Exemple #1
def createImgFLEXPART(inputPath):
    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

    H = rh.Header(inputPath)

    lower_left = [H.outlon0, H.outlat0]
    upper_right = [
        int(H.outlon0 + (H.dxout * H.numxgrid)),
        int(H.outlat0 + (H.dyout * H.numygrid))
    heightLevels = H.outheight
    timestamps = H.available_dates

    outFileList = []

    for t in timestamps:
        G = rg.read_grid(H, date=t)
        grid = G[(0, t)]

        volume = grid.grid[:, :] * 112 / 35

        xSize = volume.shape[0]
        ySize = volume.shape[1]
        numBands = volume.shape[2]

        filename = 'FLEXPART_SO2_' + t[:8] + '.' + t[8:] + '.tif'
        dst_ds = driver.Create(filename, xSize, ySize, numBands, GDT_Float32)

        for i in range(numBands):
            band = volume[:, :, i].squeeze().transpose()
            band = np.flipud(band)
            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).WriteArray(band)

            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).SetNoDataValue(-9999)
            dst_ds.GetRasterBand(i + 1).ComputeStatistics(False)

        pixelWidth = abs((lower_left[0] - upper_right[0]) / xSize)
        pixelHeight = abs((lower_left[1] - upper_right[1]) / ySize)

            [lower_left[0], pixelWidth, 0, upper_right[1], 0, -pixelHeight])
        srs = osr.SpatialReference()

        time = t[:4] + '-' + t[4:6] + '-' + t[6:8] + 'T' + t[8:10] + ':' + t[
            10:12] + ':' + t[12:14] + 'Z'
        dst_ds.SetMetadataItem('TIME_START', time)
        dst_ds.SetMetadataItem('TIME_END', time)

        dst_ds.SetMetadataItem('GLOBAL_MIN', str(np.amin(volume[:])))
        dst_ds.SetMetadataItem('GLOBAL_MAX', str(np.amax(volume[:])))

        levels = str()
        for l in heightLevels:
            levels += str(l) + ','
        levels = levels[:-1]

        dst_ds.SetMetadataItem('VERTICAL_LEVELS', levels)

        dst_ds = None

        logging.debug('Finished processing for ' + t)

    return outFileList
Exemple #2
import eof_reconstruction as eof_r
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import noisegen as ng

# Open displacement maps
path = '/home/hipperta/Documents/img/serie_temp/argentiere/s1a/'

im = []
n_i = 0
for filename in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
    fichier = gampy.ouvrir(path + filename, 's')
    n_i += 1

# Create mask with shape defined in text file (Gamma)
polygon = rg.read_grid('argentiere_mask.txt', 0, 1, False, False)
width = im[0].shape[1]
height = im[0].shape[0]
img = Image.new('L', (width, height), 0)
ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1)
mask = np.array(img)

im_i = copy.deepcopy(im)

n_pts = len(im[0][mask == True])
datai = np.zeros([n_i, n_pts])
dataii = np.zeros([n_i, n_pts])

# Generate cross validation points
mask_gaps = np.zeros([n_i, n_pts], dtype=bool)
mask_cv = np.zeros([n_i, n_pts], dtype=bool)
Exemple #3
def metadata(inpfile='BOUT.inp', path='.', v=False):
    filepath = path + '/' + inpfile
    inp = read_inp(path=path, boutinp=inpfile)
    inp = parse_inp(inp)  #inp file
    outinfo = file_import(path + '/BOUT.dmp.0.nc')  #output data

        cxxinfo = no_comment_cxx(path=path, boutcxx='physics_code.cxx.ref')
        #evolved = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
        fieldkeys = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
        fieldkeys = ['[' + elem + ']' for elem in fieldkeys]
        print('cant find the cxx file')

    #gridoptions = {'grid':grid,'mesh':mesh}
    if '[mesh]' in list(inp.keys()):
        #IC = outinfo
        IC = read_grid(path + '/BOUT.dmp.0.nc')  #output data again
    elif 'grid' in inp['[main]']:
        gridname = inp['[main]']['grid']
            IC = read_grid(gridname)  #have to be an ansoulte file path for now
            print('IC: ', type(IC))
        # print IC.variables
        # print gridname
            #print gridname
            print('Fail to load the grid file')
    #print IC

    #print gridname
    #print len(IC)
    #print IC

    evolved = []
    collected = []
    ICscale = []

    # fieldkeys = ['[Ni]','[Te]','[Ti]','[Vi]','[rho]',
    #              '[Ajpar]','[Apar]','[vEBx]','[vEBy]','[vEBz]',
    #              '[jpar]','[phi]']

    #construct fieldkeys from cxx info
    #fieldkeys = ['['+x+']' for x in evolved]
    #fieldkeys = evolved

    #just look ahead and see what 3D fields have been output
    available = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    a = np.array([(len(outinfo[x].shape) == 4) for x in available])
    available = available[a]

    defaultIC = float(inp['[All]'].get('scale', 0.0))

    # print inp.keys()

    #figure out which fields are evolved

    for section in list(inp.keys()):  #loop over section keys
        print('section: ', section)
        if section in fieldkeys:  #pick the relevant sections
            #print inp[section].get('evolve','True')
            #rint (inp[section].get('evolve','True')).lower().strip()
            if (inp[section].get('evolve', 'True').lower().strip() == 'true'
                ):  # and section[1:-1] in available :
                print('ok reading')
                ICscale.append(float(inp[section].get('scale', defaultIC)))

        if inp[section].get('collect', 'False').lower().strip() == 'true':

        if inp['[physics]'].get('transport',
                                'False').lower().strip() == 'true':
            vEBstr = ['vEBx', 'vEBy', 'vEBz', 'vEBrms']
            [collected.append(item) for item in vEBstr]
        print('no [physics] key')

    meta = OrderedDict()

    class ValUnit(object):
        def __init__(self, value=0, units=''):
            self.u = units
            self.v = value

        def todict(self):
            return {'u': self.u, 'v': self.v}

    #def decode_valunit(d):

    def ToFloat(metaString):
            return float(metaString)
        except ValueError:
            return metaString

    #meta['evolved'] = ValUnit(evolved,'')
    meta['evolved'] = evolved
    meta['collected'] = collected
    meta['IC'] = np.array(ICscale)
    d = {}

    print('evolved: ', evolved)

    # read meta data from .inp file, this is whre most metadata get written
    for section in list(inp.keys()):
        if (('evolve' not in inp[section]) and ('first' not in inp[section])
            ):  #hacky way to exclude some less relevant metadata
            for elem in list(inp[section].keys()):
                meta[elem] = ValUnit(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
                d[elem] = np.array(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))

    #read in some values from the grid(IC) and scale them as needed
    norms = {
        'Ni0': ValUnit(1.e14, 'cm^-3'),
        'bmag': ValUnit(1.0e4, 'gauss'),
        'Ni_x': ValUnit(1.e14, 'cm^-3'),
        'Te_x': ValUnit(1.0, 'eV'),
        'Ti_x': ValUnit(1.0, 'eV'),
        'Rxy': ValUnit(1, 'm'),
        'Bxy': ValUnit(1.0e4, 'gauss'),
        'Bpxy': ValUnit(1.0e4, 'gauss'),
        'Btxy': ValUnit(1.0e4, 'gauss'),
        'Zxy': ValUnit(1, 'm'),
        'dlthe': ValUnit(1, 'm'),
        'dx': ValUnit(1, 'm'),
        'hthe0': ValUnit(1, 'm')

    availkeys = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    tmp1 = np.array([x for x in availkeys])
    #b = np.array([x if x not in available for x in a])
    tmp2 = np.array([x for x in tmp1 if x not in available])
    static_fields = np.array([x for x in tmp2 if x in list(norms.keys())])
    #static_fields = tmp2

    #print availkeys
    # print meta.keys()
    #print IC.variables.keys()
    # print tmp1
    # print tmp2

    for elem in static_fields:
        print('elem: ', elem)
        meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v,
        d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v)

    for elem in IC.variables:
        if elem not in meta:
            if elem in list(norms.keys()):
                meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v,
                d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v)
                meta[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:]
                d[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:]

    #print d.keys()

    #if case some values are missing
    default = {
        'bmag': 1,
        'Ni_x': 1,
        'NOUT': 100,
        'TIMESTEP': 1,
        'MZ': 32,
        'AA': 1,
        'Zeff': ValUnit(1, ''),
        'ZZ': 1,
        'zlowpass': 0.0,
        'transport': False
    diff = set(default.keys()).difference(set(d.keys()))

    for elem in diff:
        #print 'diff: ',elem
        meta[elem] = default[elem]
        d[elem] = np.array(default[elem])

    #print meta.keys()
    #print d.keys()

    #print meta['zlowpass']

    if meta['zlowpass'] != 0:
        print(meta['MZ'].v, meta['zlowpass'].v)
        meta['maxZ'] = int(np.floor(meta['MZ'].v * meta['zlowpass'].v))
        meta['maxZ'] = 5

    #meta['nx'] = nx
    #meta['ny']= ny
    meta['dt'] = meta['TIMESTEP']

    #nx,ny  = d['Rxy'].shape

    #print meta['AA'].v

    meta['rho_s'] = ValUnit(1.02e2 * np.sqrt(d['AA'] * d['Te_x']) /
                            (d['ZZ'] * d['bmag']),
                            'cm')  # ion gyrorad at T_e, in cm
    meta['rho_i'] = ValUnit(
        1.02e2 * np.sqrt(d['AA'] * d['Ti_x']) / (d['ZZ'] * d['bmag']), 'cm')
    meta['rho_e'] = ValUnit(2.38 * np.sqrt(d['Te_x']) / (d['bmag']), 'cm')

    meta['fmei'] = ValUnit(1. / 1836.2 / d['AA'])

    meta['lambda_ei'] = 24. - np.log(old_div(np.sqrt(d['Ni_x']), d['Te_x']))
    meta['lambda_ii'] = 23. - np.log(d['ZZ']**3 * np.sqrt(2. * d['Ni_x']) /
                                     (d['Ti_x']**1.5))  #

    meta['wci'] = 1.0 * 9.58e3 * d['ZZ'] * d['bmag'] / d['AA']  # ion gyrofrteq
    meta['wpi'] = 1.32e3 * d['ZZ'] * np.sqrt(old_div(
        d['Ni_x'], d['AA']))  # ion plasma freq

    meta['wce'] = 1.78e7 * d['bmag']  #electron gyrofreq
    meta['wpe'] = 5.64e4 * np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])  #electron plasma freq

    meta['v_the'] = 4.19e7 * np.sqrt(d['Te_x'])  #cm/s
    meta['v_thi'] = 9.79e5 * np.sqrt(old_div(d['Ti_x'], d['AA']))  #cm/s
    meta['c_s'] = 9.79e5 * np.sqrt(
        5.0 / 3.0 * d['ZZ'] * d['Te_x'] / d['AA'])  #
    meta['v_A'] = 2.18e11 * np.sqrt(old_div(1.0, (d['AA'] * d['Ni_x'])))

    meta['nueix'] = 2.91e-6 * d['Ni_x'] * meta['lambda_ei'] / d['Te_x']**1.5  #
    meta['nuiix'] = 4.78e-8 * d['ZZ']**4. * d['Ni_x'] * meta['lambda_ii'] / d[
        'Ti_x']**1.5 / np.sqrt(d['AA'])  #
    meta['nu_hat'] = meta['Zeff'].v * meta['nueix'] / meta['wci']

    meta['L_d'] = 7.43e2 * np.sqrt(old_div(d['Te_x'], d['Ni_x']))
    meta['L_i_inrt'] = 2.28e7 * np.sqrt(old_div(
        d['AA'], d['Ni_x'])) / d['ZZ']  #ion inertial length in cm
    meta['L_e_inrt'] = 5.31e5 * np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])  #elec inertial length in cm

    meta['Ve_x'] = 4.19e7 * d['Te_x']

    meta['R0'] = old_div((d['Rxy'].max() + d['Rxy'].min()), 2.0)

    meta['L_z'] = 1e2 * 2 * np.pi * d['Rxy'].mean(1) * (
        d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN'])  # in cm toroidal range
    meta['dz'] = (d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN'])

    #meta['lbNorm']=meta['L_z']*(d['Bpxy']/d['Bxy']).mean(1)     #-binormal coord range [cm]
    meta['lbNorm'] = meta['L_z'] * (old_div(d['Bxy'], d['Bpxy'])).mean(1)

    #let's calculate some profile properties
    dx = np.gradient(d['Rxy'])[0]
    meta['L'] = 1.0 * 1e2 * dx * (meta['Ni0'].v) / np.gradient(
        meta['Ni0'].v)[0] / meta['rho_s'].v

    meta['w_Ln'] = old_div(meta['c_s'], (np.min(abs(meta['L'])) * meta['wci'] *
                                         meta['rho_s'].v))  #normed to wci

    AA = meta['AA'].v
    ZZ = d['ZZ']
    Te_x = d['Te_x']
    Ti_x = d['Ti_x']
    fmei = meta['fmei'].v

    meta['lpar'] = 1e2 * (
        (old_div(d['Bxy'], d['Bpxy'])) * d['dlthe']).sum(1) / meta[
            'rho_s'].v  #-[normed], average over flux surfaces, parallel length

    #yes dlthe is always the vertical displacement
    #dlthe = (hthe0*2 pi)/nz
    #meta['lpar']=1e2*(d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy']).mean(1)*d['dlthe'].mean(1) #function of x
    meta['sig_par'] = old_div(1.0, (fmei * 0.51 * meta['nu_hat']))
    #meta['heat_nue'] = ((2*np.pi/meta['lpar'])**2)/(fmei*meta['nu_hat'])
    #kz_e = kz_i*(rho_e/rho_i)
    # kz_s = kz_i*(rho_s/rho_i)
    # kz_i = (TWOPI/L_z)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_i

    # knorm = (TWOPI/lbNorm)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_s

    # for now just translate
    for elem in meta:
        if type(meta[elem]).__name__ == 'ValUnit':
            meta[elem] = {'u': meta[elem].u, 'v': meta[elem].v}

    print('meta: ', type(meta))
    return meta
Exemple #4
def metadata(inpfile='BOUT.inp',path ='.',v=False):    
    filepath = path+'/'+inpfile
    print filepath
    inp = read_inp(path=path,boutinp=inpfile)
    inp = parse_inp(inp) #inp file
    print path
    outinfo = file_import(path+'/BOUT.dmp.0.nc') #output data
       print path
       cxxinfo = no_comment_cxx(path=path,boutcxx='physics_code.cxx.ref')
       #evolved = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
       fieldkeys = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
       fieldkeys = ['['+elem+']' for elem  in fieldkeys]
       print 'cant find the cxx file'
    #gridoptions = {'grid':grid,'mesh':mesh}
    if '[mesh]' in inp.keys():
       #IC = outinfo  
       IC = read_grid(path+'/BOUT.dmp.0.nc') #output data again
    elif 'grid' in inp['[main]']:
       gridname = inp['[main]']['grid']
          IC = read_grid(gridname) #have to be an ansoulte file path for now
          print 'IC: ',type(IC)
       # print IC.variables
       # print gridname
       #print gridname
          print 'Fail to load the grid file'
    #print IC

    #print gridname
    #print len(IC)
    #print IC
    evolved = []
    collected =[]
    ICscale = []
    # fieldkeys = ['[Ni]','[Te]','[Ti]','[Vi]','[rho]',
    #              '[Ajpar]','[Apar]','[vEBx]','[vEBy]','[vEBz]',
    #              '[jpar]','[phi]']
    #construct fieldkeys from cxx info
    #fieldkeys = ['['+x+']' for x in evolved]
    #fieldkeys = evolved

    #just look ahead and see what 3D fields have been output
    available = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    a = np.array([(len(outinfo[x].shape) ==4) for x in available])
    available = available[a]
    defaultIC = float(inp['[All]'].get('scale',0.0))

    # print inp.keys()
    #figure out which fields are evolved
    print fieldkeys
    for section in inp.keys(): #loop over section keys 
       print 'section: ', section
       if section in fieldkeys: #pick the relevant sections
          print section
          #print inp[section].get('evolve','True')
          #rint (inp[section].get('evolve','True')).lower().strip()
          if (inp[section].get('evolve','True').lower().strip() == 'true'):# and section[1:-1] in available :
             print 'ok reading'
       if inp[section].get('collect','False').lower().strip() == 'true':
       if inp['[physics]'].get('transport','False').lower().strip() == 'true':
          vEBstr = ['vEBx','vEBy','vEBz','vEBrms']     
          [collected.append(item) for item in vEBstr]
       print 'no [physics] key'
    meta = OrderedDict()
    class ValUnit(object):
       def __init__(self,value=0,units=''):
          self.u = units
          self.v = value
       def todict(self):
          return {'u':self.u,'v':self.v}


    #def decode_valunit(d):
    def ToFloat(metaString):
          return float(metaString)
       except ValueError:
          return metaString
    #meta['evolved'] = ValUnit(evolved,'')
    meta['evolved'] = evolved
    meta['collected'] = collected
    meta['IC']= np.array(ICscale)
    d = {}

    print 'evolved: ',evolved

    # read meta data from .inp file, this is whre most metadata get written
    for section in inp.keys():
        if (('evolve' not in inp[section]) and ('first' not in inp[section])): #hacky way to exclude some less relevant metadata
           for elem in inp[section].keys():
              meta[elem] = ValUnit(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
              d[elem] = np.array(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
    #read in some values from the grid(IC) and scale them as needed
    norms = {'Ni0':ValUnit(1.e14,'cm^-3'),'bmag':ValUnit(1.0e4,'gauss'),

    availkeys = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    tmp1 = np.array([x for x in availkeys])
    #b = np.array([x if x not in available for x in a])
    tmp2 = np.array([x for x in tmp1 if x not in available])
    static_fields = np.array([x for x in tmp2 if x in norms.keys()])
    #static_fields = tmp2
    #print availkeys
    # print meta.keys()
    #print IC.variables.keys()
    # print tmp1
    # print tmp2

    for elem in static_fields:
       print 'elem: ',elem
       meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v,norms[elem].u)
       d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v)
    for elem in IC.variables:
       if elem not in meta:
          if elem in norms.keys():
             meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v,norms[elem].u)
             d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v)
            meta[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:]
            d[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:] 
    #print d.keys()

    #if case some values are missing   
    default = {'bmag':1,'Ni_x':1,'NOUT':100,'TIMESTEP':1,
    diff = set(default.keys()).difference(set(d.keys()))
    for elem in diff:
       #print 'diff: ',elem
       meta[elem] = default[elem]
       d[elem] = np.array(default[elem])

    #print meta.keys()
    #print d.keys()
    #print meta['zlowpass']
    if meta['zlowpass'] != 0:
          print meta['MZ'].v, meta['zlowpass'].v
          meta['maxZ'] = int(np.floor(meta['MZ'].v*meta['zlowpass'].v))
       meta['maxZ'] = 5
    #meta['nx'] = nx
    #meta['ny']= ny
    meta['dt'] = meta['TIMESTEP'] 
    #nx,ny  = d['Rxy'].shape
    #print meta['AA'].v
    meta['rho_s'] = ValUnit(1.02e2*np.sqrt(d['AA']*d['Te_x'])/(d['ZZ']* d['bmag']),'cm')   # ion gyrorad at T_e, in cm 
    meta['rho_i'] = ValUnit(1.02e2*np.sqrt(d['AA']*d['Ti_x'])/(d['ZZ']* d['bmag']),'cm') 
    meta['rho_e'] = ValUnit(2.38*np.sqrt(d['Te_x'])/(d['bmag']),'cm') 
    meta['fmei']  = ValUnit(1./1836.2/d['AA'])   
    meta['lambda_ei'] = 24.-np.log(np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])/d['Te_x']) ;
    meta['lambda_ii'] = 23.-np.log(d['ZZ']**3 * np.sqrt(2.*d['Ni_x'])/(d['Ti_x']**1.5)) #

    meta['wci']       = 1.0*9.58e3*d['ZZ']*d['bmag']/d['AA'] # ion gyrofrteq
    meta['wpi']       = 1.32e3*d['ZZ']*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x']/d['AA']) # ion plasma freq 

    meta['wce']       = 1.78e7*d['bmag'] #electron gyrofreq
    meta['wpe']       = 5.64e4*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])#electron plasma freq
    meta['v_the']    = 4.19e7*np.sqrt(d['Te_x'])#cm/s
    meta['v_thi']    = 9.79e5*np.sqrt(d['Ti_x']/d['AA']) #cm/s
    meta['c_s']      = 9.79e5*np.sqrt(5.0/3.0 * d['ZZ'] * d['Te_x']/d['AA'])#
    meta['v_A']     = 2.18e11*np.sqrt(1.0/(d['AA'] * d['Ni_x']))
    meta['nueix']     = 2.91e-6*d['Ni_x']*meta['lambda_ei']/d['Te_x']**1.5 #
    meta['nuiix']     = 4.78e-8*d['ZZ']**4.*d['Ni_x']*meta['lambda_ii']/d['Ti_x']**1.5/np.sqrt(d['AA']) #
    meta['nu_hat']    = meta['Zeff'].v*meta['nueix']/meta['wci'] 
    meta['L_d']      = 7.43e2*np.sqrt(d['Te_x']/d['Ni_x'])
    meta['L_i_inrt']  = 2.28e7*np.sqrt(d['AA']/d['Ni_x'])/ d['ZZ'] #ion inertial length in cm
    meta['L_e_inrt']  = 5.31e5*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x']) #elec inertial length in cm
    meta['Ve_x'] = 4.19e7*d['Te_x']

    meta['R0'] =  (d['Rxy'].max()+d['Rxy'].min())/2.0 
    print d['Rxy'].mean(1) 
    print d['ZMAX']
    print  d['ZMIN'] 
    meta['L_z'] = 1e2 * 2*np.pi * d['Rxy'].mean(1) *(d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN']) # in cm toroidal range
    meta['dz'] = (d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN'])
    #meta['lbNorm']=meta['L_z']*(d['Bpxy']/d['Bxy']).mean(1)     #-binormal coord range [cm]
  #let's calculate some profile properties
    dx = np.gradient(d['Rxy'])[0]
    meta['L'] = 1.0*1e2*dx*(meta['Ni0'].v)/np.gradient(meta['Ni0'].v)[0]/meta['rho_s'].v
    meta['w_Ln']     =  meta['c_s']/(np.min(abs(meta['L']))*meta['wci'] *meta['rho_s'].v) #normed to wci

    AA = meta['AA'].v
    ZZ = d['ZZ']
    Te_x = d['Te_x']
    Ti_x = d['Ti_x']
    fmei = meta['fmei'].v
    meta['lpar'] =1e2*((d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy'])*d['dlthe']).sum(1)/meta['rho_s'].v #-[normed], average over flux surfaces, parallel length

    #yes dlthe is always the vertical displacement 
    #dlthe = (hthe0*2 pi)/nz
    #meta['lpar']=1e2*(d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy']).mean(1)*d['dlthe'].mean(1) #function of x
    meta['sig_par'] = 1.0/(fmei*0.51*meta['nu_hat'])
    #meta['heat_nue'] = ((2*np.pi/meta['lpar'])**2)/(fmei*meta['nu_hat'])
    #kz_e = kz_i*(rho_e/rho_i)
    # kz_s = kz_i*(rho_s/rho_i)
    # kz_i = (TWOPI/L_z)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_i
    # knorm = (TWOPI/lbNorm)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_s

    # for now just translate
    for elem in meta:
       if type(meta[elem]).__name__ =='ValUnit':
          meta[elem] = {'u':meta[elem].u,'v':meta[elem].v}
    print 'meta: ', type(meta)
    return meta
Exemple #5
def metadata(inpfile='BOUT.inp',path ='.',v=False):    
    filepath = path+'/'+inpfile
    print filepath
    inp = read_inp(path=path,boutinp=inpfile)
    inp = parse_inp(inp)
       gridname = inp['[main]']['grid']
       IC = read_grid(gridname) #have to be an ansoulte file path for now
       print 'IC: ',type(IC)
       # print IC.variables
       # print gridname
       print gridname
       print 'Fail to load the grid file'

    #print gridname
    #print len(IC)
    #print IC
    evolved = []
    ICscale = []
    fieldkeys = ['[Ni]','[jpar]','[Te]','[Ti]','[Vi]','[rho]']
    defaultIC = float(inp['[All]'].get('scale',0.0))

    for section in inp.keys(): #loop over section keys 
       #print section
       if section in fieldkeys: #pick the relevant sections
          print section
          #print type(inp[section].get('evolve','True'))
          print (inp[section].get('evolve','True')).lower().strip()
          if inp[section].get('evolve','True').lower().strip() == 'true':
              print 'ok reading'

    meta = OrderedDict()
    class ValUnit(object):
       def __init__(self,value=0,units=''):
          self.u = units
          self.v = value
       def todict(self):
          return {'u':self.u,'v':self.v}


    #def decode_valunit(d):
    def ToFloat(metaString):
          return float(metaString)
       except ValueError:
          return metaString
    meta['evolved'] = ValUnit(evolved,'')
    meta['IC']= np.array(ICscale)
    d = {}

    # read meta data from .inp file
    for section in inp.keys():
        if (('evolve' not in inp[section]) and ('first' not in inp[section])): #hacky way to exclude some less relevant metadata
           for elem in inp[section].keys():
              meta[elem] = ValUnit(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
              d[elem] = np.array(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
    #read in some values from the grid(IC) and scale them as needed
    norms = {'Ni0':ValUnit(1.e14,'cm^-3'),'bmag':ValUnit(1.0e4,'gauss'),

    for elem in norms.keys():
       #print 'elem: ',elem
       meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v,norms[elem].u)
       d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:]*norms[elem].v)

    #if case some values are missing   
    default = {'bmag':1,'Ni_x':1,'NOUT':100,'TIMESTEP':1,
    diff = set(default.keys()).difference(set(d.keys()))
    for elem in diff:
       meta[elem] = default[elem]
       d[elem] = np.array(default[elem])

    nx,ny  = d['Rxy'].shape
    #compute some quantities that are usefull
    print meta['AA'].v

    meta['nx'] = nx
    meta['ny']= ny
    meta['dt'] = meta['TIMESTEP'] 
    meta['rho_s'] = ValUnit(1.02e2*np.sqrt(d['AA']*d['Te_x'])/(d['ZZ']* d['bmag']),'cm')   # ion gyrorad at T_e, in cm 
    meta['rho_i'] = ValUnit(1.02e2*np.sqrt(d['AA']*d['Ti_x'])/(d['ZZ']* d['bmag']),'cm') 
    meta['rho_e'] = ValUnit(2.38*np.sqrt(d['Te_x'])/(d['bmag']),'cm') 
    meta['fmei']  = ValUnit(1./1836.2/d['AA'])   
    meta['lambda_ei'] = 24.-np.log(np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])/d['Te_x']) ;
    meta['lambda_ii'] = 23.-np.log(d['ZZ']**3 * np.sqrt(2.*d['Ni_x'])/(d['Ti_x']**1.5)) #

    meta['wci']       = 9.58e3*d['ZZ']*d['bmag']/d['AA'] # ion gyrofrteq
    meta['wpi']       = 1.32e3*d['ZZ']*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x']/d['AA']) # ion plasma freq 

    meta['wce']       = 1.78e7*d['bmag'] #electron gyrofreq
    meta['wpe']       = 5.64e4*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x'])#electron plasma freq
    meta['v_the']    = 4.19e7*np.sqrt(d['Te_x'])#cm/s
    meta['v_thi']    = 9.79e5*np.sqrt(d['Ti_x']/d['AA']) #cm/s
    meta['c_s']      = 9.79e5*np.sqrt(5.0/3.0 * d['ZZ'] * d['Te_x']/d['AA'])#
    meta['v_A']     = 2.18e11*np.sqrt(1.0/(d['AA'] * d['Ni_x']))
    meta['nueix']     = 2.91e-6*d['Ni_x']*meta['lambda_ei']/d['Te_x']**1.5 #
    meta['nuiix']     = 4.78e-8*d['ZZ']**4.*d['Ni_x']*meta['lambda_ii']/d['Ti_x']**1.5/np.sqrt(d['AA']) #
    meta['nu_hat']    = meta['Zeff'].v*meta['nueix']/meta['wci'] 
    meta['L_d']      = 7.43e2*np.sqrt(d['Te_x']/d['Ni_x'])
    meta['L_i_inrt']  = 2.28e7*np.sqrt(d['AA']/d['Ni_x'])/ d['ZZ'] #ion inertial length in cm
    meta['L_e_inrt']  = 5.31e5*np.sqrt(d['Ni_x']) #elec inertial length in cm
    meta['Ve_x'] = 4.19e7*d['Te_x']

    meta['R0'] =  (d['Rxy'].max()+d['Rxy'].min())/2.0 
    print d['Rxy'].mean(1) 
    print d['ZMAX']
    print  d['ZMIN'] 
    meta['L_z'] = 1e2 * 2*np.pi * d['Rxy'].mean(1) *(d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN']) # in cm toroidal range
    meta['dz'] = (d['ZMAX'] - d['ZMIN'])
    #meta['lbNorm']=meta['L_z']*(d['Bpxy']/d['Bxy']).mean(1)     #-binormal coord range [cm]
  #let's calculate some profile properties
    dx = np.gradient(d['Rxy'])[0]
    meta['L'] = 1e2*dx*(meta['Ni0'].v)/np.gradient(meta['Ni0'].v)[0]/meta['rho_s'].v
    meta['w_Ln']     =  meta['c_s']/(np.min(abs(meta['L']))*meta['wci'] *meta['rho_s'].v) #normed to wci

    AA = meta['AA'].v
    ZZ = d['ZZ']
    Te_x = d['Te_x']
    Ti_x = d['Ti_x']
    fmei = meta['fmei'].v
    meta['lpar'] =1e2*((d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy'])*d['dlthe']).sum(1)/meta['rho_s'].v #-[normed], average over flux surfaces, parallel length
    #meta['lpar']=1e2*(d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy']).mean(1)*d['dlthe'].mean(1) #function of x
    meta['sig_par'] = 1.0/(fmei*0.51*meta['nu_hat'])
    #meta['heat_nue'] = ((2*np.pi/meta['lpar'])**2)/(fmei*meta['nu_hat'])
    #kz_e = kz_i*(rho_e/rho_i)
    # kz_s = kz_i*(rho_s/rho_i)
    # kz_i = (TWOPI/L_z)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_i
    # knorm = (TWOPI/lbNorm)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_s

    # for now just translate
    for elem in meta:
       if type(meta[elem]).__name__ =='ValUnit':
          meta[elem] = {'u':meta[elem].u,'v':meta[elem].v}
    print 'meta: ', type(meta)
    return meta
Exemple #6
def metadata(inpfile="BOUT.inp", path=".", v=False):
    filepath = path + "/" + inpfile
    inp = read_inp(path=path, boutinp=inpfile)
    inp = parse_inp(inp)  # inp file
    outinfo = file_import(path + "/BOUT.dmp.0.nc")  # output data

        cxxinfo = no_comment_cxx(path=path, boutcxx="physics_code.cxx.ref")
        # evolved = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
        fieldkeys = get_evolved_cxx(cxxinfo)
        fieldkeys = ["[" + elem + "]" for elem in fieldkeys]
        print("cant find the cxx file")

    # gridoptions = {'grid':grid,'mesh':mesh}
    if "[mesh]" in list(inp.keys()):
        # IC = outinfo
        IC = read_grid(path + "/BOUT.dmp.0.nc")  # output data again
    elif "grid" in inp["[main]"]:
        gridname = inp["[main]"]["grid"]
            IC = read_grid(gridname)  # have to be an ansoulte file path for now
            print("IC: ", type(IC))
        # print IC.variables
        # print gridname
            # print gridname
            print("Fail to load the grid file")
    # print IC

    # print gridname
    # print len(IC)
    # print IC

    evolved = []
    collected = []
    ICscale = []

    # fieldkeys = ['[Ni]','[Te]','[Ti]','[Vi]','[rho]',
    #              '[Ajpar]','[Apar]','[vEBx]','[vEBy]','[vEBz]',
    #              '[jpar]','[phi]']

    # construct fieldkeys from cxx info
    # fieldkeys = ['['+x+']' for x in evolved]
    # fieldkeys = evolved

    # just look ahead and see what 3D fields have been output
    available = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    a = np.array([(len(outinfo[x].shape) == 4) for x in available])
    available = available[a]

    defaultIC = float(inp["[All]"].get("scale", 0.0))

    # print inp.keys()

    # figure out which fields are evolved

    for section in list(inp.keys()):  # loop over section keys
        print("section: ", section)
        if section in fieldkeys:  # pick the relevant sections
            # print inp[section].get('evolve','True')
            # rint (inp[section].get('evolve','True')).lower().strip()
            if inp[section].get("evolve", "True").lower().strip() == "true":  # and section[1:-1] in available :
                print("ok reading")
                ICscale.append(float(inp[section].get("scale", defaultIC)))

        if inp[section].get("collect", "False").lower().strip() == "true":

        if inp["[physics]"].get("transport", "False").lower().strip() == "true":
            vEBstr = ["vEBx", "vEBy", "vEBz", "vEBrms"]
            [collected.append(item) for item in vEBstr]
        print("no [physics] key")

    meta = OrderedDict()

    class ValUnit(object):
        def __init__(self, value=0, units=""):
            self.u = units
            self.v = value

        def todict(self):
            return {"u": self.u, "v": self.v}

    # def decode_valunit(d):

    def ToFloat(metaString):
            return float(metaString)
        except ValueError:
            return metaString

    # meta['evolved'] = ValUnit(evolved,'')
    meta["evolved"] = evolved
    meta["collected"] = collected
    meta["IC"] = np.array(ICscale)
    d = {}

    print("evolved: ", evolved)

    # read meta data from .inp file, this is whre most metadata get written
    for section in list(inp.keys()):
        if ("evolve" not in inp[section]) and (
            "first" not in inp[section]
        ):  # hacky way to exclude some less relevant metadata
            for elem in list(inp[section].keys()):
                meta[elem] = ValUnit(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))
                d[elem] = np.array(ToFloat(inp[section][elem]))

    # read in some values from the grid(IC) and scale them as needed
    norms = {
        "Ni0": ValUnit(1.0e14, "cm^-3"),
        "bmag": ValUnit(1.0e4, "gauss"),
        "Ni_x": ValUnit(1.0e14, "cm^-3"),
        "Te_x": ValUnit(1.0, "eV"),
        "Ti_x": ValUnit(1.0, "eV"),
        "Rxy": ValUnit(1, "m"),
        "Bxy": ValUnit(1.0e4, "gauss"),
        "Bpxy": ValUnit(1.0e4, "gauss"),
        "Btxy": ValUnit(1.0e4, "gauss"),
        "Zxy": ValUnit(1, "m"),
        "dlthe": ValUnit(1, "m"),
        "dx": ValUnit(1, "m"),
        "hthe0": ValUnit(1, "m"),

    availkeys = np.array([str(x) for x in outinfo])
    tmp1 = np.array([x for x in availkeys])
    # b = np.array([x if x not in available for x in a])
    tmp2 = np.array([x for x in tmp1 if x not in available])
    static_fields = np.array([x for x in tmp2 if x in list(norms.keys())])
    # static_fields = tmp2

    # print availkeys
    # print meta.keys()
    # print IC.variables.keys()
    # print tmp1
    # print tmp2

    for elem in static_fields:
        print("elem: ", elem)
        meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v, norms[elem].u)
        d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v)

    for elem in IC.variables:
        if elem not in meta:
            if elem in list(norms.keys()):
                meta[elem] = ValUnit(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v, norms[elem].u)
                d[elem] = np.array(IC.variables[elem][:] * norms[elem].v)
                meta[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:]
                d[elem] = IC.variables[elem][:]

    # print d.keys()

    # if case some values are missing
    default = {
        "bmag": 1,
        "Ni_x": 1,
        "NOUT": 100,
        "TIMESTEP": 1,
        "MZ": 32,
        "AA": 1,
        "Zeff": ValUnit(1, ""),
        "ZZ": 1,
        "zlowpass": 0.0,
        "transport": False,
    diff = set(default.keys()).difference(set(d.keys()))

    for elem in diff:
        # print 'diff: ',elem
        meta[elem] = default[elem]
        d[elem] = np.array(default[elem])

    # print meta.keys()
    # print d.keys()

    # print meta['zlowpass']

    if meta["zlowpass"] != 0:
        print(meta["MZ"].v, meta["zlowpass"].v)
        meta["maxZ"] = int(np.floor(meta["MZ"].v * meta["zlowpass"].v))
        meta["maxZ"] = 5

    # meta['nx'] = nx
    # meta['ny']= ny
    meta["dt"] = meta["TIMESTEP"]

    # nx,ny  = d['Rxy'].shape

    # print meta['AA'].v

    meta["rho_s"] = ValUnit(
        1.02e2 * np.sqrt(d["AA"] * d["Te_x"]) / (d["ZZ"] * d["bmag"]), "cm"
    )  # ion gyrorad at T_e, in cm
    meta["rho_i"] = ValUnit(1.02e2 * np.sqrt(d["AA"] * d["Ti_x"]) / (d["ZZ"] * d["bmag"]), "cm")
    meta["rho_e"] = ValUnit(2.38 * np.sqrt(d["Te_x"]) / (d["bmag"]), "cm")

    meta["fmei"] = ValUnit(1.0 / 1836.2 / d["AA"])

    meta["lambda_ei"] = 24.0 - np.log(old_div(np.sqrt(d["Ni_x"]), d["Te_x"]))
    meta["lambda_ii"] = 23.0 - np.log(d["ZZ"] ** 3 * np.sqrt(2.0 * d["Ni_x"]) / (d["Ti_x"] ** 1.5))  #

    meta["wci"] = 1.0 * 9.58e3 * d["ZZ"] * d["bmag"] / d["AA"]  # ion gyrofrteq
    meta["wpi"] = 1.32e3 * d["ZZ"] * np.sqrt(old_div(d["Ni_x"], d["AA"]))  # ion plasma freq

    meta["wce"] = 1.78e7 * d["bmag"]  # electron gyrofreq
    meta["wpe"] = 5.64e4 * np.sqrt(d["Ni_x"])  # electron plasma freq

    meta["v_the"] = 4.19e7 * np.sqrt(d["Te_x"])  # cm/s
    meta["v_thi"] = 9.79e5 * np.sqrt(old_div(d["Ti_x"], d["AA"]))  # cm/s
    meta["c_s"] = 9.79e5 * np.sqrt(5.0 / 3.0 * d["ZZ"] * d["Te_x"] / d["AA"])  #
    meta["v_A"] = 2.18e11 * np.sqrt(old_div(1.0, (d["AA"] * d["Ni_x"])))

    meta["nueix"] = 2.91e-6 * d["Ni_x"] * meta["lambda_ei"] / d["Te_x"] ** 1.5  #
    meta["nuiix"] = 4.78e-8 * d["ZZ"] ** 4.0 * d["Ni_x"] * meta["lambda_ii"] / d["Ti_x"] ** 1.5 / np.sqrt(d["AA"])  #
    meta["nu_hat"] = meta["Zeff"].v * meta["nueix"] / meta["wci"]

    meta["L_d"] = 7.43e2 * np.sqrt(old_div(d["Te_x"], d["Ni_x"]))
    meta["L_i_inrt"] = 2.28e7 * np.sqrt(old_div(d["AA"], d["Ni_x"])) / d["ZZ"]  # ion inertial length in cm
    meta["L_e_inrt"] = 5.31e5 * np.sqrt(d["Ni_x"])  # elec inertial length in cm

    meta["Ve_x"] = 4.19e7 * d["Te_x"]

    meta["R0"] = old_div((d["Rxy"].max() + d["Rxy"].min()), 2.0)

    meta["L_z"] = 1e2 * 2 * np.pi * d["Rxy"].mean(1) * (d["ZMAX"] - d["ZMIN"])  # in cm toroidal range
    meta["dz"] = d["ZMAX"] - d["ZMIN"]

    # meta['lbNorm']=meta['L_z']*(d['Bpxy']/d['Bxy']).mean(1)     #-binormal coord range [cm]
    meta["lbNorm"] = meta["L_z"] * (old_div(d["Bxy"], d["Bpxy"])).mean(1)

    # meta['zPerp']=np.array(meta['lbNorm']).mean*np.array(range(d['MZ']))/(d['MZ']-1)
    # let's calculate some profile properties
    dx = np.gradient(d["Rxy"])[0]
    meta["L"] = 1.0 * 1e2 * dx * (meta["Ni0"].v) / np.gradient(meta["Ni0"].v)[0] / meta["rho_s"].v

    meta["w_Ln"] = old_div(meta["c_s"], (np.min(abs(meta["L"])) * meta["wci"] * meta["rho_s"].v))  # normed to wci

    AA = meta["AA"].v
    ZZ = d["ZZ"]
    Te_x = d["Te_x"]
    Ti_x = d["Ti_x"]
    fmei = meta["fmei"].v

    meta["lpar"] = (
        1e2 * ((old_div(d["Bxy"], d["Bpxy"])) * d["dlthe"]).sum(1) / meta["rho_s"].v
    )  # -[normed], average over flux surfaces, parallel length

    # yes dlthe is always the vertical displacement
    # dlthe = (hthe0*2 pi)/nz
    # meta['lpar']=1e2*(d['Bxy']/d['Bpxy']).mean(1)*d['dlthe'].mean(1) #function of x
    meta["sig_par"] = old_div(1.0, (fmei * 0.51 * meta["nu_hat"]))
    # meta['heat_nue'] = ((2*np.pi/meta['lpar'])**2)/(fmei*meta['nu_hat'])
    # kz_e = kz_i*(rho_e/rho_i)
    # kz_s = kz_i*(rho_s/rho_i)
    # kz_i = (TWOPI/L_z)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_i

    # knorm = (TWOPI/lbNorm)*(indgen((*current_str).fft.nz+1))*rho_s

    # for now just translate
    for elem in meta:
        if type(meta[elem]).__name__ == "ValUnit":
            meta[elem] = {"u": meta[elem].u, "v": meta[elem].v}

    print("meta: ", type(meta))
    return meta