def stack_corr_for_ref_unwrapped_isce(intf_files, rowref, colref, ts_output_dir, label=""): # WE MAKE THE SIGNAL SPREAD FOR THE CUT IMAGES cor_files = [ i.replace("fully_processed.unwrappedphase", "cut.cor") for i in intf_files ] # get for isce netcdfname = ts_output_dir + '/signalspread_cut_ref' + label + '.nc' cor_value = np.nan cor_data = readmytupledata.reader_isce(cor_files) a = stack_corr.stack_corr(cor_data, cor_value) rwr.produce_output_netcdf(cor_data.xvalues, cor_data.yvalues, a, 'Percentage', netcdfname) rwr.produce_output_plot(netcdfname, 'Signal Spread above cor=' + str(cor_value), ts_output_dir + '/signalspread_cut_ref' + label + '.png', 'Percentage of coherence', aspect=1 / 4, invert_yaxis=False, dot_points=[[colref], [rowref]]) signal_spread_ref = a[rowref, colref] print("Signal Spread of the reference pixel = %.2f " % (signal_spread_ref)) if signal_spread_ref < 50: print( "WARNING: Your reference pixel has very low coherence. Consider picking a different one." ) print("STOPPING ON PURPOSE.") sys.exit(0) return
def drive_full_TS_isce(intf_files, nsbas_min_intfs, sbas_smoothing, wavelength, rowref, colref, outdir, baseline_file=None, coh_files=None): # SETUP. signal_spread_file = outdir + "/" intf_tuple = rmd.reader_isce(intf_files) coh_tuple = None if coh_files is not None: coh_tuple = rmd.reader_isce(coh_files) xdates = stacking_utilities.get_xdates_from_intf_tuple(intf_tuple) signal_spread_data = rwr.read_grd(signal_spread_file) # TIME SERIES TS = nsbas.Full_TS(intf_tuple, nsbas_min_intfs, sbas_smoothing, wavelength, rowref, colref, signal_spread_data, baseline_file=baseline_file, coh_tuple=coh_tuple) # OUTPUTS TS_NC_file = outdir + "/" TS_image_file = outdir + "/TS.png" rwr.produce_output_timeseries(intf_tuple.xvalues, intf_tuple.yvalues, TS, xdates, 'mm', TS_NC_file) stacking_utilities.plot_full_timeseries(TS_NC_file, xdates, TS_image_file, vmin=-50, vmax=200, aspect=1 / 8) return
def drive_coseismic_stack_isce(intf_files, wavelength, rowref, colref, outdir): intf_tuple = rmd.reader_isce(intf_files) average_coseismic = get_avg_coseismic(intf_tuple, rowref, colref, wavelength) rwr.produce_output_netcdf(intf_tuple.xvalues, intf_tuple.yvalues, average_coseismic, 'mm', outdir + '/coseismic.grd') rwr.produce_output_plot(outdir + '/coseismic.grd', 'LOS Displacement', outdir + '/coseismic.png', 'displacement (mm)', aspect=1 / 8, invert_yaxis=False, vmin=-50, vmax=200) return
def make_corrections_isce(config_params): if config_params.startstage > 1: # if we're starting after, we don't do this. return if config_params.endstage < 1: # if we're ending before, we don't do this. return print("Start Stage 1 - optional atm corrections") # For ISCE, we might want to re-make all the interferograms and unwrap them in custom fashion. # This operates on files in the Igram directory, no need to move directories yourself. if config_params.solve_unwrap_errors: unwrapping_isce_custom.main_function(config_params.rlks, config_params.alks, config_params.filt, config_params.xbounds, config_params.ybounds, config_params.cor_cutoff_mask) # WE ALSO MAKE THE SIGNAL SPREAD FOR FULL IMAGES cor_value = 0.5 filepathslist = glob.glob("../Igrams/????????_????????/filt*.cor") # *** This may change cor_data = readmytupledata.reader_isce(filepathslist) a = stack_corr.stack_corr(cor_data, cor_value) rwr.produce_output_netcdf( cor_data.xvalues, cor_data.yvalues, a, 'Percentage', config_params.ts_output_dir + '/') rwr.produce_output_plot( config_params.ts_output_dir + '/', 'Signal Spread above cor=' + str(cor_value), config_params.ts_output_dir + '/signalspread_full.png', 'Percentage of coherence', aspect=1 / 4, invert_yaxis=False) print("End Stage 1 - optional atm corrections\n") return
def get_100p_pixels_get_ref(filenameslist, ref_idx, outdir): # This function helps you manually choose a reference pixel. # You might have to run through this function a number of times # To select your boxes and your eventual reference pixel. # I pick one in a stable area, outside of the deformation, ideally in a desert. print("Finding the pixels that are 100 percent coherent") # Finding pixels that are completely non-nan mydata = readmytupledata.reader_isce(filenameslist, band=1) # if it's straight from SNAPHU, band = 2 # if it's manually processed first, band = 1 total_pixels = np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[1] * np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[2] total_images = np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[0] xvalues = range(np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[2]) yvalues = range(np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[1]) count = 0 ypixels_good = [] xpixels_good = [] ypixels_options = [] xpixels_options = [] for i in range(np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[1]): for j in range(np.shape(mydata.zvalues)[2]): oneslice = mydata.zvalues[:, i, j] if np.sum(~np.isnan(oneslice) ) == total_images: # if we have perfect coherence count = count + 1 xpixels_good.append(j) ypixels_good.append(i) # Here we will adjust parameters until we find a reference pixel that we like. if 280 < j < 300 and 2500 < i < 2700: xpixels_options.append(j) ypixels_options.append(i) idx_lucky = 710 xref = xpixels_options[idx_lucky] yref = ypixels_options[idx_lucky] print("%d of %d (%f percent) are totally coherent. " % (count, total_pixels, 100 * (count / total_pixels))) print(np.shape(mydata.zvalues)) print("%d pixels are good options for the reference pixel. " % (len(xpixels_options))) # Make a plot that shows where those pixels are # a=rwr.read_grd(outdir+'/'); fig = plt.figure() # plt.imshow(a,aspect=1/4, cmap='rainbow'); plt.plot(xpixels_good, ypixels_good, '.', color='k') plt.plot(xpixels_options, ypixels_options, '.', color='g') plt.plot(xref, yref, '.', color='r') plt.savefig(outdir + '/best_pixels.png') plt.close() print( "Based on 100p pixels, selecting reference pixel at row/col %d, %d " % (yref, xref)) print( "STOPPING ON PURPOSE: Please write your reference pixel in your config file." ) return yref, xref