for i in reversed(range(len(data[0]))): if data[2][i] <= 0: del(data[0][i]) del(data[1][i]) del(data[2][i]) del[data[3][i]] else: data[2][i] = data[2][i]/maxy data[3][i] = data[3][i]/(maxy*math.sqrt(data[1][i])) mean return data ### Start Program ### arg = ReadCmd(spec) image = arg.getliststr('in',exist=True) bin = arg.getlistfloat('bin',length=3) unit = arg.getstr('unit',option=['nbin','step']) offset = arg.getlistfloat('offset',length=2) outplot = arg.getstr('out') junk = arg.getlistfloat('range',length=2) xmin = junk[0] xmax = junk[1] step = arg.getstr('step',option=['b','p']) if 'b' in step: # do binning outdata = [] from pyraf import iraf for i in image: outdata.append(dobin(i,offset,bin,unit))
import nlclib from readcmd import ReadCmd spec = """# Grid a data set in = ??? # Input file xrange = ??? # Range in x (min,max) yrange = ??? # Range in y (min,max) bins = 10 # Number of bins (can be x,y) xcol = 1 # Column with x values ycol = 2 # Column with y values out = ??? # Output fits image norm = None # Normalize by sum, max, or none (no normalization)""" spec = ReadCmd(spec) inFile = spec.getstr('in') rangex = spec.getlistfloat('xrange',length=2) rangey = spec.getlistfloat('yrange',length=2) nbins = spec.getlistint('bins',length=[1,2]) xcol = spec.getint('xcol',min=1) - 1 ycol = spec.getint('ycol',min=1) - 1 outFile = spec.getstr('out',exist=False) norm = spec.getstr('norm',option=['sum','none','max'],ignorecase=True) if norm is None: norm = 'none' if len(nbins) == 1: #by default make x and y the same size nbins.append(nbins[0]) import pyfits import numpy as np
tmpstep = [0.5,0.5,1, 2, 5, 5, 5,20, 30, 60,300,300, 300, 600,1200, 3600] ralabel = map(lambda a: a/3600.,tmplabel) # convert to hours stepra = map(lambda a: a/3600.,tmpstep) # convert to hours tmp = abs(maxra - minra) guess = tmp/6. # aim for about 6 labels diff = [abs(guess-a) for a in ralabel] idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return stepra[idx],ralabel[idx] if __name__ == "__main__": arg = ReadCmd(spec) image = arg.getstr('in',exist=True) rangex = arg.getlistfloat('xrange',length=2) rangey = arg.getlistfloat('yrange',length=2) tmplength = arg.getfloat('length') tmpra = arg.getlistfloat('ra',length=2) tmpdec = arg.getlistfloat('dec',length=2) outfile = arg.getstr('out',exist=False) import worldpos wcs = worldpos.wcs(image) if wcs.header['rot'] != 0: error('WIP cannot handle rotations!') if len(rangex) == 0: xmin = 0.5 xmax = naxis1 + 0.5 else:
dAv = None return Av,dAv def rjce(intrinsic, magj, sigmaj, magh, sigmah, magks, sigmaks): """Compute extinction using RJCE (Majewski TODO)""" return None,None if __name__ == "__main__": arg = ReadCmd(spec) infile = arg.getstr("in",exist=True) outfile = arg.getstr("out",exist=False) intrinsic = {} intrinsic['k1'] = 1./arg.getfloat("avaj") intrinsic['k2'] = 1./arg.getfloat("avah") intrinsic['jh'] = arg.getlistfloat("jh") intrinsic['hk'] = arg.getlistfloat("hk") intrinsic['cov'] = arg.getfloat("cov") intrinsic['method'] = arg.getstr("method",option=['jh','hk','nicer','rjce']) from numpy import loadtxt,savetxt,sqrt data = loadtxt(infile,dtype=str) d = data[:,2:8].astype(float) if intrinsic['method'] == 'jh' or intrinsic['method'] == 'hk': Av,dAv = nice(intrinsic, d[:,0],d[:,1],d[:,2],d[:,3],d[:,4],d[:,5]) elif intrinsic['method'] == 'nicer': Av,dAv = nicer(intrinsic,d[:,0],d[:,1],d[:,2],d[:,3],d[:,4],d[:,5]) elif intrinsic['method'] == 'rjce': Av,dAv = rjce(intrinsic, d[:,0],d[:,1],d[:,2],d[:,3],d[:,4],d[:,5]) else:
ralabel = map(lambda a: a / 3600., tmplabel) # convert to hours stepra = map(lambda a: a / 3600., tmpstep) # convert to hours tmp = abs(maxra - minra) guess = tmp / 6. # aim for about 6 labels diff = [abs(guess - a) for a in ralabel] idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return stepra[idx], ralabel[idx] if __name__ == "__main__": arg = ReadCmd(spec) image = arg.getstr('in', exist=True) rangex = arg.getlistfloat('xrange', length=2) rangey = arg.getlistfloat('yrange', length=2) tmplength = arg.getfloat('length') tmpra = arg.getlistfloat('ra', length=2) tmpdec = arg.getlistfloat('dec', length=2) outfile = arg.getstr('out', exist=False) import worldpos wcs = worldpos.wcs(image) if wcs.header['rot'] != 0: error('WIP cannot handle rotations!') if len(rangex) == 0: xmin = 0.5 xmax = naxis1 + 0.5 else:
ylabel = None # Y-axis label""" def error(text): """Write out error message and quit""" sys.stderr.write("### Fatal Error! %s\n" %text) sys.exit() arg = ReadCmd(spec) infile = arg.getstr('in',exist=True) xcol = arg.getlistint('xcol',min=1) ycol = arg.getlistint('ycol',min=1) dxcol = arg.getlistint('dxcol',min=1) dycol = arg.getlistint('dycol',min=1) style = arg.getliststr('style') color = arg.getliststr('color') limits = arg.getlistfloat('limits',length=4) out = arg.getstr('out') xlab = arg.getstr('xlabel') ylab = arg.getstr('ylabel') mytext = arg.getliststr('text') mytitle = arg.getstr('title') mywidth = arg.getliststr('width') legloc = arg.getlistfloat('legend',length=2) nx = len(xcol) ny = len(ycol) ndx = len(dxcol) ndy = len(dycol) nstyle = len(style) ncolor = len(color) ntext = len(mytext)