Exemple #1
def test_slot_defaults(web_fixture):
    """If a View does not specify contents for a Slot, the Slot will be populated by the window's default
       widget for that slot if specified, else it will be left empty.
    class MainUI(UserInterface):
        def assemble(self):
            main = self.define_page(HTML5Page).use_layout(BasicPageLayout())
                                  P.factory(text='defaulted slot contents'))
            self.define_view('/', title='Hello')

    fixture = web_fixture

    wsgi_app = fixture.new_wsgi_app(site_root=MainUI)
    browser = Browser(wsgi_app)


    # The default widget for the main slot is used
    [p] = browser.xpath('//p')
    assert p.text == 'defaulted slot contents'

    # The header slot has no default, and is thus left empty
    header_contents = browser.xpath('//header/*')
    assert not header_contents
Exemple #2
def test_slots(web_fixture, slot_scenarios):
    """A View modifies the page by populating named Slots in the page with Widgets."""
    fixture = slot_scenarios

    wsgi_app = web_fixture.new_wsgi_app(site_root=fixture.MainUI)
    browser = Browser(wsgi_app)

    assert browser.title == 'Hello'
    [main_p, footer_p] = browser.xpath('//p')
    assert main_p.text == 'Hello world'
    assert footer_p.text == 'I am the footer'
Exemple #3
def test_basic_assembly(web_fixture, basic_scenarios):
    """An application is built by extending UserInterface, and defining this UserInterface in an .assemble() method.

    To define the UserInterface, several Views are defined. Views are mapped to URLs. When a user GETs
    the URL of a View, a page is rendered back to the user. How that page is created
    can happen in different ways, as illustrated by each scenario of this test.
    fixture = basic_scenarios

    wsgi_app = web_fixture.new_wsgi_app(site_root=fixture.MainUI)
    browser = Browser(wsgi_app)

    # GETting the URL results in the HTML for that View
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
        assert browser.title == 'Hello'

    warning_messages = [str(i.message) for i in caught_warnings]
    assert len(warning_messages) == len(fixture.expected_warnings)
    for caught, expected_message in itertools.zip_longest(
            warning_messages, fixture.expected_warnings):
        assert expected_message in caught

    if fixture.content_includes_p:
        [message] = browser.xpath('//p')
        assert message.text == 'Hello world!'

    # The headers are set correctly
    response = browser.last_response
    assert response.content_length == len(fixture.expected_content)
    assert response.content_type == 'text/html'
    assert response.charset == 'utf-8'

    # Invalid URLs do not exist
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
        browser.open('/nonexistantview/', status=404)