0].all(), a1.all())
     c1 = np.array([97.77, 100.38, 226.55])
     self.assertEqual(C[0].all(), c1.all())
Exemple #2
 def test_readings(self):
     cal_readings = "../data/pa1-unknown-h-calreadings.txt"
     [D, A, C, frames] = read_cal_readings(cal_readings)
     self.assertEqual(frames, 8)
     d1 = np.array([12.17, 3.54, -1499.95])
     self.assertEqual(D[0].all(), d1.all())
     a1 = np.array([223.42, 210.40, -1286.82])
     self.assertEqual(A[0].all(), a1.all())
     c1 = np.array([199.23, 238.58, 219.64])
     self.assertEqual(C[0].all(), c1.all())
Exemple #3
    def test_correct_distortion(self):
        file_letter = "a"
        file_starter = "../data/pa2-debug-"
        file_name = file_starter + file_letter + "-output1.txt"

        cal_readings = file_starter + file_letter + "-calreadings.txt"
        cal_body = file_starter + file_letter + "-calbody.txt"
        em_pivot = file_starter + file_letter + "-empivot.txt"
        opt_pivot = file_starter + file_letter + "-optpivot.txt"
        ct_fiducials = file_starter + file_letter + "-ct-fiducials.txt"
        fiducials = file_starter + file_letter + "-em-fiducialss.txt"
        em_nav = file_starter + file_letter + "-EM-nav.txt"

        # Read all input files
        [D, A, C, readings_frames] = read_cal_readings(cal_readings)
        [d, a, c] = read_cal_body(cal_body)
        [G, G_frames] = read_em_pivot(em_pivot)
        [D_pivot, H, H_frames] = read_opt_pivot(opt_pivot)
        [Fid, Fid_frames] = read_em_pivot(fiducials)
        CTFid = read_ct_fiducials(ct_fiducials)
        [EMNav, EMNav_frames] = read_em_pivot(em_nav)

        # returns the [x,y,z] of em pivot as a vector
        em_pivot_calibration = calibrate_pivot(G, G_frames) 
        # returns the [x,y,z] of opt pivot as a vector
        opt_pivot_calibration = opt2em_calibrate_pivot(H, D_pivot, d, H_frames)

        # Part 1: Generate expected C
        dstart = 0
        astart = 0;
        c_expected_list = []
        for i in range(0, readings_frames):
            [RD, TD] = get_transform(D[dstart:dstart+len(d)], d)
            [RA, TA] = get_transform(A[dstart:dstart+len(d)], a)
            ca_expected = transform(RA, c.T, TA)
            #print 'ca_expected: ' + str(ca_expected)
            RDi = np.transpose(RD)
            tDi = -1*np.dot(RDi, TD)
            c_expected = transform(RDi, ca_expected, tDi)
            #print "c expected: " + str(c_expected)

            dstart = dstart + len(d)
            astart = astart + len(a)

        C_calc = []
        for i in range(readings_frames):
            for j in range(len(c_expected_list[0][0])):
                point = [None] * 3
                point[0] = c_expected_list[i][0][j]
                point[1] = c_expected_list[i][1][j]
                point[2] = c_expected_list[i][2][j]
        # Part 2:
        # Calculate distortion correction function
        [polynomial_coeff, boundbox] = calibrate_distortion(C, C_calc, 5)
        # print "polynomial_coeff: " + str(polynomial_coeff)

        # Part 3:
        # Repeat pivot calibration with distortion correction        
        G_corrected = np.array(G)
        n_g = len(G)/G_frames

        # Correct for distortion frame by frame
        G_corrected = correct_distortion(G, polynomial_coeff, boundbox)
        # print "G: " + str(G)
        # print "G_corrected: " + str(G_corrected)

        # Return x,y,z of EM pivot in a vector
        em_pivot_calibration, p_tip = calibrate_pivot(G_corrected, G_frames)

        g_num = 0
        # iterate through the points in G
        for g_c in G_corrected:
            g_test = G[g_num]
            point_num = 0
            for g_point in g_c:
                # check that corrected in certain error threshold of ground truth G
                g_diff = abs(g_point - g_test[point_num])
                #print "g_diff: " + str(g_diff)
                diff_ratio = g_diff / g_test[point_num]
                #print "diff_ratio: " + str(diff_ratio)
                point_num += 1
                self.assertTrue(diff_ratio < 0.25)
            g_num += 1

        # Part 4:
        # Calculate positions of the fiducial pins
        n_fid = len(Fid)/Fid_frames
        fiducial_locations = []

        for i in range(Fid_frames):
            G_corr_frame = G_corrected[i*n_fid:(i+1)*n_fid]
            FidData = Fid[i*n_fid:(i+1)*n_fid]
            FrameTrans = get_transform(G_corr_frame, FidData)
            fiducial_locations.append(transform_3D(FrameTrans, em_pivot_calibration))

        # Part 5:
        # Calculate the registration transformation between CT image and EM tracker
        CTFid = np.array(CTFid)
        F_reg = get_transform(fiducial_locations, CTFid)

        # Part 6:
        # Compute the EM tracked tool's coordinates in the CT image
        v = []
        EMNav_corrected = np.array(EMNav)
        n_nav = len(EMNav)/EMNav_frames
        EMNav_corrected = correct_distortion(EMNav, polynomial_coeff, boundbox)

        for i in range(0, EMNav_frames):
            # Correct for distortion frame by frame
            G_corr_frame = G_corrected[i*n_nav:(i+1)*n_nav]
            EMNAV_frame = EMNav_corrected[i*n_nav:(i+1)*n_nav, :]
            v.append(get_tip_coordinates(em_pivot_calibration, EMNAV_frame, G_corr_frame,F_reg))

        p2_output = "../data/pa2-debug-" + file_letter + "-output2.txt"
        p2_output_name = "pa2-debug-" + file_letter + "-output2.txt"
        output = open(p2_output, 'r')
        output_val = []

        first_line = output.readline()
        for i in range(4):
            current_line = output.readline().split(",")
            for x in current_line:

            x_pos = float(current_line[0])
            y_pos = float(current_line[1])
            z_pos = float(current_line[2])
            point = [x_pos, y_pos, z_pos]

        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(3):
                output_point = output_val[i][j]
                v_point = v[i][j]    
                point_diff = abs(output_point - v_point)
                diff_ratio = point_diff / output_point
                # print "diff ratio: " + str(diff_ratio)  
                self.assertTrue(diff_ratio < 0.15)
Exemple #4
def main():
    # the total number of datasets to be run on
    num_datasets = 11
    # the initial dataset letter
    file_letter = 'a'

    for dataset_num in range(num_datasets):

        # strings for building the requested file address
        file_starter = "../data/pa1-debug-"
        file_name = file_starter + file_letter + "-output1.txt"
        open_test = os.path.isfile(file_name)
        # if file is not debug, change starter to unknown
        if not open_test:
            file_starter = "../data/pa1-unknown-"

        # file endings for each dataset
        cal_readings = file_starter + file_letter + "-calreadings.txt"
        cal_body = file_starter + file_letter + "-calbody.txt"
        em_pivot = file_starter + file_letter + "-empivot.txt"
        opt_pivot = file_starter + file_letter + "-optpivot.txt"

        # run parser functions for each dataset, saving return values
        # as numpy arrays
        [D, A, C, frames] = read_cal_readings(cal_readings)
        [d, a, c] = read_cal_body(cal_body)
        [G, G_frames] = read_em_pivot(em_pivot)
        [D_pivot, H, H_frames] = read_opt_pivot(opt_pivot)

        # returns the [x,y,z] of em pivot as a vector
        em_pivot_calibration = calibrate_pivot(G, G_frames)
        # returns the [x,y,z] of opt pivot as a vector
        opt_pivot_calibration = opt2em_calibrate_pivot(H, D_pivot, d, H_frames)

        # the current frame of d and a to be transformed
        dstart = 0
        astart = 0
        c_expected_list = []
        for i in range(0, frames):
            # get the rotation and translation matrices between the
            # reading and body values for D and A
            [RD, TD] = get_transform(D[dstart:dstart + len(d)], d)
            [RA, TA] = get_transform(A[dstart:dstart + len(d)], a)

            # first apply the A transformation to body frame c
            ca_expected = transform(RA, c.T, TA)
            RDi = np.transpose(RD)
            tDi = -1 * np.dot(RDi, TD)
            # then apply the inverse D transform
            c_expected = transform(RDi, ca_expected, tDi)
            # append the result

            # iterate to the next frame
            dstart = dstart + len(d)
            astart = astart + len(a)

        # strings for building the output file
        output_file = "../output/pa1-" + file_letter + "-output1.txt"
        output_file_name = "pa1-" + file_letter + "-output1.txt"
        output = open(output_file, 'w+')

        # writes the expected em and opt pivot positions
        output.write("EM pivot post est position: ")
            str(em_pivot_calibration[0][0]) + ",\t" +
            str(em_pivot_calibration[0][1]) + ",\t" +
            str(em_pivot_calibration[0][2]) + "\n")
        output.write("Optical pivot post est position: ")
            str(opt_pivot_calibration[0][0]) + ",\t" +
            str(opt_pivot_calibration[0][1]) + ",\t" +
            str(opt_pivot_calibration[0][2]) + "\n")

        # iterates through expected c frames and prints them to output file
        for c in c_expected_list:
            numrow, numcol = c.shape
            for row in range(numcol):
                outstring = ''
                for col in range(numrow):
                    outstring += str(c[col, row]) + ',   '


        # Print the difference between each C and C_expected
        output_diff_file = "../output/pa1-" + file_letter + "-output-difference.txt"
        open_test = os.path.isfile(file_name)

        output_diff = open(output_diff_file, 'w+')

        # iterate through c_expected
        c_num = 0
        total_diff = 0
        for c in c_expected_list:
            for row in range(numcol):
                outstring = ''
                for col in range(numrow):
                    # find difference in C
                    c_diff = c[col, row] - C[c_num, col]
                    # add to total to find average difference
                    total_diff += abs(c_diff)
                    # print "Next C: " + str(C[c_num, col])
                    outstring += str(c_diff) + ',   '
                c_num += 1

        average_diff = total_diff / (c_num * 3)
        # Print the average C error
        output_diff.write("Average difference: " + str(average_diff))

        # Increment to next letter dataset
        file_letter = chr(ord(file_letter) + 1)

        "Program ran successfully! Check output folder for output files for each dataset."