class Filepart2EpisodeTitle(Rule): """ If we have at least 2 filepart structured like this: Serie name SO1/E01-episode_title.mkv AAAAAAAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB If BBBB contains episode and AAA contains a hole followed by seasonNumber Then title is to be found in AAAA. """ consequence = AppendMatch('title') def when(self, matches, context): fileparts = matches.markers.named('path') if len(fileparts) < 2: return filename = fileparts[-1] directory = fileparts[-2] episode_number = matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: == 'episode', 0) if episode_number: season = matches.range(directory.start, directory.end, lambda match: == 'season', 0) if season: hole = matches.holes(directory.start, directory.end, formatter=cleanup, seps=title_seps, predicate=lambda match: match.value, index=0) if hole: return hole
class Filepart2EpisodeTitle(Rule): """ If we have at least 2 filepart structured like this: Serie name SO1/E01-episode_title.mkv AAAAAAAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB If BBBB contains episode and AAA contains a hole followed by seasonNumber then title is to be found in AAAA. or Serie name/SO1E01-episode_title.mkv AAAAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB If BBBB contains season and episode and AAA contains a hole then title is to be found in AAAA. """ consequence = AppendMatch('title') def when(self, matches, context): # pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements if matches.tagged('filepart-title'): return fileparts = matches.markers.named('path') if len(fileparts) < 2: return filename = fileparts[-1] directory = fileparts[-2] episode_number = matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: == 'episode', 0) if episode_number: season = (matches.range(directory.start, directory.end, lambda match: == 'season', 0) or matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: == 'season', 0)) if season: hole = matches.holes( directory.start, directory.end, ignore=or_(lambda match: 'weak-episode' in match.tags, TitleBaseRule.is_ignored), formatter=cleanup, seps=title_seps, predicate=lambda match: match.value, index=0) if hole: hole.tags.append('filepart-title') return hole
class Filepart3EpisodeTitle(Rule): """ If we have at least 3 filepart structured like this: Serie name/SO1/E01-episode_title.mkv AAAAAAAAAA/BBB/CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Serie name/SO1/episode_title-E01.mkv AAAAAAAAAA/BBB/CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC If CCCC contains episode and BBB contains seasonNumber Then title is to be found in AAAA. """ consequence = AppendMatch('title') def when(self, matches, context): # pylint:disable=inconsistent-return-statements if matches.tagged('filepart-title'): return fileparts = matches.markers.named('path') if len(fileparts) < 3: return filename = fileparts[-1] directory = fileparts[-2] subdirectory = fileparts[-3] episode_number = matches.range(filename.start, filename.end, lambda match: == 'episode', 0) if episode_number: season = matches.range(directory.start, directory.end, lambda match: == 'season', 0) if season: hole = matches.holes( subdirectory.start, subdirectory.end, ignore=lambda match: 'weak-episode' in match.tags, formatter=cleanup, seps=title_seps, predicate=lambda match: match.value, index=0) if hole: return hole