Exemple #1
# Chad Baker
# Created on 2011 Feb 10

# Distribution Modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, sys

# User Defined Modules
cmd_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('../Modules/hx.py'))
if cmd_folder not in sys.path:
    sys.path.insert(0, cmd_folder)
import real_hx

hx_val = real_hx.get_hx()

k_gypsum = 0.17e-3
# thermal conductivity (kW / (m * K)) of gypsum board from Incropera
# and DeWitt Intro. to Heat Transfer 5th ed., Table A.3
thickness_gypsum = 0.25 * 2.54e-2
# thickness (m) of gypsum board
hx_val.R_extra = thickness_gypsum / k_gypsum

hx_val.exh.T_inlet = 700.
hx_val.cool.T_outlet = 300.
hx_val.exh.mdot = 0.221
hx_val.cool.mdot = 0.5


print "\nPlotting..."
# hx_exp.file = 'copper'

fit_status = "_fit"
# fit_status = '_exp'


SIZE = 10
mdot_surf = np.linspace(hx_exp.exh.mdot.min(), hx_exp.exh.mdot.max(), SIZE)
T_in_surf = np.linspace(hx_exp.exh.T_in.min(), hx_exp.exh.T_in.max(), SIZE)
mdot2d, T_in2d = np.meshgrid(mdot_surf, T_in_surf)
hx_exp.rep_Qdot_surf(mdot_surf, T_in_surf)

hx_mod = real_hx.get_hx()

if hx_exp.file == "gypsum":
    k_gypsum = 0.17e-3
    # # thermal conductivity (kW / (m * K)) of gypsum board from Incropera
    # # and DeWitt Intro. to Heat Transfer 5th ed., Table A.3
    thickness_gypsum = 0.25 * 2.54e-2
    # thickness (m) of gypsum board
    hx_mod.R_extra = thickness_gypsum / k_gypsum

elif hx_exp.file == "copper":
    # the following expressions for k come from Li and Peterson, 2006. The
    # effective thermal conductivity of wire screen
    k_copper = 400.0e-3  # thermal conductivity of copper (kW / (m * K))
    # from Wolfram Alpha