def main(): # completions argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) # parse args args = parser.parse_args() # initialize rp = RecipeParser() rs = RecipeSerializer() # read and parse recipe src = r = rp.parse(src) # scale recipe r = _process_scaling(r, args) # base url for late use base_url = URL(f'file://{os.path.abspath(}') # export linked recipes if args.export_links: _export_links(r, args, base_url, rp, rs) return # flatten recipe if args.flatten: r = _get_flattened_recipe(r, base_url=base_url, parser=rp) # create output depending on arguments print(_create_recipe_output(r, rs, args))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Read and process recipemd recipes') parser.add_argument( 'file', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='UTF-8'), help='A recipemd file' ).completer = FilesCompleter(allowednames='*.md') display_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() display_parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', action='store_true', help='Display recipe title') display_parser.add_argument('-i', '--ingredients', action='store_true', help='Display recipe ingredients') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--flatten', action='store_true', help='Flatten ingredients and instructions of linked recipes into main recipe' ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--round', type=lambda s: None if s.lower() == 'no' else int(s), metavar='n', default=2, help='Round amount to n digits after decimal point. Default is "2", use "no" to disable rounding.' ).completer = ChoicesCompleter(('no', *range(0, decimal.getcontext().prec + 1))) scale_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() scale_parser.add_argument('-m', '--multiply', type=str, help='Multiply recipe by N', metavar='N') scale_parser.add_argument( '-y', '--yield', type=str, help='Scale the recipe for yield Y, e.g. "5 servings"', metavar='Y', dest='required_yield' ).completer = _yield_completer # completions argcomplete.autocomplete(parser) # parse args args = parser.parse_args() # read and parse recipe src = rp = RecipeParser() r = rp.parse(src) # scale recipe r = _process_scaling(r, args) # flatten recipe if args.flatten: base_url = URL(f'file://{os.path.abspath(}') r = _get_flattened_ingredients_recipe(r, base_url=base_url, parser=rp) # create output depending on arguments if args.title: print(r.title) elif args.ingredients: for ingr in r.leaf_ingredients: print(_ingredient_to_string(ingr, rounding=args.round)) else: rs = RecipeSerializer() print(rs.serialize(r, rounding=args.round))
def get_filtered_recipes(args): rp = RecipeParser() result = [] for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(args.folder, '**/*.md'), recursive=True): try: with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as file: recipe = rp.parse( tags = recipe.tags if evaluate(args.filter, tags): result.append((recipe, os.path.relpath(path, args.folder))) except Exception as e: if not args.no_messages: print(f"An error occurred, skipping {os.path.relpath(path, args.folder)}: {e.args[0]}", file=sys.stderr) return result
def _yield_completer(prefix, action, parser, parsed_args): try: src = r = RecipeParser().parse(src) parsed_yield = RecipeParser.parse_amount(prefix) if parsed_yield is None or parsed_yield.factor is None: return [RecipeSerializer._serialize_amount(a) for a in r.yields] return [RecipeSerializer._serialize_amount(Amount(parsed_yield.factor, a.unit)) for a in r.yields if parsed_yield.unit is None or (a.unit is not None and a.unit.startswith(parsed_yield.unit))] except Exception as e: print(e) return []
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Read and process recipemd recipes') parser.add_argument('file', type=open, help='A recipemd file') display_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() display_parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', action='store_true', help='Display recipe title') display_parser.add_argument('-i', '--ingredients', action='store_true', help='Display recipe ingredients') scale_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() scale_parser.add_argument('-m', '--multiply', type=str, help='Multiply recipe by N', metavar='N') scale_parser.add_argument('-y', '--yield', type=str, help='Scale the recipe for yield Y', metavar='Y', dest='required_yield') args = parser.parse_args() src = rp = RecipeParser() r = rp.parse(src) if args.required_yield is not None: required_yield = RecipeParser.parse_amount(args.required_yield) if required_yield is None or required_yield.factor is None: print(f'Given yield is not valid', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) matching_recipe_yield = next( (y for y in r.yields if y.unit == required_yield.unit), None) if matching_recipe_yield is None: if required_yield.unit is None: matching_recipe_yield = Amount(Decimal(1)) else: print( f'Recipe "{r.title}" does not specify a yield in the unit "{required_yield.unit}". The ' f'following units can be used: ' + ", ".join(f'"{y.unit}"' for y in r.yields), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) r = multiply_recipe( r, required_yield.factor / matching_recipe_yield.factor) elif args.multiply is not None: multiply = RecipeParser.parse_amount(args.multiply) if multiply is None or multiply.factor is None: print(f'Given multiplier is not valid', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) if multiply.unit is not None: print(f'A recipe can only be multiplied with a unitless amount', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) r = multiply_recipe(r, multiply.factor) if args.title: print(r.title) elif args.ingredients: for ingr in r.leaf_ingredients: print(_ingredient_to_string(ingr)) else: rs = RecipeSerializer() print(rs.serialize(r))
import urllib.request from pprint import pprint from commonmark import Parser from commonmark.node import NodeWalker from yarl import URL from recipemd._vendor.commonmark_extensions.plaintext import CommonMarkToCommonMarkRenderer from import RecipeParser, RecipeSerializer from unidecode import unidecode root_path = os.path.realpath('.') commonmark_parser = Parser() commonmark_renderer = CommonMarkToCommonMarkRenderer() recipe_parser = RecipeParser() recipe_serializer = RecipeSerializer() def urlopen_user_agent(url: str): request = urllib.request.Request( url, None, { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7' }) return urllib.request.urlopen(request) def download_recipe_images(recipe_path): with open(recipe_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as file: ast = commonmark_parser.parse(
def parser(): return RecipeParser()
def serve(base_folder_path) -> Flask: app = Flask(__name__) app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True app.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = True recipe_parser = RecipeParser() recipe_serializer = RecipeSerializer() _cleaner = Cleaner(meta=True, embedded=True, links=True, style=True, processing_instructions=True, scripts=True, javascript=True, frames=True, remove_unknown_tags=True, page_structure=True, remove_tags=['body']) @app.context_processor def pjax_processor(): def get_root_template(): if "X-PJAX" in request.headers: return "pjax.html" return "structure.html" return dict(get_root_template=get_root_template) @app.template_filter() def markdown_to_cleaned_html(markdown): unsafe_html_str = commonmark.commonmark(markdown) # remove wrapping div # unsafe_doc = document_fromstring(unsafe_html_str) clean_doc = _cleaner.clean_html(unsafe_doc) clean_html_str = "\n".join( tostring(ch, encoding="unicode") for ch in clean_doc) return Markup(clean_html_str) @app.template_filter() def get_recipe_title(child_name: str, parent_path) -> str: absolute_path = os.path.join(base_folder_path, parent_path, child_name) if os.path.isdir(absolute_path): return Markup('<em>Folder</em>') try: with open(absolute_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: recipe = recipe_parser.parse( # TODO markdown to html return recipe.title except RuntimeError: return Markup('<strong>Invalid recipe!</strong>') @app.template_filter() def serialize_ingredients(ingredients: List[Ingredient]): return ("\n".join( recipe_serializer._serialize_ingredient(i, rounding=2) for i in ingredients)).strip() @app.route('/') @app.route('/<path:relative_path>') def download_file(relative_path=''): absolute_path = os.path.join(base_folder_path, relative_path) if os.path.isdir(absolute_path): if not absolute_path.endswith('/'): return redirect(f'/{relative_path}/', code=302) child_paths = [(ch, os.path.isdir(os.path.join(absolute_path, ch))) for ch in os.listdir(absolute_path)] child_paths = [ (ch, is_dir) for ch, is_dir in child_paths if not ch.startswith('.') and (is_dir or ch.endswith('.md')) ] child_paths = [ f'{ch}/' if not ch.endswith('/') and is_dir else ch for ch, is_dir in child_paths ] child_paths = sorted(child_paths) return render_template("folder.html", child_paths=child_paths, path=relative_path) if not absolute_path.endswith('.md'): return send_from_directory(base_folder_path, relative_path) with open(absolute_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: required_yield_str = request.args.get('yield', '1') required_yield = recipe_parser.parse_amount(required_yield_str) if required_yield is None: required_yield = Amount(factor=Decimal(1)) src = try: recipe = recipe_parser.parse(src) except Exception as e: return render_template("markdown.html", markdown=src, path=relative_path, errors=[e.args[0]]) errors = [] try: recipe = get_recipe_with_yield(recipe, required_yield) except StopIteration: errors.append( f'The recipe does not specify a yield in the unit "{required_yield.unit}". ' f'The following units can be used: ' + ", ".join(f'"{y.unit}"' for y in recipe.yields)) except Exception as e: errors.append(str(e)) return render_template( "recipe.html", recipe=recipe, yields=recipe_serializer._serialize_yields(recipe.yields, rounding=2), tags=recipe_serializer._serialize_tags(recipe.tags), units=list(set(y.unit for y in recipe.yields)), default_yield=recipe_serializer._serialize_amount( recipe.yields[0]) if recipe.yields else "1", path=relative_path, errors=errors) return app
import sys import glob import os import re from pprint import pprint from import RecipeParser from unidecode import unidecode root_path = '.' rp = RecipeParser() tt = str.maketrans({ "ä": "ae", "ö": "oe", "ü": "ue", "Ä": "Ae", "Ö": "Oe", "Ü": "Ue", "ß": "ss", }) for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(root_path, '**/*.md'), recursive=True): try: with open(path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as file: recipe = rp.parse( filename = recipe.title filename = filename.translate(tt) filename = unidecode(filename) filename = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '_', filename) filename = re.sub(r'^_+|_+$', '', filename)