def test_results2_expvalues():
    compares the calculated expected values to already verified reference data
    expvals = rd.read_xyformat("test_potentials/test_results2/expvalues.dat")
    expvals_reference = rd.read_xyformat(

    assert expvals == pytest.approx(expvals_reference)
def test_results2_energies():
    compares the calculated eigenvalues to already verified reference data
    energies = rd.read_xyformat("test_potentials/test_results2/energies.dat")
    energies_reference = rd.read_xyformat(

    assert energies == pytest.approx(energies_reference)
def test_results2_wavefuncs():
    compares the calculated eigenstates to already verified reference data
    wavefuncs = rd.read_xyformat("test_potentials/test_results2/wavefuncs.dat")
    wavefuncs_reference = rd.read_xyformat(

    assert wavefuncs == pytest.approx(wavefuncs_reference)
def test_results2_potential():
    compares the calculated potential to already verified reference data
    potential = rd.read_xyformat("test_potentials/test_results2/potential.dat")
    potential_reference = rd.read_xyformat(

    assert potential == pytest.approx(potential_reference)
Exemple #5
def plot(scalingfactor, changerange, axisrange):
    reads the saved files and plots the information
    colorcycle = ["b", "g", "r", "c", "m", "y", "k"]
    activecolor = "b"

    wavefuncs = rd.read_xyformat("wavefuncs.dat")
    potential = rd.read_xyformat("potential.dat")
    energies = rd.read_xyformat("energies.dat")[0]
    expvals = rd.read_xyformat("expvalues.dat")

    _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)

    for ii in range(int(rd.last_eigenvalue() + 1 - rd.first_eigenvalue())):
        scaled_wavefunc = [
            element * scalingfactor + energies[ii]
            for element in wavefuncs[ii + 1]
        ax1.plot(wavefuncs[0], scaled_wavefunc, color=activecolor)
        ax1.plot(expvals[0][ii], energies[ii], color=activecolor, marker="x")
        ax1.axhline(y=energies[ii], alpha=0.2, color="grey", linewidth=1)
        ax2.plot(expvals[1][ii], energies[ii], color=activecolor, marker="x")
        ax2.axhline(y=energies[ii], alpha=0.2, color="grey", linewidth=1)
        index = (colorcycle.index(activecolor) + 1) % len(colorcycle)
        activecolor = colorcycle[index]

    ax1.plot(potential[0], potential[1])
        min(energies) - max(abs(energies)) * 0.1,
        max(energies) + max(abs(energies)) * 0.1
    ax2.set_xlim([0, max(expvals[1]) * 1.1])
    if changerange:
        ax1.set_xlim([axisrange[0], axisrange[1]])
        ax1.set_ylim([axisrange[2], axisrange[3]])
    ax1.set_title("Potential, Eigenstates, ⟨x⟩")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Energy [Hartree]")
    ax1.set_xlabel("x [Bohr]")
    ax2.set_xlabel("x [Bohr]")
def plot(inputpath, scalingfactor, changerange, axisrange):
    reads the saved files and plots the information

    :type inputpath: string
    :param inputpath: directory of the calculated .dat files to be plotted

    :type scalingfactor: float
    :param scalingfactor: amount the eigenstates will be scaled by (for better results)

    :type changerange: boolean
    :param changerange: if the axis range will be changed or left at the default

    :type axisrange: [float]
    :param axisrange: has to be a list with 4 entries to specify xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax
    colorcycle = ["b", "g", "r", "c", "m", "y", "k"]
    activecolor = "b"

    #loading information from saved files
    if not inputpath.endswith("/"):
        inputpath = inputpath + "/"
    wavefuncs = rd.read_xyformat(inputpath + "wavefuncs.dat")
    potential = rd.read_xyformat(inputpath + "potential.dat")
    energies = rd.read_xyformat(inputpath + "energies.dat")[0]
    expvals = rd.read_xyformat(inputpath + "expvalues.dat")

    _, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
    if scalingfactor == 0:
        scalingfactor = (max(energies) - min(energies)) / len(energies) / 2

    #plotting eigenstates, potential, expected values and uncertainties
    for (ii, energy) in enumerate(energies):
        scaled_wavefunc = [
            element * scalingfactor + energy for element in wavefuncs[ii + 1]
        ax1.plot(wavefuncs[0], scaled_wavefunc, color=activecolor)
        ax1.plot(expvals[0][ii], energy, color=activecolor, marker="x")
        ax1.axhline(y=energy, alpha=0.2, color="grey", linewidth=1)
        ax2.plot(expvals[1][ii], energy, color=activecolor, marker="x")
        ax2.axhline(y=energy, alpha=0.2, color="grey", linewidth=1)
        index = (colorcycle.index(activecolor) + 1) % len(colorcycle)
        activecolor = colorcycle[index]

    #changing plot settings
    ax1.plot(potential[0], potential[1], color="black")
        min(energies) - max(abs(energies)) * 0.1,
        max(energies) + max(abs(energies)) * 0.1
    ax2.set_xlim([0, max(expvals[1]) * 1.1])
    if changerange:
        ax1.set_xlim([axisrange[0], axisrange[1]])
        ax1.set_ylim([axisrange[2], axisrange[3]])
    ax1.set_title("Potential, Eigenstates, ⟨x⟩")
    ax1.set_ylabel("Energy [Hartree]")
    ax1.set_xlabel("x [Bohr]")
    ax2.set_xlabel("x [Bohr]")
    print("The Eigenstates are scaled by a factor of " +
          str(round(scalingfactor, 4)) + ".")