Exemple #1
    def init_vars(self):

        self.gran[1:] = [1 for l in range(1,self.numLayers)]
        self.horiz[1:] = [max((self.horiz[0]/(self.layer_sizes[l-1]/self.layer_sizes[l]/4)),1) for l in range(1,self.numLayers)]
        self.vert[1:] = [max((self.vert[0]/(self.layer_sizes[l-1]/self.layer_sizes[l]/4)),1) for l in range(1,self.numLayers)]

        self.scale = np.array([self.layer_sizes[l-1]/self.layer_sizes[l] for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)])
        #self.scale should = 14 for layer 1
        #self.gran should = 7

        self.indices = np.array([np.array(range(self.layer_sizes[l])) for l in range(self.numLayers)])

        self.centers = np.array([np.array([max((self.indices[l][i]*self.scale[l-1])+(np.random.randint(2)-2)*self.gran[l-1],0) for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l])]) for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)])
        self.hspans = [[(np.random.randint(3)+1)*self.gran[l-1] for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l])] for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)]
        self.vspans = [[(np.random.randint(8)+1) for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l])] for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)]
        #self.fields = np.array([[np.array(np.hstack(receptive_field(range(self.layer_sizes[l-1]),1,self.horiz[l-1],self.vert[l-1], self.centers[l-1][i], self.vspans[l-1][i], self.hspans[l-1][i])),dtype='int') for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l])] for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)])

        if self.numLayers == 3:
            fields = [np.array(np.hstack(rf4(self.indices[0],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][i], self.vspans[0][i], self.hspans[0][i])),dtype='int') for i in range(self.layer_sizes[1])]
        self.fields = np.array([np.array([np.array(np.hstack(receptive_field(self.indices[l-1],1,self.horiz[l-1],self.vert[l-1], self.centers[l-1][i], self.vspans[l-1][i], self.hspans[l-1][i])),dtype='int') for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l])]) for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)])
        #3 and 8 are pretty arbitrary constants here--should turn them into variables at some point

        self.x = np.array(np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[0], self.num_channels)),dtype='int')
        self.h = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[i], self.num_channels)) for i in range(1, self.numLayers)],dtype='int')
        self.q = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[i], self.num_channels)) for i in range(1, self.numLayers)])
        self.q1 = self.q
        self.x_gen = np.array(np.zeros(self.x.shape),dtype='int')
        self.h_gen = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[i], self.num_channels)) for i in range(1, self.numLayers)],dtype='int')

        self.W = np.array([np.array([np.random.rand(self.fields[l-1][h].shape[0])*0.1-0.05 for h in range(self.layer_sizes[l])]) for l in range(self.numLayers-1,0,-1)])

        self.pos_W = np.array([np.array([np.zeros(self.W[l][i].shape) for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l+1])]) for l in range(self.numLayers - 1)])
        self.neg_W = np.array([np.array([np.zeros(self.W[l][i].shape) for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l+1])]) for l in range(self.numLayers - 1)])
        self.W_inc = np.array([np.array([np.zeros(self.W[l][i].shape) for i in range(self.layer_sizes[l+1])]) for l in range(self.numLayers - 1)])

        self.a = np.zeros(self.x.shape)
        self.b = np.array([np.zeros(self.h[i].shape) for i in range(0, self.numLayers - 1)])

        self.a_inc = np.zeros(self.a.shape)
        self.b_inc = np.array([np.zeros(self.b[i].shape) for i in range(0, self.numLayers - 1)])

        self.errHist = np.zeros((1000, self.num_channels))
Exemple #2
    def train(self, data, layer=1, datatype='songs', iterations=400, rate=0.1, moment=0, reg=0.0002, noise=0.05):
        alpha = rate
        momentum = moment
        weightcost = reg
        iters = iterations

        log = np.fromfile('log.txt', dtype='int8', count=1)

        if datatype == 'songs':
            N = data.numSongs
            typeflag = 4
            cof = 0
            #Assumes dimensionality of data matches network architecture
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.whole_song.shape[0]] = data.whole_song

        elif datatype == 'phrases':
            N = np.amax(data.Nums_u[0])

            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.P1_u.shape[0]] = data.P1_u
            C[1,:data.P2_u.shape[0]] = data.P2_u
            C[2,:data.Wv_u.shape[0]] = data.Wv_u
            C[3,:data.Ns_u.shape[0]] = data.Ns_u
            output = np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, 4, 16, 8)) + 255

        elif datatype == 'chains':

            N = np.amax(data.Nums_u[2])
            typeflag = 2
            cof = 0
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.PC_u.shape[0]] = data.PC_u
            C[0,:data.P2C_u.shape[0]] = data.P2C_u
            C[0,:data.WC_u.shape[0]] = data.WC_u
            C[0,:data.NC_u.shape[0]] = data.NC_u

        elif datatype == 'tables':
            typeflag = 1
            cof = 0

            N = data.Nums[1][0]
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.Tb.shape[0]] = data.Tb

        elif datatype == 'instr_pulse':
            typeflag = 3
            cof = 0

            N = data.Nums_u[3][0]
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.PI.shape[0]] = data.PI

        elif datatype == 'instr_wave':
            typeflag = 3
            cof = 1

            N = data.Nums_u[3][1]
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.WI.shape[0]] = data.WI

        elif datatype == 'instr_kit':
            typeflag = 3
            cof = 2

            N = data.Nums_u[3][2]
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.KI.shape[0]] = data.KI

        elif datatype == 'instr_noise':

            typeflag = 3
            cof = 3

            N = data.Nums_u[3][3]
            C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
            C[0,:data.NI.shape[0]] = data.NI

        k = 0

        if (layer==1):
            #Main loop - TRAIN LAYER 1    
            while k < iters:
                self.total_err = np.zeros(self.num_channels)
                self.err = np.zeros((N, self.num_channels))

                print "epoch" + str(k) + "-1L:"
                #loop through training set, choosing N examples randomly  
                for dim in range(self.num_channels):

                    i = 0

                    while i < data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof]:
                #fetch set of examples
                        r = np.random.randint(0,data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof])
                        #r = i
                        noiseMatrix = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        noiseMatrix = (noiseMatrix >= noise)/1

                        self.x[:,dim] = np.multiply(noiseMatrix, C[dim,r,:])                

                        self.z = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[lay], self.num_channels)) for lay in range(0, self.numLayers)])
                    #compute activation of h1:
                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            #print "h: " + str(h)
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x[:,dim],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][h], self.vspans[0][h], self.hspans[0][h]))
                            #print "W: " + str(self.W[0][h])
                            #print "sample: " + str(sample)
                            #print "dot: " + str(np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                            #print "b: " + str(self.b[0][h,dim])
                            #print "q: " + str(self.q[0][h,dim])
                            #print "z: " + str(z)
                            #print "expit: " + str(expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim]))
                            self.q[0][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim])
                            #print self.q[0][h,dim]
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h[0][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q[0][h,dim])/1
                            #print self.h[0][h,dim]
                    #generate fantasy                        
                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            self.z[0][self.fields[0][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[0][h],self.h[0][h,dim])
                        p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                    #h1 again:
                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x_gen[:,dim],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][h], self.vspans[0][h], self.hspans[0][h]))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                            self.q1[0][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h_gen[0][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q1[0][h,dim])/1
                    #sum errors
                        self.err[r,dim] = (sum(self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim]))**2
                        self.total_err[dim] = sum(self.err[:,dim])
                #CD-1 learning
                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            #self.pos_W[0][h] = np.outer(self.x[:,dim][self.fields[0][h]],self.q[0][h,dim])
                            self.pos_W[0][h] = np.multiply(self.x[:,dim][self.fields[0][h]],self.q[0][h,dim])
                            self.neg_W[0][h] = np.multiply(self.x_gen[:,dim][self.fields[0][h]],self.q1[0][h,dim])

                            self.W_inc[0][h] = (momentum * self.W_inc[0][h]) + alpha * (self.pos_W[0][h] - self.neg_W[0][h] - (self.W[0][h] * weightcost))
                        self.b_inc[0][:,dim] = (momentum * self.b_inc[0][:,dim]) + alpha * (self.h[0][:,dim]-self.h_gen[0][:,dim])
                        self.a_inc[:,dim] = (momentum * self.a_inc[:,dim]) + alpha * (self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim])
                        self.W[0][:] = self.W[0][:] + self.W_inc[0][:]
                        self.b[0][:,dim] = self.b[0][:,dim] + self.b_inc[0][:,dim]
                        self.a[:,dim] = self.a[:,dim] + self.a_inc[:,dim]
                        #end epoch
                        i += 1

                    print "cost-channel " + str(dim) + ":" + str(self.total_err[dim]/data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim])
                    self.errHist[k,dim] = self.total_err[dim]
                k += 1

        elif (layer == 2):
            #TRAIN LAYER 2
            while k < (iters):
                self.total_err = np.zeros(self.num_channels)
                self.err = np.zeros((N, self.num_channels))
                print "epoch" + str(k) + "-2L:"
                #loop through training set
                for dim in range(self.num_channels):

                    i = 0

                    while i < data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof]:
                        r = np.random.randint(0,data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof])
                        self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,r,:]

                        self.z = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[lay], self.num_channels)) for lay in range(0, self.numLayers)])
                    #compute activation of h1:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][:,:,dim]),self.x[:,dim])
                        q0 = expit(z + self.b[0][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[0].shape[0])
                        self.h[0][:,dim] = (rando <= q0)/1

                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x[:,dim],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][h], self.vspans[0][h], self.hspans[0][h]))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                            self.q[0][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h[0][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q[0][h,dim])/1

                    #compute activation of h2:
                        for h in range(self.h[1].shape[0]):
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.h[0][:,dim],1,self.horiz[1],self.vert[1], self.centers[1][h], self.vspans[1][h], self.hspans[1][h]))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[1][h]),sample)
                            self.q[1][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[1][h,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h[1][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q[1][h,dim])/1

                    #generate fantasy on h1:

                        for h in range(self.h[1].shape[0]):
                            self.z[1][self.fields[1][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[1][h],self.h[1][h,dim])
                        p1 = expit(self.z[1][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[0][:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1

                    #fantasize data for error measure

                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            self.z[0][self.fields[0][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[0][h],self.h_gen[0][h,dim])
                        p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                #h2 again:
                        for h in range(self.h[1].shape[0]):
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x_gen[:,dim],1,self.horiz[1],self.vert[1], self.centers[1][h], self.vspans[1][h], self.hspans[1][h]))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[1][h]),sample)
                            self.q1[1][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[1][h,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h_gen[1][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q1[1][h,dim])/1
                    #sum errors
                        self.err[r,dim] = (sum(self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim]))**2
                        self.total_err[dim] += sum(self.err[:,dim])
                    # {save examples code}

                #CD-1 learning

                        for h in range(self.h[1].shape[0]):
                            self.pos_W[1][h] = np.multiply(self.x[:,dim][self.fields[1][h]],self.q[1][h,dim])
                            self.neg_W[1][h] = np.multiply(self.x_gen[:,dim][self.fields[1][h]],self.q1[1][h,dim])

                            self.W_inc[1][h] = (momentum * self.W_inc[1][h]) + alpha * (self.pos_W[1][h] - self.neg_W[1][h] - (self.W[1][h] * weightcost))

                        self.b_inc[1][:,dim] = (momentum * self.b_inc[1][:,dim]) + alpha * (self.h[1][:,dim]-self.h_gen[1][:,dim])
                        self.W[1][:,:,dim] = self.W[1][:,:,dim] + self.W_inc[1][:,:,dim]
                        self.b[1][:,dim] = self.b[1][:,dim] + self.b_inc[1][:,dim]
                    #end epoch
                        i += 1
                    print "cost-channel " + str(dim) + ":" + str(self.total_err[dim]/data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim])
                    self.errHist[k,dim] = self.total_err[dim]

                k += 1

                """I've only coded up to layer 2 for CRBM training."""

        elif (layer == 3):

            #TRAIN LAYER 3
            while k < (iters):
                self.total_err = np.zeros(self.num_channels)
                self.err = np.zeros((N, self.num_channels))
                print "epoch" + str(k) + "-3L:"
                #loop through training set
                for dim in range(self.num_channels):
                    i = 0
                    while i < data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof]:

                        r = np.random.randint(0,data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof])
                        self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,r,:]
                    #compute activation of h1:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][:,:,dim]),self.x[:,dim])
                        q = expit(z + self.b[0][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[0].shape[0])
                        self.h[0][:,dim] = (rando <= q)/1
                    #compute activation of h2:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[1][:,:,dim]),self.h[0][:,dim])
                        q = expit(z + self.b[1][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[1].shape[0])
                        self.h[1][:,dim] = (rando <= q)/1
                    #compute activation of h3:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[2][:,:,dim]),self.h[1][:,dim])
                        q = expit(z + self.b[2][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[2].shape[0])
                        self.h[2][:,dim] = (rando <= q)/1

                    #generate fantasy on h2:
                        z = np.dot(self.W[2][:,:,dim],self.h[2][:,dim])
                        p = expit(z + self.b[1][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[1].shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[1][:,dim] = (rando <= p)/1
                    #generate fantasy on h1:
                        z = np.dot(self.W[1][:,:,dim],self.h_gen[1][:,dim])
                        p = expit(z + self.b[0][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[0].shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[0][:,dim] = (rando <= p)/1
                    #fantasize data for error measure
                        z = np.dot(self.W[0][:,:,dim],self.h_gen[0][:,dim])
                        p1 = expit(z + self.a[:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                #h3 again:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[2][:,:,dim]),self.h_gen[1][:,dim])
                        q1 = expit(z + self.b[2][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[2].shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[2][:,dim] = (rando <= q1)/1
                    #sum errors
                        self.err[dim] = (sum(self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim]))**2
                        self.total_err[dim] += sum(self.err[dim])
                    # {save examples code}

                #CD-1 learning
                        self.pos_W[2][:,:,dim] = np.outer(self.h[1][:,dim],q)
                        self.neg_W[2][:,:,dim] = np.outer(self.h_gen[1][:,dim],q1)
                        self.W_inc[2][:,:,dim] = (momentum * self.W_inc[2][:,:,dim]) + alpha * (self.pos_W[2][:,:,dim] - self.neg_W[2][:,:,dim] - (self.W[2][:,:,dim]*weightcost))
                        self.b_inc[2][:,dim] = (momentum * self.b_inc[2][:,dim]) + alpha * (self.h[2][:,dim]-self.h_gen[2][:,dim])
                        self.W[2][:,:,dim] = self.W[2][:,:,dim] + self.W_inc[2][:,:,dim]
                        self.b[2][:,dim] = self.b[2][:,dim] + self.b_inc[2][:,dim]
                    #end epoch
                        i += 1

                    print "cost-channel " + str(dim) + ":" + str(self.total_err[dim]/data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim])
                    self.errHist[k,dim] = self.total_err[dim]
                k += 1
        elif (layer >= 4):

            cur = layer - 1

            #TRAIN LAYER 4+
            while k < (iters):
                self.total_err = np.zeros(self.num_channels)
                self.err = np.zeros((N, self.num_channels))
                print "epoch" + str(k) + "-"+str(layer)+"L:"
                #loop through training set
                for dim in range(self.num_channels):
                    i = 0

                    while i < data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof]:

                        r = np.random.randint(0,data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim+cof])
                        self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,r,:]
                        #compute activation of h1:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][:,:,dim]),self.x[:,dim])
                        q = expit(z + self.b[0][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[0].shape[0])
                        self.h[0][:,dim] = (rando <= q)/1

                        for l in range(1,layer):
                            #compute activation of h2+:
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[l][:,:,dim]),self.h[l-1][:,dim])
                            q = expit(z + self.b[l][:,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(self.h[l].shape[0])
                            self.h[l][:,dim] = (rando <= q)/1

                        self.h_gen[l][:,dim] = self.h[l][:,dim]

                        for l in range(layer-1,0,-1):
                            #generate fantasy on hN-:
                            z = np.dot(self.W[l][:,:,dim],self.h_gen[l][:,dim])
                            p = expit(z + self.b[l-1][:,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(self.h[l-1].shape[0])
                            self.h_gen[l-1][:,dim] = (rando <= p)/1

                        #generate fantasy on h1:
                        z = np.dot(self.W[1][:,:,dim],self.h_gen[1][:,dim])
                        p = expit(z + self.b[0][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[0].shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[0][:,dim] = (rando <= p)/1
                    #fantasize data for error measure
                        z = np.dot(self.W[0][:,:,dim],self.h_gen[0][:,dim])
                        p1 = expit(z + self.a[:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                        self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                    #hN again:
                        z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[layer-1][:,:,dim]),self.h_gen[layer-2][:,dim])
                        q1 = expit(z + self.b[layer-1][:,dim])
                        rando = np.random.rand(self.h[layer-1].shape[0])
                        self.h_gen[layer-1][:,dim] = (rando <= q1)/1
                    #sum errors
                        self.err[r, dim] = (sum(self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim]))**2
                        self.total_err[dim] += sum(self.err[dim])

                #CD-1 learning
                        self.pos_W[cur][:,:,dim] = np.outer(self.h[cur-1][:,dim],q)
                        self.neg_W[cur][:,:,dim] = np.outer(self.h_gen[cur-1][:,dim],q1)
                        self.W_inc[cur][:,:,dim] = (momentum * self.W_inc[cur][:,:,dim]) + alpha * (self.pos_W[cur][:,:,dim] - self.neg_W[cur][:,:,dim] - (self.W[cur][:,:,dim]*weightcost))
                        self.b_inc[cur][:,dim] = (momentum * self.b_inc[cur][:,dim]) + alpha * (self.h[cur][:,dim]-self.h_gen[cur][:,dim])
                        self.W[cur][:,:,dim] = self.W[cur][:,:,dim] + self.W_inc[cur][:,:,dim]
                        self.b[cur][:,dim] = self.b[cur][:,dim] + self.b_inc[cur][:,dim]
                    #end epoch
                        i += 1

                    print "cost-channel " + str(dim) + ":" + str(self.total_err[dim]/data.Nums_u[typeflag][dim])
                    self.errHist[k,dim] = self.total_err[dim]
                k += 1
Exemple #3
    def autoencode(self, data, layer=1, datatype='phrases'):

            Gibbs = 400
            emptyPhrase = 0

            if datatype == 'songs':
                N = data.numSongs
                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.whole_song.shape[0]] = data.whole_song
                output =  np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, 256, 4, 8)) + 255

            if datatype == 'tables':

                N = data.Nums[1][0]

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.Tb.shape[0]] = data.Tb
                output =  np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, 6, 16, 8)) + 255
            elif datatype == 'phrases':
                N = np.amax(data.Nums_u[0])

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])),dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.P1_u.shape[0]] = data.P1_u
                C[1,:data.P2_u.shape[0]] = data.P2_u
                C[2,:data.Wv_u.shape[0]] = data.Wv_u
                C[3,:data.Ns_u.shape[0]] = data.Ns_u
                output = np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, 4, 16, 8)) + 255

            elif datatype == 'chains':

                N = np.amax(data.Nums_u[2])

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.PC_u.shape[0]] = data.PC_u
                C[1,:data.P2C_u.shape[0]] = data.P2C_u
                C[2,:data.WC_u.shape[0]] = data.WC_u
                C[3,:data.NC_u.shape[0]] = data.NC_u
                output =  np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, 2, 16, 8)) + 255

            elif datatype == 'instr_pulse':

                N = data.Nums_u[3][0]

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.PI.shape[0]] = data.PI
                output_inc = np.array([np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),np.array([1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0],dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),0,np.array(np.zeros(6),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8)+1,dtype='int'),0,0,np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),0,0,np.array(np.zeros(5),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(4),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(2)+1,dtype='int')],dtype=object)
                output = np.array([output_inc for x in range(N)])

            elif datatype == 'instr_wave':

                N = data.Nums_u[3][1]

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.WI.shape[0]] = data.WI
                output_inc = np.array([np.array([0,1],dtype='int'),np.array([0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(4),dtype='int'),np.array([0,0,1,1],dtype='int'),0,0,np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),0,0,np.array(np.zeros(5),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(2)+1,dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(4)+1,dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(4),dtype='int')],dtype=object)
                output = np.array([output_inc for x in range(N)])

            elif datatype == 'instr_kit':

                N = data.Nums_u[3][2]

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.KI.shape[0]] = data.KI
                output_inc = np.array([np.array([1,0],dtype='int'),np.array([1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0],dtype='int'),0,0,np.array(np.zeros(6),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),0,0,0,1,np.array([np.array(np.zeros(2),dtype='int'),0]),0,np.array(np.zeros(5),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(2)+1,dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),0,np.array(np.zeros(6),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'), np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'), np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int')],dtype=object)
                output = np.array([output_inc for x in range(N)])

            elif datatype == 'instr_noise':

                N = data.Nums_u[3][3]

                C = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.x.shape[0])), dtype='int8') + 1
                C[0,:data.NI.shape[0]] = data.NI
                output_inc = np.array([np.array([1,1],dtype='int'),np.array([0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0],dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),0,np.array(np.zeros(6),dtype='int'),np.array(np.zeros(8),dtype='int'),0,0,1,np.array(np.zeros(5),dtype='int'),np.array([1,1],dtype='int')],dtype=object)
                output = np.array([output_inc for x in range(N)])

            i = 0
            reconstructions = np.array(np.zeros(C.shape),dtype='int')
            hidden_reps = np.array(np.zeros((self.num_channels, N, self.h_gen[layer-1].shape[0]))+2,dtype='int')

            while (i < N):
                for dim in range(self.num_channels):

                    if datatype == 'chains':
                        if (sum(C[dim,i,:]) < 256):
                            self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,i,:]
                        elif (sum(C[dim,i,:]) == 256):
                            emptyPhrase = 1

                    if datatype == 'phrases':
                        if (sum(C[dim,i,:]) < 512):
                            self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,i,:]
                        elif (sum(C[dim,i,:]) == 512):
                            emptyPhrase = 1

                    elif datatype == 'tables':
                        if (sum(C[dim,i,:]) < 768):
                            self.x[:,dim] = C[dim,i,:]
                        elif (sum(C[dim,i,:]) == 768):
                            emptyPhrase = 1

                    elif datatype == 'instr_pulse':
                    elif datatype == 'instr_wave':
                    elif datatype == 'instr_kit':
                    elif datatype == 'instr_noise':
                    elif datatype == 'songs':

                    if (emptyPhrase == 0):
                        #compute activation of h1:
                        for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                            sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x[:,dim],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][h], self.vspans[0][h], self.hspans[0][h]))
                            z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                            self.q[0][h,dim] = expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(1)
                            self.h[0][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= self.q[0][h,dim])/1

                        if (layer >= 2):

                            for l in range(1,layer):
                                for h in range(self.h[l].shape[0]):
                                    sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.h[l-1][:,dim],1,self.horiz[l-1],self.vert[l-1], self.centers[l-1][h], self.vspans[l-1][h], self.hspans[l-1][h]))
                                    z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                                    q = expit(z + self.b[l][h,dim])
                                    rando = np.random.rand(1)
                                    self.h[l][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= q)/1
                            self.h_gen[l][:,dim] = self.h[l][:,dim]

                        sleep = 0

                        while sleep < Gibbs:

                            self.z = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[lay], self.num_channels)) for lay in range(0, self.numLayers)])

                            if (layer == 1):
                                #generate fantasy
                                for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                                    self.z[0][self.fields[0][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[0][h],self.h_gen[0][h,dim])
                                p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                                rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                                self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                                #print sleep
                                #h1 again:

                                for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                                    sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.x_gen[:,dim],1,self.horiz[0],self.vert[0], self.centers[0][h], self.vspans[0][h], self.hspans[0][h]))
                                    z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[0][h]),sample)
                                    q1 = expit(z + self.b[0][h,dim])
                                    rando = np.random.rand(1)
                                    self.h_gen[0][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= q1)/1
                            elif (layer >= 2):

                                #generate fantasy on hN-:
                                for h in range(self.h[layer].shape[0]):
                                    self.z[layer-1][self.fields[layer-1][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[layer-1][h],self.h_gen[layer-1][h,dim])
                                p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                                rando = np.random.rand(self.h[layer-2].shape[0])
                                self.h_gen[layer-2][:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1

                                #hN again:
                                for h in range(self.h[layer].shape[0]):
                                    sample = np.hstack(receptive_field(self.h_gen[layer-2][:,dim],1,self.horiz[layer-1],self.vert[layer-1], self.centers[layer-1][h], self.vspans[layer-1][h], self.hspans[layer-1][h]))
                                    z = np.dot(np.transpose(self.W[layer-1][h]),sample)
                                    q1 = expit(z + self.b[layer-1][h,dim])
                                    rando = np.random.rand(1)
                                    self.h_gen[layer-1][h,dim] = (rando[0] <= q1)/1

                            sleep += 1

                        for l in range(layer-1,0,-1):

                            self.z = np.array([np.zeros((self.layer_sizes[lay], self.num_channels)) for lay in range(0, self.numLayers)])
                            #generate fantasy on hN-:
                            for h in range(self.h[l].shape[0]):
                                self.z[l][self.fields[l][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[l][h],self.h_gen[l][h,dim])
                            p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(self.h[l-1].shape[0])
                            self.h_gen[l-1][:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1

                            #fantasize data
                            for h in range(self.h[0].shape[0]):
                                self.z[0][self.fields[0][h],dim] += np.dot(self.W[0][h],self.h[0][h,dim])
                            p1 = expit(self.z[0][:,dim] + self.a[:,dim])
                            rando = np.random.rand(self.x.shape[0])
                            self.x_gen[:,dim] = (rando <= p1)/1
                        #print reconstructions.shape
                        #print dim
                        #print i
                        #print self.x_gen.shape
                        reconstructions[dim,i,:] = self.x_gen[:,dim]
                        hidden_reps[dim,i,:] = self.h_gen[layer-1][:,dim]
                        print "example " + str(i) + " channel " + str(dim) + " encoded with error " + str((sum(self.x[:,dim]-self.x_gen[:,dim]))**2) + " using " + str(self.h_gen[layer-1].shape[0]) + " bits"

                    emptyPhrase = 0

                i += 1

            if datatype == 'phrases':
                output[0] = np.reshape(reconstructions[0,:,:],(C[0].shape[0], 4, 16, 8))
                output[1] = np.reshape(reconstructions[1,:,:],(C[1].shape[0], 4, 16, 8))
                output[2] = np.reshape(reconstructions[2,:,:],(C[2].shape[0], 4, 16, 8))
                output[3] = np.reshape(reconstructions[3,:,:],(C[3].shape[0], 4, 16, 8))

            elif datatype == 'chains':
                output[0] = np.reshape(reconstructions[0,:,:],(C[0].shape[0], 2, 16, 8))
                output[1] = np.reshape(reconstructions[1,:,:],(C[1].shape[0], 2, 16, 8))
                output[2] = np.reshape(reconstructions[2,:,:],(C[2].shape[0], 2, 16, 8))
                output[3] = np.reshape(reconstructions[3,:,:],(C[3].shape[0], 2, 16, 8))

            elif datatype == 'tables':
                output[0] = np.reshape(reconstructions[0,:,:],(C[0].shape[0], 6, 16, 8))
                output = output[0] #Note - this doesn't seem to work?!

            elif datatype == 'instr_pulse':
                for i in range(N):
                    output[i,0] = reconstructions[0][i,0:8]
                    output[i,1] = reconstructions[0][i,8:16]
                    output[i,2] = reconstructions[0][i,16]
                    output[i,3] = reconstructions[0][i,17:23]
                    output[i,4] = reconstructions[0][i,23:31]
                    output[i,5] = reconstructions[0][i,31]
                    output[i,6] = reconstructions[0][i,32]
                    output[i,7] = reconstructions[0][i,33:35]
                    output[i,8] = reconstructions[0][i,35]
                    output[i,9] = reconstructions[0][i,36]
                    output[i,10] = reconstructions[0][i,37:42]
                    output[i,11] = reconstructions[0][i,42:44]
                    output[i,12] = reconstructions[0][i,44:48]
                    output[i,13] = reconstructions[0][i,48:]

            elif datatype == 'instr_wave':
                for i in range(N):
                    output[i,0] = reconstructions[0][i,0:8]
                    output[i,1] = reconstructions[0][i,8:12]
                    output[i,2] = reconstructions[0][i,12:16]
                    output[i,3] = reconstructions[0][i,16]
                    output[i,4] = reconstructions[0][i,17]
                    output[i,5] = reconstructions[0][i,18:20]
                    output[i,6] = reconstructions[0][i,20]
                    output[i,7] = reconstructions[0][i,21]
                    output[i,8] = reconstructions[0][i,22:27]
                    output[i,9] = reconstructions[0][i,27:29]
                    output[i,10] = reconstructions[0][i,29:31]
                    output[i,11] = reconstructions[0][i,31:36]
                    output[i,12] = reconstructions[0][i,36:]

            elif datatype == 'instr_kit':
                for i in range(N):
                    output[i,0] = reconstructions[0][i,0:8]
                    output[i,1] = reconstructions[0][i,8]
                    output[i,2] = reconstructions[0][i,9]
                    output[i,3] = reconstructions[0][i,10:16]
                    output[i,4] = reconstructions[0][i,16:24]
                    output[i,5] = reconstructions[0][i,24]
                    output[i,6] = reconstructions[0][i,25]
                    output[i,7] = reconstructions[0][i,26]
                    output[i,8] = reconstructions[0][i,27]
                    output[i,9] = reconstructions[0][i,28:30]
                    output[i,10] = reconstructions[0][i,30]
                    output[i,11] = reconstructions[0][i,31]
                    output[i,12] = reconstructions[0][i,32:37]
                    output[i,13] = reconstructions[0][i,37:39]
                    output[i,14] = reconstructions[0][i,39:47]
                    output[i,15] = reconstructions[0][i,47]
                    output[i,16] = reconstructions[0][i,48:54]
                    output[i,17] = reconstructions[0][i,54:62]
                    output[i,18] = reconstructions[0][i,62:70]
                    output[i,19] = reconstructions[0][i,70:78]
                    output[i,20] = reconstructions[0][i,78:]

            elif datatype == 'instr_noise':
                for i in range(N):
                    output[i,1] = reconstructions[0][i,0:8]
                    output[i,2] = reconstructions[0][i,8:16]
                    output[i,3] = reconstructions[0][i,16]
                    output[i,4] = reconstructions[0][i,17:23]
                    output[i,5] = reconstructions[0][i,23:31]
                    output[i,6] = reconstructions[0][i,31]
                    output[i,7] = reconstructions[0][i,32]
                    output[i,8] = reconstructions[0][i,33]
                    output[i,9] = reconstructions[0][i,34:39]
                    output[i,10] = reconstructions[0][i,39:]

            elif datatype == 'songs':
                output[0] = np.reshape(reconstructions[0,:,:],(C[0].shape[0],256,4,8))
                output = np.array(output[0][0], dtype='int')

            return [[hidden_reps, reconstructions], output]
def get_neuron_features(model,
                        mean=[0, 0, 0],
                        std=[1, 1, 1]):
    Generates neuron features for given model definition using given dataset.

    :param model: Pytorch model definition.
    :param dataset: Dataset used for generating NFs.
    :param batch_size: Batch size used for predicting feature maps.
    :top_n: Use top_n input patch activations for generating NF.
    :out_dir: Directory where generated images are stored.
    :mean: Dataset mean used for normalization in transform function.
    :std: Dataset std used for normalization in transform function.
    :return: returns nothing

    # make output directory of not exists
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    # set model in eval mode
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        model = model.cuda()

    # Set model in eval mode

    # Dataset
    dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)
    mean = np.asarray(mean)
    std = np.asarray(std)

    # input shape (c,w,h)
    in_shape = next(iter(dataloader))[0].shape[1:]
    # receptive field info for entire model
    receptive_field_dict = receptive_field(model, in_shape)
    # output layer info
    output_layer_info = receptive_field_dict[str(
    # check if fm has group convs
    fm_groups = output_layer_info['output_shape'][2] if len(
        output_layer_info['output_shape']) == 5 else 0
    # number of filters in last fm
    n_filters = output_layer_info['output_shape'][1]

    # Create placeholder for input patches
    rf = int(output_layer_info['r'])

    if fm_groups > 0:
        fm_im = np.zeros((top_n, n_filters, fm_groups, rf, rf, 3))
        fm_w = -1e5 * np.ones((top_n, n_filters, fm_groups))
        fm_im = np.zeros((top_n, n_filters, rf, rf, 3))
        fm_w = -1e5 * np.ones((top_n, n_filters))

    # Calculate amount of padding needed for input visualization
    # Get range for rf at position 0,0 in final feature map
    rf_range = receptive_field_for_unit(
        receptive_field_dict, str(list(receptive_field_dict.keys())[-2]),
        (0, 0))
    pad_y = int(rf - (rf_range[0][1] - rf_range[0][0]))
    pad_x = int(rf - (rf_range[1][1] - rf_range[1][0]))

    # Print summary
    print('Group Convolutions: \t {}, {} elements'.format(
        fm_groups > 0, fm_groups))
    print('Number of filters: \t {}'.format(n_filters))
    print('Receptive field size: \t {}'.format(rf))
    print('RF range at (0,0): \t {}'.format(rf_range))
    print('Input padding (x,y): \t {}, {}'.format(pad_x, pad_y))

    # Iterate over all data samples to get input patch for highest neuron activation
    # for each filter and transformation
    with torch.no_grad():
        for inputs, _ in tqdm(dataloader,
                              desc='Extracting input patches: '):

            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                model_inputs = inputs.cuda()
                model_inputs = inputs

            # Predict feature map
            fm = model(model_inputs)

            # Convert inputs to numpy w,h,c for visualization
            inputs = inputs.permute((0, 2, 3, 1)).numpy()
            # Unnormalize
            inputs *= std[None, None, None, :]
            inputs += mean[None, None, None, :]
            inputs = np.clip(inputs, 0, 1)
            # Pad inputs for visualization to compensate for padding in layers
            inputs = np.pad(inputs,
                            ((0, 0), (pad_y, pad_y), (pad_x, pad_x), (0, 0)),

            # get batch shape
            fm_shape = fm.shape
            # if gconv: reshape groups into channels
            if fm_groups > 0:
                fm = fm.view((fm_shape[0], -1, fm_shape[3], fm_shape[4]))

            # Get max values and locations of feature maps
            # pool size = fm size = fm_shape[-1]
            a, b = F.max_pool2d(fm, (fm_shape[-2], fm_shape[-1]),

            # if gconv: reshape groups back to own dimension
            if fm_groups > 0:
                a = a.view((fm_shape[0], fm_shape[1], fm_shape[2]))
                b = b.view((fm_shape[0], fm_shape[1], fm_shape[2]))

            a = a.cpu().numpy()
            b = b.cpu().numpy()

            # coordinates of max activations
            x = b % fm.shape[-1]
            y = b // fm.shape[-1]

            # store weight and input patches for each max position
            for i in range(inputs.shape[0]):
                for j in range(n_filters):

                    if fm_groups == 0:
                        # check if weight is higher than current lowest weight
                        if a[i, j] > np.min(fm_w[:, j]):
                            # replace lowest weight by current weight
                            m = np.argmin(fm_w[:, j])
                            fm_w[m, j] = a[i, j]
                            # store input patch
                            rf_range = receptive_field_for_unit(
                                (y[i, j], x[i, j]),
                                  j, :, :, :] = inputs[i, rf_range[0][0] +
                                                       pad_y:rf_range[0][1] +
                                                       pad_y, rf_range[1][0] +
                                                       pad_x:rf_range[1][1] +
                                                       pad_x, :]

                        # loop over extra dimension for gconv
                        for k in range(fm_groups):
                            # check if weight is higher than current lowest weight
                            if a[i, j, k] > np.min(fm_w[:, j, k]):
                                # replace lowest weight by current weight
                                m = np.argmin(fm_w[:, j, k])
                                # store weight
                                fm_w[m, j, k] = a[i, j, k]
                                # store input patch
                                rf_range = receptive_field_for_unit(
                                    (y[i, j, k], x[i, j, k]),
                                fm_im[m, j, k, :, :, :] = inputs[
                                    i, rf_range[0][0] + pad_y:rf_range[0][1] +
                                    pad_y, rf_range[1][0] +
                                    pad_x:rf_range[1][1] + pad_x, :]

    # Calculate and save neuron feature for each filter and transformation
    for i in tqdm(range(n_filters),
                  desc='Generating neuron features: '):
        if fm_groups == 0:
            w_sum = np.sum(fm_w[:, i])
            if w_sum > 0:
                # Sort patches in order of highest neuron activations
                idx = np.argsort(fm_w[:, i])[::-1]  # ::-1 for high to low sort
                fm_w[:, i] = fm_w[idx, i]
                fm_im[:, i, :, :, :] = fm_im[idx, i, :, :, :]

                # Calculate neuron feature
                fm_nfw = fm_w[:, i, None, None, None] / w_sum
                nf = np.sum(fm_im[:, i, :, :, :] * fm_nfw, axis=0)

                # Plot 19 highest activated patches
                plt.figure(figsize=(40, 2))
                for j in range(19):
                    plt.subplot(1, 20, j + 2)
                    plt.title('{:.3f}'.format(fm_w[j, i]))
                    plt.imshow(fm_im[j, i, :, :, :])
                # Plot NF
                plt.subplot(1, 20, 1)
                _ = plt.setp(plt.gcf().get_axes(), xticks=[], yticks=[])
                plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'f_{:02d}.png'.format(i)),
                plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'f_{:02d}.pdf'.format(i)),

            plt.figure(figsize=(40, 6))
            for k in range(fm_groups):
                w_sum = np.sum(fm_w[:, i, k])
                if w_sum > 0:
                    # Sort patches in order of highest neuron activations
                    idx = np.argsort(
                        fm_w[:, i, k])[::-1]  # ::-1 for high to low sort
                    fm_w[:, i, k] = fm_w[idx, i, k]
                    fm_im[:, i, k, :, :, :] = fm_im[idx, i, k, :, :, :]

                    # Calculate neuron feature
                    fm_nfw = fm_w[:, i, k, None, None, None] / w_sum
                    nf = np.sum(fm_im[:, i, k, :, :, :] * fm_nfw, axis=0)

                    # Plot 19 highest activated patches
                    for j in range(19):
                        plt.subplot(fm_groups, 20, j + 2 + 20 * k)
                        plt.title('{:.3f}'.format(fm_w[j, i, k]))
                        plt.imshow(fm_im[j, i, k, :, :, :])
                    # Plot NF
                    plt.subplot(fm_groups, 20, 1 + 20 * k)
            _ = plt.setp(plt.gcf().get_axes(), xticks=[], yticks=[])
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'f_{:02d}.png'.format(i)),
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'f_{:02d}.pdf'.format(i)),